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1、Unit 15 A Fable for TomorrowI. Teaching Aims:In this unit students are required to:1. Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2. Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich students vocabulary;3. Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and intera

2、ction activities to help to develop the students oral communicative abilities;4. Appreciate the two texts in this unit and learn some writing skills and practice it along with letter writing;5. Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students comprehensive s

3、kills.II. Teaching Emphasis: 1. The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2. New words and expressions: fable in the heart of (center) harmony(harmonious, harmonize) in the midst of checkerboard prosperous/ prosper/ prosperity clouds of bloom drift/ float/ flow a blaze of color flame/ fire/flicke

4、r backdrop/ background delight/ delighted/ delightful feed /feed on an abundance of(in abundance/ abundant(supplies) blight evil spell malady a flock of chicken a shadow of death at play/ at work moribund throb brood/ hatch litter(v./n) come into bloom pollination angler/fishermen eave and shingle g

5、ranular witchcraft silence(v./n) grim spectre stark reality migrate, immigrate, emigrate & migrant, immigrant, emigrant hatchIII. Teaching Procedures 1. lead-in:When you see the title “A fable for Tomorrow”, what comes into your mind first? Why is this passage called a fable? What can this fable

6、 be about? What are some of the problems relating to the future most people are very concerned about? A fable is an imaginary story told to teach a moral. “A Fable for Tomorrow” is a story invented by the writer which is meant to tell us a moral: if the sizable use of chemical insecticides can not b

7、e brought under control, the seemingly impossible tragedy will become a stark reality.World economy has been striding forward in the past century. However, this has been achieved at the cost of contaminating the environment we are living in, and human beings are now paying high prices for what they

8、have done to nature. Meanwhile, many environmentalists are devoted to making more people realize the ecological consequences incurred in the process of modernization. Now environmental protection and sustainable development have become the two greatest concerns for the whole world.Types of Pollution

9、The chief types of environmental pollution include air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, pollution caused by solid waste and hazardous waste, and noise pollution. Besides, pesticides have been regarded by many environmentalists as a type of pollution, too. It is believed that pesticides ar

10、e poisons which should be used as a last resort and if used, then they should be used with extreme caution.1) Make a short speech, telling a story or describing a scene about the future world in one of the aspects such as medicine, environment, food, energy, housing, population, transportation, etc.

11、 Reference1: Back from the DeadOne morning in the year 2070, a man called Duane awakens. He looks up and sees a doctor in a white coat smiling at him. “Why am I in hospital?” he asks.“Youve been sick.” The doctor replies.Then Duane notices a badge on the doctors coat. It reads “ Alcor Resuscitation.

12、” Suddenly Duane remembers everything. He has come back to life, 70 years after he “died”.The reason this was possible is because, instead of being buried or cremated when he died, Duanes body was preserved in a “flask” of liquid nitrogen (at 196 degrees Celsius). And there it “ waited” until scienc

13、e had developed the technology to revive a frozen human being.Suddenly, a woman appears beside the doctor. It is Duanes wife Jeannie, looking more beautiful than ever. For the past 70 years, she has been taking drugs that prevent her body from aging. Duane looks lovingly at her, and then at his own

14、body. That , too, is in perfect condition. The couple look at each other apprehensivelyafter all, they havent seen each other for 70 years. “I guess weve got some stuff to talk about, huh?” Duane says to her. Reference 2: The Magic of the Button It is 7:30 in the morning, There goes the bell of the

15、alarm clock. The curtain of the bedroom draw apart , and the shutter roll up automatically. In the kitchen, the coffeepot starts to grumble. The backdoor opens to let the dog out. On TV, emerge a series of flash , the presentation of news items today, including the latest developments in economy , p

16、olitics, etc. After that there appears the morning mail. At this moment, the modern Alatin, lying comfortably in bed, presses a button on his bedside, and on the screen of the television appear the memos about business as well as private life. Then he gets up, and gets into the bathroom where the sh

17、ower is on automatically. After that, he is reminded by a special sound and at the same time a blue flash on the screen that his boss is on the way to work. So he is dressed, and at leisure he walks towards his car, which is ready to go. After kissing good bye to her husband, Alice Alatin sits down

18、in front of the screen, reading with concentration the price catalogs of department stores and markets in the locality. After face to face negotiation with the butcher, baker and grocery owner on the screen, she presses a button, ordering food items for the dinner. Then she presses a button on the t

19、erminal of the kitchen computer, retrieving her favorite recipe from the computer memory, and giving directions to the computer to calculate the different amounts of ingredients and the time to cook and the appropriate temperature. After that Alice takes part in a seminar on arts through the interne

20、t. Then she goes into the language lab, and picks up the earphone and learns that her son Alatin Junior gets an “A” in Latin. 2) Brainstorm the words or expressions describing natural environment, for example, flower, tree, water, soil, sky.Reference:Pleasant :(1)flower: fragrant, sweet, blooming, c

21、olourful, clouds of bloom(2)tree: green, evergreen, flourishing, thriving, a blaze of color (3)water: crystal clear, sweet(4)soil: fertile, rich, productive, land of milk and honey (5) sky: fresh air, blue, clear,(6) whole: beauty of nature, rich in natural resources, a variety of birds and animals,

22、 throbbing with chorus of birds, abundant, fairyland, harmonious, peaceful, idyllic and pastoral land, legendary land, spiritual purificationUnpleasant: (1) flower: stains on the petals, only blossoms but no pollination (2) tree: cut down, clearances in the forest, shrubs and bushes struggling to su

23、rvive the dust and fumes (3) water: dry up, brown and black, dirtied, fouled (4) other plants: browned and withered vegetation, shrink, wither, shrivel up (5) soil: barren, sterile, washed away by floods, land pollution, erosion, pesticides and fertilizers(6) whole: a waste land, a prevailing silenc

24、e and stillness, desert expansion, deforestation, the frequent occurrence of natural disaster, the epidemic of disease, the exhaustion of natural resources2. the main idea (pair work) This was a beautiful town in the heart of America, surrounded by prosperous farms and hillsides of orchards. Flowers

25、 bloomed everywhere and trees grew by the roadside. You could hear the singing of the birds and see the leisure walking of animals. Tourists were attracted to this place where everything lived in peace and harmony. However, one day all this changed: a blight had stricken this area. Animals and fowls

26、 got sickened and died. Mysterious illness spread in the village; there was no more chorus of the birds; no bees hovered among the trees Silence was everywhere. The patches of white granular powder on the roof bespoke that mankind itself had caused this tragedy. Even though it is just an imagined to

27、wn, it might be what happens to human beings tomorrow. Similar disasters are happening unnoticed and will become even more serious if nothing is done.It is urgent to preserve and protect the world. Otherwise the world would be ruined.Part 1(lines1-14): All life in harmony with its surroundingsPart 2

28、(lines15-34) The coming of a strange blightPart 3(lines35-39) The stricken world silence by people themselvesPart 4(lines 40-44) Warning against a grim spectre/ stark reality3. text analysisPara. 11. harmony: agreement in feeling or opinion; accord in harmony with: 由于国际社会和地区政府的共同努力,这一地区各族的人民和睦相处已达10

29、年之久。Thanks to the concerted efforts of the international community and regional governments, the peoples of this area have been living in harmony with each other for a decade. keep in harmony; out of harmony The tune is out of harmony.Humor keep us in harmony with others.harmonize v.: to bring or co

30、me into agreement or harmony你外套、帽子和围巾的色彩应该协调。The colors of your coat, hat and muffler should harmonize.harmonious adj.: exhibiting accord in feeling or actionThe central government proposed making the country a harmonious society by 2020 - the aim is a society in which people can enjoy a high qualit

31、y of life, a good society and a balance between man and the natural environment.2. The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous farms, with fields of grain and hillsides of orchards where in spring white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch

32、set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. The town was situated among prosperous farms that looked like the squares in a checkerboard. In the fields grain was growing and along the hillsides there were orchards. In spring countless white flowers were floating abov

33、e the green fields. In autumn, oak, maple and birch trees produced a very bright color that glowed and flared against a background of pines. in the mist of:1) in the middle position or part; the center; 在沙漠中间 in the midst of the desert2) under the condition of being surrounded or beset by something;

34、 我们被我们所遇到的问题所困扰We are in the midst of all of our problems3) in the middle of a period of time. 在战争进行之中 in the midst of the war a poem: In The Midst Of All In the midst of darkness, there is light. In the midst of evil, there is virtue.In the midst of war, there is peace.In the midst of agony, there

35、is ecstasy.In the midst of night, there is day.In the midst of illness, there is health.In the midst of winter, there is summer.In the midst of hate, there is love. 3. prosperous: 1) flourishing繁荣的一家成功的新公司 a prosperous new business2) well-to-do富裕的一家 a prosperous family脱贫致富 Cast off poverty and

36、become prosperous 衷心祝愿新年快乐,诸事顺遂!Best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year! 建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家 "Build a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced country" 保持香港的繁荣稳定是符合中国的切身利益的。 It is in China's vital interest to keep Hong Kong prosperous and sper v.:

37、to be fortunate or successful, especially in terms of one's finances; thrive繁盛中国的发展蒸蒸日上。China is prospering with each passing sperity n.4. clouds of bloom: a great number of flowers bloom: n. 1) the condition of being in flower开花期 玫瑰花盛开 a rose in full bloom 2) a condition or time of vigor

38、, freshness, and beauty; prime最盛期 希腊文明光辉灿烂的全盛时期 the radiant bloom of Greek genius 3)a fresh, rosy complexion 红润,清新,红润的面色她身材娇小、丰满,皮肤白皙,面颊红润。She was short, plump, and fair, with a fine bloom. (Jane Austen)v. 1) to bear a flower or flowers开花这些花春天开放。These flowers bloom in the spring.2) to cause to flour

39、ish他们的友谊大有进展。Their friendship bloomed.心花怒放 One's heart bursts into bloom5. drift/ float/ flowdrift: v. 1) to be carried along by currents of air or water流动船骸漂向海岸。The wreckage drifted toward shore.2) to move leisurely or sporadically from place to place, especially without purpose or regular

40、 employment 漂泊他是一个临时工,从一个城镇漂泊到另一个城镇He is a day laborer, drifting from town to town.n. 大陆漂移学说  continental drift theory 花钱凭冲动,等于无底洞  Drift is as Bad as unthrift. flow: 1) to move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid流,流动江河流入海洋。 Rivers flow

41、 into the sea. 汽车在干道上不停地驶过。The cars flowed in a steady stream along the main road. 2) to stream copiously; flood泛滥;涨满了河水;淹没 Contributions flowed in from all parts of the country.从全国各地纷涌而至的捐助。3) a continuous output不断的产出或涌出不断涌现的想法 a flow of thoughtfloat: 1) to remain suspended within or on the surface

42、 of a fluid without sinking 浮,漂木头漂浮在水上。Wood floats on water.为什么潜水艇既能浮在水面,又能潜入水底? Why can a submarine float and sink?2) Economics to find a level in relationship to other currencies solely in response to the law of supply and demand【经济学】 (货币)浮动汇率浮动的英镑 the floating pound6. 美国新英格兰地区的秋天格外美丽,风叶使整个大地

43、披上金黄、火红的盛装。 The fall of New England in the United States is exceptionally beautiful, with the maple tree leaves setting the land in a blaze of yellow and red. 7. flame/ fire/flicker flame: 1) the zone of burning gases and fine suspended matter associated with rapid combustion; a hot, glowing mass of

44、 burning gas or vapor火焰 奥运圣火是什么?What is the Olympic Flame? 星星之火,可以燎原。 From little spark may burst a mighty flame. 2) to burn brightly; blaze燃烧:烧亮;发出火焰3) to color or flash suddenly面红:突然脸红或闪光:她因尴尬而变红的双颊。Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment.fire: 1) A rapid, persistent chemical change that release

45、s heat and light and is accompanied by flame, especially the exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance.火2) to cause to burn; ignite使燃烧3) to become angry or annoyed生气4) to shoot a weapon开枪:他向目标瞄准并射击。He aimed and fired at the target.flicker: to burn unsteadily or fitfully(火焰)忽明忽暗烛火摇曳着,随即熄灭了。The

46、candle flame flickered and went out. Para. 2 1. What made the first settlers raise their houses, sink their wells and build their barns in that locality? The locality was a place of beauty and immense attraction to would-be dwellers where a large variety of plants and flowers were prosperous through

47、 much of the year. There were countless birds in the countryside. The streams flowed clear and cold and abounded in fish. 2. delighted the travelers eye through much of the year. gave great pleasure to the travelers during the greater part of the year. delight/ delighted/ delightful delight: 1) grea

48、t pleasure; joy高兴 take/ find delight in 2) to take great pleasure or joy感到高兴我喜欢古典音乐。  I delight in classical music. 我不喜欢大惊小怪。 I didn't delight to make a fuss. delighted: adj. filled with delight充满欢乐的 我的妻子高兴了,因为情况再一次恢复了正常。My wife was delighted that things had returned to normal onc

49、e more.听到你成功了的消息时我非常高兴。I was delighted to hear the news of your success.delightful: adj. greatly pleasing 令人高兴的这消息使他喜出望外。The news gave him a delightful surprise. 3. feed /feed on 1) to give food to; supply with nourishment 给予食物;供给营养:她给孩子们喂饭。She feeds the children.2) to provide as food or nourishment

50、供以为食:把作为食物或营养供给:他把鱼喂给了猫。He fed fish to the cat.3) to serve as food for作为食物供给:那只火鸡大得足够十二个人吃。The turkey is large enough to feed a dozen.4) to be nourished or supported支持:得到滋养或支持:奉承助长自负。Ego feeds on flattery.蚕靠吃桑叶维持生命。 Silkworms feed on the leaves of mulberry trees.4. The countryside was, in fact famou

51、s for the abundance and variety of its bird life, and when the flood of migrants was pouring through in spring and autumn people traveled from great distances to observe them. In fact, the countryside was well known for its richness and diversity of birds. In spring and autumn when migratory birds c

52、ame in large numbers, people traveled from far away places to watch them. 5. abundance: a great or plentiful amount大量an abundance of: plenty of in abundance宴会上有丰盛的食品和饮料。At the feast there was an abundance of food and drink.abundant: plentiful她丰富的聪明才智 her abundant talentabound: to be great in number

53、or amount丰富充满花朵的花园The garden abounds with flowers.6. migrate, immigrate, emigrate & migrant, immigrant, emigrant Migrate can be used to refer to both things and people, immigrate and emigrate are used to refer to people, but immigrate means move into a place while emigrate means move out of a pl

54、ace. 城市居民也因为市区内犯罪率的增长而谴责民工。City residents also blame migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate. 美国有很多欧洲移民。America has many immigrants from Europe.纳粹在德国执政以后,很多科学家移民了。 After the Nazis came to power in Germany, many scientists emigrated.Para. 3 1. What are the different words that the

55、writer uses to repeat the concept of blight in the third paragraph? The words used to repeat the concept of blight in the third paragraph are many. Just to name some: 1) evil spell; 2) mysterious maladies; 3) sickened and died; 4) a shadow of death;2. What was the town like before the strange blight

56、?3. What did the blight do to the town?4. Who cast the evil spell over the town with what? 5. What does the colon on line 16 signal to us? It serves to introduce a series of specific instances to support the general statement “Some evil spell had settled on the community”. 6. Then a strange blight c

57、rept over the area and everything began to change. Some evil spell had settled on the community. Then a mysterious disease struck the area almost unnoticed and everything was affected. It was as if an evil magical power had befallen on the community. 7. 把这辆车作为我的生日礼物说明我姑母的爱心和慷慨。 This car, given to me as a birthday present, speaks of my aunts love and generosity. Para. 4 1. What is the topic sentence of the fourth paragraph? Indicate the key term in that sentence and the words which echo i


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