



1、2020年高考英语状语从句语法易错点专题练习一、单句填空1. Mr. Smith has learned some Chinese he came to Shenzhen.2. If you work with a strong will, you will overcome any difficulty,great it is.3. A new school was built there had once been a wasteland.4. you ' ve got suchgolden chance, who not make the best of it?5. A whol

2、e month had passed she fully recovered.6. You mustn ' t leave you get your work done by 6 o' clock.7. Please keep reading the poem you have remembered it.8. I won ' t tell him the correct answer I know it. I don' t like him.9. He was walking he was drunk.10. the day went on, the weat

3、her got worse.10.1 like Chuan food, I won' t visit that restaurant today. I' d like to tra different one.12. Roses need special care they can live through winter.13. You will succeed in the end you give up halfway.14. It is almost 16 years I last met Sarah.15. I got up early I might not miss

4、 the first bus.16. The baby may be saved he is sent to hospital in no time.17. he is rich enough, still he spends very little on clothes and food.18. I didn ' t know what happened. He had rushed out of the room I could ask him.19. You won ' t get your basketball back you have promised not to

5、 playin my garden anymore.20. It was not yet 7 o ' clock he came back.状语从句二1 .the average age of the population increases , there are more and more old people to carefor.2 .When you have bought a fish and arrive home, you dbetter store the fish in the refrigerator you don t cook it immediately.3

6、 .My grandfather still plays tennis now and then , he s in his nineties.1.1 really enjoy listening to music it helps me relax and takes my mind away from othercares of the day.5. you do, don t be a bystander.6. the little panda cried, the mother rocked it back and forth and gave it little comforting

7、pats.7. some people are motivated by a need for success, others are motivated by a fear offailure.8. online shopping has changed our life, not all of its effects have been positive.9.It is so cold that you can't go outside fully covered in thick clothes.10 .the job takes a significant amount of

8、time, most students agree that the experience isworth it.11 .You won't find paper cutting difficult long as you keep practicing it.12 .the damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover.13 .Just a single word can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence canchange

9、the meaning of a paragraph.1.1 If you miss this chance, it may be years you get another one.15 .We need to get to the root of the problemwe can solve it.16 .scientists have learned a lot about the universe, there is much we still don't know.17 .the students came from different countries, they go

10、t along quite well in the summercamp.18 .The meaning of the word “ nice ” changed a few times it finally came to incthluedesense “ pleasant ”1.1 It was the middle of the night my father woke me up and told me to watch the footballgame.20 .The young couple , who returned my lost wallet , left I could

11、 ask for their names.21 .Half an hour later , Lucy still couldn't get a taxi the bus had dropped her.22 .Even the forest park is far away , a lot of tourists visit it every year.23 .Lessons can be learned to face the future, history cannot be changed.1.1 I don't really like the author , I ha

12、ve to admit his books are very exciting.25 .You will never gain success you are fully devoted to your work.26 you start eating in a healthier way , weight control will become much easier.参考答案1 C考查状语从句。句意为:随着人口平均寿命的延长,越来越多的老人需要照顾。as在此处引导状语从句,表示 “随着 ”。2 if 考查状语从句,根据句意:当你买了鱼回家的时候,如果你不立刻做的话,最好先存储到冰箱里。可以

13、看出是条件关系。3 even though/though 考查连词。句意:尽管我祖父已经九十多岁了,但他仍不时打网球。由句意可知,本句的前后两部分之间为让步关系。4 because 考查状语从句。句意:我真的很喜欢听音乐,因为它有助于我放松,让我忘记一天中的其他忧虑。根据句意可知,句子前后为因果关系。5 Whatever 句意:无论你做什么,都不要做旁观者。 whatever 引导让步状语从句。6 When/If 如果小熊猫哭了,妈妈来回摇晃它,给它安慰。 when 既可表示时间也可表示条件。7 While/Although/Though 考查让步状语从句的用法。句意: 尽管有些人受到成功的激

14、励,而另外一些人却因恐惧失败而前进。根据句意可知,这两句话之间为转折对比关系8 While/Although/Though 考查连词。句意:尽管网上购物已经改变了我们的生活,但是不是所有的影响都是积极的。 While/Although/Though 引导让步状语从句,意为 “尽管,虽然”。9 unless 句意:外面很冷,如果你不穿着厚衣服的话你不能出去。 unless 除非,如果不。该题实际上也考查了状语从句的省略,其完整形式为 unless you are fully.10 While/Although/Though 句意:虽然这项工作花费大量的时间, 但是大部分的学生认为这次经历是值得的

15、。 While/Although/Though 虽然,符合句意。11 as/so 句意:只要你坚持练习剪纸,你就不会觉得剪纸难了。 as/so long as 只要,符合句意。once 一旦,符合句12 Once 句意:一旦造成损害,要花费许多年的时间耕地才能恢复。意。13 as 句意:正如一个单词可以改变句子的意义一样,一个句子也可以改变一段的意义。just as正如,正像,符合句意。14 . before句意:如果你错过这次机会,可能得过好几年你才能再得到机会。before在'之前” ,引导时间状语从句。15 before 句意:我们需要找到问题的根源后才能解决它。考查时间状语从句

16、。根据逻辑关系可知, “找到问题的根源”在 “解决问题 ”之前发生。16 While/Although/Though 句意:尽管科学家们对宇宙已经了解甚多, 但有许多我们还不知道的。 考查状语从句的连接词。该题主要考查让步状语从句。17 While/Although/Though 句意:尽管那些学生来自不同的国家, 但是他们在夏令营时相处得很好。考查状语从句的连接词。18 . before 考查时间状语从句。句意:"nice的含义改变了好几次,最终才包含了"pleasant1快的)'这层含义。当表达还没来得及 就”时,须用连词before。19 when 考查时间状语从句。通读题干可知:父亲叫醒我看足球赛时,已是夜半时分。when 符合语境。20 before 考查状语从句的连接词。句意:那对送还我钱包的夫妇,我还没来得及问他们的姓名,他们就离开了。根据句意,我问他们之前,他们离开, before 意为:没来得及。21 where 考查地点状语从句。句意:半小时过后,露西在她下公共汽车的地方还没有搭上出租车。由句意可知地点状语从句中缺少地点副词,故where 为答案。22 if/though 考查状语从句。句意:即使森林公园很远,每年仍有很多游客来参观。根据句意,可以判断出两句话为让步关系,所以用 even if = even though即使。2


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