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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上MillionConsolidated income statementsSEK M 20082009Net sales 304,642218,361Cost of sales (238,928)(186,167)Gross income 65,71332,194    Research and development expenses(14,348)(13,193)Selling expenses (27,129)(25,334)Administrative expe

2、nses (6,940)(5,863)Other operating income and expenses(1,539)(4,798)Income from investments in associated companies, 25(14)Income from other investments69(6)Operating income15,851(17,013)    Interest income and similar credits 1,171390Interest expenses and similar

3、charges (1,935)(3,559)Other financial income and expenses(1,077)(392)Income after financial items 14,010(20,573)    Income taxes(3,994)5,889Income for the period 10,016(14,685)        Attributable to:   Equity

4、holders of the parent company 9,942(14,718)Minority interests7433  10,016(14,685)    Basic earnings per share, SEK 4.90(7.26)Diluted earnings per share, SEK4.90(7.26)               

5、0;Other comprehensive income    Income for the period 10,016(14,685)   Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 6,149(1,246)   Exchange differences on hedge instruments of net investment in foreign operations (414)159  

6、0;Accumulated translation difference reversed to income (82)(136)   Available-for-sale investments (459)86   Cash flow hedges (2,249)2,313  Other comprehensive income, net of income taxes 2,9451,176Total comprehensive income for the period 12,961(13,

7、509)        Attributable to:   Equity holders of the parent company 12,874(13,561)Minority interests 8752  12,961(13,509)Consolidated balance sheetsSEK M December 31, 2008December 31, 2009Assets    &#

8、160;Non-current assets     Intangible assets 43,958 41,628Tangible assets      Property, plant and equipment 56,248 54,289   Investment property 1,022 991   Assets under operating leases

9、0;25,42982,69920,38875,668Financial assets      Associated companies652 588   Other shares and participations1,301 1,456   Non-current customer-financing receivables50,432 39,713   Deferred tax assets11,18

10、0 12,595   Prepaid pensions2,442 2,049   Non-current interest-bearing receivables694 585   Other non-current receivables3,02369,7243,03860,024Total non-current assets  196,381177,320    Current assets  

11、60;Inventories 55,04537,727Current receivables      Customer-financing receivables48,057 42,264   Tax assets 1,810 1,523   Interest-bearing receivables1,965 410   Accounts receivable30,523 21,337   Ot

12、her receivables15,024 12,082Non interest-bearing assets held for sale  1,684Interest-bearing assets held for sale 97,379879,308Marketable securities 5,90216,676Cash and cash equivalents 17,71221,234Total current assets  176,038154,945Total assets  37

13、2,419332,265    Shareholders equity and liabilities   Shareholders equity     Share capital 2,554 2,554   Additional contributed capital     Reserves 5,078 6,235   Retained earnings

14、0;66,436 72,334   Income for the period 9,942 (14,718)Equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent company 84,010 66,405Minority interests 630 629Total shareholders equity  84,64067,034    Non-current provisions

15、60;     Provisions for post-employment benefits11,705 8,051   Provisions for deferred taxes8,260 3,638   Other provisions8,13628,1016,36018,049    Non-current liabilities     Bond loans 35,798

16、60;49,191   Other loans 47,298 56,035   Other liabilities 10,44293,5389,888115,114    Current provisions 10,8839,487    Current liabilities     Loans 62,631 51,626   Non inter

17、est-bearing liabilities held for sale 272   Trade payables 51,025 35,955   Tax liabilities 1,204 623   Other liabilities 40,397155.25734,105122,581Total shareholders equity and liabilities  372,419 332,265 

18、0;   Assets pledged 1,380 958Contingent liabilities 9,427 9,607Changes in consolidated Shareholders' equity  Shareholders´ equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company    ShareOtherTranslationRetained Minor

19、ityTotalSEK M capitalreserves 1)reserveearningsTotalinterestsequityBalance at December 31, 2007 2,5544351,71177,50282,20257982,781                Income for the period 9,9429,9427410,016   &

20、#160;             Other comprehensive income       Translation differences 6,1266,126236,149Translation differences on hedge instruments of net investments in foreign operations (414)(414)(4

21、14)Accumulated translation difference reversed to income (82)(82)(82)Available-for-sale investments:,           Gains/losses at           valuation to fair value (459)(459)(459)Change in

22、0;hedge reserve(2,239)(2,239)(10)(2,249)Other comprehensive income (2,698)5,6302,932132,945                Total income for the period (2,698)5,6309,94212,8748712,961       &#

23、160; Transactions with shareholders       Dividends (11,150)(11,150)(54)(11,204)Share based payments737373Changes in minority interests (62)(62)Other changes 11118091 Transactions with shareholders    (11,066)(11,066)(36

24、)(11,102)                Balance at December 31, 2008 2,554(2,263)7,34176,37884,01063084,640                Income for the period 

25、(14,718)(14,718)33(14,685)                 Other comprehensive income       Translation differences (1,252)(1,252)6(1,246)Translation differences on hedge instruments of net i

26、nvestments in foreign operations 159159159Accumulated translation difference reversed to income (136)(136)(136)Available-for-sale investments: ,           Gains/losses at           valu

27、ation to fair value 868686Change in hedge reserve 2,3002,300132,313Other comprehensive income for the period 2,386(1,229)1,157191,176                Total income for the period 2,386(1,229)(14,71

28、8)(13,561)52(13,509)         Transactions with shareholders       Dividends (4,055)(4,055)(15)(4,070)Share based payments444Changes in minority interests (2)(2)Other changes 77(36)(29) Transactions wi

29、th shareholders    (4,044)(4,044)(53)(4,097)                Balance at December 31, 2009 2,5541236,11257,61666,40562967,034          1 For specif

30、ication of other reserves please see . Consolidated cash-flow statementsSEK M  2008 2009Operating activities    Operating income  15,851 (17,013)Depreciation and amortization 13,524 15,227Other items not affecting cash (133)&

31、#160;4,397Changes in working capital:      (Increase)/decrease in receivables  3,209 10,271  (Increase)/decrease in      customer finance receivables  (10,174) 12,806  (Increase)/decrease in inve

32、ntories  (6,664) 15,225  Increase/(decrease) in      liabilities and provisions  (9,675) (21,387)Interest and similar items received  1,100 353Interest and similar items paid  (1,302) (2,905)Other financial ite

33、ms  109 (514)Income taxes paid  (5,076) (1,604)Cash-flow from operating activities  769 14,856     Investing activities    Investments in fixed assets (12,664) (10,464)Investments in leasing assets (5,44


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