1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1.0 总则1.0 General Principles1.1 目的为规范公司员工休假管理,维护公司正常的工作秩序和生产经营活动,根据国家或地方政府有关规定制定本规定。1.1 PurposeTo standardize HDTD employee leave & holiday management for companies smooth Operations. This Policy has been formulated in accordance with relevant provisions from local and national gove
2、rnment. 1.2 适用范围此规定适用于与公司签订劳动合同的全体员工。如有从借调过来的员工,其休假制度将根据与公司签订的借调协协议执行。 所有的借调员工的任何休假申请,必须得到其直线经理的批准。1.2 Scope of ApplicationThis rule applies to all the HDTD Employees who have signed labor contract with HDTD. As for the Employee on load from Halliburton or SPT, they should perform their vacation acc
3、ording to the loan agreement they have signed with HDTD. For all seconded/loaned employees approval from reporting manager in HDTD is mandatory to avail any of the leaves. 1.3 休假管理原则· 各部门应充分做好员工休假的统筹安排,避免因员工休假对公司业务及生产经营活动产生不利影响。· 关注员工身心健康和生活质量,保障员工合理的休假权利· 员工休假应全面履行休假手续,确保员工休假信息的准确、完整
4、1.3 Leave Management Principles· All the departments should arrange the Vacation of their Employee in advance to avoid the negative influence for Companys business and Companys normal production and operation· Company should pay attention to employees health and living quality, ensuring th
5、e right of Employees for reasonable Vacation application.· Employee should perform their Vacations on the condition of fulfilling the Vacation application process. The data of Employee Vacation must be accurate and completed.2.0 休假管理2.0 Leave Management2.1 休假种类员工休假包括事假、病假、调休、婚假、产假/陪产假、丧假、年假、法定节
6、假日、工伤假、外派境外员工回国例行休假、公司规定的其它休假等。 2.1 Leave TypeThe types of Employee Vacation included in this policy are: Personal Leave, Sick Leave, Overtime Compensation (Extra Day Off), Marriage Leave, Maternity/Paternity Leave, Funeral Leave, Annual Leave, Statutory Holidays, Working Injury Leave, the Regular V
7、acation of the Employees Working out of China and other Vacations in Company policy.2.2 请假及销假员工休假的,须进行请假及销假手续,具体规定如下:· 员工请假应先办理请假申请手续,填写请假申请单(见附件一),经相关领导签字审批后,报人力资源部备案,方可休假。· 休假需要延长期限的,须另行提前请假。· 因紧急或特殊情况不能亲自办理请假手续的,应提前通过电话向其部门经理请假,并于返回公司当天将正式请假手续交至公司人力资源部。· 实际休假天数少于或超过请假天数的,须在返回公
8、司当天到人力资源部做好登记手续,并销假。2.2 Leave Application and Reporting Back after LeaveIf an employee wants to apply for leave, he/she must complete leave application in advance and report back after leave. Following are the details:· Employee should apply for his/her leave in advance, fill in the Leave Appli
9、cation Form ( Appendix 1), get the required approval from his/her line managers. Once approved by his line manager; this signed form must be returned to HR department. · If the Employee wants to extend his/her Vacation, he/she should apply for extension of Vacation in advance.· If the Empl
10、oyee could not complete the leave application process personally due to some emergency or special situation, he/she should inform his/her department manager via phone, and submit the leave application documents to HR department when he/she comes back from leave.· If the vacation days less than
11、or more than the days Employee applied for, the Employee should notice HR in time when he/she comes back to work.2.3 请假审批管理员工请假审批管理规定如下:· 公司员工请假,须经部门经理批准· 各级领导根据实际业务需要,可要求下属员工推迟或中止休假到岗工作,工作任务结束后,员工可申请补休· 未经审批擅自脱离工作岗位休假的将被认定为旷工,并按公司管理相关制度处罚。2.3 Leave Approval ManagementThe rules of Lea
12、ve Approval Management are as following:· All the employees of HDTD must get the approval from his department manager/line manager.· The department managers/line managers have the right to ask their subordinates to postpone or stop their Vacation due to any of the business critical reasons
13、. Once the task has been completed, the Employee can apply for the rest days of his/her leave as compensation.· If an employee does not report to duty without leave approval from his/her manager, this behavior would be identified as non-reason absenteeism and would be liable for disciplinary ac
14、tion according to Company Management Policy.3.0 休假种类具体规定3.0 The Details of different types of leave3.1 事假事假管理规定如下:· 员工因有私事,必需亲自处理,需请事假,须事先向部门经理详述缘由并得到批准· 全年累计事假不得超过15天。· 事假期间不享有工资。· 以自然年为单位,当年可申请的事假天数不能累计到下一年度使用。当年未申请的事假天数下一年度自动作废。3.1 Personal Leave:The rules of Personal Leave ma
15、nagement are as following:· The absence from work due to private affairs would be identified as Personal Leave. Employee should apply for Personal Leave in advance and get the approval from his/her department manager.· The total Personal Leave should not more than 15 working days per calen
16、dar year.· Company would not pay for Personal Leave.· Personal Leave cannot be carried forward to another calendar year. Company will strictly follow use it or lose it policy for personal leaves 3.2 病假:· 非工伤员工因病需要请假休息的,按病假处理。带薪病假天数每月不超过一天,每年不超过12天。连续病假天数超过2个工作日的须提供区县级(含)以上医院出具的有效请假证明。
17、因紧急或特殊情况不能亲自办理请假手续的,应提前通过电话向其部门经理请假,并于返回公司当天将正式请假手续交至公司人力资源部。否则将视为旷工。超出有薪病假天数, 公司根据该员工的工龄以及为公司服务的年数,按国家规定的长期病假执行。3.2 Sick Leave:For all employees Sick Leave should not be more than one day per month and 12 days per year. If event of consecutive days of sick leave exceeding 2 days, the Employee shoul
18、d provide the sick leave notes issued by the hospital at district-level, county-level or above level. If the Employee could not complete the leave application process personally due to some emergency or special situation, he/she should inform his/her department manager via phone, and submit the leav
19、e application documents to HR department when he/she comes back from leave., otherwise the leave would be identified as non-reason absenteeism.For the sick leave more than 12 days per year, the sick leave would be identified as Long-term Sick Leave, in accordance with government related regulations.
20、 The Long-term Sick Leave would be as per below matrix. 累计工龄(A)Total Working Years为公司服务的年数(B)Company Service Years累计可休长病假(月数)Long-term Sick Leave (month)A<10年A<10 yearsB<53B>=56A>=10年A>=10 yearsB<565<=B<10910<=B<151215<=B<2018B>=2024· 在长病假期间,公司给予员工的补偿应为
21、当地政府每年宣布的“最低工资”的80%。· 员工必须凭医生证明请长期病假。公司有权指定医院与医生。· 员工必须在休完所有的年假与带薪病假之后,才能休长病假。· 休长病假的员工如想继续工作应递交医生证明,证明其能够继续工作。公司有权指定医院与医生。· During long term sick leave Employee can get 80% of the Minimum Wage, which is announced by the local government.· Employee could apply for Long-term
22、Sick Leave by providing the formal proof issued by doctor. Company has the right to designate hospital and doctor.· Employee must take all the annual leave and paid-sick leave before he/she takes long-term sick leave.· If an employee has taken long-term sick leave wants to go back to work,
23、 he/she must provide the proof issued by doctor to prove he/she can work. Company has the right to designate hospital and doctor to further evaluate fitness of that employee.3.3 婚假婚假管理规定如下:· 公司规定婚假为三个工作日,晚婚(女23周岁、男25周岁初婚者)增加奖励假9天(含周末,不含法定节假日)。· 在公司工作期间办理结婚登记的员工方可享受婚假。员工须凭结婚证办理请假手续,要求在结婚登记之
24、日起12个月内一次性休完,婚假期间正常享有固定工资。3.3 Marriage LeaveThe rules of Marriage Leave management are as following:· Generally, Marriage Leave will be for 3 days. In event of late marriage (Female; 23 years old and above, Male: 25 years above) employee would be applicable for additional 9 days of marriage lea
25、ve. (Including weekend, excluding statutory holiday). Additional marriage leave is applicable only for first marriage. · This leave is only applicable for employees who get married after joining Company. The Employee must apply for the Marriage Leave by using Marriage Certificate as proof and i
26、s required to take the Marriage Leave within 12 months from the marriage certificate issuance date. Salary during marriage leave will be paid as usual.3.4 产假/陪产假产假管理规定如下:· 员工请产假/陪产假,应提供准生证等相关证明,至少在预产期前一周申请,经主管领导批准,并在人力资源部备案。· 一般产假为九十天,其中产前15天,产后75天;根据医院证明,难产或剖腹产的,增加产假十五天,多胞胎生育的,每多一孩增加产假十五天
27、;晚婚初育(女24周岁)除享受国家规定的产假外,增加晚育奖励假30天,以上天数含周末及法定节假日。· 哺乳假:女员工有未满一周岁婴儿,每个工作日给予两次哺乳时间,每次30分钟(可在上下班时使用);多胞胎生育的,每多哺乳一个婴儿每次哺乳时间增加30分钟,每个工作日的两次哺乳时间可以合并使用。· 陪产假:男员工在配偶产后可申请10天的陪产假,含周末及法定节假日。陪产假需在产后一个月内申请。· 流产:怀孕四个月以内的遵医嘱给予产假15-30天;怀孕四个月以上的,给予产假42天,以上天数含周末及法定节假日。· 产假或陪产假期间正常享有固定工资。不能提供有效证明需
28、要延续休假的,按事假处理。3.4 Maternity/ Paternity LeaveThe rules of Maternity/Paternity Leave management are as following:· Employee can apply for Maternity Leave/Paternity Leave by providing Birth Permission or other related certificate at least one week before the expected date of confinement, get the ap
29、proval from his/her department manager/line manager and submit all the related documents to HR.· Generally, the maternity leave is 90 days, including 15 days before confinement and 75 days after confinement. By providing the proof issued by hospital, the employee who took dystocia and cesarean
30、can get extra 15 days of maternity leave. If employee gives multiple births, every additional baby can allow extra 15 days for his/her mother. If the female employee is 24 years old and above, in addition to the maternity leave mentioned above, they can get extra 30 days of maternity leave. All the
31、maternity leave mentioned above should include weekend and statutory holiday.· Breastfeeding Leave: when a female employee has a baby within 1 year old, she would have the breastfeeding leave. This leave is including two times each day, each time is 30 minutes. For the multiple births, their mo
32、ther would have extra 30 minutes per baby. · Paternity Leave: the male employees can get 10 days paternity leave after his babys birth, including the weekend and statutory holidays. Employee should take paternity leave within 1 month after babys birth.· Leave for Abortion: for the employee
33、 who is pregnant for no more than 4 months, according to the advice from doctor, she can take abortion leave of 15 to 30 days; for the employee who is pregnant for more than 4 months, she can take the abortion leave of 42 days. The leave mentioned above is including the weekend and statutory holiday
34、s.· Employee who takes maternity leave or paternity leave would be paid the base salary as usual. If he/she wants to extend his/her leave without any certificate, the extended leave days would be identified as Personal Leave.3.5 丧假丧假管理规定如下:· 员工亲属(父母或养父母、配偶、子女、配偶父母、兄弟、姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母)去世,给予3个工作日
35、的假期(不含路途期间);· 员工前往料理丧事,可适当给予路程假,但合计最多不超过5个工作日。· 丧假、路程假期间正常享有固定工资。3.5 Article 11 Funeral LeaveThe rules of Funeral Leave management are as following:· When Employee relatives, including parents, adoptive parents, spouse, spouse parents, brother, sister, grandparents, pass away, he/she
36、can take 3 days funeral leave (excluding the time on the way)· When Employee goes to conduct a funeral, Company can give some extra days off for his /her journey, but these extra days wont exceed 5 working days.· The Employee who takes Funeral Leave and the leave for his/her journey would
37、be paid the base salary as usual.3.6 年假 通过试用期的正式员工可享受带薪年假。年假参照“法定年假”和“公司服务年限”确定,其中:法定年假是根据国家职工带薪年休假条例(中华人民共和国国务院令第514号)及其它相关制度规定而设立,公司年假是根据员工在公司工作期间的实际年限而确定。3.6 Annual LeaveWhen Employee passes probation, he/she can take the Annual Leave. The days of Annual Leave is set by referring to Statutory Ann
38、ual Leave and Company Service Years. (See Employee Paid-Annual Leave Regulations order No. 514 of the state council of the Peoples Republic of China.) The Company Service Years is calculated according to the actual service years in Company.对员工年假休假天数具体规定如下:The details as following:累计工龄Total Working Y
39、ear法定年假标准Statutory Annual Leave公司服务年限Company Service Years可休年假天数Company Annual Leave说明Explanation1年N<10年1 year N< 10 years5个工作日5 working days15个工作日5 working days1公司服务年限按自然年计。第一年服务如不满全年,则由人力资源部按照服务期限进行折算。2人力资源部根据员工的社保缴费证明确定员工的累计工龄。3员工离职前,应对未休的年假进行补休。1. The Company Service Year would be calculat
40、ed according to calendar year. If the service period after joining Company does not reach a whole year, HR will calculate the annual leave according to the actual service period.2. HR will identify the Total Working Years according to Social Insurance Payment Proof.3. Employee should take all the an
41、nual leave before quitting from Company.28个工作日8 working days310个工作日10 working days4及以上4 and above15个工作日15 working days10年N<20年10 years N< 20 years10个工作日10 working days110个工作日10 working days210个工作日10 working days310个工作日10 working days4及以上4 and above15个工作日15 working days20年N20 years N15个工作日15 wo
42、rking days115个工作日15 working days215个工作日15 working days315个工作日15 working days4及以上4 and above15个工作日15 working days对不享受当年年假的情形,规定如下:· 累计工作满1年不满10年的员工,请病假累计2个月以上的。· 累计工作满10年不满20年的员工,请病假累计3个月以上的。· 累计工作满20年以上的员工,请病假累计4个月以上的。· 已享受部分当年的年假,年度内又出现第1、2、3项规定情形之一的,不享受下一年度年假。· 因违纪行为被公司开除的
43、员工,未休年假作废· 员工在自然年度内未休完的年假,将视为自动放弃,且不得累计到下一年度。各部门负责人应在工作允许的前提下,做好员工年度休假计划,尽可能安排员工及时休假。员工如果在有条件休假而不愿休假,应由员工本人签字确认后、视为自动放弃,且无任何补偿;若确因工作原因无法休假的,经部门经理确认,未休年假按国家有关规定发放年假补贴。· 因岗位特殊或其它特殊原因(如境外外派人员、现场作业人员及其他不定时工作制人员等),以其它方式和标准休年假的,应以相关具体规定为准,不再执行和享受上述年假。· 员工休年假期间正常享有固定工资。For the following situ
44、ations, Employee could not take the annual leave for current year:· The total working year more than 1 year and less than 10 years, the Employee has taken sick leave for over 2 months.· The total working year more than 10 years and less than 20 years, the Employee has taken sick leave for
45、over 3 months.· The total working year more than 20 years, the Employee has taken sick leave for over 4 months.· If Employee has taken some annual leave of current year, and the situation 1, 2, 3 occur in the same year, he/she could not take the annual leave for next year.· For the Em
46、ployee who has been dismissed by Company due to his/her prohibited behavior, his/her annual leave would be cancelled.· If the Employee hasnt taken all the annual leave within the calendar year, the rest annual leave would be cancelled and could not be keep to next year. Every department should
47、make a plan for the annual leave arrangement and try to let all the Employee to take annual leave in time. If Employee doesnt want to take his/her annual leave, by signing a confirmation, his/her annual leave would be abolished without any compensation. If Employee could not take his/her annual leav
48、e because of working arrangement, by confirming with his/her department manager, his/her annual leave would be paid according to government related regulations.· For some special positions or under some special situations, for instance, the Employee who is working in abroad, the Employee who is
49、 doing field operation, and the Employee who is using the flexible working hour, etc, they should take their annual leave according to related regulations and would not use the annual leave standard mentioned above.· The Employee who takes Annual Leave would be paid the base salary as usual.3.7
50、 法定节假日法定节假日按国家或当地政府相关规定执行休假,各部门可根据工作需要对实际休假日期进行合理安排或调整。法定节日休假期间正常享有固定工资。3.7 Statutory HolidaysEmployee can take the Statutory Holidays which stipulated by national or local government. Every department can do the holiday arrangement according to working status.The Employee who takes Statutory Holida
51、ys would be paid the base salary as usual3.8 调休如员工有平时或周末加班,因故需要安排调休的,应在考勤结算日(每月20日)前申请调休并得到批准,且需在请假单中注明调休理由和天数。调休期间正常享有固定工资。法定节假日加班不得调休。3.8 Overtime Compensation (Extra Day Off)If an Employee works overtime in working day or weekend, and he/she wants to take the overtime hours as a day off, he/she s
52、hould do the application and get approval from department manager before the 20th every month. Employee should state the reason and days he/she applied for in the Leave Application Form., The Employee who takes this kind of leave would be paid the base salary as usual. But the overtime occurring in
53、Statutory Holidays could not be shifted to dayoff.3.9 工伤假员工因工负伤,具体休假期限及其待遇按国家有关规定执行。3.9 Working Injury LeaveFor the Employee who got work-related injury, his/her leave period and other compensation standard would in accordance with national related regulations. 3.10 境外外派员工例行休假常驻境外的外派员工,具体休假管理规则以公司境外外派管理相关制度规定为准。3.10 The Regular Vacation of the Employees Working out of ChinaFor the Employee who is working out of China, he/she would take the Vacation according to the related regulations formulated by Company. 3.11 带薪公假每自然年度内,有学龄子女的员工可享有1天的带薪公假,可以凭子女学校家长会通知书分两次申请,限
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