1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上在准备和完成绩效拓展讨论时请遵循以下步骤:Please follow these steps in preparing for and completing a Performance Development Discussion:1. 受评人为绩效拓展讨论准备:Appraisee prepares for the Performance Development Discussion* 确保表格上方的关键信息正确Ensures that the key information on the top of the form is correct* 复核上次绩效拓展方案R
2、eviews the last Performance Development Plan* 对于每一个要求能力,标注要求能力与具体工作的相关重要性(低、中、高)For each competency, note whether the competency is of low, medium or high relevance in relation to their specific job* 对于每一个要求能力,在“受评人”一栏下标注自己是否展现有效行为For each competency, indicates with a checkmark under Appee whether h
3、e/she demonstrates effective behaviours * 在每一类要求能力下填写“受评人”意见一栏For each competency category, fills in the Appraisee comments box 2. 受评人将表格交给评估人Appraisee passes form to Appraisor3. 评估人分析自己在过去一年中支持受评人绩效拓展的表现Appraisor assesses his/her own performance in supporting the Appraisees performance development
4、during the past year 4. 评估人为绩效拓展讨论准备Appraisor prepares for the Performance Development Discussion:* 复核上次绩效拓展方案Reviews the last Performance Development Plan* 复核被评估者所写的所有信息Reviews all of the information written in by the Appraisee* 在“评估人”一栏标注自己关于被评估者是否展现有效行为的观点Indicates with a checkmark under Appor wh
5、ether he / she believes the Appraisee demonstrates effective behaviours * 在每一类要求能力下填写“评估人”意见一栏For each competency, fills in the Appraisor box * 拷贝表格(有受评人和评估人意见)以备讨论过程中使用Makes a copy of the form (with both Appraisee and Appraisor comments) for use during the discussion 5. 受评人和评估人会见并讨论绩效拓展方案并一起讨论/同意/完
6、成:Appraisee and Appraisor meet to discuss the Performance Development Plan and jointly discuss / agree / complete * 每人在每个要求能力类别下的意见The comments written by each person under each Competency Category * 受评人在日常工作中展现各项素能的有效指标的程度The extent to which the Appraisee demonstrates the effective behaviours assoc
7、iated with each competency on a daily basis * 对于每个要求能力类别的拓展方案(即:为每个类别同意两个以上的SMART目标,包括达成每个目标的步骤和完成日期)The Development Plan for each Competency Category (i.e. agreeing up to two SMART Goals for each category, including Action Steps to achieve each goal and the targeted Completion Date) * 总结(受评人和评估人)Su
8、mmary Comments (Appraisee and Appraisor) * 下一个事业目标Next career move6. 评估人最后确认表格,获取受评人的签名并给其提供一分拷贝以做参考The Appraisor finalises the form, obtains Appraisees signature and provides the Appraisee with a copy of the form for his / her own record 7. 评估人将原始表格交给人力资源部作必要的处理The Appraisor passes the original for
9、m to Human Resources for further distribution and processing as appropriate谨记!Remember!* 回馈应基于具体的行为(情景/行为/影响)Feedback should be based on specific behaviours (Situation / Behaviour / Impact)* 回馈应基于日常表现而非孤立的事件Feedback should be based on day-to-day performance, not isolated incidents专心-专注-专业以客为尊/ 品质Cus
10、tomer Focus / Quality以客为尊/ 品质 - 借由关注客人的利益和抱怨,致力于辨识和满足他们的需求;提供及时、有效而个人化的服务;对他人不同的看法和态度展现同理心和理解;确保达到专业、高品质的工作水准;有接受批评的雅量而不致于仇视或狡辩,能建设性地利用批评来改进。Customer Focus/Quality - Focuses on identifying and meeting customers needs by taking their interests and complaints seriously; delivers prompt, efficient and
11、personalised service; shows empathy and understanding for others views and attitudes; and ensures professional, high quality work standards are met; accepts criticism without hostility or defensiveness and uses it constructively to move forward.变革管理Managing Change行动导向 - 于工作中展现出热情、冲劲和决心,并精力充沛地追求目标;随时
12、表现出自信和乐观;采取主动,为本身的工作负责,并随时为他人的安全着想。 Action Oriented - Demonstrates enthusiasm, drive and determination to get ahead and pursues goals energetically; shows self-confidence and an optimistic outlook; acts on own initiative and takes responsibility for ones own work and for the safety of others.适应能力 -
13、意识到自己的强项和弱点;在不特定环境中,即使没有或仅有有限指示及讯息,亦能安心工作;接纳新的主意,支持更新的行动;根据不断变化的状况,来调整或改变自己的观点和行为;能够找出个人发展的需要并寻求改进的机会;能够吸取新的讯息并学习新的技能;在压力及紧张的工作情况下保持稳定的表现。Adaptability - Shows awareness of ones own strengths and weaknesses; works comfortably in uncertain conditions with no or little direction and information; accept
14、s new ideas and supports change initiatives; adapts or changes ones own views or behaviours to changing circumstances; able to identify ones own developmental needs and seeks opportunities to improve; is able to absorb new information and learn new techniques; maintains stable performance under pres
15、sure and in stressful work situations.变革管理 - 应用各种活动及寻求新的挑战来改善工作表现。展现乐观的态度并迅速从错误中重整改进。Change Management - Generates activity and seeks new challenges to improve work performance; demonstrates an optimistic outlook and recovers quickly from failure. 制定决策 - 在压力之下迅速果断地做出正确的决定;基于足够的讯息和分析来承担计算到的风险;根据所有可获取
16、的讯息来做出理智的判断。Decision Making - Makes sound decisions quickly under pressure; takes calculated risks based on adequate information and analysis; makes rational judgements on the basis of all available information.策略导向 - 在众多的方案中选择最有把握的策略,并将这样的信念传达给他人;设定与组织抱负相一致的组织策略,并利用相关及多样化的资源来达成目标;运用各种方式沟通协商。Strateg
17、ic Orientation - Selects the most promising tactic from a range of alternatives and conveys this vision to others; sets organisational strategy in line with organisational vision and uses multiple, relevant resources to achieve objectives; negotiates with a variety of approaches.人员管理Managing People沟
18、通 - 鼓励组织内全面的沟通;与他人分享讯息并清楚表述意见及讯息;设身处地地聆听并将他人的感受和观点纳入考虑范围;沟通对优点及缺点的认识并承认错误;与组织的各个层面的人员保持良好的关系。Communications - Encourages communication throughout the organisation; shares information with others and clearly expresses opinions and information; listens to others sympathetically and takes feelings and
19、views into consideration; communicates awareness of strengths and weaknesses and admits to mistakes; and maintains relationships with people at all levels in the organisation.诚信 - 持续展现清晰的道德和价值观;以身作则,为他人示范高标准的行为;保密并坚持与他人的协定;与不同文化背景的人互动良好;在工作与生活中保持平衡,使两者之间没有负面影响。Integrity - Acts consistently in accord
20、ance with clear ethics and values and models high standards of behaviour for others through ones own actions; maintains confidentiality and upholds agreements made with others; able to relate to people from different cultures; and maintains a balance between work and personal life so neither affects
21、 the other negatively.人际关系技巧与团队合作 - 在不同环境中,辨识并应用最恰当的人际模式;与他人和睦相处,群策群力;迅速地与他人建立良好关系;尽全力帮助有困难的人,并支持他们度过低潮;对他人的观点展现宽容和体谅;稳定自身的情绪,不至使个人情绪影响工作。Interpersonal Skills and Teamwork - Identifies and uses the most appropriate interpersonal style to suit different circumstances; identifies well with others and
22、is able to work efficiently in a team; quickly builds rapport with others; helps people with individual limitations and supports them through difficult periods; and shows tolerance and consideration for others viewpoints; is able to keep own emotions in check and not allow personal feelings disrupt
23、work.人员管理(续)Managing People (Continued) 管理他人的工作 - 工作时具有长远的规划与方向,设立清晰、适当、具体定义及高品质的目标;鼓励他人遵循法定和个人的义务;在计划时考虑可能的遇到的改变和困难;给予团队清楚的方向并使他们继续在工作上发展;透过适当的工作分配,积极支持员工自主和授权;目睹工作的进程直至完成;确保达成重要目标。Managing the Work of Others - Works with an orientation to the future; sets clear, appropriate, and well-defined, qual
24、ity objectives; encourages others to comply with legal and personal obligations; plans while taking into account change and possible difficulties; provides teams with clear direction and keeps them on task; actively supports autonomy and empowerment through appropriate delegation of work; sees proje
25、cts through to completion; ensures key objectives are met.激励与影响力 - 鼓励和谐、合作和沟通来创建团队协作的氛围;表达对他人福祉的关心;在员工团体中鼓励一种积极的态度;合理说服他人使他们改变他们的观点或方向以取得共识;尊重他人的贡献。Motivating and Influencing Others - Creates a climate of teamwork by encouraging harmony, co-operation and communication; cares for others by monitoring
26、 their well-being; inspires a positive attitude to work among subordinates and persuades others so that they change their opinions or direction and gain agreement with others; respects the contribution of others.人员发展 - 透过本身的行动,鼓励一种持续在个人及工作相关方面改进的文化;确保从成功中学习和从失败中记取教训;指导和训练员工;传授自身的专业技能;在定义与强调适当行为标准的同时
27、,借重他人的多样化背景、技能和知识。People Development - Encourages a culture of continuous personal and work-related improvement through own actions and ensures learning from successes and failures; guides and coaches employee; passes on ones own expertise and draws on the diverse backgrounds, skills and knowledge o
28、f people while defining and reinforcing standards for appropriate behaviour.商业管理Managing The Business商业意识 - 表现对市场的意识并随时更新对竞争对手的认识;知觉、掌握并回应新的商机;通晓利润及损耗等财务相关事宜;寻求机会以最有效的方式来降低成本。Commercial Awareness - Shows awareness of markets and ensures up-to-date knowledge of competitors; demonstrates an awareness
29、of new business opportunities and seizes and acts upon them; is aware of financial issues such as profits and losses; identifies opportunities to reduce costs using the most cost-effective methods.组织理解 - 对组织的结构及目标保持知觉;准确找出并有效表达论点;提出个人见解;建立业界内部及外部的人际脉络,并利用这一网络来增强公司的利益。Organisation Savvy - Maintains a
30、wareness of organisational structure and goals; accurately identifies and effectively presents the key points of an argument; promotes ideas; establishes links with people within and outside the business and uses this network for the organisations advantage.问题解决 - 调解争端并探查深入、相关的信息来协助决策;分析数据和所有信息来源以引导
31、相关结论;检查事实来了解因果;提供新主意和种种解决方案来满足当时情况的需求。Problem Solving - Reconciles conflict and probes for information for more in-depth, relevant information for decision-making; analyses numerical data and all other sources of information in order to draw relevant conclusions and check facts to perceive causes an
32、d effects; produces new ideas and a range of solutions to meet the demands of the situation.时间与工作管理 - 有效管理时间,守时;按时完成任务;有系统地计划工作和相关的活动;尊重并遵守公司的政策;对组织有使命感;确保工作场所的安全;乐于接受并积极配合管理;展现对自身工作范围内的相关知识、操作能力和专业技术有透彻了解。Time and Task Management - Manages time effectively and shows punctuality; completes tasks on
33、time; structures work activities in a systematic way; respects and follows company policies; shows organisational commitment; ensures safety at the workplace. Shows receptiveness to being managed and co-operates willingly; demonstrates detailed job knowledge, manual ability and technical expertise i
34、n ones own area.评估日期Review Date:受评人姓名Appraisee Name:酒店/区域总部Hotel/Office:受评人职位Appraisee Position:在职日期Date in Position:加入集团日期Date Joined Company:评估人姓名Appraisor Name:评估人职位Appraisor Title:上次评估日期Date of Last Appraisal:领导素能Leadership CompetenciesCustomer Focus/Quality以客为尊/品质相关重要性Relative Importance展现Demon
35、strates低L中M高H从不Does Not偶尔Rarely有时Sometimes经常Often总是AlwaysAppee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人以客为尊/质量Customer Focus/Quality受评人意见Appraisee Comments: 评估人意见Appraisor Comments: Managing Change变革管理相关重要性Relative Importance展现Demonstrates低L中M高H从不Does Not偶尔Rarely有时S
36、ometimes经常Often总是AlwaysAppee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人行动导向Action Oriented适应能力Adaptability 变革管理Change Management制订决策Decision Making策略导向Strategic Orientation受评人意见Appraisee Comments:评估人意见Appraisor Comments: Managing People人员管理相关重要性Relative Importance展现De
37、monstrates低L中M高H从不Does Not偶尔Rarely有时Sometimes经常Often总是AlwaysAppee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人Appor评估人沟通Communication诚信Integrity人际关系技巧与团队合作Interpersonal Skills and Teamwork管理他人的工作Managing the Work of Others激励与影响Motivating and Influencing Others人员发展People Development受评人意见Appraisee Comments:评估人意见Appraisor Comments:Managing the Business商业管理相关重要性Relative Importance展现Demonstrates低L中M高H从不Does Not偶尔Rarely有时Sometimes经常Often总是AlwaysAppee受评人Appor评估人Appee受评人App
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