已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)请将正确选项写在下表相应位置上,答在其他位置不得分。12345678910111213141516171819201以下哪个符号在传统流程图中表示“判断框”( )。A B C D2在C语言中用( )代表“真”。A0B非0数CtrueDTRUE3整形数x和y的初始值为int x = 3,y=2; 则表达式x<y ? x+ : y+;执行后x和y的值为 ( )。Ax=3, y=2 Bx=4, y=3Cx=4, y=2Dx=3, y=34下面哪个数据类型不属于基本类型( )。AintBfloat Cenum Dsigned int5以下程序运行后,输出结果是

2、( )。#define POWER(X) X*Xint main() int a = 2, b =2; printf(“%d”, POWER(a+b); return 0; A8 B16 C12 D46下面哪个变量名的命名是非法的( )。A3YearNoB_iTotalCiIndex_1_2_3DuMonth7下面程序的输出是( )。#include<stdio.h>int main() int k = 1, i = 3, n; n = (k += i *= k); printf("n = %d, i = %dn", n, i); return 0;An=4,

3、i=3Bi=3, n=4Cn=16, i=3Dn=4, i=48已知字符A的ACSII码值为65,以下语句的输出结果是( )。char ch = B;printf(“%c, %on”, ch, ch);A. B, 66B. B, BC. B, 102D. A, B9表达式(x>y>0)等价于( )。A(x>y) && (y>0) Bx>0&&y>0Cx>0|y>0Dx>y10有“C语言之父”之称的下面哪一位( )。A. Dennis M. Ritchie ;B. Ken Thompson ;C. Alan J

4、. Perlis; D. Alan Turning;11声明数组int a4; 下面哪条语句操作是错误的( )。Aa2 = 3; Bscanf(“%d”, &a);Cscanf(“%d”, &a2); Dprintf(“%d”,a0);12若二维数组a有x行,y列,则在aij之前的元素个数为( )。Aj*x+i Bi*y+jCi*x+y-1Di*y+j-113有如下程序:int f(int x) int y; if(x=0|x=1) return (3); y=x*x-f(x-1); return y;int main() int z; z = f(3); printf(“%d

5、n”,z); return 0; 程序的运行结果是A. 0 B. 9 C. 6 D. 814如下程序:struct A int a; char b10; double c; struct A f(struct A t); int main() struct A a = 1001,"ZhangSan", 98.0;a=f(a);printf("%d,%s,%6.1fn",a.a,a.b,a.c); return 0; struct A f(struct A t) t.a=1002; strcpy(t.b,"LiSi"); t.c=92.

6、0; return t; 程序运行后的输出结果是:A. 1001,ZhangSan,98.0 B. 1002,ZhangSan,92.0 C. 1001,LiSi,98.0 D. 1002,LiSi,92.0 15定义一个3行4列的二维整型元素数组a正确的方式是( )。A. int a43; B. int a3,4; C. int a34; D. int * a34;16下面哪个运算符表示”位与”运算符A&& B| C& D17以"只读"方式打开位于D盘根目录的文件a.dat,下列语句中哪一个是正确的()。Afp=fopen("d:a.da

7、t","a"); Bfp=fopen("d:a.dat","a"); Cfp=fopen("d:a.dat","r"); Dfp=fopen("d:a.dat","r");18. 已知:int b2 = 1, 2, y = 0; int *p=b;,则执行语句y=*p+; 之后,变量y的值为( )。A1B2C3D019下面哪个语句是函数的原型声明A. f( a , b)B. int f(int a , 5);C. int f(int a , in

8、t b); D. int f(int a=5, int b=6);20 下面程序将输出:( )。void fun(int a, int* b) a+;(*b)+; return;int main() int x, y; x=2; y=3; fun(x, &y); printf("%d, %d", x, y);A2,3B3,4C2,4D3,3二、填空题(每空2分,共30分)请将正确选项写在下表相应位置上,答在其他位置不得分。1234567891011121314151以下程序运行后,输出结果是 1 。#include<stdio.h> int main()

9、 intc=0,k;for(k=1;k<3;k+)switch(k)default:c+=k;case 2:c+;case 4:c+=2; printf("%dn",c); return 0  2C语言程序的三种基本结构是 2 。3下面这段程序运行的结果是: 3 。void swap(int* x,int* y)*x = *x *y; *y = *y *x; *x = *x *y; int main() int a = 3, b = 4;swap(&a, &b); printf("a = %d, b = %dn", a,

10、b);return 0;4下面这段程序运行的结果是: 4 。void sum(int *a) a0+=a1;int main() int aa10=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;int i; for(i=3;i>=0;i-) sum(&aai); printf("%dn",aa0);return 0; 5有以下程序,执行后输出结果是 5 。int main() unsigned char a, b; a = 4 | 1; b = 4 | 0; printf("a=%d,b= %dn",a,b); return 0;6有如下程序,其中的

11、“defau1t”的“1”实际上是数字1不是字母L,这样的情况下当程序运行后键盘输入3后回车,程序输出结果是 6 。#include<stdio.h>int main() int iToTest;scanf("%d", &iToTest);switch(iToTest)case 1:printf("what you input is 1.n");break;case 2:printf("what you input is 2.n"); break;defau1t:iToTest+; break; printf(&q

12、uot;iToTest = %dn", iToTest);return 0;7下列程序的运行结果是 7 。#include <stdio.h>int main() int i,j,x; i=8; j=9; if(+i<j) x = 1; else x = 0; printf("%dn", x); return 0;8下列程序的运行结果是 8 。int main () int a = 3;int b = 3;if ( 2 = = a && +b)a = a + 1; if ( 3 = = a | +b) a = a + 1; pri

13、ntf("a=%i, b=%in", a,b);return 0;9已知 int a=4, b=20; 则(a+3)/3+a%b的值为: 9 。10如下的流程图说明程序是在完成什么事情 10 。 11输入两个正整数m和n,求其最大公约数和最小公倍数。请将程序填完整。int main( )int p, r, n, m, temp;scanf(“%d,%d”,&n,&m);if(n<m) 11 ; 12 ; 13 ;p=n*m;while(m!=0) r=n%m;n=m;m=r;printf(“最大公约数为:%dn”, n);printf(“最小公倍数为:

14、%dn”,p/n);return 0;12. 下面的程序将大写字母变为小写字母字,请将程序填完整。#include <stdio.h>int main () char ch = 'A'ch = ( 14 ) ? (ch+32) : 15 ;printf("ch = %cn", ch);return 0;三、程序阅读题(每题3分,共18分)请将下列各程序的功能或结果写在下表相应位置上,答在其他位置不得分。1234561int max2(int x, int y) int z if(x>y) z = x else z = y

15、 return z int max3(int x, int y, int z) int max max = max2(x, y) if(max < z) max = z return max;int main() int x, y, z,max; scanf(“%d,%d,%d”, &x,&y,&z);max = max3(x,y,z)  printf("max = %dn",max);return 0 2#include <stdio.h>int main()i

16、nt a3 = 1,2,3, 4,5,6;int b32, iRow, iCol;for (iRow = 0; iRow <= 1; iRow+)for (iCol = 0; iCol <= 2; iCol+)biColiRow = aiRowiCol; return 0; 3#include <stdio.h>int main()int a10;int i,j,t;printf("input 10 numbers :n");for (i=0;i<10;i+)scanf("%d",&ai);printf("

17、n");for(j=0;j<9;j+)for(i=0;i<9-j;i+)if (ai>ai+1)t=ai;ai=ai+1;ai+1=t;printf("the sorted numbers :n");for(i=0;i<10;i+)printf("%d ",ai);return 0;4#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main(void) FILE *fp; char ch, filename10; printf("Please input

18、 the file name you want to creat: "); scanf("%s", filename); if(fp = fopen(filename, "w") = = NULL) printf("cannot open filen"); exit(0);/ 终止程序 ch = getchar(); / 接收输入的第一个字符 ch = getchar(); while(ch != '#') fputc(ch, fp); ch = getchar(); fclose(fp); return 0

19、;5#include<stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main() float a,b,c,s,s1;scanf(“%f%f%f”, &a,&b,&c);s=(a+b+c)/2;s1=s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c);s= sqrt(s1);printf(“%fn”,s);return 0;6#include <string.h>#include <stdio.h>struct person char name20; int count;struct person Candidate2 =

20、"Li",0, "Zhang",0; int main() int i,j; char Candidate_name20; printf("Please input the candidate name n type 'exit' stop!n"); do scanf("%s", Candidate_name); for(j = 0; j < 2; j+) if(0 = = strcmp(Candidate_name, C) Candidatej.count+;wh

21、ile(0 !=strcmp(Candidate_name, exit"); if(Candidate0.count > Candidate1.count) printf("The winner is Lin"); else printf("The winner is Zhang"); return 0;四、程序改错(每空2分,共6分)请将正确选项写在下表相应位置上,答在其他位置不得分。每题有1处错误并修改之。1231#include <stdio.h>int main()float a10=0.0;int i;for(i=0

22、;i<3;i+) scanf("%d",&ai); for(i=1;i<10;i+) a0=a0+ai;printf("%fn",a0);return 0;2#include <stdio.h>int main() int x, y; printf( “Please input tow number : ” ) ; scanf(“%d, %d”, &x, &y); if(x = y)printf(“You input the same number”) ; else printf(“You input tw

23、o different number”); return 0;3. / 判断输入的10个数是否全是偶数#include<stdio.h>int main()int a10 = 0;int i;for(i=0;i<10;i+) scanf(“%d,”, &ai);for(i=0;i<10;i+) if(ai%2 != 0) continue;if(i<10) printf(“You input have odd number”);else printf(“You input have no odd number”);return 0;五、编程题(共26分)1

24、(10分)请用指针方式实现复制一个字符串的功能。 7, 8, 910,11,12 1,23,45,62(16分)编程实现矩阵 和 的相乘,要求输出结果。   参考答案:一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1234567891011121314151617181920ABDCAAACDABBDDCCDACC二、填空题(每空2分,共30分)172顺序、选择、循环3a=4, b=34155a=4,b=16iToTest = 3708a=4,b=39610计算5!11. temp = n12. n = m 13.m= temp14 ch>=A&&a

25、mp;ch<=Z15. ch三、程序阅读题(每题3分,共18分)1求三个数的最大数2矩阵转置3输入10个数,用冒泡法进行排序4创建一个文件,向文件中输入字符,直到输入一个“#”为止5由键盘输入三个数a,b,c,计算以这三个数为边长的三角形面积6统计两位候选人的选票数,输出谁得的选票最多四、程序改错(每空2分,共6分)1scanf("%d",&ai);改为scanf("%f",&ai);2if(x = y) 改为if(x = =y)3continue;改为break;五、编程题(共26分)1(10分)请用指针方式实现复制一个字符串的功

26、能。 #include <stdio.h>int main() void copy_string(char *from, char *to); char char_Arrayfrom = "I am a teacher." char char_Arrayto = "you are a student." char *pointer_charfrom = char_Arrayfrom; char *pointer_charto = char_Arrayto; copy_string(pointer_charfrom, pointer_charto); printf("nstring from = %snstring to = %sn", pointer_charfrom, pointer_charto);return 0; void copy_string(char *from, char *to) for (; *from != '0' from+, to+) *to = *from; *t


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