1、 Employee Relations and Communications Questionnaire员工关系和沟通的调查问卷 This section audits programs that govern employee treatment, communications, support systems and services that encourage greater employee satisfaction, motivation and productivity.这一部分审查了员工在待遇,沟通,支持系统和服务方面指定的程序,以此来鼓励员
2、工产生更大的满意度,激情和生产力。1. Is there one position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating all employee relations and communications activities? 组织部是否有人负责监督和协调所有员工关系和沟通活动?COMMUNICATIONS沟通2. Are there policies that state the organizations employee relations philosophy governing all
3、 conditions affective employees? 是否有政策阐述了组织员工关系的理念,监控对员工所有有影响的条件?3. Do these policies state expected behaviors of employees? 这些政策是否有阐述对员工预期的行为?4. Are these policies condensed into an employee handbook? 这些政策是否有浓缩到员工手册里?5. How and to whom is the employee handbook distributed? 员工手册是如何分发下去的?分发给谁呢?6. Is
4、the employee handbook information reviewed by legal counsel to satisfy all laws affecting employment, personnel relations, working conditions, employment at will, implied employment contracts and disclaimer issues? 员工手册里的资料是否会由法律顾问审查过,来满足所有针对雇佣,人事关系,工作环境,随意雇佣,暗示雇佣关系合同和解除诉讼问题的法律规定?7. How frequently i
5、s it updated? 多久更新一次?8. Is there a formal orientation for new employees? Are follow-up employee orientations scheduled?有对新员工制订发展方向吗?9. Are employees given the opportunity to exchange information with superiors as well as assimilate information being transmitted from the top down?
6、员工是否有得到和高层交换信息的机会,以与把吸收的信息从上层传达下去一样?10. Are there forums that allow for regular interaction and information exchanges between employees and management? If so, briefly describe:是否有讨论会,允许员工和管理层之间进行常规之互动活动和信息的交换?如有,请简单描述下:11. Are there forums in which racial and ethnic minority conce
7、rns are conveyed to management with the intent of affecting positive changes? 少数民族和其他徒所关心的论坛会是否有以一种积极的心态传达给管理系统?12. Does your organization engage in employee opinion surveys? If yes, how frequently? Do you communicate survey results to employees?
8、; Is there a demonstrated commitment to introducing changes based on survey data?你们组织是否有从事员工意见调查方面的工作?若有,多久一次?你们有将调查结果跟员工沟通进行沟通吗?EMPLOYEE TREATMENT员工待遇13. Are employees afforded a process where both sides of a complaint are heard and a decision is rendered fairly? 是否有给员工提供一个程序,能听到双方的抱怨,以与实施一个公
9、平的决定?14. Are disciplinary procedures and rules of conduct explained in an employee handbook or other form of notice? (Remember, the purpose of discipline is to have people behave in an acceptable way.) 在一个员工手册或其他方式的通知中是否有解释关于纪律方面的程序和规章制度?(记住:纪律的目的是让人们的举止以一种可以被接受的方式而存在)15. Are progressive forms of di
10、scipline expressly cited? Are they consistently applied?是否有明确阐述纪律的进步性?是否有统一应用过?16. Are fairly competitive employee benefit programs in place? 是否有现成的相当具备竞争性的员工福利计划?17. Is there a program that provides for management and employee participation in the discipline process? 是否有一个计划,为管理系
11、统和员工参与提供了有纪律的程序?18. Are there opportunities for employee professional growth? 有为员工的职业发展提供成长的机会吗?19. Does the organization demonstrate, emphasize and reward leadership to ensure success and satisfaction in the organization? 组织是否有表现,强调和奖赏领导班子,来确保组织里的成果和满意度?20. Using a one-to-seven scale how do immedia
12、te manager practices rate in terms of daily supervision and management of employees? 请用等级1到7来评估,即时管理是如何来评估员工日常的监督和管理工作的?21. Has the organization demonstrated reasonable employment security? 组织是否有表现出对合理雇佣的可靠性?22. Is direct compensation/pay reasonable, equitable and competitive? 直接补偿/薪资是否合理,公平和具有竞争性?2
13、3. Are employee and team accomplishments, special efforts and contributions recognized in addition to direct pay? 员工和团队任务完成,特别的努力和贡献是否有额外支付?24. Does the organization encourage teamwork and employee involvement? 组织是否有鼓励团队合作和员工的参与?STATISTICS统计学25. What is the organizations monthly absentee rate?
14、; Do you consider this high or low? In what departments/areas are absences particularly high and why?组织的月缺勤率是多少?你认为是高还是低?在哪个部门/领域缺勤率是特别高的,为什么?26. What is the annual turnover rate (average position replacements per year)? Do you consider this high or l
15、ow?每年的工作更替率是多少?(每年的平均职位更换值)你认为是高是低?27. Are exit interviews conducted? By whom? Who is given feedback from the exit interview and how is it used?是否有执行离职面谈?由谁执行?把在离职面谈里得出的反馈信息给谁,且是如何使用的?28. Are demographics of turnover data analyzed? How is this
16、analysis used? What has management done in the past two years to reduce turnover?是否有分析销售额数据的人口统计?是如何使用这些分析的?在过去两年里,管理体系有做过些啥来减少职位替换率?29. Has the organization attempted to project future needs in terms of an increase in working mothers, child care, single parents, elder workers, a m
17、ore diverse work force, etc.? 组织是否有试图按未来工作妈妈的增加数目,孩子照料,单亲家庭,年老职工,更多样化的劳动力等方面来制定未来需要的计划,30. Has the organization made plans to meet its future employee relations needs? 组织是否有制定计划来满足未来员工关系的需求?31. On a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest and four being adequate), how do you think your Human
18、Resources department would rate the effectiveness of the organizations employee relations and communications programs? 在等级一至七中(七是最高等级,四就是能胜任的级别),针对人力资源部门将评估组织员工关系和沟通计划的效率,对此你如何看待?32. On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think your internal clients (other departments and employees) would rate t
19、he effectiveness of the employee relations and communications programs? 在同样的一至七等级中,对于部客户(其他部门和员工)将评估员工关系和沟通计划的效力,你看法又如何?Explanation of Employee Relations and Communications Questionnaire员工关系和沟通之问卷调查的解释 This section covers employee satisfaction. This critical aspect of human resourc
20、es management is broad in scope, complicated and difficult to measure. Since almost half of our waking hours are spent at work, an interesting and pleasant work environment is essential to retain quality employees.这一部分是阐述员工的满意度。人力资源管理中关键的方方面面是很宽泛很复杂很难去衡量的。由于人们除去睡眠之外的大部分时间都被工作占用了,因此一份有趣而且让人愉悦的工作环境对留住
21、合格人才是很重要的。 The questions in this section are designed to help you understand and deal with intangible employee relation issues. These include communication, how employees are treated, support systems and those conditions of employment conducive to employee satisfaction, motivation
22、and productivity. Three major issues are covered here: (1) communication, (2) employee treatment and (3) statistics as a gauge of employee satisfaction.这一部分是设计来帮助你理解和处理无形的员工关系问题的。这些就包括沟通,如何对待员工,支持体系和这些对于员工满意度,工作动力和生产力有益的条件。三个主要的大问题如下:1)沟通;2)员工待遇;3)数字统计作为衡量员工满意度的尺度。 Policy statement
23、s, newsletters, bulletins, messages and information handbooks help the employer communicate with the employee. The employers willingness to commit to its philosophy in writing sets the stage for a candid dialogue. A standard of openness displays a sense of trust. While employees may not read every w
24、ord, these communications help the employee identify with the company and its success.政策规定,时事报道,公告,信件和信息手册能帮助员工和雇主之间进行沟通。雇主的意愿是是用书面步骤的形式,为了一次诚恳的对话,将其理念传递过去。敞开心扉就向对方显示了自己的信任。当员工很可能没有读到任何文字时,这些沟通能帮助员工理解公司和其成功。 Most important in this section are the responses to questions nine and ten
25、. It is important for your organization to have scheduled an interaction with employee groups and representatives for discussion of issues of mutual concern.这一部分最重要的就是对问题9和10的回答。让你们组织制订一个员工之间的交互活动和派代表来讨论大家关心的问题是很重要的。 How the company treats employees is certainly important to them.
26、It is also crucial to the organizations well-being. Bad or inconsistent treatment is the number one cause of voluntary turnover. Money cant compensate if basic human needs, such as dignity, respect, justice and social interaction, are lacking. An increase in work hours, coupled with a decrease in the quality of work life, loyalty and securit
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