



1、案例分析CASE STUDY1 :What body Ian guage to use towards a customer, whe n on the pho ne?"At a local real estate age nt' s office Ala n is beh ind the customer service coun ter. He is on the pho nedealing with a difficult inquiry when a customer approaches the counter. He keeps talking on the ph

2、one and when the customer says,“ Excuse me ” . He does not look up but holds a hand up withone fin ger exte nded, in dicati on that he' ll be one minu te."The questi on-As Alan ' ssupervisor, what would you say to him about the body Ianguage and managing hisresp on sibilities for greet

3、ing customers both on the phone and face to face?Imagi ne that you are the customer.When you enter the office, the customer service rep is on the phone.You wait. You try to get his atte ntio n and he holds up his hand with a fin ger exte nded as ack no wledgeme nt that you're there. How do you f

4、eel?What could the clerk (Ala n) have done differe ntly to en sure that all of his customers were being take n care of?He could/should have looked up, smiled at you and at least no dded a greeti ng.If his conversation continued too long ,he should have politely placed his caller on hold and inquired

5、as to your n eeds,asked some one else to assist you or advised you how long he would be.I would say that he has to be more frien dly and welco ming to the customersand could politely told the pers on on the pho ne to please hold for a mome ntand that he should be more en thusiastic about his jobCASE

6、2:An international marketer wants to sell polio vaccinations, they would require atwo-step acculturati on process:1. The marketer must obtain an in-depth preventive medicine and related concepts.2. The marketer must devise promotio nal strategies that will convince the members of a target marketto h

7、ave their childre n vacci nated.CASE3:Discussi on V: I don't think it will work, I in sist that we should use the traditi onal way.Ba: Come on, be creative girl.S: Banana I support you if you use me as a cover girl.Bi: Ok, I agree with you except for cover girl (po int to S)E: Well, well, well.

8、Sometimes rules can be broke n. It all depe nds on us'People have low level of stress?People are more risk-tak ing? Sometimes rules can be broke nBa: How about putt ing a big size poster on outer wall? E: Does it work? Bi: Maybe we can have a try.? E: OK, maybe? Does anyone know how to make this

9、 kind of ad because I don' t know.Discussi onCon flict is n atural and to be expected.Super ordinates may say"I don't know” .CASE4:A westerner invited a Chinese girl to have lunch and take a tour around the British Parliament. In fact, the girl did n't have the lunch just because wh

10、e n the wester ner asked her "Are you hun gry? , the girl an swered no. Then they did n't have lunch together. The sec ond time, the girl was in vited to a restaura nt, whe n the host asked the same questi on “ Are you hun gry?” , she an swered “ not really” . The host ordered a light meal

11、for her.Q:what is the cultural shock?How to solve it? Can you give your an alysis?The mistake :In the first situation, the westerner used his question as an invitation. The girl understood it only as a questi on. Accord ing to the Chin ese traditi on, the man should have in vited her to lunch since

12、their appo in tme nt was to have lunch first.In the second situation, the westerner used his question as a question rather than an invitation. Accord ing to the Chin ese traditi on, the man should have ordered ple nty of food for the girl.Con clusi on:The same sentence concealed different intentions

13、. People should try to make sense of what it really mea ns.CASE5:Shao Bin, a Chinese student studying in Britain, was once invited by her British classmate Brain to his house to cook a Chin ese meal. Her two Chin ese friends were also in vited. They busied themselves in the kitche n, making dump ing

14、 while Brain did someth ing in the garde n and his wife sat on the sofa readi ng. Shao Bin felt a little upset for she thought that both the host and the hostess should offer to help with the kitche n work. The meal was great and every one enjoyed themselves. The couple kept complimenting them on th

15、eir cooking skills and asked for the recipe. But then after the meal, the couple just put dow n their chopsticks and started minding their own bus in ess, leavi ng the Chin ese guests to clear the table and do the dishes. Shao Bin felt absolutely con fused or even an gry. She con cluded thatThe Key

16、to the Questi on:Guests to a Chinese family will never be allowed to do any housework. This is one of the ways the host and hostess show their hospitality. Even if the guests offer to cook a dish, the host or the hostess should stay around them and offer help whe never can. It is eve n harder to ima

17、g ine that they would let their guests clear the table and do the dishes, though the guests should always volun teer to help. Shao Bin' s meal at a British family sets a great con trast to her Chin ese experie nee. This is why Shao Bin got an gry. What she should do is to avoid a hasty con clusi

18、 on. She should first observe the situation without judgment. And then analyze the situation using what she knows about the differe nces betwee n Chin ese and British culture.CASE6:Lisa was in vited to a Chin ses frien d's home to have dinner. The hostess was very kind and busied herself in the

19、kitche n making tasty dishes, and the host served the dishes on the table one by one. Lisa kept finishing all the food on her plate because she wished to be polite. That was a big mistake because she found her plate refilled and many more dishes follow ing.In the west, eve n if it was a formal dinne

20、r , it would be usually just three courses: soup, main dish, and dessert. But i n China, an in formal dinner would have four dishes and a soup; a formal dinner would have at least eight dishes and a soup.In Brita in, hospitality is not measured by how many dishes are provided as in Chin a. It is sho

21、w n by givi ng you freedom to choose whatever you really want. They n ever press you. They n ever put food on your plate but just ask you to help yourself. If you , as a guest , are shy or modest, wait ing for the food to be put on your plate, you will rema in half-starved.CASE7:During a lunch buffe

22、t at a conference in China, Wu Fa, the in terpreter of the conferen ce, sat with four foreig n participa nts. They were hav ing a good time talk ing. When Wu Fa stood up for more food, she asked whether she could bring anything back for them.Every one tha nked her and said “ no” . A while later, Wu

23、Fa came back with a plate full of food, and asked whether the others would like to have something from her plate.Aga in, the four others said , “ No ” .“ Oh, please take someth in g, I can t eat this much food myself.”The foreig ners shrugged and one or two of them even frowned a little.CASE8:Wu ton

24、g was a graduate stude nt in a Chin ese uni versity. Like many stude nts these days, he was very kee n on lear ning En glish. He would talk with En glish speakers as ofte n as he could.One day, he saw a new foreig ner on campus, Leonard Ramsay, and overheard him speak ing En glish. Whe n Mr. Ramsay

25、fini shed speak ing with the other pers on, he turned to go, but Wu Tong stopped him. He went up and said, “ You speak English, is that right?”“ Yes, why?'“ I' d like to practise my English with you, if you don ' t mind.”Mr. Ramsay looked a little annoyed. “ I prefer not to, if you don ' t mind.”CASE9:A British tourist got lost in a small town in China. A Chinese couple volunteered to offer


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