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1、Mobile TD/TTC/LTEPC Tools for TD/TTC/LTEUpdateDB UserGuideV1.0Not Approved by Document Control. For Review Only.MARVELL INTERNAL USE ONLYDO NOT DISTRIBUTEFOR RIM USE ONLYApril 25, 2014MCHFMarvell.Moving Forward FasterDocument ConventionsNote: Provides related information or information of special im

2、portance.Caution: Indicates potential damage to hardware or software, or loss of data.CautionWarning: Indicates a risk ofal injuryDocument StatusDoc Status: UE ConSole User GuideTechnical Publication:This document is based on <User Document Template>For more information, visit our website at:D

3、isclaimerNo part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Marvell. Marvell retains the right to make changes to this document at any time,

4、without notice. Marvell makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to any information contained in this document, including, but not limited to, the implied warr es of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Marvell does not warrant the accuracy or compl

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8、curity reasons by the EAR; and,3) In the case of technology controlled for national security reasons under the EAR where the direct product of the technology is a complete plant or component of a plant, not to export to EAR Country Groups D:1 or E 2 the direct product of the plant or major component

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10、onnection with their receipt of anysuch information.Copyright © 2014. Marvell International . Marvell, the Marvell logo, Moving Forward Faster, Alaska, Fastwriter, Datacom Systems on Silicon, Libertas,Link Street, NetGX, PHYAdvantage, Prestera, Raising The Technology Bar, The Technology Within,

11、 Virtual Cable Tester, and Yukon are registered trademarks of Marvell.Ants, AnyVoltage, Discovery, DSP Switcher, Feroceon, GalNet, GalTis, Horizon, Marvell Makes It All Possible, UniMAC, and VCT are trademarks of Marvell. Intel XScale is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or it

12、s subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners.April 25, 2014MCHFMarvell. Moving Forward Faster前言目录前言4更新DB的42.1手动更新DB4122.用MDB文件更新DB4用txt文件更新DB6自动更新DB63APPENDIX73.13.23.3REPORT ISSUES7UPDATE THIS DOCUMENT7REVISION H

13、ISTORY7Copyright © 2007 MarvellApril 25, 2014, UE ConSole User GuideMCHFPage 3前言1前言DB 的状态1.1运行 CatStudio.exe,在右侧 Logger 的 panel 下可以看到如下图所示绿色代表已激活的 DeviceDB 是匹配的。红色代表已激活的 DeviceDB 是不匹配的。灰色代表此 Device未激活。、“Show Alive Device only”的作用是:勾选上 Database 的列表中将只出现已激活的 Device。没有勾选上的话显示全部 Device。22.1更新 DB 的手

14、动更新 DB2.1.1用 MDB 文件更新 DBStep1: 如图 1 所示,点击 DB 不匹配的 Device 内的 Update 按钮。Copyright © 2007 MarvellApril 25, 2014, PC Driver Installation GuideMCHFPage 4更新 DB 的图 1Step2:件。如图 2 所示,分别加载相应的 ap 和 cp 部分的 mdb 文件,点击 Update 更新全部文图 2Step3: 如图 3 所示,DB 更新。图 3Copyright © 2007 MarvellApril 25, 2014, PC Driv

15、er Installation GuideMCHFPage 5更新 DB 的2.1.2用 txt 文件更新 DB图 42.2自动更新 DB自动更新 DB 的前提条件是:所烧的 image 里包含 和 文件,并且文件是 NVM/mbd 路径下的。满足以上条件在 DB 不匹配的时候自动更新 DB。满足自动匹配的条件,激活 Device 以后,等待 2-3S 将会弹出如图 4 所示的进度条框,进度条完成以后,DB 就自动更新了。图 5Copyright © 2007 MarvellApril 25, 2014, PC Driver Installation GuideMCHFPage 6Appendix33.1AppendixReport issuesPlease visit webs:Or contact Marvel FAE/AE.Or please sendto yzhuang with “PC Tools User Doc Issue/Update: ” titleOr submit an issue at CQ web:.3.2Update this documentPlease send updated document to yz


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