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1、第一章1.营销的定义:(broadly defined ) social and managerial process where by individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.(narrow defined ) The process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationship

2、s in order to capture value from customers in return.Marketing can be defined as a series of activities leading to an exchange transaction between a seller and a buyer at a profit.2. Maslows hierarchy of needs:即马斯洛需求层次理论,3.价值:V = B / P V = Value B = Perceived Benefits Perceived Costs P = Price4.营销组合

3、(4C、4P):市场营销分析要素:2c-6o-4p 2c: competitor , cost 6o:What ? Object (购买对象)Why ? Objective(购买目的)Who ? Organization(购买组织)How? Operation(购买方式)When? Occasion(购买时机)Where? Outlet(购买渠道)4p: product , price , place, promotion5. 四种全球营销组合(具体概念)management orientation and global marketing:( Different Management Ori

4、entations in the Global Arena EPRG Framework)l Ethnocentric Orientation:母国中心导向,认为产品可以不经修改就在世界各地销售,即标准化(standardized)或延伸(extension approach)l Polycentric Orientation多国中心导向,认为产品需根据不同市场条件做适当修改,即当地化(localized)或因地制宜策略(adaptation approach)l Regiocentric or Geocentric Orientation: 地区中心导向和全球中心导向,瞄准所选的市场在全球寻

5、求资源,实际上是母国中心和多国中心的整合。 第二章1. economic systems:Three types of economic systems:Capitalist、Socialist、Mixed,based on dominant method of resource allocation、Market allocation、Command or central plan allocation、Mixed allocation.2.三级区:The location of population Triad(三极区)(north America,EU, Japan )table2-73

6、.各种经济一体化形态(degrees of economic cooperation):1.优惠贸易安排(preferential trade arrangement): 成员国通过协定,相互之间提供较优惠的关税。2.自由贸易区 (free trade area):成员国之间取消绝大多数商品的关税 ,每个成员对非成员保留自己的贸易壁垒。3.关税同盟:关税同盟指由两个或两个以上国家签订协定,相互间免征关税和取消其它壁垒,并对非同盟国家实行统一的关税率而缔结的同盟。它在一体化程度上高于自由贸易区。4.共同市场:所谓共同市场,就是在共同市场成员国内完全废除关税与数量限制,并建立对非成员国的统一关税,


8、章1. 自我参照准则(SRC):Self-reference criterion (SRC) and perception Perception of market needs is framed by own cultural experienceFour-step framework:Define problem in terms of home country norms (将问题或目标以母国文化的特点、习惯和规则表示出来)Define problem in terms of host country norms(用当地(外国)文化的特点、习惯和规则表示出问题或目标)Isolate SR

9、C influence. See how it complicates problem(分离出问题中自我参照标准的影响并仔细检查它如何将问题变得复杂)Redefine problem without SRC influence. Solve for host country market situation(排除自我参照标准的影响后,将问题重新表示出来并根据外国市场情况找出解答方案)第五章1. stages in the adoption process:(1)Awareness:the customer becomes aware for the first time of the prod

10、uction or innovation at this stage impersonal sources of information such as advertising are most important (2)Interest:the customer is interested enough to learning more(3)Evaluation :decides whether or not to try it(4)Trial:trial or actual purchase(5)adoption:an initial purchase or continues to pu

11、rchase at this stage, personal sources of information such sales representatives are most important 2.顾客满意度:顾客满意度反映的是顾客的一种心理状态,它顾客对消费某种产品或服务消费所产生的感觉与自己期望进行对比,对比后的心理感受。“满意”并不是一个绝对概念,而是一个相对概念。3.让渡价值:Customer delivered value(顾客让渡价值),是指总顾客价值与总顾客成本之差。其中总顾客价值包含:产品价值、服务价值、人员价值、形象价值。总顾客成本包括:货币成本、时间成本、体力成本、精

12、力成本。 V=B/P B=perceived benefits-perceived costs4.定义:潜伏市场、初期市场、先发优势:To latent markets(潜伏市场) initial success is based on prime move advantage(先发优势)-a companys ability to uncover the opportunity and launch a marketing program that taps the latent demand最初的成功是基于(先发优势)-公司发现机遇,推出的营销方案开发潜伏市场Incipient deman

13、d(初期市场)Incipient demand -latent demand- existing markets 第六章1.收集信息设计调查问卷第七章进入海外市场的方式(market entry alternative)(图): Source: Adapted from Gnther Mller-Stewens and Christoph Lechner, ”Unternehmensindividuelle und gastlandbezogene Einflufaktoren der Markteintrittsformen,” in: Klaus Macharzina and Michae

14、l-Jrg Oesterle (eds.), Handbuch Internationales Management, Gabler, Wiesbaden, 1997, p. 237; Gunter Stahr, Auslandsmarketing, Vol. 1, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1979, p. 162第八章1.SWOT分析:SWOT(Strengths Weakness Opportunity Threats)分析法,用来确定企业自身的竞争优势(strength)、竞劣势(weakness)、机会(opportunity)和威胁(threat)。S w为企业

15、内部环境分析,o t为企业外部环境分析;从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机地结合起来。 2.industry 分析:Five Forces Model 五加模式P2783.国家竞争优势模型(national competitive advantages 以及 dimension of global competition): national competitive advantages dimension of global competition4. competitive strategies(3种竞争优势):第九章1. STP(每个字母的含义):Global Segmenta

16、tion, targeting and position 2.Criteria for Targeting目标市场的营销:Target market is a set of buyer sharing common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve. 3.Criteria for Targeting 目标市场挑选标准:As in single-country targeting, the most important criteria are:Current size of the segment and an

17、ticipated growth potentialCompetitive intensity and potential competitionCompatibility with the companys overall objectives and the feasibility of successfully reaching a designated target 4. 3种目标市场选择策略(标准|差异化):standardised marketing:A market-coverage strategy in which a firm decides to ignore marke

18、t segment differences and go after the whole market with one offer.Concentrated marketing:A market-coverage strategy in which a firm goes after a large share of one or a few segments or niches.Differentiated marketing(差异营销):A market-coverage strategy in which a firm decides to target several market

19、segments and designs separate offers for each.第十章1. three levels of product:2.2. product life cycle:3.the Boston matrix:第十一章1. Three basic factors(决定价格范围的3个因素):In any country , three basic factors determine the boundaries of price: (1) product cost (2)competitive price (3)optimum price2. Global pric

20、ing strategies(四种价格策略):market Skimming:Using high-priced unique products to achieve the highest possible contribution in a short initial time period, then gradually lowering the price as the market.Penetration Pricing:Offering low pricing to generate volume sales which hopefully will compensate for

21、low margins.Market holding Price:Following competitive pricing in the target market; adjusting production and marketing mix to competitive conditions. When exchange rate change, maintain the price.Cost plus/price escalation:cost-plus pricing requires adding up all the costs required to get the product to where it must go, plus shipping and anci


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