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1、“商务英语阅读”教学大纲 一、课程基本信息开课单位:翻译学院课程名称:商务英语阅读课程编号:04222107英文名称:Business Leader Reading课程类型:(请按我校教学计划安排表中的课程类型进行规范填写,即公共基础课、学科基础课、专业基础课、教育理论与技能基础课、专业方向限选课、专业任选课、综合素质公选课等七类)总 学 时: 108 理论学时: 实验学时: 课外学时:学 分:6开设专业:商务英语先修课程:商务知识导读二、课程任务目标(一)课程任务(本项编写要求:写明该课程的性质和任务)本课程是一门商务英语专业基础必修课程,本课程的任务是将语言学习放在商务语境环境下,将英语语

2、言和商务领域知识相结合,并使学生在案例分析和小组研讨等练习中提高学生的分析和解决问题的能力。(二)课程目标(本项编写要求:写明学生在知识和能力方面应达到的目标要求)在学完本课程之后,学生能够:1.了解国际商务知识;2.能熟悉运用商务语境中的英语语言及文化知识;3.对市场经济及现代工商企业的运作有一个总体印象;4.更加熟悉相关领域的基础知识和有关的英译词汇和用语,为下一步学习更微观更深入的专业课程打下基础。三、教学内容和要求(一)理论教学的内容及要求(本项编写要求:以基本内容为主线,对各知识点分按“了解”、“理解”、“掌握”三个层次提出要求,并说明教学重点及难点)Unit One Globali

3、zation1. 了解 the main idea of text B2. 理解 Haiers alliances with other companies3. 掌握 the main idea of text A, and key expressions 教学重点1. Haiers alliances with other companies2. the main idea of text A, key expressions 教学难点1. Haiers alliances with other companiesUnit Two Credit Card1. 了解 the history o

4、f credit card2. 理解Why credit cards are so popular in US?3. 掌握 how does a credit card work? And key expressions教学重点1. Why credit cards are so popular in US?2. How does a credit card work? And key expressions教学难点: 1. How does a credit card work? And key expressionsUnit Three Personal branding and comp

5、any branding1. 了解 what does unique position mean?2. 理解the key to successful branding in China3. 掌握 the main points of The Brand Called You 教学重点1. the key to successful branding in China2. the main points of The Brand Called You教学难点1. the key to successful branding in ChinaUnit Four Wal-Mart1. 了解 wha

6、t is it like when Wal-Mart comes to town?2. 理解 Wal-Marts core values3. 掌握 What qualities are considered essentials as good managers? 教学重点1. Wal-Marts core values2. What qualities are considered essentials as good managers?教学难点1. What qualities are considered essentials as good managers?Unit Five Int

7、ernational Trade1. 了解 what is Professor Taylors series of lectures about?2. 理解 Biography of Adam Smith3. 掌握 types of trade barriers 教学重点1. Biography of Adam Smith2. types of trade barriers教学难点 1. types of trade barriersChapter Six Silicon Valley Success Stories1. 了解 What do the interviewees in the v

8、ideo think of Silicon Valley?2. 理解 the Legend of Silicon Valley3. 掌握 what are the advantages of electric cars?教学重点1. the Legend of Silicon Valley2. what are the advantages of electric cars? 教学难点1. the Legend of Silicon ValleyChapter Seven Marketing Innovation1. 了解 what does innovation mean according

9、 to A.G. Lafley?2. 理解 P&Gs success story in Japanese market3. 掌握 P&Gs innovation culture教学重点1. P&Gs success story in Japanese market2. P&Gs innovation culture 教学难点1. P&Gs innovation cultureChapter Eight The History of Chinese Banking System1. 了解 from what both the world bank and

10、IMF are originated?2. 理解 the world bank3. 掌握 the history of Chinese banking system教学重点1. the world bank2. the history of Chinese banking system 教学难点1. the history of Chinese banking systemChapter Nine Management 1. 了解 What do the members of a business team have in common to get successful in busines

11、s?2. 理解 Peter DruckerFather of Modern management3. 掌握What is management、教学重点1. Peter DruckerFather of Modern management2. What is management 教学难点 1. What is managementChapter Ten Management theories1. 了解 what was it like when Sygma Ltd. was established?2. 理解 historical perspectives to view managemen

12、t3. 掌握 organizing process in management教学重点1. Historical perspectives to view management2. Organizing process in management 教学难点1. Organizing process in managementChapter Eleven Microcredit1. 了解 Loading family money2. 理解 Loans and family3. 掌握 loans among family members教学重点1. Loans and family2. Loans

13、 among family members 教学难点1. Loans among family members四、学时分配(本项编写要求:按章节简要编写各教学环节的学时分配)章 次各教学环节学时分配小计讲授实验上机习题讨论课外备 注Introduction 22Chapter One Globalization22Chapter Two Credit card22Chapter Three Branding44Chapter Four Wal-Mart44Chapter Five International Trade22Chapter Six Silicon valley stories44

14、Chapter Seven Marketing innovation22Chapter Eight Chinese banking system 44Chapter Nine Management22Chapter Ten Management theories44Chapter Eleven Microcredit22合 计3636五、考核说明(本项编写要求:说明本课程所采用的考核方法,如闭卷、开卷、考试、考查等;说明本课程成绩评定的方法,如期末考试与平时成绩的在总评成绩中的百分比例等)1. 定期课外阅读检查。2. 课堂报告2. 每学期进行终结性考试,总成绩为百分制。3. 学生成绩构成:考试成绩70%课外阅读10% + 课堂报告10% + 课堂


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