



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Finland Schools Ditch Subjects Topics Will Be Discussed Instead芬兰教育大改 弃用学科教学Students in Finland wont have to study subjects. Soon, their classrooms would resemble conferences where “topics” are discussed.芬兰学生将不再按学科学习。很快,学生们的课堂就会变得像开会一样进行话题讨论。The education system is Finland is about to u

2、ndergo a radical and fundamental change, despite enjoying the distinction of being one of the best in the world. The education department has decided to scrap the eons-old method of “teaching by subject.” Instead, the country will now involve the children to help them learn and question by evolving

3、to “teaching by topic”, shared Liisa Pohjolainen, who is in charge of youth and adult education in Helsinki the capital city at the forefront of the reform program, “This is going to be a big change in education in Finland that were just beginning.”芬兰的教育体制在全球首屈一指,然而这个体制却将发生翻天覆地的变化。芬兰国家教育局已经决定废弃“分科教学

4、”这一亘古未变的教育方法。他们将会让学生们通过“话题学习”的方式来学习和提问。负责赫尔辛基地区(教育体制改革一线城市)青年和成人教育的Liisa Pohjolainen表示:“这对芬兰的教育来说是一个巨大的改变,而我们也只是刚刚迈出第一步”。The education system, though appearing to be radical, is quite logical, explained Pasi Silander, the citys development manager, “What we need now is a different kind of education

5、to prepare people for working life. Young people use quite advanced computers. In the past the banks had lots of bank clerks totting up figures but now that has totally changed. We therefore have to make the changes in education that are necessary for industry and modern society.”虽然这次教育体制改革似乎太过颠覆,但它

6、的出现也在情理之中。城市发展主管Pasi Silander说:“当前芬兰需要的是一种新的为人们工作生涯做准备的教育。现在的年青一代使用的是先进的计算机。而在过去,银行职员们完全靠双手完成统计,然而这一现象在当今社会早已不复存在。因此我们需要在教育方面做一些改变,以适应当前企业和社会的需要”。How does Finland plan to implement the method of teaching by topic? Evidently holistic vocational training and cumulative skill development take up preced

7、ence over “lessons.” Those in their late teens are already being engaged in what Finland refers to as “phenomenon teaching” or teaching by topic. For example, “cafeteria services” lessons will include elements of finance, languages (to help serve foreign customers), writing skills and communication

8、skills.芬兰如何实施这一全新的教育方法?很显然,全方位的职业技能的积累要比“课程”优先进入考虑范围。年龄接近20岁的青少年已经参加了“现象教学”或者叫话题教学。例如,自助餐厅服务课会包含金融、语言(针对国外人士的服务)、写作技能和沟通技巧的内容。Students will slowly be taught cross-subject topics which would have varying elements of multiple “subjects.” These elements will vary as per the “topic” or “skill” the stude

9、nt is learning. Apart from the same, students will move away from the traditional sitting and evaluation techniques as well.学生会被逐渐教授跨学科话题,包含多种学科的的元素。这些元素根据学生学习的“话题”或“技能”不同而变化。除此之外,学生们不再坐在座位上,成绩也不会通过传统的方式进行评估。Students will sit in smaller groups and work collectively to solve problems, all the while i

10、mproving upon their communication skills. They wont be made to sit in rows and asked questions individually to assess their progress. Instead, a group whose collaborative efforts bring out results faster will be promoted.学生们将组成更小规模的小组通过集体合作解决问题,这样学生的沟通能力就会随之提升。他们不再按排坐在座位上,也不会通过逐个回答问题被评估。相反地,通过合作更快找到

11、答案的小组会被晋升。The education system needs a thorough overhaul, owing to the fact that traditional teaching techniques were based on primitive tools that were quite limited in availability and accessibility. With modern world being extensively connected, isnt it time the students learn how to step ahead o

12、f mere fact-based learning that promotes memory expansion rather than mental development?教育体制改革必须做到彻底,因为以前传统的教育方式是建立在使用那种可用性和可及行都很低相对原始的工具的基础上。现代世界却是充满联系的,这样的情况不正说明如今是让学生们迈出只是学习事实提高记忆力而不是智力开发的时代了吗?· eon 'i:n n. 永世;无数的年代;极长时期· overhaul ,uv'h:l, 'uvh:l vt. 分解检查,大修;追上并超过n. 彻底检修,详细检查· radical&#


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