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1、look at some of its popu icons With economic, cultural and religious influence from neighboring Asian states, Japan has produced a unique culture of its own. Now lets enjoy the charm( 力)of Japanese culture EJsakuraitc Fuji.Gei.In Japanese, the cherry is called Sakura5*, which is generally believed t

2、o be a corruption of the word u Sakura (blooming ) from the name of Princess Kono Hana-Sakura-Hime This long name means utree-flowers-booming princess, for the cherry was so well-known in those early days in Japan that the flower meant nothing but cherry. The princess was so named because, it is sai

3、d, she fell from heaven upon a cherry treeQooK a* me.The cherry blossom is the flower精华 of flowers to Japanese people It symbolizes their national character. This is because the life of a samurai (B 本武士)of feudal times封建 was proverbially (众所周知)compared to the short-lived cherry blossoms that last” n

4、o more than three days ”,for a samurai was always ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his master. Another meaning is “what the cherry is among flowers is the samurai among men ”.The Japanese are very proud of their Sakura Of all flowers, the cherry blossoms appeal呼吁感徐 most to the aesthetic t

5、aste of (审美品位) the Japanese peopleSweetIfThe Japanese people are never s jubilant(妖欣雀跃),cheerful, optimistic and youthful as they are at the time of Sakura blossomAT上佟于 www.lvyouL14.cojnvi 、 TW_ - * d 4衣oft ar;V岭 or MgThe Maneki Neko招财猫 is a figure of Japanese traditional that welcomes guests, custo

6、mers, luck, and wealth uManeki Neko means beckoning (召 唤)catn in the Japanese language His image usually faces the door near the mainWith a left paw raised he welcomes guests and customers. With a right paw raised he welcomes wealth or luck Traditions differ on whether the cat is a male or female, but Maneki Neko is always depicted被描写为 as a friendly figure. The scroll he carries bears the congenial(和蔼的)message. “Please come in. You are welcome!”:There are many stories about Maneki Neko. One of the most popular is that the cat in a temple once saved a lord (领卫)with raising a paw to


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