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1、Lesson 90 Whats for supper? 晚餐吃什么? 1Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain 油煎鱼加炸土豆片一直是英国人喜爱的一道菜 fish and chips被看做是一个整体,因此, 虽然chips是复数形式,它后面却要跟动词的单数形式 dish在这里指“一盘菜”或“菜肴”、“食品”: I like French dishes. 我喜欢(吃)法国菜。 Would you like a sweet dish? 您要一盘甜食吗? 2divershave been frightened out of

2、 their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work潜水员曾在工作时被撞到他们身上的大鱼吓得惊慌失措。 as在这里相当于when或while (1)out of ones wits表示“失去理智”、“惊慌失措”: She was frightened out of her wits by the great fire. 大火吓得她惊慌失措。 Are you out of your wits? 你疯了吗? (2)bump into的含义之一是“碰上”、“撞上”: Wandering in darkness, the drunk bump

3、ed into a policeman. 那醉汉在黑夜中闲荡时撞到了一个警察的身上。 bump into也可以表示“偶然遇见”、“碰见”(多用于口语): I bumped into Jane at the conference. 我开会时碰见了简。 3Now they have had special cages made to protect them from these monsters. 现在他们有了特制的笼子,用来保护他们免受大鱼的侵袭。 (1)have hadmade 是使役式的完成式 (2)protect经常与from或against连用: He tried to protect

4、 the child from the rain/the dog. 他试图使孩子不被雨淋/狗咬。 This coat will protect you against the cold. 这件大衣可以给你御寒。 4favourite eating varieties, 深受人们喜爱的食用的品种。 eating在这里为形容词, 表示“供食用的”,它有时也表示“宜生食的”: Eating corn is quite sweet. 食用玉米很香甜。 These are eating apples, and those are cooking apples/ones. 这些是生吃的苹果,那些是烹任用的

5、苹果。 5the total absence of fishing boats around the oil rigs 钻井平台周围根本没有捕鱼船只。 (1)total在这里表示“完全的”、“彻底的”(相当于complete): His letter is a total surprise to her. 他的来信完全出乎她的意料之外。 That girl is a total stranger to me. 我根本不认识那姑娘。 (2)absence of表示“缺少”、“不存在”: These plants dont grow well because of the absence of r

6、ain/sunshine. 由于缺乏雨水/阳光,这些植物长得不好。 6as a result,结果,因此。 He didnt work hard at mathematics. As a result, he failed in the examination. 他没有用功学数学。因此,他考试没及格。 My husband spent weeks training our dog to press its paw on the latch. As a result, it has become an expert at opening the gate. 我丈夫花了几个星期的时间训练我们的狗用

7、脚爪按住门闩。结果,它现在成了开门的专家。 词汇学习 Word study 1special adj. (1)特殊的,特别的,独特的: He received special care while in Paris. 他在巴黎期间受到了特别照顾。 He intends to send you a special gift on your birthday. 他打算在你生日那天送你一份独特的礼物。 (2)专门的,特制的,专用的: Special cages are made to protect them from giant fish. 为了保护他们免受大鱼的侵袭,人们做了特制的笼子。 A s

8、pecial railway line will be built for the Olympic Games. 为了奥运会,人们将修筑一条铁路专线。 2用and连接的两个名词 (1)当主语是and连接的两个名词时,谓语通常用复数形式: Jane and Bill have got married last week. 简和比尔于上星期结了婚。 An umbrella and a suitcase are still needed. 还需要一把伞和一只手提箱。 2)有些名词由于经常在一起连用,人们已把它们看成一个整体(或一个单位),因而成了一种复合名词。它们不仅有固定的词序,且后面的谓语动词通常要用单数形式。 这类复合名词包括 bacon and eggs(咸肉和鸡蛋), bread and butter(面包和黄油), cheese and wine(奶酪和葡萄酒), fish and chips(鱼和油炸土豆片), a knife and fork(一副刀叉), sausage (s) and mash(香肠和土豆泥)。 Fish and chips is a popular meal in Britain. 鱼和炸土豆片在英国是颇受欢迎的食品。 Bacon and eggs is my favourite dish. 咸肉和鸡蛋是我爱吃的一道菜。


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