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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上五年级下册英语其中复习一、单词回顾:多彩的_ 选择;宁愿要_ 冬天_ 也_秋天_ 滑雪_ 种植;植物_ 野营_去野营_二、重点短语: 去滑雪 种花 在户外玩 看 在树上 确实喜欢 喜欢游泳 去滑雪 堆雪人 放风筝 四、单项选择。( ) 1. I _ like summer. Its very hot.          A. /        B. d

2、o        C. dont( ) 2. There is a cat _ the tree. Can you see it? A. in B. on C. between( ) 3. Summer is best for _.A. swim B. swimming C. swims( ) 4. My favourite subject is _. A. spring B. April C. Chinese( ) 5. -_ season do you like best

3、?   -Spring.          A. Which        B. What        C. Why( ) 6. I dont like rainy days. I dont like hot days _. A. too B. both C. either( ) 7. When the w

4、eather is _, we can fly a kite. A. cloudy B. snowy C. windy( ) 8. -_ he like skating? -Yes, he does. A. Does B.Is C. Can( ) 9. How many _ are there in a year? A. month B. seasons C. day( ) 10. He likes _ flowers in spring. A. plants B. planting C. plant【Do you remember?】一、月份month一月_; _二月_; _ 三月_; _四

5、月_; _五月_; _ 六月_; _七月_; _八月_; _ 九月_; _十月_; _十一月_; _十二月_; _二、星期week星期一_; _星期二_; _星期三_; _ 星期四_; _星期五_; _星期六 _; _星期天_; _一、单词回顾:中间的_ 同班同学_ 澳大利亚_回答_ 中国_ 如果_ 太.以致于_一、根据中文,写出下列的短语。1. 寒假_ 2. 夏季的中期_ 3. 从三月到五月_4. 种树_ 5. 在澳大利亚_ 4. 太冷了游不了泳_二、按照要求写出相对应的单词。(每类至少写四个)1. 季节:_2. 星期:_3. 天气:_4. 活动名称:_5. 月份:_三、看图回答问题。1.

6、Which season is it? _2. When is this season in your city? _3. Whats the weather like in the picture? _4. What are the children doing? _5. Do you like this season? Why? _单项选择。( ) 1. A:Whats the weather like today?           B:

7、Its  _. A. cloud     B. clouds   C. cloudy    D. a cloud ( ) 2. The weather is so hot. I cant _ why he doesnt open the window. A. prefer B. visit C. know D. understand( ) 3. I want to travel in Australia _ ten days. A. for B. in C

8、. with D. on( ) 4. She doesnt like _ chess with her friends.A. plays B. play C. playing D. played( ) 5. _ it is day time in Guangzhou, it is night in London. A. Then B. When C. What D. If ( ) 6. I cant ski. My friend Jim cant ski _. A. too B. either C. again D. together( ) 7. The park is _ the city.

9、 A. at the middle of B. in the middle of C. at the middle at D. in the middle to( ) 8. August is in _ in Guangzhou. A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter( ) 9. _ the weather like today? A. What B. How C. Whats D. Hows( ) 10. - _ the weather today? -Its rainy.   &

10、#160;   A、 Whats     B、Where     C、Whose  D、How( ) 11. Its cold and snowy in winter and it is best time to _.A. fly kites B. flying kites C. make a snowman D. making a snowman( ) 12. In China, _ is from June to August.A. summ

11、er B. spring C. autumn D. winter() 13. Winter is _ cold for me. A. to B. too C. two  D. at ( ) 14. Its _ in summer. A. rainy and warm B. sunny and hot C. windy and cool  D. snowy and cool( ) 15. Summer comes before_. A. spring. B. fall C. winter D. autumn五、用所给的词填空,可重复使用

12、。 in for at from to like of 1. I want to visit my uncle in Britain _ the winter holiday.2. Autumn is the best time _ fishing.3. We usually go to visit my grandparents in Britain _ spring.4. There is a boy _ the apple tree. He is picking our apples!5. Those flowers are beautiful. I want to buy some _

13、 for my mum. She loves flowers.6. My cousin is _ Australia. He is having the summer holidayin Beijng.7. The weather is too cold _ play outside.8. What Australia _ ? Is it very large country _ China?9. Look _ the colourful birds _ the tree. I hope I can have one _ them.10. A: Hows the weather _ your

14、country now? B: Its the rainy season. It rains every day.六、根据实际情况回答问题。1. Whats your favourite season?_2. How many seasons are there in a year? _3. How many days are there in June? _4. What do you usually do in spring? _Unit 3 We are going to have an English test一、单词回顾:考试_ 日期_ 打算;将_ 忘记_ 月_重要的_ 博物馆_ 会

15、议_ 开放日_ 农场_ 第三_ 第五_ 第八_ 第九_四、单项选择。( ) 1. May is the _ month of a year. A. ninth B. fifth C. five( ) 2.Everyone will come home _ the Spring Festival. A. for B. in C. on( ) 3. Is there _ things this month? A. something new B. anything new C. new anything( ) 4. There is a meeting _ Friday. A. at B. in

16、C. on( ) 5. There are _ months in a season. A. four B. three C. twelve( ) 6. We are _ a party tomorrow. A. going to has B. go to have C. going to have( ) 7. My birthday is _ December 1st.A. at B. on C. in( ) 8. Today is _ of April.A. second B. two C. the second( ) 9. The fourth day of a week in Chin

17、a is _.A. Wednesday B. Friday C. Thursday( ) 10. The _ month of a year is January.A. second B. first C. third五、用括号中所给数字相应的英文单词填空。1. My birthday is on the _ (9) of October.2. There are _ (22) girls in the classroom.3. How is your _ (1) day at the new school?4. A: How much is the book, please? B: Its

18、18 yuan.5. A: When are we going to have the English test? B: On the _ (20) this month.6. A: What time is the film? B: At _ (7:20).7. A: How long are you going to stay there? B: For about _ (2) hours.8. I play badminton with my friend on the _ (3) Monday in each month.Unit 4 Have a good time in Haina

19、n一、单词回顾:旅行_ 大山_ 爬_ 海滨_ 鹿 _ 爬山_ 过得愉快_一、按要求填空 1. 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。  I_ _ _ have a picnic with my friends.  I _ have a picnic with my friends.  2. 下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。  What

20、 _ _ _ _ _ next Monday?  I _ _ _ play basketball. What _ you do next Monday?  I _ play basketball.  3. 你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。  _ your mother

21、0;_ _ go shopping this _? Yes, she _. She _ _ _ buy some fruit.  4. 你们打算什么时候见面。  What time _ you _ _ meet?三、用所给词的适当形式填空。  1. Today is a sunn

22、y day. We _ (have) a picnic this afternoon.  2. My brother _ (go) to Shanghai next week.  3. Tom often _(go) to school on foot. But today is rain

23、. He _ _ (go) to school by bike.  4. What do you usually do at weekends? I usually _ (watch) TV and _(catch) insects?  5. Its Friday today. What 

24、_she _ (do) this weekend? She _ (watch) TV and _ (catch) insects.  6. A: What _ (do) you do last Sunday? B: I _ (pick) apples on a farm. A: What _

25、0;(do) next Sunday? B: I _ (milk) cows.  7. Mary _ (visit) her grandparents tomorrow.  8. Liu Tao _ (fly) kites in the playground yesterday.  9. David _

26、60;(give) a puppet show next Monday.  10. I _ (plan) for my study now.一、翻译下列词组。1. 第二天_ 2. 进行英语考试_3. 参观博物馆_ 4. 迫不及待_5. 校运会_ 5. 玩的开心_6. 参观农场_ 7. 太冷而不能游泳_9. 去爬山_ 10. 飞回家_二、单项选择。(    ) 1. Charlie _ h

27、ere next month.          A. isnt working       B. doesnt working       C. isnt going to working       D.&

28、#160;wont work    ( ) 2.  _ you _ free tomorrow?          No. I _ free the day after tomorrow.          A. Are

29、; going to; will             B. Are; going to be; will         C. Are; going to; will be       

30、  D. Are; going to be; will be (     ) 3. Mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday.           A. will gives  

31、         B. will give         C. gives             D. give( ) 4. She will stay here _ five days. A. in B. of C. for D. on( )

32、5. There are more than 400 _ on the farm. A. deers B. deer C. a deer D. deeres( ) 6. _ today? -It is March 29th. A. What B. What day C. Whats the date D. What date( ) 7. Ben usually _ football at the weekend. A. plays B. will play C. will plays D. play( ) 8. We will go camping on the _ day.A. three

33、B. two C. third D. threeth( ) 9. _ you _ free next Sunday? A. Will; are       B. Will; be            C. Do; be     

34、       D. Are; be  ( ) 10. What _ you _ this night?A. are, go to do B. are, going to doing C. are, going to do D. are, go to doUnit 5 Would you like to go with us?一、单词回顾:邀请_ 嗨_ 小伙子_ 没有东西,没有事情_为什么_ 计划_ 将会;愿意_ 听起来_大门_ 太妙了,酷_ 问题_ 电影_ 比赛_中心_ 超市_ 天啊!_ 你愿意

35、吗?_四、单项选择。(    ) 1. -What would you like to _?      -Id like some water.A. eat             B. have              C. drink  D. drinks( ) 2. -Would you like to visit the museum?&

36、#160; -_ A. Yes, please. B. Sure, I'd love to. C. Sorry, I wouldn't. D. Yes, I would. ( ) 3. Thanks a lot for _me _your party. A. invite; for B. invite; to C. inviting; for D. inviting; to ( ) 4. -Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday, Xiao Ming?  -_ A. I

37、'd love to, but I have lots of things to do. B. Oh, no. That'll be too tired. C. I'll stay at home. D. Yes, please. ( ) 5. -Could I use your bike for a few days?    -_. A. It doesnt matter

38、    B. No, thanks     C. A pleasure    D. Sure. Here you are ( ) 6. - Eliza, would you like to go shopping with us?    - _, but I&

39、#160;have to wash the dishes first.     A. No, I cant    B. I dont want to   C. Yes, please   D. Id love to ( ) 7. - Could I 

40、use your dictionary for a short time?   - _.     A. It doesnt matter   B. No, thanks   C. Its a pleasure   D. sure ( ) 8. “Can you fini

41、sh the work this afternoon?”   “_.”              A. Yes, I can         B. Yes, I do           C. Yes, I must &

42、#160;      D. Yes, I need( ) 9. I have to study _my science test _Thursday afternoon.A. at; on B. on; for C. for; in D. for; on ( ) 10. Can you play football _us this afternoon? A. with B. at C. on D. around Unit 6 See you at the party一、单词回顾:邀请_ 特别的_

43、 惊奇_ 激动的_ 开始_下午_ 到达_ 打电话_ 我想做._一、根据汉语写出英语短语。1. 聚在一起_ 2. 迫不及待_3. 没问题_ 4. 足球比赛_5. 去野餐_ 6. 下次_7. 会议室_ 8. 玩的开心_9. 惊喜派对_ 10. 语文考试_五、单项选择。( ) 1. “Would you like to join us in basketball?”“_ . but Im afraid I have to study 

44、;for my science test.” A. I wouldnt    B. Id love to     C. Id like   D.I dont like it ( ) 2. May 12th is Xiao Mings birthday. He_ us to

45、0;his birthday party. A. asks     B. invites     C. makes    D. tells ( ) 3. Thanks _ your help, and now I have made great progress in my English.      A. to   B. with  C. 


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