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1、学号:14S034203 HIT建筑学院城市景观风貌案例分析2014.11.13项目名称:东京丰都拉拉港城市港口 (Urban dock LaLaport Toyosu )地理位置:日本东京都江东区丰都拉拉港设计团队:日本earthscape事务所场地面积:约2公顷设计时间:2006日本东京丰都拉拉港东京湾晴海运河 基地原来为造船厂,有大量的日本造船产业的遗址 1981年开始商业开发,现为大型购物中心 东京丰都lalaport大型购物中心 购物中心核心位置,两大部分:波浪花园、记忆之港波浪花园波浪花园记忆之港记忆之港 包括12个主题功能区 已竣工广场实景图The plan for this p

2、roject considers the entire landscape as an ocean, and the people who travel through the area as voyagers. This site was previously a shipyard, and this project will be constructed by reclaiming two old docks. Three waves of “green,” “water,” and “earth” are layered over the reclaimed land, with a c

3、afe, radio station, and museum scattered throughout to resemble several “islands,” and white benches with foam and coral motifs floating above the waves. Voyagers travel freely through the space, experiencing new discoveries and encounters, sometimes letting their bodies be swept in the current, and

4、 sometimes navigating through with purpose. Our overall vision of the landscape in this project was to create opportunities for a wide array of discoveries and encountersincluding new lifestyle discoveries, a rediscovery of Tokyo, and a discovery of new places of interestwhile working within the par

5、ameters of a symbolic background of the old shipyards, from which the entirety of Tokyo Bay can be seen, as well as a contemporary city setting and Toyosu.In LaLaport Toyosu, we have depicted the ocean through the overall landscape design, but in the Wave Garden we depicted waves, and placed white b

6、enches in the shape of foam and coral above them. The undulating ground was very popular with children, and even though there was no play equipment, the space was one in which people felt like spontaneously running around and playing.Additionally, LaLaport Toyosu has incorporated unique and playful

7、design concepts throughout the entire facility, such as designs that draw from the memories of the old shipyard, areas for appreciating the beautiful setting sun along the ocean horizon in the evening, and various other landscape graphics.by Earthscape整个景观想象为海洋,游客为领海者竖向设计,波浪起伏的地形构筑物和座椅模仿小岛、珊瑚保留旧船厂元素

8、,如望远镜等提取船坞符号和记忆,设置景观小品 波浪起伏的地形 地面条状铺装 绿色、海洋、陆地3条波浪交叠1.波浪状地形的塑造 咖啡厅、广播站模仿海中小岛,让建筑物融入当地的历史环境 座椅、树池模仿海中珊瑚2.具有象征意义的景观元素 保留了旧船厂元素,如望远镜 提取就有记忆,设置趣味景观小品,延续本地海洋船坞历史痕迹3.保留旧船厂记忆 儿童趣味设施 儿童趣味空间 欣赏日落的空间 营造夜间活力Earthscape事务所 1999年成立 日本著名景观设计事务所 董事长、首席设计师:团冢荣喜 Earthscape,意指“地球的景观” 设计灵感更多地来源于日常生活,将“生活风景”奉为设计理念东京饭田桥中心广场东京饭田桥中心广场草药花园草药花园川崎广场川崎广场1. 象征海洋的设计理念迎合商业理念Lalaport作为成功的商业项目品牌,在日文中lala含有跳动的旋律,愉快的心情之意。消费者来此可以感受跳动的旋律,拥有愉悦的心情,享受购物、娱乐、休闲的乐趣。设计促进消费。2. 设


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