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1、初二上英语Unit 8 English Week(广州最新版教材) Unit 8 English Week语法:should和had better 一、情态动词should的用法【教材典句】1. You should communicate in English with your friends whenever you can.2. You should read English books and magazines, and watch English television programmes.3. She told the class that they sho

2、uld study hard for the next exam.4. Emily should pronounce her words more clearly when she speaks in English.   以上四个句子,主要围绕着情态动词should的用法展开,形象鲜明地展现了should的用法。【语法全解】Should为情态动词,意为“应该”,后接动词原形,其否定形式为shouldnt,变为一般疑问句时, should提到句首。无人称和数的变化。其用法如下:Iwe 我我们      &

3、#160;                  You 你你们                            +  

4、;should do some work tonight.HeSheItThey 他她它他(她)们 1. should否定形式,should not(shouldnt)“不应该;不应当”You shouldnt sit in the sun all day.They shouldnt spend too much money.2. 常用I should或we should表达“对自己而言该做些什么”I should go home. Its midnight.We should invite them for a meal.常用I shouldnt或we shouldnt表达“对自己

5、而言不该做某事”I shouldnt spend too much money.(1) 表示义务,责任时,意为“应该,应当”。You should help your mother with your housework.We should study hard.(2) 表示委婉地提出意见或建议时,意为“应该,应当”。常用you shouldshouldnt来向他人提出建议You should brush your teeth before you go to bed.You should look for a better job.You should brush your teeth be

6、fore you go to bed.You shouldnt drive so fast.(3) 表示命令或要求时,语气比较强烈。You shouldnt go out at night.3. 用should Iwe-来向他人寻求建议Should I write my name here?What should I say to Helen?I need a new passport. Where should I go?4. 常用I think we should及I dont think you should等来表达自己的观点I think we should get a new car

7、.I dont think you should believe him.5. 还可以用do you think I should-?来寻求建议He hasnt replied to my email. Do you think I should phone him?What do you think I should give Tom for his birthday? 6. Should与ought to。   肯定句:Students should study hard.= Students ought to 

8、;study hard   否定句:Students shouldnt study hard.= Students ought not to study hard.   疑问句:Should students study hard?=Ought students to study hard?     回答:Yes, they should./No, they shouldnt.  Yes

9、, they ought to. /No, they ought not to.练习链接(1) You _ drive your car so fast. Its very dangerous.    A. wouldnt        B. shouldnt            C. couldnt    

10、0;        D. mightnt(2) A country has dreams. We teenagers _ also have dreams. With dreams and hard work,    anything amazing can be created.A. may               

11、60;   B. must           C. should              D. Might 二、had better的用法【教材典句】1. Youd better be on time for you lessons.2. Youd better go and see a doctor.3

12、. Youd better ask her to come along next time.4. Youd better take an umbrella with you.【语法全解】had better 是一个固定短语,意为“最好”,用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。其用法有以下几点:1. had better 后面必须跟动词原形。   had better 后跟动词原形(即不带to的不定式),构成had better do sth.短语,had不能用have来替换。   Youd better go to hospita

13、l at once.   Tom, youd better go there today.2. 主语无论是第几人称,无论用什么时态,都要用had better的形式。   Now you/ he/ we had better listen to the teacher.3. had better的否定式:常用的否定形式是将not直接放在had better的后面。否定形式是had better not,缩写形式为d better notYou had better not miss the last bus.Youd better n

14、ot leave for Nanjing the day after tomorrow. 4.可以用于指现在。You had better listen to the radio now.You had better be quiet.也可以用于指将来。You had better start tomorrow.We had better buy the more expensive one. It will last much longer, so it will be cheaper in the end.5. had better在表示对别人进行劝告、建议时,不宜用于与陌生人、

15、长辈及上级的交谈中。对长辈说话时,比较有礼貌的说法是It might be better for you-, It would be better for you-等。It might be better for you to help me, Grandpa.   【拓展】英语中,表示建议的方式有很多,归纳起来还有以下几种常见的句型:表达方式句型结构含义实例直接建议法Lets+ 动词原形.表示“我们一起做某事吧”Lets go shopping.  委婉建议法Shall we +动词原形表示“我们做某事好吗?”Shall we go out

16、for a walk?Would you mind (not) + 动名词表示“你介意(不)做某事吗?/你(不要)做某事好吗?”Would you mind not opening the window?征求性建议法How about/ What about + 名词、代词或动名词表示“做某事怎么样?”How about playing basketball?责备性建议法Why dont you/ Why not + 动词原形?表示“你为什么不做某事呢?”Why not ask your teacher?  请求性建议法Would/ Could/ you please do

17、/ not do sth.?表示“请你做/不要做某事好吗?”Would you please wait for me at the school gate?Would you like to do/ not to do sth.?表示“你想做/不想做某事吗?”Would you like to have a rest? 【语法专练】1. You _ late for school.   A. had not better to be          &#

18、160;          B. had not better be   C. had better not to be                     D. had better not be2. Youd better _ at once.

19、0;  A. go                   B. goes               C. went          

20、60; D. to go3. I wasnt sure whether I _ offer to help or not.               A. should               B. might      &

21、#160;        C. would            D. needed4. We _ learn as much as we can at school.   A. may not              B. s

22、hould             C. shouldnt         D. mustnt5. According to the new law, people _ drive after dringking wine or beer.    A. can      

23、0;          B. wouldnt           C. neednt          D. mustnt 6. Its raining heavily outside. You _ leave now.    A. had

24、 better                B. ought to             C. had better not to   D. had better not7. Youd better _ late next time.   

25、60;                                      A. not to be         

26、60;  B. not be               C. Wont be         D. dont be8. Youre making so much noise in the library! You _ come here.    A. should   

27、;          B. shouldnt             C. will                   D. need 9. The Earth is

28、in danger. We should _ more trees.    A. cut down           B. planting              C. plant          &#

29、160;        D. to plant10. Look! What youve done! You _ more careful.    A. may be                       B. had to  

30、;              C. should have been   D. would be 11. Excuse me, I want to go to YuexiuPark. Which bus _ I take?    A. must           &#

31、160;  B.should                C. may               D. need 12. Johnny, you _ play with the knife; you _ hurt yourself.A. shouldnt,

32、 may      B. cant, shouldnt    C. wont, cant             D. mustnt, can Exerxise1) Complete the sentences with should or shouldnt and the words in brackets.1.   

33、0;                                         (youwork) so hard. Have a holiday.2. I enjoy watchin

34、g films.                                             (wego) to the cinema m

35、ore often.3.                                             (youpark) here. It

36、s not allowed.4. What                                             (Icook) f

37、or dinner tonight?5.                                             (youwear)

38、a coat. Its cold outside.6.                                             (yo

39、usmoke) . Its bad for you.7.                                             (w

40、earrive) at the airport two hours before the flight.8.                                         

41、    (Ipay) now or later?9. Do you think                                        &

42、#160;    (Iapply) for this job?10. What do you think                                      

43、       (Iwrite) in this space on the form?11.                                    

44、0;        (Ieat) any more cake. Ive already eaten too much.12. This food is terrible.                             &

45、#160;               (wecomplain) to the manager. 2) Complete this conversation between Brian and Keith with the words in brackets. Put it do or should where required.Brian:I want to buy a motorbike.Keith:  

46、0;                                        (whatyouthinkIdo)Brian:      

47、;                                      (youlook atthe advertisements in the papers)Keith:   

48、60;                                        (which papersIget?)Brian:     &#

49、160;                                     (whatyouthinkIdobfore I buy a bike?)Keith:     &#

50、160;                                     (Inotthinkyoudicidetoo quickly)       &

51、#160;                                           (youcheckthe condition of the bike)&#

52、160;                                                 &#

53、160;(younotbuyone simply because it looks nice)                                          &

54、#160;        (youbeverycareful) 3) Use one of the phrases from the box and should or had better to complete each conversation. Put not in the correct place.1  A:There is a house near my home. I often hear a child crying there.   B

55、:you (had better)                                             2  

56、A:My daughter wants to marry a sailor. What should I do about it?   B:In my opinion, you (should)                               &#

57、160;                    Your daughter (should)                         

58、0;                   3  A:If someone has a serious accident, whats the right thing to do?   B:Well, you (had better)          

59、0;                                  . Its not a good idea to move an injured person. Instead, you (should) to take the person to h

60、ospital.4  A:Last Saturday I bought some coffee cups, but the handle of one cup was broken. What can I expect the shop to do?   B:They (should)                      

61、                       5  A:My son is 12 years old and hes already very fat.   B:Well, its important not to eat too much, so you (had better)   &

62、#160;                                         .Also, you (should)     

63、                                        6  A:If you come home and find that youve been rob

64、bed, whats the best thing to do?   B:Well, you (had better)                                     

65、0;              You (should)                                 

66、0;           7  A:Mary cant work because shes feeling sick. How can she get home?   B:Well, she (should)                   &#

67、160;                               She (should)                &#

68、160;                             4) Read the situations and make sentences with had better. Use the words in brackets to help you. And other words if neces

69、sary.1. You are going out for a walk with Tom. It might rain. You say to Tom:(an umbrella) We                                  

70、60;         2. Jack has just cut himself. Its quite a bad cut. You say to him:(a plaster)                           

71、0;                 3. You and Ann plan to go to a restaurant this evening. Its a very popular restaurant. You say to Ann:(book) We              &

72、#160;                              4. Jill doesnt look very well-not well enough to go to work. You say to her:(work)     

73、60;                                       5. You received your phone bill four weeks ago, but you havent paid it yet. If you dont pay it very soon, you will be in trouble. You say to yourself:(p


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