1、Parents and Children123Picture TalkingWatching & DiscussingPre-reading Activities Look at the following pictures and talk about your favorite scene:II. Watching & Discussing 1. Why did the father lied to the boy that it was a time machine? 2. In your memory, can you recall any moment when yo
2、ur father or mother was in great depression or frustration? And how did they respond to the situation?3. What good qualities should parents possess? responsible tolerant tough and strict resilient talkative creativeemotionalsensitivepositive and optimistic family-centered humorous rationalopen-minde
3、d In your opinion, what can a father do to improve Father-Children relationship?Tips to Improve Father-Child Relationship1 Play ball, color pictures, or do whatever they like at home.2 Allow them to help you clean the house, make dinner. Children often get great joy from doing things with adults.3 S
4、pend time with your children out picnicing and enjoy playing Frisbee (飞盘飞盘), or pushing them in the swings. 4 Show them that you are truly interested in their life by asking them what they did in school and looking at projects, and assignments with them.5 Dont just turn on the news when your childre
5、n are in the car with you. Talk or joke with them, or sing songs together.6 Usually, mothers bathe the children, but bath time is an excellent opportunity for fathers to be with their kids. Structure AnalysisComprehension questionsWords & ExpressionsSentence UnderstandingCulture LinkThe writer r
6、ecalls the days when she and her mother would meet and chat about life under a pine tree in the park nearby.After the writers mother died, the writer brought her sons to the same spot which brought back fond memories of her mother. Such visits and gatherings had created a close bond between her and
7、her sons.structurePart 2Para.9-13Part 1Para.1-8Sum up the main idea for each part.1. What did the family often do under the pine tree when the writers mother was alive?The family used to have picnics and gatherings quite often under the pine tree in the park.2. What did the writer and her mother usu
8、ally talk about under the tree?They usually talked about what was happening in their respective lives.3. Why did Mother look unusually solemn one day and ask her daughter strange questions?Mother acted unusually that day because her heart disease was deteriorating and she was dying.True or False1. T
9、he writers sons come to the pine tree often after their grandmother died because their grandmother used to take them there. False( )2. The writer always brings her sons to the pine tree and talk to them about family picnics, gatherings and their grandmother.3. Her son rarely hugs her, and when he do
10、es, it is like a special treat something that gives her great pleasure and delight.True( )True( )4. The park with the pine tree is a meaningful place for the writer.True( )5. The writer visits the pine tree after her mothers death occasionally only because she misses her mother.False( )When people d
11、ie, they _to exist in this world_. But for the author of this essay, a pine tree in a nearby park brings back _of her dead mother and she knows clearly that love and memory will never “_.” Now, she brings _ to the same place. cease physicallyfond memoriesher sonsdieIn recent years, we usually just t
12、alked about life, but sometimes we recalled events from my childhood. Like the time I was thirteen and had my first date, when Mother brought me to this spot under the tree and told me about the facts of life. Or the time a few years later, when my hair turned out pink for my senior prom and shed he
13、ld me while I cried. But the most special event that occurred next to this tree was when I told Mother I was getting married. One warm and pleasant summer afternoon, I sat on an old blanket under a pine tree chatting with my mother. For years, we had been coming to this park for family picnics and g
14、atherings, and my mother and I often sat in this same spot.A Time for MemoriesSharon WrightT Over the years, wed watched the pine trees in this park grow tall and straight until their needles seemed to touch the clouds. Each year of their growth seemed to match our increasingly close relationship an
15、d the deepening love we had for each other.On this particular sunny afternoon, Mother and I sat quietly breathing in the scent of freshly mown grass. She was unusually solemn and took me by surprise when she asked me, “Who will you bring here after Im gone?” Tears filled her eyes and this time I hel
16、d her while she cried. She told me she was sad to lose her little girl but happy to see that I had turned into a beautiful young woman.T I gave her one of my arched-eyebrow inquiries, then smiled. After a few moments, when she didnt return my smile, I began to wonder what made her ask such a disturb
17、ing question. Mother picked up a blade of grass and began to shred it with her fingernail. Id become well acquainted with my mothers habits, and this particular one indicated she had something serious on her mind.For several minutes, we sat in silence gathering our thoughts. A couple of blue birds s
18、quawked nearby and an airplane flew overhead, but they didnt ease the awkward moment between us. Finally, I reached over and took my mothers hand in mine. “Theres nothing you cant tell me, Mother,” I said. “We will handle this together, like we always have.” TShe looked into my face, and her eyes fi
19、lled with tears that spilt down her cheeks cheeks that were alarmingly pale. Even before she said it, I knew what was coming. Mother was dying.I held her tightly while she told me that her heart condition was worsening and couldnt be repaired. I think I had known for quite a while but had not been w
20、illing to admit it to myself. Shed had several heart attacks and, a few years ago, even open-heart surgery. T What I didnt know, and what she had kept from me, was that her condition wasnt improving. We talked about her options, which were few; we cried, held each other and wished for more time toge
21、ther. That was many years ago now. Mother died soon after that day, before my sons had a chance to know her. I still come to the park, but now I bring my boys. I still sit under that same sturdy pine tree on an old blanket and talk to my sons of family picnics, gatherings and the grandmother they ne
22、ver knew. Just as my mother did with me, I tell my children about their youthful funny behaviors and praise them for their accomplishments as young adults. We come to this special place to create our own memories memories that I know would make my mother smile with pride. TNot long ago my oldest son
23、 wanted to come to the park and talk, so we came and sat under our tree. He hemmed and hawed for a few minutes, then he finally told me he was getting married. I cried tears of joy as my son hugged me his hug a rare and special treat. I told him how proud I was of the man he had become.As I sat ther
24、e that cool April afternoon soaking up the sun and the smell of freshly mown grass, I felt I had come full circle under this giant pine tree. Holding my son in my arms, I was happy for him, just the way I knew my mother had been happy for me all those years ago when I told her I was getting married.
25、TThe branches above were swaying in the breeze and in them I heard a whispering voice: Who will you bring here when Im gone? It was my mothers voice, and I tightened my arms around my son.Looking over my sons shoulder, I saw that several young pine trees had been planted recently. As these trees gro
26、w straight and tall, I thought, will the lives of my family continue to grow with them? I wanted to share this spot with my grandchildren, too.T:Workplace nurseries will cease to be liable for tax.v. stop somethingceasecease activitycease operation cease productioncease fire The two warring sides ha
27、s reached an agreement to cease fire. 交战双方已经达成停火协议。停止活动停止运作停止生产停火E.g.1. This looks like a nice spot for a picnic.2. It is said that there are a lot of spots to visit in Zhuhai. Can you list some?on the spot 现场,当场现场,当场 In 1865, president Lincoln was shot in the head and died on the spot. :Workplace n
28、urseries will cease to be liable for tax.n. 1. a particular place 2. a point of interestspotE.g.v. remember or call something backI cant recall E.g.his face.seeing him.that he came.where he lives.how to do it.指有意识地下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。指有意识地下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。这些动词均有这些动词均有“记忆,记住,回忆记忆,记住,回忆”之意。之意。含义较广,多指无意
29、识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。CF: memorize, remember & recallremembermemorizerecall比比remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。1. He that he had sent the letter over a month before.2. When I was at school, we were required to a poem every week. 3. me to your family. 4. I don
30、t signing a contract. 5. She seeing him outside the shop on the night of the robbery. recalled_memorize_Remember_remember_recalled_1.I thought he was treating, but it turned out to be a Dutch treat.2.It turned out far better than I had expected. 3.Harry Potter turned out to be a runaway best-seller.
31、 E.g.1. Im still trying to find a date for the prom next Saturday.2. He threw a party for us.3. The masked ball was to take place on Friday night. 4. The cowboy got all dressed up in his best suit to go to the dance. n. a formal party given for students by a high school or college classE.g. 1. Almos
32、t half of all fatal accidents occur while landing.v. (esp. of unplanned events) happen, take placeE.g.1. They to look in the right place almost immediately.2. If any of these symptoms while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately. 3. Fortunately it that there was no one in the h
33、ouse at the time of the explosion. 4. The concert next Thursday. 5. Where did the earthquake ?happened_happened_takes place_occur_occur_是普通用词,泛指一切客观事物或情况的发生,强调动作的偶然性。是较正式用词,可指意外事件的发生,也可指意料中事件的发生。CF: happen, occur & take placeoccurhappentake place多指通过人为安排事件的发生。1. When you are choosing which flowe
34、r to plant, appearance and scent should both be considered.2. The scent of the fresh grass reminded him of his summer vacation in the mountain. n. a pleasant natural smellE.g.1. mowing machine2. As you sow you shall mow.3. Early sow, early mow. 早种早收。种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 割草机,收割机 v. cut (grass, corn, etc.)E.g.1.
35、 I will give you my solemn promise that I will never betray. 2. He looked as solemn as a coffin. solemn music a solemn face/voice a solemn ceremony a solemn occasion 隆重的仪式隆重的仪式 庄重的场合庄重的场合阴沉的面孔阴沉的面孔/声音声音庄严的音乐庄严的音乐 adj. serious and without any amusementE.g.1.In his first film, Mr Bean took America by
36、surprise. 2. I took him by surprise and he had no time to think of an excuse. 让大吃一惊,出其不意take by surpriseE.g.1. It isnt polite to make many inquiries into other peoples affairs.2. Have they made any inquiries after me? inquiry/enquiryE.g.n. request for help or information (about sb./sth.)v. interrupt
37、 what someone is doing1. Im sorry to disturb you so late, but I was wondering if I could use your phone.1. The changes are exciting, but disturbing for his as well.2. I tried to get rid of disturbing thoughts from my mind. disturbingE.g.adj. causing distress or worry or anxiety disturb1. He by a kne
38、e injury for most of the season. 2. Dont making the bed Ill do it later. 3. Heavy truck traffic the neighborhood. 4. You wont get any credit for doing it, so why ? 5. He hung the “Dont ” sign around the door handle on the outside. disturbed_has been troubled_Disturb_bother_bother_指烦恼引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。指烦
39、恼引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。这些词均有这些词均有“使人不安或烦恼使人不安或烦恼”之意。之意。较正式,多用被动态。指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正较正式,多用被动态。指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,烦恼程度较深。常秩序,烦恼程度较深。CF: bother, disturb & trouble disturbbothertrouble指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。shred vegetablesshred documents切菜粉碎文件shredv. cut or tear sth. into smal
40、l piecesE.g.1. 我们是在一个阳光灿烂的日子相互相识的。 We got acquainted with each other on a sunny day. 2. I am a newcomer and not acquainted with the rules and regulations here. Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd auld lang syne?n.相识,相识,熟人熟人get/become acq
41、uainted withknow or be familiar with sb./sth.E.g.1. In South Africa, reports indicate that employees are involved in 75 percent of the corruption. 2. The Apple “command” key s actually taken from a Swedish road sign used to indicate tourist attractions. 事实上,苹果的命令键图标取自于北欧常用的一个道路指示图,用于给游客指明方向。 indicat
42、ev. suggest; show the way or the directionE.g.1.She was still trying to gather her thoughts together when the door opened. 2. I sat down for a moment to gather my strength. 3. Gather yourself together and then no one can defeat you.积蓄力量积蓄力量打起精神,打起精神,振作振作定神;集中精力gather ones thoughts e.g. 不好意思打扰你,但我需要些
43、止疼药来减缓疼痛。 I am sorry to disturb you, but I need some painkillers to ease the pain.1. Warm and inviting smiles will put others at ease with you. 2. I always feel ill at ease in a strange environment. 自在,放松自在,放松不自在,拘谨不自在,拘谨easev. lessen pain or discomfort n. n. freedom from difficulty or hardship or e
44、ffort 1. Some of the questions were rather awkward.2. As the only man among the guests and felt rather awkward.3. Living in China for years, he is still awkward with his chopsticks.awkwardadj. 1. difficult to use, do, or deal with 2. not smooth or graceful; ungainlyE.g.侧重缺乏优雅、机敏和技巧。用于物时,指使用不便。这两个形容词
45、都含有这两个形容词都含有“笨拙的笨拙的”之意。之意。CF: awkward & clumsyclumsyawkward指人时,侧重行动笨拙;指物时,侧重制作粗陋或体积、重量过大而呈现笨重。1. The clumsy dog knocked the cup over. 那只笨拙的狗把杯子打翻了。2. My attempts to apologize were very clumsy. 我的道歉显得很笨拙。E.g.1. If youre willing to fly at night, you can get a much cheaper ticket. Successful are th
46、ose who are willing to take pains.愿意做be willing to do E.g.机会总是留给愿意努力的人。There are various options open to those who are willing to work hard.have no option but to (do)leave ones options open make ones option除了.以外没有他法, 只好不做选择; 留有回旋余地 进行选择optionadj. the freedom to make a choiceE.g.1. Now you know all t
47、he facts, you can make an informed 2. There must be a(n) to people sleeping on the streets. 3. They didnt leave him much either he paid or theyd beat him up. 4. Id prefer not to work but I dont have much 5. Im afraid I have no but to ask you to leave. alternative_option_choice_.choice_.alternative_着
48、重特别给予的选择权利或权力,所选物常常相互排斥。着重特别给予的选择权利或权力,所选物常常相互排斥。这些名词均含有这些名词均含有“选择选择”之意。之意。侧重指自由选择的权利或特权。侧重指自由选择的权利或特权。CF: option, choice & alternative choiceoptionalternative指在相互排斥的两者之间作严格的选择,也可指在两者以上指在相互排斥的两者之间作严格的选择,也可指在两者以上中进行选择。中进行选择。 1. The weather is all one could wish for. 今天天气再好不过了。 2. If you wish for
49、peace, prepare for war. - Vegetius (Rome)wish for盼望,希望得到 E.g.1. strong and firm, esp. in body e.g. Its made of sturdy stainless steel.2. determined in action e.g. They kept up a sturdy opposition to the plan.a sturdy table sturdy legs a sturdy friend结实的桌子健壮的腿忠贞不渝的朋友sturdy adj.1. sth. that is success
50、ful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort e.g. For a novelist, it is quite an accomplishment to win the Nobel Prize. 2. the completion of sth. e.g. They threw a party to celebrate the successful accomplishment of the task.accomplishment He cannot make up his mind, never knowing what to
51、do, hemming and hawing all the time. hem and haw吞吞吐吐吞吞吐吐支支吾吾支支吾吾E.g.The US grape supply has begun to tighten in recent years as some California farmers switched to nuts and vegetables. 美国葡萄供应近年来开始收紧,加州的一些农户转而种植坚果和蔬菜。 tightenmake or become tight or tighter E.g.harden lengthen loosen tighten strengthe
52、n threaten frighten fasten widen broaden 1. Paraphrase the sentence.2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.又如几年以后,我的发型在高中毕业舞会显得不太合时宜,母亲让我在她怀中哭泣。A few years later, when I dyed my hair for a formal dance party at high school, it ended up being pink rather than the color I had expected, I felt very sad
53、 and cried in my mothers arms.Or the time a few years later, when my hair turned out pink for my senior prom and shed held me while I cried.Q: Whats the symbolic meaning of the growth of the pine trees?It symbolizes the increasingly close relationship between mother and daughter.Over the years, wed
54、watched the pine trees in this park grow tall and straight until their needles seemed to touch the clouds. Q: What can we infer from the sentence?There was probably something serious to happen, because mother used to be kind, not at all the way she behaved that day.She was unusually solemn and took
55、me by surprise when she asked me, “Who will you bring here after Im gone?”What does “arched-eyebrow” mean in the sentence?When one makes a facial expression by making ones eyebrows arched, one is usually disapproving or doubtful.I gave her one of my arched-eyebrow inquiries, then smiled.Analyze the
56、sentence structure.“What I didnt know” and “what she had kept from me” are two paralleled clauses used as subject.More exampleWhat I didnt know, and what she had kept from me, was that her condition wasnt improving.Wherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for you - Right Here Waiti
57、ng (by Richard Marx) 1. Whats the meaning of the sentence?Under the special big pine tree, what I did with my sons was just what my mother did with me. Life had repeated itself like a circle here.2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.我坐在那里,觉得自己回到了原地,就在这棵我坐在那里,觉得自己回到了原地,就在这棵巨大的松树下。巨大的松树下。I felt I ha
58、d come full circle under this giant pine tree.Whats the grammatical function of “Holding my son in my arms”?“Holding my son in my arms” is a present participle phrase used as adverbial.More examples: Looking over my sons shoulder, I saw that (Para. 12)Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.Lying
59、 under the apple trees, Newton was thinking and thinking.Holding my son in my arms, I was happy for him, just the way I knew my mother had been happy for me all those years ago when I told her I was getting married.1. Translating Discussion&ReportDirections: Translate the following Chinese into
60、English phrases that we have learned in the text.1. 温暖宜人温暖宜人warm and pleasant2. 与与聊天聊天chat with 3. 家庭野餐和聚会家庭野餐和聚会 family picnic and gathering4. 回忆童年往事回忆童年往事recall events from childhood5. 第一次约会第一次约会 ones first date6. 给给讲生理知识讲生理知识tell sb. about the facts of life7. 高中毕业舞会高中毕业舞会senior prom8. 出落得成熟漂亮出落得成熟漂亮turn into a beautiful young wo
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