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1、化学系化学(师范)专业无机化学(Eng)课程教学大纲课程名称:无机化学(Eng) 课程编号:1004001适用专业:化学(师范)专业(08级本科)学时数:102 学分数:7执笔人:王颖 编写日期:2008.09 审批人:鲜华一、课程的性质和目的无机化学是高等学校化工、轻工、材料、纺织、环保、冶金、地质等类有关专业的第一门基础课,是培养化工类高级专门人才的整体知识结构及能力结构的重要组成部分,也是后续化学课及专业课的基础。通过本课程的学习,使学生在初步掌握元素周期律、近代物质结构、化学热力学基础、化学平衡、基础电化学、配位化学和化学反应速率等理论的基础上,理解和掌握重要元素的单质及其重要化合物的


3、双语课程的开展打下基础。三、课程教学内容、教学基本要求及学时分配Section 1 Principle of Chemical ReactionChapter 1 Gases (2 lectures) Requests:1. Master the ideal gas law2. Master the Law of Partial Pressure of ideal gases 3. Know the Kinetic-molecular theory and van der walls equationContents:1. The ideal gas law and its applicati

4、ons.2. Mixture of Gases (1) Daltons Law of Partial Pressure (2) Application of Law of Partial Pressure (3) The Law of Partial Volume3. The Kinetic-molecular Theory4. Real GasesChapter 2 Thermochemistry (4 lectures) Requests:1.Know the conception of system, surroundings, state function, heat, work, e

5、nthalpy, enthalpy change, themal energy, standard molar enthalpy change of formation;2Know how to write thermochemical equation, and the contents of The First Law of thermodynamics and Hesss Law. Can calculate using Hesss Law ;3 Can calculate the standard enthalpy change of the reaction by using sta

6、ndard molar enthalpy change of formation。Contents:1. Basic terminologies and concepts (1) System and surroundings (2) State And State Function (3) Process and path (4)Phase (5) Stoichiometric Equation2. The First Law of Thermodynamics (1) Heat and Work (2) Thermal Energy U (3) The First Law of Therm

7、odynamics (4) Enthalpy Change and Thermochemical Equation (5) Hesss Law (6) Standard molar enthalpy change of bond (enthalpy of bond)Chapter 3 Introduction To Chemical Kinetics (5 lectures)Requests: 1. Know the conception of reaction rate; know the main contents of collision theory and Activated com

8、plex (transition state ) theory,understand the conceptions of Elementary reaction, complex reaction, reaction order and activation energy etc;2. Master the effects of concentration, temperature and catalysts on the reaction rate and relative calculations;3. Know the relationship between catalysts an

9、d chemical equilibrium.Contents:1. Reaction Rate (1) reaction rate of a constant-volume reaction (2) Average rate and instantaneous rate2. Effects of Concentration on the Reaction Rate Rate Law Expression(1)Rate law expression(2)A simple method for finding rate law expression initial rate (3)the qua

10、ntitative relationship between concentration and time3. Effects of Temperature on Reaction Rate Arrhenius equation (1)Arrhenius equation (2)Applications of Arrhenius equation4. Introduction to Reaction Rate Theory and Reaction Mechanism (1)collision theory (2)Activated complex (transition state ) th

11、eory (3)activation energy and reaction rate (4)Reaction Mechanism and elementary reaction5. Catalyst and Catalysis (1)basic features of catalyst and catalysis (2)homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis (3)enzymatic catalysisChapter 4 Chemical Equilibrium Entropy And Gibbs Function (6 lectu

12、res)Requests:1. Master the conception of chemical equilibrium,the expression of chemical equilibrium constant (empirical equilibrium constant and standard equilibrium constant) , the relative calculations of the relationship between Kand Gibbs free energy change;2. Master the principle of the shift

13、of Chemical Equilibrium and its application;3. Master the conception of entropy,and know the relationship between disorder, entropy and .4. Know the basic conception of entropy and Gibbs function,and learn to judge the direction and extent of the chemical reaction by using rGm; 5Master the Gibbs equ

14、ation and its applicationsContents:1. standard equilibrium constant (1)basic features of standard equilibrium constant (2)standard equilibrium constant (3)relationship between equilibrium constant and rate constant (4)experimental determination of standard equilibrium constant2. Uses of Standard Equ

15、ilibrium Constant (1)evaluate the degree of reaction(2)predict the direction of reaction (3)calculate the composition of equilibrium 3. Shift of Chemical Equilibrium (1)effects of concentration on chemical equilibrium (2)effects of pressure on chemical equilibrium (3)effects of temperature on chemic

16、al equilibrium (4)Le Chateliers principle (5)two issues needed to be clarified4. spontaneous process and entropy (1)spontaneous process (2)enthalpy change and spontaneous process (3)disorder、entropy and (4)the third law of thermodynamics and standard entropy (5) (T) and the second law of thermodynam

17、ics5. Gibbs function (1)criteria of Gibbs function (2)standard molar Gibbs free energy change of formation (3)Gibbs free energy change and chemical equilibrium(4)complementary explanation.Chapter 5 Acid-base Equilibrium (7 lectures)Requests:1. Master the dissociation equilibrium of weak electrolyte

18、(the dissociation equilibrium of monoprotic weak acid and monohydric weak base,the dissociation equilibrium of water and the dissociation equilibrium of polyprotic weak acids (stepwise dissociation), and the factors affecting the shift of dissociation equilibrium and relative calculations;2 Know the

19、 pH value, and master the conversion between pH and H+;3 Master the composition of buffer solution, principle and calculation of pH value;4 Master hydrolysis equilibrium of salts solution and calculation of pH value of salts; 5 Know the history of acid-base theory;6Master the composition , name and

20、chemical formula of coordination compounds;7Know dissociation constant Kd and formation constant Kf of coordination complex. Can useto calculate the situation when ligands are excessive. Can calculate substitution reaction,and judge the direction of coordination reaction;8 Know the conception of che

21、late .Contents:1. Brônsted-Lowry theory (1)history (2)Brônsted-Lowry theory (3)relative strength of acids and bases2. the dissociation equilibrium of water and its pH value (1)the dissociation equilibrium of water(2)pH of solutions3. the dissociation equilibrium of weak acid and weak base

22、(1)the dissociation equilibrium of monoprotic weak acid and monohydric weak base (2)the dissociation equilibrium of polyprotic weak acids (stepwise dissociation) (3)acid-base equilibrium of salt solution4. Buffer solution (1)common ion effect (2)buffer solution (3)calculating pH of buffer solutions

23、(4)range and capability of buffer solution5. indicators6. Lewis theory of acids and bases (1)Lewis theory of acids and bases (2)nomenclature and constituent of coordination complex 7.Coordinate reaction and coordination equilibrium( 1)dissociation constant Kd and formation constant Kf of coordinatio

24、n complex (2)Substitution Reaction and The electron-transfer reaction of complex (3)further discussion on stability of coordination complexChapter 6 solubility equilibrium (4 lectures)Requests: 1 Master the rules of solubility product, the conversion between solubility and solubility product and cal

25、culation of common ion effect;2 Master the conditions of the formation and dissolution of precipitate and calculations of the conversion of precipitates.Contents:1solubility and solubility product (1)solubility: S (2)solubility product(3)relationship between S and Ksp2formation and dissolution of pr

26、ecipitate (1)solubility product principle(2)the effects of pH on solubility precipitates dissolve in acidic solution(3)equilibrium between two precipitatesChapter 7 Redox Reaction Introduction To Electrochemistry (8 lectures)Requests:1 Master the basic principle of redox Reaction,can balance redox r

27、eactions by oxidation number method and ion-electron pairs method2 Know the conceptions of electrodes potential and the effect of concentration on electrode potential and can calculate using Nernst equation;3 Master the application of electrode potential(1)judge the “+” and “-” of the cell and calcu

28、late the the cell potential(2)judge the relative strength of reductants and oxidants(3)judge the direction of redox reaction.(4)judge the extent of redox reaction.4 Know the principle of cell and can write the sign and chemical reaction of it 5Master reduction potential diagram and its applications.

29、Contents:1Balancing redox reactions (1) oxidation number method (2) ion-electron pairs method (3)balance the chemical equilibrium of the reaction between inorganic compounds and organic compounds 2Electrodes potential (1) cell (2) the producing of electrodes potential (3) measure electrodes potentia

30、l (4) the factors effecting electrodes potential (5) the application of electrodes potential3. Judge the direction of redox reaction (1 ) direction of redox reaction (2) judge the direction of redox reaction 4. Reduction potential diagram and its application (1) reduction potential diagram and its a

31、pplication *(2) fGmN diagram5.*Chemical power supply (1)Zn-Mn dry battery (2)storage battery (3)mini battery (4)fuel battery Section 2 The Basic principles of substance structureChapter 8 Atomic Structure (6 lectures)Requests:1Know the conceptions of energy level of atom, wave-particle duality of el

32、ectron、atomic orbital (wave function) and electron cloud. 2 Know four quantum number and can depict the shape of electron cloud by using four quantum number;3Know the angular distributing diagram of electron cloud of s, p, d orbital. 4. Master atom energy level diagram and the distributing of the el

33、ectrons of atoms, structure of electronic shell, the relationship between atomic structure and elementary periodic table5. Master the conception and change trends of atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity. Contents:1. atomic structure of hydrogen atom:(1)hydrogen e

34、mission spectrum and wave-particle duality of electrons(2)SchrÖdinger equation and quantum number2.structure of polyelectronic atom (1)energy level of polyelectronic atom (2)configuration of electrons3.the periodic law(1)structure (2)the periodic trend of propertiesChapter 9 Molecular Structure

35、 (8 lectures)Requests:1Master the nature and characters of covalent bond and ionic bond;2Master the basic contents of Valence bond theory, Hybrid orbital theory, Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) and Molecular orbital theory3Judge the molecule shape by Hybrid orbital theory and Valence S

36、hell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)4. Can use molecule orbital energy level diagram of homonuclear diatomic molecules toguess the existence of homonuclear diatomic molecules of first and second period .and explain their structure,predict the magnetism and stability of them;5Master conceptions of th

37、e polarity of molecules, intermolecular attractive forces and the effect of them on the physical properties of substances. Contents:1valence bond theory (1)the nature and characters of covalent bond (2)types of covalent bond (3)Hybridization of orbitals 2Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)

38、 3Molecular orbital theory:(1)molecular orbital (2)Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules (3)Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules 4Bond parameterChapter 10 Solid Structure (4 lectures) Requests:1Master the structure characters and physical properties of 4 types different crystals (ionic crystal, atomic crystal

39、,molecular crystal ,metal crystal) 2Know three typical AB type ionic crystals.3Master the conception of lattice energy , Born-Haber cycle and their applications;4Can write the configuration of electrons5Be familiar to the conception of polarization of ions and its effect on bond type and solubility.

40、Contents:1structures and types of crystals(1)four packing types(2)types of crystal2metallic solid(1)structure (2)metallic bond theory *(3)alloy3Ionic crystals(1)structure (2)polarization of ions (3)lattice energy U4molecular crystals(1)dipole moment() and polarizability()(2)attractive forces between

41、 molecules(3)hydrogen bond 5layer crystalsChapter 11 complex structure (4 lectures) Requests:1. Understand Bond theories of coordination complex,and master the relationship between Geometry structure and the type of orbitals. 2. Can judge the types of coordination bonds.3. Know the basic contents of

42、 crystal field theory.Contents:1 Geometry and magnetism of coordination compound 2Bond theories of coordination complexSection 3 Elementary ChemistryChapter 12 S-block Elements (4 lectures)Requests:1 Be familiar to the types of hydrides, oxides of s-block elements (normal oxides,peroxides,super oxid

43、es),master the reactions of peroxides with water and dilute acids;2 Be familiar to the trends of strength of the acidity or basicity of oxides and hydrate oxides of the elements in the same period and same main group, understand R-O-H rule;3 Understand the solubility of the oxides of alkaline metals

44、 and alkaline earth metals;4 Understand thermal stability and solubility of the salts of alkaline metals and alkaline earth metals.Contents:1general descriptions of s- block elements2physical properties and chemical properties of elements3Compounds:hydrides, oxides, hydroxides, important salts4the a

45、nomalous behaviors of Li and Be , the diagonal relationshipChapter 13 P-block Elements () (7 lectures)Requests:1Know the general consideration of the Boron family;2 Mater the structure of diborane, weak acidity of boric acid and the properties of borax3Master amphoteric properties of Al, oxides and

46、hydroxide of Al;4Know the general consideration of the carbon family;5Be familiar to the properties of carbonate acid and its salts and silicates;6Master the trends of strength of the acidity or basicity of oxides and hydrate oxides of Sn, Pb, and master the hydrolysis and reductive ability of Sn(),

47、 the oxidative ability of PbO2, and the small solubility of the salts of Pb.Contents:1. general considerations of p-block elements2. Boron family:general considerations, elements, compounds of B and Al3. Carbon family:general considerations, elements, compounds of C, Si, Sn, PbChapter14 p block elem

48、ents() (10 lectures) Request:1. Master the structure, properties, preparation and applications of N2 and important compounds of N (hydrides, oxides, oxyacids and salts)2. Master the structure, properties, preparation and applications of P and important compounds of P;3. Know the strength of the acid

49、ity or basicity of oxides and hydrate oxides of As, Sb, Bi, and hydrolysis of the oxides of Sb, Bi, and oxidative ability of H3AsO4 and NaBiO3;4Know the structure of H2O2,and master the properties of H2O2;5Master acidity and reductive ability of H2S solution and the solubility of sulfides; 6Master t

50、he properties of H2SO3 and its salts,H2SO4 and its salts,Na2S2O3 and per sulfuric acid and its salts etc.Contents:1 Nitrogen family:general considerations, elements, compounds of N, P, As, Sb, Bi 2 Oxygen family:general considerations, elements, compounds of O and SChapter15 p block elements() (6 le

51、ctures) Request:1Know the preparation and properties of the elements of halogens(Cl2,Br2,I2);and master the solubility of I2 in CCl4、KI solution;2 Master the preparation and properties of HX(b.p,acidity,reductive ability,stability);master properties of hypohalous acid and its salts,master the proper

52、ties trends of oxyacids of Cl and its salts(acidity,oxidative ability,thermal stability);3 Know the properties and applications of rare gases and their compounds;4 Master the change trends of oxidative or reductive ability of oxides, hydroxides and hydrate oxides of P block elements.5 Know the trend

53、s of thermal stability of the oxyacids of P block elementsContents:1 The Halogens(1)general consideration(2) elements(3)hydrides(4)halides(5)oxo-compounds 2 Rare gases:(1)foundation(2)Properties and uses of rare gases(3)existenceand separation(4)compounds3 The trends of the properties of P block ele

54、mentsChapter 16 d-block elements (I) (10 lectures)Requests:1. know general properties of d-block elements;2. Know the main properties of TiO2、V2O5;3. Master amphoteric properties of Cr(OH)3 , reductive ability of Cr(OH)4-, oxidative ability of chromates , the equilibrium between Cr2O72- and CrO42-,

55、the small solubility of heavy metal chromates;4. know the properties of important compounds of Mo、W 5. Master the reductive ability of Mn(II) in acid or base, strong oxidative ability of MnO2、MnO4-, the unstability of MnO42-;6. Master the trends of reductive ability of the oxides of Fe. Co,Ni M(II),

56、 and the oxidative ability of M(III);7. Be familiar to color of the hydrate ions of Cr3+,Fe2+,Fe3+,Co2+,Ni2+ and important coordination compounds of them and the products when they react with NH3(aq). Contents:1General consideration:(1) atomic radius and ionization energy(2)Physical properties(3)Che

57、mical properties(4)Oxidation number(5)colors of d-block ions2Ti group and V group(1)The General Consideration of Ti group and V group(2)The important compounds of Ti(3)* The important compounds of V, Nb, Ta3Cr Subgroup (1)The General Consideration of Cr Subgroup(2)The important compounds of Cr(3)*the preparation of impo


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