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1、American LiteratureAmerican LiteratureTeaching Materials:vA Survey of American Literature, 美国文学简史美国文学简史(第二版),常耀信,(第二版),常耀信, 南开大学出版社。南开大学出版社。Further Reading:李宜燮,常耀信,李宜燮,常耀信, Selected Readings in American Literature美国文学选读美国文学选读(上册)。(上册)。v李宜燮,常耀信,李宜燮,常耀信, Selected Readings in American Literature美国文学选读美

2、国文学选读(下册)。(下册)。vA Guide to a Survey of American Literature,(第(第二版)学习指南二版)学习指南,赵红英,中国传媒大学出版社。,赵红英,中国传媒大学出版社。v牛津文学术语词典牛津文学术语词典,上海外语教育出版社。,上海外语教育出版社。v漫话英美文学漫话英美文学.常耀信常耀信. 天津:南开大学出天津:南开大学出 版社,版社,2004. Introduction1.What is literature?Writings that are valued as works of art, esp. fiction, drama and poet

3、ry. vLanguage artistically used to achieve identifiable literary qualities and to convey meaningful messages. vLiterature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.2.Forms (genres) of literature?Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, e

4、ssay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, sermon, (auto) biography, travel accounts, novelette, etc.Fiction: (4 genres) Poetry noveldramashort storyvNon-fiction : Essay (4 categories)descriptionnarrationexpositionargumentation 美国文学的历史不长,它几乎是和美国自由资本主义(non-monopoly capitalism)同时出现,较少受到封建贵族文化(feudal

5、aristocratic culture)的束缚。美国早期人口稀少,有大片未开发的土地,为个人理想的实现提供了很大的可能性。 美国人民富于民主自由精神,个人主义、个性解放的观念较为强烈,这在文学中有突出的反映。美国又是一个多民族的国家,移民不断涌入,各自带来了本民族的文化,这决定了美国文学风格的多样性和庞杂性(multi-cultural)。美国文学发展的过程就是不断吸取、融化各民族文学特点的过程。许多美国作家来自社会下层,这使得美国文学生活气息和平民色彩都比较浓厚,总的特点是开朗、豪放。内容庞杂与色彩鲜明是美国文学的另一特点。 Periodization一、Colonialism殖民时期(a

6、bout16071765)二、Enlightenment and the Revolutionary War启蒙时期和独立革命(176518世纪末)三、Romanticism浪漫主义时期(18651918)四、Realism现实主义时期(18651918)五、Modernism现代主义时期(19181945)六、Contemporary Literature当代文学(1945 )v殖民地时期 v独立革命至南北战争时期 v南北战争到第一次世界大战 v两次世界大战之间 v第二次世界大战后 ColonialismvIndian CulturevPro-immigration culture (Cot

7、ton Mather、Jonathan Edwards)vPoetry creation (迈克尔威格尔斯沃思 、安妮布拉兹特里特 、爱德华泰勒 )The Revolution War and The Civil War vThe forming of national literature 托马斯杰弗逊 本杰明富兰克林菲利普弗瑞诺 vEarly Romanticism 欧文 库珀 布莱恩特vTranscendentalism and Post-Romanticism 爱默生梭罗霍桑梅尔维尔朗费罗洛威尔霍姆斯vThe literature of Abolition Movement (斯托夫人

8、 )vPoetry(民主诗人惠特曼) 美国民族文学形成时期 南北战争到第一次世界大战 v现实主义文学现实主义文学豪威尔斯豪威尔斯乡土文学与马克乡土文学与马克吐温吐温 心理分析小说家亨利心理分析小说家亨利詹姆斯詹姆斯 v黑人文学黑人文学道格拉斯道格拉斯 邓巴 切斯纳特 两次世界大战之间 v现代派文学的兴起现代派文学的兴起 诗歌 (艾米莉迪金森;庞德 ;H.D.希尔达杜利特尔 ;艾洛威尔;威卡威廉斯;桑德堡;沃斯蒂文斯;艾李马斯特斯;玛莫尔 )戏剧(奥尼尔 )小说 (格斯泰因;舍安德森 )迷惘的一代(海明威 ;菲茨杰拉尔德 )两次世界大战之间v现实主义文学的发展现实主义文学的发展 小说(德莱塞 ;

9、辛刘易斯 ;薇拉凯瑟 )“哈莱姆文艺复兴哈莱姆文艺复兴” (休斯;卡伦;理查德赖特 )左翼文学与反法西斯文学左翼文学与反法西斯文学 (约翰里德 ;多斯帕索斯 ;斯坦贝克 ;海明威;海尔曼 )“南方文艺复兴南方文艺复兴” (威廉福克纳 )戏剧的戏剧的“黄金时代黄金时代” (奥尼尔 )“新批评新批评” (注重对文学作品本身进行精密分析,在现代诗歌的分析上有其独到之处,他们摆脱了过去仅仅介绍背景知识与发挥个人印象的批评方式。但这一流派总的倾向是忽视文学作品的社会意义,割断作品与历史、社会背景的关系)第二次世界大战后 v战争文学战争文学 (梅勒 ;詹姆斯琼斯 )v“垮掉的一代垮掉的一代” v“黑色幽默

10、黑色幽默” (海勒 ;冯内古特;阿尔比-荒诞派戏剧)v“非虚构小说非虚构小说” (卡波特的凶杀(1966)与梅勒的刽子手之歌 )v 犹太人文学犹太人文学 (贝洛 ;辛格 ;马拉默德;罗斯 )v黑人文学黑人文学(拉尔夫艾列森 ;鲍德温 ;关德琳布鲁克斯 ;洛伦亨斯伯利 ;勒鲁伊琼斯 ) v南方作家南方作家 (福克纳;波特;威尔蒂;斯泰伦;奥康诺;麦柯勒斯;威廉斯 )v纽约作家纽约作家 (利特里林;玛麦卡锡;约翰契弗;厄普代克)v个性化的诗歌个性化的诗歌 (“垮掉派”、“黑山派”、“纽约派”、“具体派”、“自白派”和“新超现实主义派”)v理论与批评理论与批评 按照体裁分类v一、自传v二、诗歌v三、

11、戏剧v四、小说按流派分类 重农派 (Agrarians)(20年代)迷惘的一代 (The Lost Generation)(20年代)黑山派诗歌 (Black Mountain Poems)(50年代)垮掉的一代 (The Beat Generation)(50年代)黑色幽默 (Black Humor) (60年代)Table of ContentsIntroduction Brief Outline of American LiteratureChapter I Colonial PeriodChapter II Revolutionary PeriodBenjamin FranklinPh

12、ilip FreneauChapter III American RomanticismWashington IrvingJames Fenimore CooperWilliam Cullen BryantEdgar Allan PoeNathaniel HawthorneBrief Outline of American literature1.Colonial period (1607-1775)Anne BradstreetEdward Taylor2.Revolutionary period (1775-1783)Benjamin FranklinPhilip Freneau3.Dem

13、ocratic Period (1783-1802)4.Romanticism (1820-1861)Washington IrvingEdgar Allan PoeNathaniel Howthorne William Whitman* Transcendentalism * (New England Renaissance)Ralph Waldo EmersonFillip Thoreau5.Realism (1861-1914)Mark TwainHenry JamesNaturalism:Stephen CraneTheodore Dreiser6.The 1920sT.S. Elio

14、tWilliam FaulknerErnest Hemingway (Lost Generation)Imagism: Ezra PoundBrief Outline of American literature7.The 1930sSteinbeckHarlem Renaissance(Black American literature)HughesWrightEllison8.American DramaEugene ONeill Arthur Miller Tennessee Williams9.The Post-war SceneSaul BellowSalingerPoetry:Co

15、nfessional PoetryBlack Mountain PoetsSan Francisco RenaissanceThe Beat GenerationThe New York PoetsColonial Period (1607-1775)Chapter OneContents vHistorical backgroundvThe definition of literary termsvThe Literary Scene Historical backgroundvThe first permanent English settlement in North America a

16、t James town, Virginia in 1607.vIn 1630 the puritans established the Massachusetts Bay Colony.vIndependent War (1776-1783); the foundation of a Federative bourgeois democratic republicthe United States of America.The early settlersvChristopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492.vCapt

17、ain John Smith reached Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.vPuritans came the New England area, by Mayflower in 1620.vThe first settlement was established in Plymouth in 1620. vMassachusetts Bay Colony was established in 1630.Puritanism in America Why did Puritans come to America?- to escape religious perse

18、cution - to reform the Church of England - to have an entirely new church * Gods chosen people * To seek a new Garden of Eden * To build “City of God on earth”The Definition of Literary TermsvColonial AmericavAmerican PuritanismvAmerican Dream vGreat AwakeningColonial AmericavColumbus found the new

19、world in a voyage of 1492.vThe early 1600s witnessed the beginning of a great tide of emigration from Europe to North America.vIn November 9,1620, the Mayflower ship lands at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with 101 colonists: the establishment of the first American colony and the beginning of the strenuou

20、s settlement in the new world.vThe Native Americans possessed a tragic history of subjugation and bloodshed by those strangers from abroad.American PuritanismvPuritanism was a religious reform movement that arose within the Church of England in the late 16th century. Under siege from church and crow

21、n, it sent an offshoot in the third and fourth decades of the seventeenth century to the northern English colonies in the New World a migration that laid the foundation for the religious, intellectual and social order of New England. PuritanismvPuritanism is a highly strict religious doctrine. The P

22、uritans were determined to find a place on the new continent where they could worship God in the way they thought true Christians should. vPuritanism also has its practical aspect. The Puritans had to work hard in order to make a living and be ready for any misfortunes and tragic failures that might

23、 lie in wait for them. Puritanism: American PuritanslPuritans was the name given in the 16th century to the more extreme Protestants(新教徒) within the Church of England who thought the English Reformation (英国宗教改革)had not gone far enough in reforming the doctrines and structure of the church. lThey wan

24、ted to purify their national church by eliminating every shred of Catholic influence. lIn the 17th century many Puritans emigrated to the New World, where they sought to found a holy Commonwealth in New England. Puritanism: American PuritansvPuritans want to make up pure their religious beliefs and

25、practices. vPuritans wish to restore simplicity to church services and the authority of the Bible to theology. vPuritans look upon themselves as a chosen people, and it follow logically that anyone who challenged their way of life is opposing Gods will and is not to be accepted.vPuritan opposition t

26、o pleasure and the arts sometimes has been exaggerated. vReligious teaching tended to emphasize the image of a wrathful God. Puritanism: American PuritansvPuritans follow the ideas of John Calvin. Puritanism was influenced heavily by Calvinism. vCalvinism refers to a comprehensive theological system

27、, chiefly distinguished by its view of God and His relationship to man. The name of the system is derived by John Calvins surname. There are 5 major points of Calvinism. They are be remembered by the acronym: TULIP.TULIPvTotal hereditary/ depravity (original sin, mans natural inability to exercise f

28、ree will, since through Adams Fall, he has suffered hereditary corruption.)vUnconditional election. (predestination, which manifests itself through Gods wisdom to elect those to be saved, despite their inability to perform saving work.)vLimited atonement. (particular redemption, mans hereditary corr

29、uption being partially atoned by Christ, and this atonement being provided the elect through the Holy Spirit, giving them the power to attempt to obey Gods will as revealed through Bible)vIrresistible grace. (effectual calling, anticipatory grace made available only to the elect. )vPerseverance of t

30、he Saints (once saved, always saved)Features of Puritanism1) Predestination: God decided everything before things occurred.2) Original sin: Human beings were born to be evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation.3) Total depravity: Humanitys utter corruption since t

31、he Fall.4) Limited atonement: Only the “elect” can be saved.Influence of PuritanismInfluence - American Puritanism was one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and American literature.- American literature is based on a myth, i.e. the Biblical myth of the Garden of Eden.- Puri

32、tanism can be compared with Chinese Confucianism.Influence of Puritanism1) A group of good qualitieshard work, thrift, piety, sobriety (serious and thoughtful) influenced American literature.2) It led to the everlasting myth. All literature is based on a myth garden of Eden. American literature, in

33、a sense, was a literary expression of the pious idealism of the Puritan request. Namely, American literature is based on a myth, that is, the myth of Garden of Eden. (optimism/American Dream)3) Symbolism: The Puritans metaphorical mode of perception brought American literary symbolism into being, a

34、literary symbolism which is distinctly American.4) With regard to their writing, the style is fresh, simple and direct; the rhetoric is plain and honest, not without a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible. The Puritan style of writing was characterized by simplicity

35、. (The use of metaphors was only to explain the writers opinions rather than to decorate.)Puritanism: Puritan values /Creedslhard worklthrift lpietylsobriety lPuritans are more practical, tougher, and to be ever ready for any misfortune and tragic failure.They are optimistic.American DreamThe Americ

36、an Dream is the faith held by many in the United States of American that through hard work, courage, and determination one can achieve a better life for oneself, usually through financial prosperity. These were values held by many early European settlers, and have been passed on to subsequent genera

37、tions. Nowadays the American Dream has led to an emphasis on material wealth as a measure of success and /or happiness.Great AwakeningGreat Awakening is a series of religious revival that swept over the American colonies about the middle of the 18th century. It resulted in doctrinal change and influ

38、enced social and political thought. In New England it was started in 1734 by the rousing preaching of Jonathan Edwards.Types of writing: histories, travel accounts, diaries, biographies, letters, autobiographies, sermons, and poems.Major writers: vJohn Smiththe first American writervAnne Bradstreett

39、he first important poet in the American colonies. Her work The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America(1650) is considered as the first book of original poetry written in colonial America. vEdward Taylorfinest poet of the colonial period.Authors and Their WorksvPuritanism: William Bradford, Anne Brad

40、street, Edward Taylor, Jonathan Edwards.vAntiPuritanism: Roger Williams, John Woolman, Thomas Paine, Philip FreneauMajor Writers Captain John Smith (约翰(约翰史密斯)史密斯)u the first American writeru A Description of New England 新英格兰叙事(1616)u General History of Virginia弗吉尼亚通史(1642)vPocahontas William Bradfor

41、d (1590-1657)vOne of the greatest of colonial American, wholly consecrated to a mission in which he regarded himself as an instrument of God.vAt the age of 18, he accompanied the group to Holland to escape persecution.v13 years later he was one of those who, on December 11, took on the Mayflower and

42、 entered Plymouth Bay.vFrom 1622 until his death, Bradford was reelected thirty timed as governor.vMasterpiece: Of Plymouth Plantation Of Plymouth PlantationvA story of these early American and their long geographical and spiritual pilgrimage.vThrough the story, we share the struggle, the fears, and

43、 the victories over the elements.vBradford sees the signs everywhere and always keeps sight of signs of Gods judgment and providence.vBradford writes in the Puritan Plain style, seldom using any metaphor or decorative language.Three major poets in colonial period:1.Anne Bradstreet2.Michael Wiggleswo

44、rth3.Edward Taylor Anne Bradstreet (安妮安妮布拉布拉德斯特里特德斯特里特) (1612-1672) uthe first American woman poetu ua Puritan poet, once called “Tenth Muse”umost famous poems“Contemplations”沉思录 Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)1. Anne Bradstreets Works“Some verses on the Burning of Our House”“The Spirit and the Flesh”Th

45、e Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America2. Anne Bradstreets Life* She was born and educated in England.* At the age of 18, she came to America in 1630 with her father and husband. * She had 8 children.* She became known as the “Tenth Muse” who appeared in America.the first collection published by En

46、glish colonists living in AmericaThe Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in AmericavPublished in England in 1650 as her first book.vBradstreets finest poems are those closest to her personal experience as a Puritan wife and mother living in the edge of the wildness.v She found similarities between the domes

47、tic details of daily life and the spiritual details of her religious life.vIn conclusion, Anne Bradstreet was not an innovative poet, but her directness and her sincerity are moving.2. Michael Wigglesworth (1631-1705)Work: “The Day of Doom” (1662)3. Edward Taylor (1642?-1729)Work: Preparatory Medita

48、tionFeatures of Colonial Poets1.They were servants of God.2.They faithfully imitated and transplanted English literary traditions.In English stylePuritan poetsMain Features of Colonial Literature vAmerican literature grew out of humble origins. Personal literature in its various forms, occupy a majo

49、r position in the literature of the early colonial period. vIn content these early writings served either God or colonial expansion or both. vIn form, if there was any form at all, English literary traditions were faithfully imitated and transplanted. vThe Puritanism formed in this period was one of

50、 the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and American literature. Chapter TwoRevolutionary Period (1775-1783) The Literature of Reason and Revolution (1700-1800)“The Age of Reason”“American Enlightenment”Literature of Reason and Revolution (1700-1800)I. Background -The Enlightenment

51、 Movement -The War of Independence (1775-1783)II. Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin A. Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” B. Benjamin Franklins The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (pp.21-28)III. Features of LiteratureLiterature of Reason and Revolution (1700-1800)I. Back

52、ground The Enlightenment Movement A. Introduction B. Three Enlightenment thinkers 1.John Locke (1642-1704) 2.Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) 3. Jean Jacques Rousseau(1712-1778) C. The two basic patterns of thought dominating the 18th century American thinking 1. Deism 2. Calvinist beliefs and tenets D. In

53、fluence on literatureThe Enlightenment MovementA. IntroductionvOriginated in Europe in the 17th centuryvResources: Newtons theory; deism(自然神教派,见课本,宗教与启蒙精神相结合的产物); French philosophy (Rousseau, Voltaire) vBasic principles: stressing education; stressing Reason (Order) (The Age of Reason.); employing R

54、eason to reconsider the traditions and social realities; concerns for civil rights, such as equality and social justicevSignificance: accelerating social progress; freeing people from the limitations set by prevailing Puritanism; making spiritual preparation for American Revolution B. Three Enlighte

55、nment thinkers 1. John Locke (1642-1704), English Enlightenment thinkerput forward the idea of men being by name free, equal and independent. maintained that life is a natural right, along with liberty and property. believed that government should be based upon the consent of the governed and a stat

56、e founded on the concept of consent must be structured to allow for expressions of popular consent or will.2. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)an English political philosopher sought to apply rational principles to the study of human nature. believed that man is motivated most strongly by a desire for self-

57、preservation, as a result of which he seeks power. Man is a beast in jungle, and if let alone, would resort to anarchy, where only the use of force can be successful. In order to insure himself a society where reason prevails over force, man must surrender some of his rights to government in return

58、for protection and order. And the government most suited to maintain order and suppress those instincts in man is an absolute monarchy. Government should also protect property 3. Jean Jacques Rousseau(1712-1778) a Swiss-born French writer, maintained that man is good by nature. His famous work, The

59、Social Contract (1762), claimed that when men form a social contract to form a government, power rests ultimately with the people. They may withdraw their support of their leaders when necessary. He believed that the least amount of government was best and that private property protected by governme

60、nt is evil. Their InfluenceLocke and Rousseau represented the impulse for Jeffersonian democracy, and Hobbes represented the point of view, often expressed by Hamilton, of a strong central government. These Enlightenment concepts also produced great influence on American literature.American Enlighte


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