Go for it 7AU11 词组_第1页
Go for it 7AU11 词组_第2页
Go for it 7AU11 词组_第3页




1、1. 几点钟what time2. 起床get up3. 上学 go to school4. 上班go to work5. 回家/去那里go home/there6. 来这里come here7. 吃早/午/晚餐eat/have breakfast/lunch/dinner8. 洗澡take/have a shower9. 一个另一个onethe other10. 时间表达法:Ø 8:00ameight oclock=eight amØ 8:10ameight-ten am=eight-ten in the morning =ten(minutes) past eight

2、am=ten(minutes) past eight in the morningØ 8:15eight-fifteen=a quarter past eightØ 8:30eight-thirty=half past eightØ 8:45eight forty-five=a quarter to nineØ 21:00twenty-one oclock=nine pmØ 两小时半two hours and a half=two and a half hours11. 工作很长时间 work very long hours 12. 刷牙bru

3、sh his teeth13. 吃早饭eat his breakfast 14. 早餐后after breakfast15. 下课后after class 16. 放学后after school17. 下班后after work18. 英语课后after the English class19. 到达上班(地点) get to work 20. 到校get to school21. 到家/这儿/那儿 get home/here/there22. 乘17路公交车到旅馆take the number 17 bus to a hotel 23. 乘公交车/小汽车/火车/飞机 去某地take a bu

4、s/car/train/plane to sp.=go to sp.by bus/car/train/plane=go to sp.on the/a bus/train/plane24. 乘 公交车/小汽车/火车/飞机 去某地catch a bus/car/train/plane to sp.=go to sp.by bus/car/train/plane25. 乘小汽车/出租车 去某地take a car /taxi to sp=go to sp in a/the car/taxi26. 骑自行车去某地ride a bike to sp.=go to sp. by bike=go to sp

5、 on a/the/ones bike27. 整夜all night28. 整天all day29. 我们/他们全都all of us/them 30. 所有学生在教室里。All (of) the students are in the classroom.31. 所有食物在桌子上。All (of) the food is on the table.32. 喜欢做love to do=like to do33. 听他讲 listen to him 34. 听音乐 listen to music35. 听收音机listen to the radio36. 看早间电视watch morning T

6、V37. 在上午in the morning38. 在下午in the afternoon 39. 在晚上in the evening40. 在夜里in the night=at night41. 晚安!Good night!42. 关于某人/某事知道多know a lot about sb/sth= much about sb/sth43. 关于某人/某事知道一点know a little about sb/sth44. 关于某人/某事几乎不知道know little about sb/sth45. 关于某人/某事知道一些know something about sb/sth46. 知道关于某人/某事每件事know everything about sb/sth47. 关于某人/某事什么不知道know nothing about sb/sth48. 知道关于我的早晨know about my morning49. 告诉某人(不)做某事tell sb (not) to do sth50. 告诉我们(不)要出去tell us


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