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1、人教八年级下册期中测试题班级得分一、听力共四节,总分值 25分第一节听句子,选择与容相关的图片。每句听两遍。5题,5分第二节(共5小题,每题1分,总分值5分)根据所听到的容选择正确答语。每句听两遍。(5题5分)()6. A. Tha nk you. B. With pleasure. C. Very well.()7. A. I ll do that. B. Yes, please.C. The same to you.()8. A. Yes, you are right.B. I m gla d you like it. C. Never mind.()9. A. Sorry, I don

2、t know.B. Certainly, good idea. C. Sure . No problem .()10. A. I have a cold. B. You are welcome.C. No, I can t.第三节:听对话,答复以下问题。每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,总分值5分)请听第一段对话,答复第 11小题。()11.Wha t s the date next Monday?A. September 10th B. October 10th C. September 1st听第二段对话,答复第 12, 13小题()12. When are they talk ing?A. I

3、 n the morni ng.B. In the after noon.C. Yesterday.()13. What can they do?A. Pick flowers B. SwimC. Feed pigs请听第三段对话,答复第14、15小题。()14. What does Kate have ?A. Books .B. Ani malsC. Toy ani mals.()15. How does the boy lear n about ani mals?A. Going to the zoo or watching TVB. Readi ng booksC. From his t

4、eacher请听第四段对话,答复第16、17小题。()16. Why did Tom come into the room?A. He worked there. B.He wan ted to talkto Kate .C. He wan ted to have a letter typed.()17. What will Kate do next year?A. Go to Japa n. B. Change her job .C. Go to ni ght school.听第五段对话,答复 小题 ()18. What s wrong with the young man?A. He ha

5、d a cold. B. He had a headache. C. He had a toothache.()19. How long was Jim ill?A. About four daysB. About three daysC. About two days()20. What did the doctor tell Jim to do?A. To take more exercise .B. To take some medici neC. To take a walk every day.第四节听短文两遍.完成信息记录表。共 5题,每题1分,总分值5分,Where to go:

6、The boy went to 21 to see his un cle.What to buy:He bought22 in a shop.How to go there:Then he went there 23 .What happe nedHe couldn t find his24 .Where to find it:At last, the boy found it 25 .()21. A. the zoo B. the hospital C. school()22. A. some food and fruit B. some fruit and flowers C. some

7、sweets and flowersC. by ship()23. A. by bus B. by train()24. A. wallet B. ticketC. flowersC. in the food()25. A. in his bag B. in his flowers二、单项选择15分()26.Kids won t go to school. They will studyhomecomputers.A. in, in B. at, on C. at , by D. at; from()27. -Will there be fewer trees? -.A. Yes, there

8、 will. B. Yes, they will. C. No, there aren t. D. No, they won t.()28. Some scie ntists think that it may takeyears to make robots look like people, and dothe same thi ngs as us.A. hun dreds of B. two hun dreds of C. two hun dreds D. two hun dred of()29. I think you shouldsome moneyyour frien ds.A.

9、borrow; for B. borrow; from C. le nd; from D. borrow; to()30. My friend has the same haircutI do.A. as B. like C. seem D. looks like()31. If you bring sn acks to the party, the teachers will.A. take it away B. take them away C. take away it D. take away them()32. It is foggy(多雾的)today. The plane can

10、t .A. land B. la nded C. take off D. taki ng off()33.Last year I was often ill, but now I am good health.A. at B. of C. inD. un der()34.Lisa was supposed her homework before nine oclock. But she could nt.A. to finish B. to finishing C. finish D. finishing()35.He goes to school early on workdays Satu

11、rday and Sun day.A. except B. besides C. and D. beside()36.We ll stay at home if ittomorrow.A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. rai ning()37.Paul told us hewasn t madMarcia anymore.A. in B. at C. on D. with()38.the boy was walk ing dow n the street, the UFO Ian ded.A. While B. After C .Before D. un t

12、il()39.The Yellow River is one ofin the world.A. the Ion gest river B. the Ion gest riversC. the long river D. long rivers()4O.Sally asked.A. how can she get to the zoo. B. how she can get to the zoo.C. how she could get to the zoo. D. where was the zoo.三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C

13、3个选项中,选出1个最正确答案。When I had someth ing difficult to do, I used to ask my mother for help. But she always said,“ Doit yourself , dear. I was not 41 at all. I thought she was the 42 mother in theworld!For example, one day, I decided to 43 some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order.Books were

14、everywhere. And I did nt make the bed. I asked my44to help me clea n it,45she still said,“ Do it yourself,girl. Because of my “ lazy mother, I have to 46 my clothesand clea nmy room. I have to helpmy pare nts47 I even have to go to the den tist by myself. It is really hardfor me to do everyth ing we

15、llbut I have lear ned48As time goes by, I understand my mother. She makes me clever and diligent(勤奋的)49 a great mother!A 50 mother is worth()41. A. old()42. A. tallest()43. A. leave()44. A. mother()45. A. or()46. A. wash()47. A. do housework()48. A. on show()49. A. Which()50. A. you ng(等值于)B. gladB.

16、 most foolishB. i nviteB. fatherB. whe nB. leadB. go swimmi ngB. by mistakeB. WhatB.goodt you think so?C. thinC. laziestC. visitC. brotherC. butC. knockC. go camp ingC. a lotC. WhoC.happyone hun dred teachers! Don四、阅读理解共 20小题,计30分阅读以下短文,从各题A B C、D中选出能正确答复所提问题或完成所给句子的最正确答案。ADo you know Fei Junlong an

17、d Nie Haishe ng? Fei Junlong was born in 1965. He is a Chin ese astr on autselected(选拔)as a member of the Shenzhou program. He was born in Jiangsu and joined the People sLiberati onArmy Air Force (中国人民解放军空军)in 1982 at the age of 17. And si nee the n he has on ly returnedhome six times. As a fighter

18、pilot(战机飞行员),he was selected to an astr on aut in 1998.He married Wang Jie in 1991 and has one son.Nie Haisheng was born in September 1964. He is also a Chinese astronaut selected for the Shenzhouprogram. He is from Hubei. After graduating from high school he joined thePeople s Liberation ArmyAir Fo

19、rce, and became a fighter pilot. I n 1998 he was selected for the astr on aut program.He was one of the three astronauts who were in the final group to train for the Shenzhou 5 fight.Yang Liwei was also picked out for the flight, with Zhai Ahiga ng.On September 23,2005 it was reported that Zhai and

20、Nie would be one of the three pairs of astronauts who would be in the final training for Shen zhou 6. But i n the end, Fei and Nie were chose n, and Zhai missed his cha nee to space aga in.Nie Haisheng got married to Nie Jielin and has an 11-year-old daughter.()51.When did Nie join the army?A.In 198

21、2.B.In 1998.C.In 1991.D.After his graduation from high school.() 52.Who among the astronauts in this passage hasn t been to sa ace?A.Zhai Zhiga ng. B.Nie Haishe ng.C.Ya ng Liwei.D.Fei Junlong.()53.How many times has Fei Junlong returned home since he left at the age of 17?A.Three times. B.Four times

22、.C.Six times.D.Eight times.()54.How many people did the writer men ti on in this passage?A.5.B.6.C.7.D.8.()55.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?A.Yang Liwei was born in Jiangsu.B.Nie Haisheng has an elever-year-old daughter.C.Fei Junlong is one year older tha n Nie Haishe ng.D

23、.Zhai Zhiga ng got married toNie Jieli n and has a son.BIn many En glish homes people eat four meals a day: breakfast, l un ch, tea and dinner.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge , eggs or bread.En glish people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.Lunch

24、 comes at one oclock. After noon tea is from four to five in the after noon and dinner is abouthalf past seven. First they have soups, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables.After that theyeat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some

25、of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supperand all these meals are veryn ecessary.根据短文容,从以下每题所给的A B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最正确答案。()56. Many En glish people have meals a day.A. two B. three C. four D. three or four()57. People may have for their breakfa

26、st.A. tea and eggsB. porridge, eggs, bread, tea or coffeeC. tea and coffeeD. bread and eggs()58. People have lunch at.A. any time B. nine C. five D. one()59. People dont have for their dinner.A. porridgeB. bananas and apples C. some soup and meat D. meat and fish()60. In many En glish homes dinner c

27、omes.A. at one oclock B. in the middle of the day C. at noonD. at ni ghtCNow some women are spending a weekend at Mother s Camp (营地).There, husbands and children arenot allowed. Why would a woman want to take a vacation without her family? Some womensay they need timeto be alone.At Mother s Campa wo

28、manhas room to herself. She can sleep, read or watch TV, and no one will bother her. No children will ask,“Mom, what s for dinner? No husband will say,“Oh, dear, I can t findany clean socks. In fact almost 50% of women in the United States work outside the home. Many of them work full-timeand then c

29、ome home to a second job-takingcare of their homes and families. These working wome n say one of their biggest problems is housework.In the Un ited States, work ing wives do about 75% of the housework. Many of their husba nds say theywant to help. But then they burn the rice or they can t find the p

30、ans. They ask so many questions thattheir wives decide it is easier to do the job themselves.Some women go to Mother s Camp just to get a break from housework. For two days they don t cook,they don t clean, they don t look after their children and husbands. What do they do? They enjoy warm, sunny we

31、ather, walking, swimming or boating in a clear blue lake and sing songs around the campfire.They relax away from home. They have a really wonderful vacation at Mother s Camp.()61.From this passage we can see in the Un ited States.A.wome n want to work outside the homeB.work ing wives do most of the

32、houseworkC.hushands do as much housework as their wivesD.women do not like to stay at homewith their families()62.At Mothe r s Camp, women can t.A.watch TVB. read n ewspapersC.swir n in the lakeD. bri ngtheirhusba ndsandchildre n)63.Why would some mothers like to be alone? Because.A.they don t like

33、their husbands and childrenB.they have to work full-timeC.they are too busy to relax themselvesD.they want a new life)64.is one of the biggest troubles for work ing wives in the Un ited States.A.HouseworkB.Work ing outside the home C.Whe n to take a vacati onD.Look ingaftertheir childre n)65.What s

34、the best title(标题)for this passage?A.Busy Worki ng MothersB. Welcome to Mother s CampD.Mothers in the USC. Mothers Relax Away from HomeDENJOY YOUR FAVORITES IN STAR CINEMASeptemberFri-SunVoldemort:14:00; 16:00Lord of the Rings(n) The Two Towers:14:00; 16:00; 20:00; 22:00Mon -ThursThe Lion King, Shre

35、k(n) :12:00; 14:00; 16:00; 20:00OctoberFri-SunGoblet of Fire:14:00; 16:00Lord of the Rjngs(出)The Return of the King:14:00; 16:00; 20:00; 22:00Mon -ThursLord of the Rin gs(n) The Two Towers:12:00; 14:00; 16:00; 20:00Voldemort:12:00; 14:00; 16:00Tickets must be booked 被预定 any time up to 30 minutes bef

36、ore the filmstarts. Ticket holders are give n seat nu mbers.Drinks are provided. Food may be bought from the shop and eate n in thearea provided outside the cin ema.Ticket price: Aduits: $16; Childre n undr 6:$6; stude nts un der 16:$10Smok ing is not allowed any where in the cin ema. Mobile phones

37、must be kept off.()66.What film can you see on a Saturday ni ght in October?A.Lord of the Rings(川)The Return of the King.B.Lord of the Rings(n) TheTwo Towers.C. The Lion King, Shrek (n) .D.Voldemort.()67.When can you see the film Voldemort?A.Tuesday, October, 4 p.m.B.Tuesday, October, 10 p.m.C.Thurs

38、day, September, 8 p.m.D.Friday, September, 4 a.m.()68.How much will it cost for a family with two children(one is 5 and the other is 8) to see afilm?A.$ 22.B.$ 30.C.$ 44.D.$ 48.()69.When can people book tickets?A.The day before the film.B.A ny time before the film.C.A n hour before the film.D.No lat

39、er tha n half an hour before the film.7O.What can you do in the cin ema?A.Eat some food.B.Have some drin ks.C.Make a phone call.D.Smoke in the area provided.第n卷五. 根据句意与首字母提示填空,每空一词。共5小题,每题1分,总分值5分71 FNumber 152 to Beiji ng is ready to take off.72. More than twenty people were killed in the a, includ

40、ing two foreigners.73. She works as a vfor Green Peace.74. This is my obook, not yours.75. There are many dbetween the two Ianguages.六、 综合填空:选择恰当的单词填空,每词限用一次。有两个多余的选项10分when, their, even, way, feel, behave, or, modern, relax,hours, speak,classicalWhere did you go yesterday? Did you hear music at any

41、 of these places? Today most stores and restaurants play music. You might even hear music in an office 76.on a farm.Scien tists believe that music in flue nces影响 the way people 77. Accord ing to some scie ntists, thesound of western classical music Mozart and Bach makes people 78.richer. Whe n a res

42、taura nt playsclassical music, peoplespe nd more money on food and drinks .Whe n the restaura nt plays 79.music, peoplespe nd less money .With no backgro und music, people spe nd 80.l ess.Scien tists also believe that loud ,fast music makes people eat faster. People actually chew81. food faster whe

43、n the music gets faster .Some restaura nts play fast music duri ng their busy 82.Thisgets people to eat faster and leave quickly .Restaura nts can make more money this way.Some scientists think that makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students tobe more alert. It is true that

44、 peoplelearn better 83. they are relaxed. And listening tomusic can helpyou84.The next time you hear music somewhere ,be careful .It might change the 85you behave行为.76.七、 任务型阅读:阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。10分In to day s world many people seem to be hungry for money. Money does ha

45、ve its most useful effecton the poor. But eve n if a pers on has already got ple nty of mon ey,.If money were everything, all millionaires百万富翁 would have real love, true friendship, goodhealth and a long life. However, this is not always correct.Since the beginning of time no three words have ever i

46、nvited more pleasure than“ I love you . Butcan love be bought? I m afraid not. Love means to give, not to take. To every person, health and alonglife are probably the best thin gs. Well, can health and a long life be bought with mon ey? The an swera k I is No .Of all the Iongest living people in the

47、 world, few of them are millionaires. True friendship can tbe bought, either. In a word, where money is dreamed too much, it can cause brothers to quarrel, marriage to end, lovers to hate, and stra ngers to fight. No matter how much money you have, it is still not eno ugh to make a happy pers on if

48、you have no one to laugh with, no one to cry for.86.从文中找出与下句意义相近的句子。It seems that a lot of people want money very much now.87根据短文容答复以下问题。What are probably the most importa nt things to every one?88.根据短文容,将第一段最后一句补充完整。But eve n if a pers on has already got ple nty of money,89将文中划线句子翻译成汉语。90根据短文容,写出文章

49、的标题。10词以八、书面表达总分值15分根据表格提供的信息,写一封信,把老师对你的学习评价介绍给你的朋友,文章开头和结尾已给出。TeachersWhat they saidMathHard-worki ngChin eseGood at writ ingEn glishDo well in liste ningPhysicsCan do better注意:词数60左右,容要连贯。Dear Joh n.Things are fine here. I finished my mid-term exams last week, and I got my report card today.What

50、about you? Write soo n.Yours,Mike答案、听力 第一节1-5 CABCA第二节 6 10 ACBBA第四节 21-25 B B A B C第三节 11-15 A A C C A 16-20 C C B B B、单项选择 26-30 BAABA 31-35 BCCAA 36 40 BBABC三、完形填空 41 45 BCBAC46 50 AACBB四、阅读理解 51 - 55: DACDB 56 60 CBDAB 61 65: BDCAC 66- 70 : AADDB五、首字母填空 71. Flight 72. accide nt 73. volu nteer 74

51、. own 75. Differe nces六、综合填空 76. or 77 . behave 78 . feel 79. modem 80. even 81 . their 82. hours 83 . when 84. Relax85. way七、 阅读表达每题2分,总分值10分86 . In today s world many people s eem to be hungry for money.87 . Health and a long life.答案不唯一,只要意思一致,以句子形式表达也可88 . But even if a person has already got ple

52、nty of money,he may not be happy/money doesn t meanhappin ess/happ in ess can t be bought by mon ey.答案不唯一,要求答案要保持与上下文的连续性,且与参考答案意思相近89 在世界上最长寿的人中,没有几个是百万富翁。答案不唯一,只要表达正确、通顺,与参考答案意思相近即 可90 Money is not everythi ng/Money and happ in ess/Happ in ess can t be bought/M oney is importa nt but notthe most i

53、mporta nt答案不唯一,依据与文章容的相关程度酌情给分,关键词:money八书面表达Dear Joh n.Things are fine here. I finished my mid-term exams last week, and I got my report card today. Mymath teacher said I was hard-work in g. I am happy to hear that. My Chin ese teacher said I was good atwriting. My English teacher told me that I di

54、d well in listening. As for my physics, I had a really hardtime with it this semester. But my physics teacher said I could do better. I agree.What about you? Write to me soon.Yours,Mike听力材料第一节听句子,选择与句子容相关的图画。每个句子昕两遍。1. In the after noon we went ho me happily at five though we were very tired2. We se

55、e a woma n with some beautiful flowers in the forest by herself?3. every evening he does his homework and goes to bed very late.4. The teacher asked the girl not to be late n ext week5. The girl bought some flowers to give Miss Wang for Teacher s Day.第二节:6. Don t be nervous and you ll get well soon.

56、7. Happy new year to you!8. Thank you very much for your beautiful gift!9. Could I use your pen?10. What s wrong with you?第三节听对话和短文,根据对话和短文的容,选择正确答案。对话和短文朗读两遍请听第一段对话,答复第 11、W: What are you going to do. Jim?M; I m going to the shop. Next Mon day is Teacher s Day. I m going to buy someth ing for our teachers.s go together. (A)W: I


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