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1、六年级上册Unit 5测试题一、单项选择(20)( )1 -Do you have a ball? -Yes, _A .I am B. it is C. you do D. I do( )2 -_ your son have a key? -No, he _.A. Do dont B. Does doesnt C. Do doesnt D. Does dont( )3 -Let's play computer games. -_ A. That sounds good. B. No, I don't. C. Well, let's play soccer. D. No,

2、 I don't have a ball. ( )4 I think the math class is_, so I dont like it. Ainteresting Bboring Crelaxing Dfun( )5 I _ TV at night. Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook( )6 I have _ basketball. Lets play _ basketball. Athe, the Ban, × C×, the Da, ×( )7 -_they have some sports things? -Yes, t

3、hey_AAre, are BDo, do CCan, do DDo, can( )8 I can _ many things on the table. Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook( )9 His brother _ a tennis ball.A. have B. is C. has D. there is ( )10 _ have many _.A. We CD B. I CD C. They CDs D. She CDs( )11 Sonia and Jeff _ sports every morning.A. doesnt play B. dont play

4、 C. plays D. not play( )12 That _ fun.A. sound B. is sound C. sounds D. does sound( )13 _ your friend like English?A. Is B. Does C. Do D. Has( )14 Ed often _ sports games _TVA. watch, on B watch, in C. watches, in D. watches, on( )15. Peter gives(给) _ some pencils and we like _.A. we, it B. us, them

5、 C. us, they D. me, they( )16 -What a beautiful skirt! - _A. All right B. Youre right. C. Dont say so. D. Thank you( )17 He _ a brother and a sister.A. doesnt have B. doesnt has C. dont has D. dont have( )18 There _ a soccer ball and eight _.A. are, basketballs B. are, basketball C. is, basketballs

6、D. is, basketball( )20 We play sports _.A. everyday B. each day C. the every day D. every day二、阅读理解(20 每题2分) I have a friend. His name is John. He likes sports very much. He loves soccer, basketball, volleyball and baseball. He plays basketball very well. He likes watching games on TV. He plays spor

7、ts every day. He often says(说), “Lets play ”. He joins(加入) two clubs: a basketball club and a baseball club. He has a sports collection. He has twelve tennis rackets, nine baseballs, three volleyballs, four basketballs and one soccer ball.( )1. My friend likes _A soccer B basketball C baseball D . A

8、, B and C( )2. How does he play basketball?A Ok B Very well C Good D Right( )3. Does he play sports every day?A Yes, he does B No, he doesnt C Yes, he doesnt D No, he does.( )4. Is he a member(成员) of a baseball club?A Yes, he isnt B No, he is C Yes, he is D No, he isnt( )5. How many sports tools(工具)

9、 does he have?A 10 B 18 C 23 D 29BMy Favorite Picture I am a student. I go jogging(蛙跳) every morning, and I go swimming twice a week. I spent a lot of time playing all kinds of ball games. I like football, volleyball, and ping pong. I am very good at football, so I play on the school team. After sch

10、ool, I like playing ping pong with my friend, Liu Ming. Liu Ming is not only good at sports but also good at his studies.阅读短文和句子,正确的写T,错误的写F。_6. I often go jogging(蛙跳) in the morning._7. I go swimming once a week.(一周一次)_8. I spend(花费) very little time(很少时间) playing ball games._9. I like to go swimmi

11、ng in my free time._10. Liu Ming is interested in his studies but not good at sports.三、根据句子意思,用所给词的适当形式填空。(24分,每题2分)1 _ you _( have ) a tennis ball ?2 _ your cousin _( play ) ping-pong?3 I have ten ping-pong _( ball) and seven _( volleyball ) .4 Allan _ ( not have ) a brother.5 His name _( sound ) f

12、un.6 Can you _( bring ) your picture here ?7 That sounds _( well )8 Sonia _( watch ) TV in the morning.9 I have many _( friend ) here.10 I have only one _( watch )11Let _( we ) have a look (看一看).12They _( not play ) sports. They only watch them on TV四、完成句子。( 10分,每题2分 )1 我们玩电脑游戏吧。Lets _ _ _2 我哥哥有两个足球

13、。My brother has _ _ _.3 你经常打网球吗?Do you often _ _?4你们学校有排球俱乐部?_ your school have a _ club?5 我们年级有十一个班There are _ _ in our grade.五、用be 或have 的适当形式填空。(6分,每题2分)1 _ Lucy and Lily good friends?2 My father _ a key.3 _ she your English teacher?六翻译下列句子.(10分,每题2分)1.你有一个足球吗?_ _ _ _?是的,我有_, _ _。2.他有两个篮球。_ _ _ _

14、。3.他们有一个兵乓球拍?。_ _ _ _ _?4.她有乒乓球吗?_ _ _ _。不,她没有。他有一个网球。_,_ _。_ _ _ _。5.我有九个棒球。_ _ _ _ 。六、作文(10)根据以下提示写一篇文章:(1)他叫鲍勃。(2)他有10个篮球。(3)4个足球。(4)2乒乓球。(5)5个排球和9个棒球。(6)他没有一个乒乓球球拍,但他有8个网球拍。(7)他最喜欢打网球。第六单元检测题一、选择填空。(35分)( )1There are(有) two _ on the tableAtomatos Btomatoes Cbroccolis Dsalads( )2Jack _ ice creamA

15、like Bis like C1ikes Dare like( )3-_ like French fries? 一Yes,she doesADo you BDo they CDoes he DDoes she( )4-_ you like salad,Amy?- _.ADoes;Yes,I do BDo;No,I dontCDo;Yes,she does DDoes;Yes,she does( )5Lucy _ a sister and a brotherShe likes _ very much AHave:them Bhas;they Chas:them Dhave;her and him

16、( )6.- Lets have some ice cream on the table一Oh,noI _ like itAdo Bdont C. doesnt D. does( )7Please give(给)me some _.Aphotos B. banana C. tomatos D. watchs( )8- _ your sister and brother like bananas?-_.ADo;Yes,she does BDo;No,they dontCDoes;Yes she does DDo;Yes,they are( ) 9. - _ your parents like i

17、ce cream?- _.AAre;Yes,they are BDoes;No,he doesn'tCDo;Yes,they do DDo;No,they doesnt( )10I like _ lunch Abroccolis for Btomatos at Cstrawberries for Dchickens at( )11Lucy _ a book in her bagAhave Bhas Cis Dare( )12That _ interestingAsound Bare Csounds Dam( )13My sister _ baseball every dayAis Bp

18、lays Cplay Ddoes( )14I have 50 _ in my school Abooks Bpen Cpencil Dphotoes( )15. - Do you have a great sports collection, Jane? - _AYes,she does BNo, she doesnt CYes,I does DNo,I dont( )16- Are you a student(学生),too? - _.AYes,I am BNo,Im not CYes,I do DA and B( )17Tonys brother _ sports every day Aw

19、atch Bwatchs Cwatches Dhave( )18Lets _ computer gamesAdo Bplay Chave Dare( )19My brother has _.A3 books, 2 soccer ball and 5 basketballs B3 baseballs,5 keys and 4 tennis racketC5 watches, 6 clocks and 9 balls D8 baseballs,3 basketball,6 soccer balls( )20I only watch volleyballs games _ TV. Ain Babou

20、t Con D( )21.Lets have oranges. _.AThats sound good BThat sounds well CThats sounds good DThat sounds good( )22. -Do you know the girl in the hat? -_. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes , she is. C. Yes, I know. D. Yes , I do.( )23.He _ like baseball at all. A. do B. dont C. does D. doesnt( )24. We have _ lunch a

21、t school. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 25He has _ egg and _ hamburger. Aan, an Ba, a Can, a Da, an( )26There is a _ store. It has bananas, apples, pears and oranges. Avegetable Bfood Cfruit Ddrink( )27What _ she have _ dinner? Ado, in Bdoes, for Cis, at Dcan, to( )28There is some _ on the table. Atomat

22、o Begg Cchickens Dorange( )29 Do you like French fries? _. AYes, I do BYes, I dont CI like them very much DI dont like them( )30_ your mother _ carrots? ADo; eat BIs; eat CDoes; eat DAre; eat( )31I eat some salad, but I dont like_. Athem Bit Ca Darent( )32 Do they like hamburgers? Yes, they like _ v

23、ery much. Ait Bthem Ctheir Dits( )33Her parents _ lunch at home. Adoesnt have Bhavent Chasnt Ddont have( )34_ does Lucy like? Tomatoes. AHow BWhat CWhere DWhy( )35Aunt Li likes _ Arun B. runing Cruns Drunning二阅读理解(10分,每题2分)Jack likes eggs,bananas and apples So every day,he has two eggs,one apple,a c

24、up(杯) of milk(牛奶) and some bread(面包) for breakfastBut for lunch,he has bananas,some chicken and vegetablesAnd for dinner,he has tomatoes,French fries and ice cream His sister likes dessert,oranges and applesShe often(经常) has some hamburgers,one apple and bread for her breakfastShe likes tomatoes,sal

25、ad and some fish(鱼) for lunchFor dinner,she likes strawberries and some chicken( )36. What does Jack have for his breakfast? ASome hamburgers,one apple and bread BBananas,one egg and a cup of milkCTwo eggs,one apple and a cup of milkDOne apple,two eggs,some bread and a cup of milk( )37_ likes desser

26、t,oranges and apples AJack BJacks mother CJacks father DJacks sister( )48Jack has _ for his dinner Atomatoes BFrench fries and ice cream Cbananas and some chicken DA and B( )39Jack has some chicken _ ,but his sister has some chicken _.Afor breakfast;for dinner B for lunch;for dinnerC for dinner;for

27、lunch D for dinner;for dinner( )40Which is right(正确的)? AJack likes dessert,but he doesnt like apples BJack likes vegetables, his sister likes them, too CJack has two eggs for breakfast,but his sister has one egg DJack has bananas for lunch,and his sister has apples for lunch三首字母填空(20分,每题2分)1I have hamburgers for b_. 2. Here are some tomatoes. Do you like t _?3. I like French f _. 4. I have an ice c_.5. Children should (应当) eat lots o


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