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1、KXT型可曲挠橡胶接头KXT flexible rubber jointPage27材料表 Table of Materials序号 Serial No部位 Prtion材料 Material1主体 Main body极性橡胶 polarized rubber2内衬 Lining尼龙帘布 Nylon cord fabric3骨架 Frame硬钢丝 hard steel wire4法兰 Flange软钢 Mild steer技术条件 Technical Consition 型号 ModelKXT-()KXT-()KXT-()工作压力MPa(kg.f/cm2) Working pressure2.

2、0(20)1.2(12)0.8(8)爆破压力MPa(kg.f/cm2) Bursting pressure6.0(60)3.5(35)2.4(24)配套法兰MPa(kg.f/cm2) supporting flange1.6(16)1.0(10)0.6(6)真空度 Vacuity KPa(mmHg)100(750)86.7(650)53.3(400)适用温度 Applecable temp.-20-80(普通型)+80-135(特殊配方)适用介质 Applecable media空气、压缩空气、水、海水、热水、弱酸 Air.Compressed air. Water.Sea Water. Ho

3、t Water. Weak acid.Etc接头两端可任意偏转,便于自由调节轴向或横向位移。 Both ends of the joint can be arbitray deflected for free adjustment of axial or lateral displacement.注:DN200300KXT-(1)型工作压力为1.5MPa(15kgf/cm2) 爆破压力为4.5MPa(45kgfcm2)普通型产品只能在80以下,如需135以下需指明,更换橡胶配方,包括耐油、耐酸碱等。压力较高及冲击力较大时宜采用限位拉杆装置。 Note:The working pressure

4、of Model DN200300KXT-(1)is 1.5MPa (15kgf/cm2) and the bursting pressure is 4.5 MPa(45kgf/cm2). Ordinary type products can only be used under 80 if temperature is higher than 135,please show clearlyingredient of the rubber will be changed Restricting pull rod is necessarywhen pressure is high and imp

5、ulse is great公称通径、长度、位移数值与法兰主要数据表Table of Main Parameters of Nominal Core Diameter,Length,Displacement Value and Flange公称能径 Nominal core diameter长度 Length l(mm)螺栓数 No.of bolt n螺栓孔直径 Diameter of bolt hole do(mm)螺栓孔中心圆直径 Diameter of bolt hole center circlen D1 (mm)轴向位移 Axial disp lacenment(mm)横向位移 Lat

6、eral displac ement偏转角度 Angle of deflection (1+2)安装间距 installation spacemm(mm)(寸 in)伸长 Strech压缩 Compr ession(mm)32(11/4)95417.5100699150440(11/2)95417.51106109150450-2105417.512571010150465(21/2)115417.514571311150480-3135130817.5160815121504100-4150135817.51801019131504125-5165160817.521012191315041



9、Pa,对应配对法兰应是阀门 法兰或符合 6B/T9115.1 2000(RF)法兰,安装间距是指软接头法兰与管道上法兰安装后的间隙,并保持均匀一致,以防拉脱。 2、其他标准或非标准法兰需另订协议,指明标准或提供图纸及有 关数据,本厂可定制生产。3、公称通经较大时(700)建议采用 大翻边球体产品。4、悬空给水使用DN 200以上产品,管道必须有固 定支撑或固定托架,否则产品应安装防拉脱装置。 Note:1、Flmlge standard is GB 9119 PNl.0MPa;Tlie matclfilN flmge silotdd be valve flmlge or oilier flml

10、ges according with GB/T9115.1 2000(RE)The installation space refers to the gap between soft joint flange and pipe flange and it should be maintained uniform to avoid pulling or shedding 3、For flanges of other standards or non-standardit is necessary to be agreed upon separately please speciy standard of furnish diagram and relative parameter,we will manufacture accordingly 3、spherical products with wide flanging are suggested when inside nominal diameter is greater than or equal to 700 4、Use those products exceeding DN200 whi


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