1、Unit 7 in Book 4Part 1Listening 1Ex 1: FFTTFEx 2: 1. neighborhood, drop by2. hectic, relax3. for sure, travel agency 4. landing a job, as difficult5. working your way throughScripts:Maria: Oh, hi Dave. Long time no see!Dave: Hi Maria. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd drop by.Maria: Co
2、me in. Have a seat. Would you like something to drink? I have Sprite and orange juice.Dave: Sprite would be fine. Uh, so, how have you been?Maria: Oh, not bad. And you?Dave: Oh, I'm doing OK, but school has been really hectic these days, and I haven't had time to relax.Maria: What's your
3、 major anyway?Dave: Hotel management.Maria: Well, what do you want to do after graduation?Dave: Uh.I haven't decided for sure, but I think I'd like to work for a hotel or travelMaria:agency in this area. How about you?Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French, but then
4、I realized I might have a hard time finding a job, so I changed to computer science. With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldn't be as difficult.Dave: So, do you have a part-time job to support yourself through school?Maria: Well, fortunately, I received a four-year a
5、cademic scholarship that pays for all my tuition and books.Dave: Wow, that's great.Maria: Yeah. How about you? Are you working your way through school?Dave: Yeah. I work three times a week at a restaurant near campus.Maria: Oh, what do you do there?Dave: I'm a cook.Maria: How do you like you
6、r job?Dave: It's OK. People there are friendly, and the pay isn't bad.Listening 2Ex 1: BDACEx 2: 1. Jazz Society. 2. Cave Club. 3. Juggling Club. 4. The Food and Wine Club. Scripts:1. Do you need a place where you can juggle without breaking furniture? Our club offers a place to practice you
7、r skills and has equipment members can use. No experience is necessary to join.2 If you play or just love listening to jazz, this is the club for you. Membership includes free entry.to jazz con certs. The club also offers classes with well-k nown musicia ns for members who want to improve their play
8、 ing.3 A good cave explorati on trip in cludes all those things your mother did n't like you doing whe n you.were small getting wet and dirty, jumping off things, and swinging on ropes. Our members explore dark and mysterious caves with underground rivers and noisy waterfalls. The club explores
9、new caves in Brita in and travels to other coun tries such as Spa in.4 The Food and Wine Club offers a variety of social events every year, including holiday parties,.wine tasti ngs, and our annual Oktoberfest trip to Muni ch. One of our past dinners has bee n described as "the best meal rve ev
10、er had".Liste ning 3Ex 1:AACBEx 2:TFTFFScripts:Well, I think first of all for first-time students, coming and living on campus in dormitories canprovide a certain level of security as well as convenience because it's close to campus facilities and commuting without a car can be quite an exp
11、erienee,especially when you have to commute longdistances. Also meals are usually provided on campus so students can devote more time to their studies, rather tha n to housekeep ing. But, of course, stude nts should also be aware that they'll have to obey the rules and regulati ons relat ing to
12、stude nt con duct. This is part of the con tract with the uni versity for livi ng on campus.Another option is living off campus in apartments. Like living in dormitories, living in an apartment requires little or no maintenance mai nly because that is usually han dled by the owner or some one else.
13、Also, if you live off campus, there might be a great amount of flexibility in choosing roommates that you might not have whe n liv ing on campus. But you should be aware that tenants may be resp on sible for furnishing their own apartme nts.Well, of course, the choice is up to you, but be careful to
14、 review both the advantages and disadva ntages of livi ng on and off campus. Good luck.Liste ning 4Ex 1:F T T T FEx 2:1. had a flower pain ted on her face2. wore air-c on diti oned blue jea ns / jea ns with lot of holes in them3.had his hair dow n to his waistScripts:The following is a conversation
15、between one woman, Grace, and two men, Martin and Curtis.)Grace: Martin, what do you remember most about our college days?Marti n: What do I remember most?Grace: Curtis' hair: It was down to his waist.Curtis: I remember how Grace looked. She always had a flower pain ted on her face, remember tha
16、t?Marti n: Oh, yes.Grace: Now wait. Let's n ot forget Martin s air-'onditioned blue jeans. I never saw anybody with more holes in欢迎下载2their jea ns.Martin: They're a classic no w. I still have those blue jea ns!Grace: You still have them? I don't believe it. That's in credible!Mar
17、tin: And I still wear them, too.Curtis: You know, I was just thinking about the most important thing that happened in college.Marti n: The most importa nt thing? You mean, the time we got arrested?Curtis: Mm.Grace: Yeah. You know, that's my best memory, going on that peace dem on strati on. You
18、know, somehow getti ng arrested for someth ing you believe in isn't scary at all.Curtis: No, it isn't at all. But it did help that there were 500 other students getting arrested along with us.Marti n: That's true.Curtis: That was a great day, though.Grace: Hey, you all remember our last
19、day of college?Curtis: Graduation? What's to remember? None of us went to graduation.Martin: Do you regret now, after all these years, that we skipped the ceremony?Grace: Not me. I don't think we missed anything that day.Curtis: No, nothing at all. And that picnic that the three of us had by
20、 the stream, remember?Grace: That was great.Curtis: Drinking wine, playing the guitar, singing. Oh, that was worth more to me than any graduationceremony.Martin: That was the best graduati on ceremony there could have bee n.Curtis: Mm-hmm.Part 4Further Liste ningListe ning 1Ex:college Sun day ringin
21、 g/calli ngend exams stay inglast/ on terribly/badly/poorly courses helptest ingMarket ingtwo stay holiday projectScripts:(Justin is twenty, and studying away from home in the north of England. He never writes home, but often calls his pare nts on Sun day evenin gs.)Mother: Hello. Bedford 21698.Just
22、 in: Hello, Mum. It's me, Just in.Mother: Hello, love. How are you?Justin: rm fine, but rm really tired.Mother: Oh, what have you been doing?Justin: Well, we've just started exams, so rve been staying up late, erm, it was 3 o'clock last night. Yeah, I've bee n study ing really hard.M
23、other: Of course, it's exam time. When did they start?Just in: Last Thursday. We had our first one on Thursday mornin g. It was terrible. I don't want to talk about it.Mother: OK. What else have you been doing?Justin: Not a lot. I've been working too hard. Sometimes I go round to Lucinda
24、's place and we study together.Mother: Luci nda? I have n't heard about her before. Who is she?Just in: You know. Luci nda, I'm sureve told you about her. She's doing the same courses as I am.I've known her for ages. We often help each other with work. Sometimes we go to the pub
25、or cook a meal together. Today, we've bee n testi ng each other on Econo mics and Market ing. She's just gone out to get a Chin ese takeaway.Mother: Oh, yes. When exactly are you coming home?Justin: In two weeks. Term ends on the 30th. Oh, Mum, would it be OK if Lucinda came to stay for the
26、holiday? Erm, we have to do a project together.Mother: That's fine, love. She's very welcome to stay. We'd like to meet her.Just in: Than ks, Mum. Luc in da's just come back with the food. I'll ring aga in before I come home. Love to Dad.Mother: Bye, love. And good luck in the ex
27、ams.Just in: Than ks. I n eed all the luck I can get. Bye.Mother: Take care of yourself and work hard. Bye.Liste ning 2Ex 1: CBADScripts:College stude nts must be mature eno ugh to assume resp on sibilities for their own educati on. First, theymust make themselves attend class. Many college instruct
28、ors do not take roll, and many others don't pen alize stude nts for not going to class. A stude nt who would rather sit in the bar tha n go to class has the opti on to do so. A stude nt must be mature eno ugh to realize that he n eeds to go to class. Second, college stude nts have to motivate th
29、emselves to do their assig nmen ts. Many stude nts are away from home, so theold en forcers, their pare nts, are n't there to ask if their readi ng is fini shed. No college teacher hou nds astude nt for his homework. He simply puts dow n a zero and says nothin g. It's up to the stude nt to g
30、et thework done. Fin ally, college stude nts are resp on sible for tak ing the required exams. A stude nt who misses atest can't expect a professor eve n to men ti on it. It is totally his resp on sibility to arra nge to make up theexam. Only stude nts mature en ough to accept these resp on sibi
31、lities are ready for college.Liste ning 3Ex:SubjectYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4En glishVVVBusin essCorresp ondenceVVFrenchVSecretarial PracticeVVVShortha ndVVVAcco untingVVEconomicsVBookkeep ingVScripts:Man: So you were studying for how long -let me see- for four years altogether? Can you tell me a litt
32、le about that course?Woma n:Well, it was a very difficult, very tough course. I did En glish for the en tire four years, so by the en d, I was quite good. As for the Busin ess Corresp ondence part, which I did in the sec ond year and third year, it was really mostly English too. I also did one year
33、of French, in the fourth year, learning to meet people, or answer the telephone. Then there were three years of Secretarial Practice, start ing in the sec ond year; and three years of Shortha nd, though I n ever got very good at it. And, well, I suppose the other subjects just fitted around that: Accounting in year three and four, Economics in the first and second and Bookkeeping in the third.no, no, in the second year, before we
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