



1、What can you do ?教学设计PEP五年级上册Unit 4,Part A,第一课时东方红小学 尚聪霞一、教学目标与要求:1、 能听说认读动词短语empty the trash和句子Im helpful.I can.2、 能听、说、读、写以下动词词组:sweep the floor. empty the trash, water the flowers, clean the bedroom ,cook the meals3、 能听懂、说唱Lets chant部分的歌谣,初步熟悉句型 “ What can you do ? I can .”二、教学重难点分析1、本课时的教学重点是有关家

2、务劳动的五个动词词组。2、本课时的教学难点是正确书写四个动词词组,以及运用句型“I can .”三、课前准备 1、有关本节课的图片 2、多媒体。 3、部分有关本节课的实物。四、教学流程Presentation:I、Warm up:a. close your eyes and listen to the chant. What have you heard?(what can you do?板书课题)b. Clap your hands and chant together.II、Presentation:T: I can draw pictures. Its a tree .Its name

3、is “ can ”.a. Our classroom is untidy. Lets clean the classroom. Who can sweep the floor. Who can clean the desk? Practice:“sweep the floor” read it in groups, pairs, boys, girls .Group One/ boys ,boys/ li Xiaoshan. what can you do? I can sweep the floor.b. Who wants to empty the trash?c. The classr

4、oom is clean and tidy. We are very happy, but we forget one thing, flowers. We should water the flowers.(用动作展示)d. At school, we should clean the classroom. At home, we should clean the bedroom.e. You are helpful. You can the classroom. Im helpful, too. I can cook the meals .Can you cook the meals? I

5、II、Practice: a. look at the action and guess the phrases.(teacher is the first ,then students go on.)b. look at the screen and guess the phrases.Sarah is helpful. Im helpful, too. Are you helpful at home? lets ask together. Zhang Yidan, what can you do? Yan Xinyi, what can you do?.please do the grou

6、p work like this.c. Group work What can you do? I can.,( Ask two groups to show .)IV.Extension. You are helpful, but I want to know who is the best one. Who is the labor star in our class? You can write like this: Im helpful. I can _.I can_. I can_.Choose the student who write the most phrase and le

7、t him to have a show.V.summaryWhat have you learned in this lesson?VI.HomeworkA,Help your mother to do some housework and say it in EnglishB,Write the phrases three times after class.(Chant again to finish the lesson)VIIReflection of teaching (教学反思)I regard the chant as the important line in this lesson. Warm up with the chant, learn new phrases with the chant, practice with the chant, finish with the chant. Students can learn by singing. Sing by learning. The students are intere


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