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1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.单元练习题Grammar一.单项选择 ( )1.Look! The man at the gate be our headmaster.He is always standing there every morning. No,it be him.He is holding a meeting in the office now.A.must;cant B.must;mustnt C.can;cant D.can;mustnt( )2.Jim is reading a book under that tree. It be Jim.

2、He has gone to Hainan.A.cant B.mustnt C.may D.neednt( )3.Where are you going this month? We go to Xiamen,but were not sure.A.neednt B.must C.might D.mustnt( )4.Whose T-shirt is this? It be Johns.Its too small for him.A.may B.cant C.mustnt D.must( )5.Whose book is this?It our geography teachers.You s

3、ee,his name is on it.A.cant be B.can be C.mustnt be D.must be二.用cant,must,may,might,could,mustnt填空。1.Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Li? No,it be him.Mr Li is much taller.2.She know the answer,but Im not sure.3.Oh,dear! You have walked so long on such a hot day! You be tired and thirsty.4.Liu Ha

4、i be in the street,because I have just seen him in the classroom.5.Its dangerous.You play football on the street.Section A一.根据汉语提示写出单词。1.We were preparing some food for the (野餐) when they came into the house.2.I met a woman who was wearing a (粉红色的) scarf at the bus station yesterday.3.My daughter li

5、kes animals very much and keeps a (野兔) as pet.4.Heavy (卡车) are not allowed to cross this bridge.5.Would you like anything (其它的) to drink?6.The students will have an experiment in the (实验室) tomorrow.7.As time passed by,these things became more and more (贵重的).8.Its too hot in the room.Youd better take

6、 off your (外套).二.根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Tony and Jim are (policeman).They work in the same police station.2.When we got there,several (wolf) were eating a dead sheep.3.Mike is so (sleep) that he can hardly keep his eyes open.4.She promised me not to tell (somebody) about my secret.5.It happened in our (

7、neighbor).三.根据句意,用情态动词must,could或cant填空。1.Whose skirt is this?I think it be Annas,She is the only girl who wears a skirt in our class.2.Whose earring is this? It be Alices.She wears earrings sometimes.3.Whose jeans are these? I found them on the chair in the living room. They be mine.I put all my je

8、ans on my bed.4.Is this Jims football? Yes,it be his.There is his name on it.5.I just found a video game in the kitchen.Whose is this? Oh,that be Toms.Hes been looking for it for two hours.四.单项选择( )1.The new bike must Li Hua. He bought it yesterday.A.belong B.be C.belong to D.be to( )2.Theres a red

9、car parking near our garage. Do you know it is?A.what B.who C.whose D.whom( )3.I saw Li Ming in the river just now.He must still be near here.A.plays B.playing C.to play D.played( )4.She be at home.The light in her room is on.A.can B.may C.should D.must( )5.Be quiet,Mr Smith is coming.Dont worry.It

10、be him.Mr.Smith is much taller.A.mustnt B.must C.cant D.might( )6.What are you doing this weedend? We visit my uncle,but were not sure.A.neednt B.must C.might D.mustnt( )7.Kates bad is getting old.She will go back home to see him it is convenient.A.because B.whenever C.although D.unless( )8. model p

11、lane is this? I think its Jims. Look,his name is on it.A.Who B.What C.Whose D.Where( )9.My host family tried to cook for me when I studied in New Zealand.A.different something B.different anything C.something interesting D.anything different( )10.Where are you going this month? We go to Xiamen,but w

12、ere not sure.A.neednt B.must C.might D.mustntSection B一.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.The drink will be too sweet if you a more sugar.2.Yesterday I r a letter from one of my friends who havent seen each other.3.We eat all kinds of food,e rice and fish.4.We can c with people in most parts of the world by telephon

13、e.5.To k the room warm,they closed all the windows.二.根据汉语提示写单词。1.Young people usually have more (精力) than the old.2.The math teacher first drew a (圆圈) on the board.3.Who is the man in a black (西服)? He is my father.4.Most people believe the activity have the other (目的).5.Can you find our (位置) on this

14、 map?6.In (英国) all children have to go to school between the ages of 5 and 16.7.The Great Wall was built slowly over a long (一段时间) of time.三.根据句意,用适当的情态动词填空。1.She know the answer,but Im not sure.2.Li Ming be in Shanghai,because he has gone to Hangzhou.3.Dont play with the knife.You hurt yourself.4.A

15、 teacher also make a mistake if he or she is not careful enough.5.Oh,dear! You have walked so long on such a hot day! You be tired and thirsty.6.Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Wang? No,it be him.Mr Wang has curly hair.四.单项选择( )1.This is my twin sister,Lucy.Not only she but also I good at drawin

16、g.A.is B.am C.are D.be( )2.It nearly took me an hour to finish the work. Have a rest,please.You be tired.A.should B.can C.will D.must( )3.The Great Green Wall can prevent the wind and sand to the rich land in the south of China.A.move B.to move C.from moving D.of moving( )4.She he here.I saw her com

17、e in.A.can B.may C.should D.must( )5.Is there in todays newspaper? A.special something B. special anything C.something special D.anything special( )6.He his thanks for the support we have given him.A.expressed B.discussed C.expected D.imagined( )7.The weather in Dalian in summer is than that in Chon

18、gqing.Theyre different.A.cool B.much cooler C.hot D.much hotter( )8.Light and bright colors make people happier more active.A.both;or B.either;or C.neither;nor D.not only;but also( )9.I have many friends. are outgoing, are shy.A.Some;others B.Some;another C.Some;other D.Some;the other( )10. Jack be

19、here? He be here,but Im not sure.A.Can;must B.Must;cant C.Can;may D.May;cant五.补全对话从方框内所给的选项中选出合适的选项,完成对话,有两项是多余的。A:Look! There is a red cap on the desk.Whose is it?B:Is it Monas?A:No,it cant be hers.1. B:It must be Sallys.She likes wearing caps.2. A:Lets ask her. (They go to ask Sally)A:Sally,is thi

20、s your cap?C:3. I dont wear it today.B:Is it Lindas?A:Lets ask her. (They go to ask Linda)A:4. D:No,it isnt.A:It doesnt belong to Mona,Sally or Linda.5. Is it Janes?D:Oh,it must be hers.I saw her wear the red cap yesterday.A.No,mine is at home. B.She never wears caps. C.Yes,its mine. D.Linda,is this

21、 red cap yours? E.But whose red cap is it? F.And red is her favorite color.G.But she doesnt like the color. Self check一.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.Dont make so much n .Your little brother is sleeping.2.Lots of students feel s in class at present,because they have to get up early in the morning.3.I sent you an

22、 email last night.Have you r it yet?4.I know him probably better than a else.5.He entered a m college and after that he worked in a country hospital.二.根据汉语提示写出单词。1.A lot of (男警察)are trying to catch the criminal all around the city.2.He has collected several (很有价值的) paintings.3.One day,he saw a group

23、 of (狼) in the forest.4.The table which was ever used by Lu Xun used to be in this (位置).5.She is wearing a pink (外套) today and looks very young.三.句型转换。1.I think this is Roberts basketball.(对画线部分提问) do you think this is?2.The pink suit belongs to Sally.(对画线部分提问) the pink suit to?3.The box is so heavy

24、 that we cant carry it.(改为简单句) The box is heavy for us carry.4.The woman outside the door must be Mrs.Green.(改为否定句) The woman outside the door Mrs.Green.5.The new book is Mikes.(改为同义句) The new book Mike.四.用适当的情态动词填空。1.This MP4 player be Jims,but Im not sure.2.Gina is a very kind girl.She be very pop

25、ular in her class.3.Look! The boy in blue be Li Ming.He is always reading English there every morning. No,it be him.He is talking with Mr Green in the classroom.4.You be so sleepy,Jim.You had a good sleep yesterday.5.Look at the dark clouds! There be a heavy rain.五.单项选择( )1.We are very interested in

26、 his poem.It the writers love for his hometown.A.expresses B.discusses C.expects D.imagines( )2.Whos that man? Is it Ms Li? It be her.She has gone to Britain.A.may B.must C.cant D.mustnt( )3.That car be expensive because it was made in Japan.A.cant B.mustnt C.must D.should( )4.If there is pollution,

27、the air in our city will be dirtier.A.less;more B.more;much C.less;less D.more;more( )5.The French book must be Li Yings.Shes the only one whos studying French.(找出画线部分的同义短语)A.belong to Li Yings B.belong to Li Ying C.belong Li Yings D.belong Li Ying( )6.Oh! The kids are making too much here.I cant sl

28、eep.A.sound B.voice C.noise D.circle( )7.On my way home,I found a handbag and .A.picked up it B.picked it up C.gave up it D.gave it up( )8.Mother is in the kitchen.She must for us now.A.cook B.be cook C.be cooking D.cooks( )9.There must be many people for the train at the train station because of th

29、e snow storm.A.wait B.waited C.to wait D.waiting( )10.The new bike Dave.He bought it yesterday.A.is B.is belong C.belongs D.belongs to( )11.Bamboo can paper.A.used to make B.be used make C.be used to make D.be used to making( )12.Theres a red schoolbag on the teachers desk.Do you know it is?A.what B.who C.whose D.whom( )13.There must be in this little village.A.something strange B.anything strange C.strange some


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