



1、人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit3SectionA巩固练习Unit 3 How do you get to school?Unit 3 Section A巩固练习EXERCISES:一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填词。1.It is two k from my home to school.2.There are sixty m in an hour.3.In big cities,workers usually r bikes or take b to work.4.There are two h desks in the classroom.5.I am going to Qingdao

2、for vacation by t .6.My father gave me 50 yuan,my mother gave me 40 yuan,so I had n yuan.7.In South Korea,most students take the s to school.8.How f is the post office from the park?9.I usually go to school b bus.10.Miss Li,our English teacher,l five miles from our school.11.My parents often (开车上班)e

3、very day.12.He (骑自行车) to the bus station.13.It takes me about half an hour (步行去上学).14.Does your English teacher d to work? Yes,she does.15.Mike often comes to school b bus.16.Sam l near the school.So he often w to school.17.Bill r his n bike to school.18.There are one h and twenty m in two hours.19.

4、Do you often take a (公共汽车)to school?20.Mike usually takes the (地铁)to the park.21.Can you (骑) a horse?Yes,I can.22.How (远)is it from your home to your uncles home?23.It takes me twenty (分钟) to get to school by bike?二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Gina often (take) the train to school.2.It is about five (kilometer)fr

5、om my home to the bus station.3.How long does it take you (walk) to the subway station?4.Please stop (talk) .Lets read books.5.How about (ride) a bike to the zoo?三、选择方框中的词,并用其适当形式填空。by ,drive, take,bus,get1.Mr.Zhang often to work.2.Many students go to school by .3.Lets go there subway.Its quiet and

6、quick.4.It us about half an hour to get to the supermarket on foot.5.How Jane to school?四、单项选择。( )1.John often goes to school .A.by foot B.on foot C.on feet D.by feet( )2. does Susan live from her office? Ten miles.A.How far B.How long C.How many D.How much( )3.Johnny sometimes to his grandparents h

7、ome.A.by bus B.on a bus C.in a bus D.takes a bus( )4.I walk to school every day. ?A.How are you B.How about you C.How old are you D.What are you( )5.My father usually to Beijing.A,takes B.ride C.flies D.walk( )6. does he get to school? He gets to school by bus.A.What B.How C.When D.Why( )7.Lucy ofte

8、n to the bus stop.A.ride a bike B.rides bike C.by bike D.on her bike( )8. is it from the bus stationg to the train station? Its about two kilometers .A.How long B.How C.How soon D.How far( )9. It takes about 15 minutes there.A.to B.to walk C.walk to D.walking( )10. does it take Jim to home by subway

9、?A.How far;get to B.How long;arrive in C.How long ;get D.How far;arrive at五、情景反应,将所给的句子重新排列使对话完整通顺。A.New Street.B.I take a bus to the subway station.Then I take the subway.C.So,how do you get to school?D.Uh-uh.E.Well,first I walk to the bus stop.F.Where do you live,Nina?G.Next I take a bus to the bu

10、s stop on 26th Street.Finally I walk.H.Yeah. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ( FACEDBHG)六、连词成句。1.how ,your,does ,father,to ,go ,work 2.how ,they,do,to,school,get ,every,day 3.how long,it ,does,take,you,get,to,home,from,to,school. 4.the ,early,takes ,bus,him,his ,to ,work place. 5.in North American,to ,go ,s

11、chool,most,students,on ,school,the ,bus 七、句型转换,每空一词。1.Most of the students in our class take the subway to go to school.(对画线部提问) most of the students in your class go to school?2.It takes me about twenty minutes to get there by bike . (对画线部分提问) it take you to get there by bike?3.My uncle lives about

12、 twenty kilometers away from here. (对画线部分提问) your uncle live away from here?4.Its not far.We often walk home. (改为同义句) Its not far.We often .5.They often take a bus to go to work.(改为同义句) They often go to wok .6.My trip to school is not boring. (对画线部分提问) your trip to school?7.My home is far from yours

13、. (对画线部分提问) is your home from ?8.Tom leaves home at six.(改为否定句) Tom at six.八、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1.骑自行车去学校要花费我二十分钟时间。 It me twenty minutes to school .2.格林先生每天开车去上班。Mr. Green every day.3.步行去人民公园要花费多长时间? it take you to go to Renmin Park .4.你家离图书馆多远?。 do you from the library?5.他总是乘公共汽车去上学。 He always to school.6.从你家到学校多远? from your home to school?九、书面表达。简要说明你的家人上班或上学的交通方式,50词左右。 (KEYS:My father usually goes to work at 7:00 in the morning.I


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