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1、 2020年黑龙江省哈尔滨市松雷中学中考一模英语试题单项选择1.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has different sounds?A. warmth quarterB. smooth southernC. drama camera【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:哪一对带下划线的单词有不同的发音?考查元音字母读音。warmth和quarter划线字母ar发/;smooth和southern划线th的发音/ð/;drama中a发/,camera中a发/æ/;故选C。2.Which of the fo

2、llowing words has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word “count”?A. southernB. doubleC. mountain【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:下列哪个单词的发音与count划线的字母的发音相同?考查元音字母组合读音。count中ou发/au/;southern中ou发/;double中ou发/;mountain中ou发/au/;故选C。3.Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?A. Tr

3、anslate.B. Crayon.C. Insect.【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:下面哪个词的重读音节与其他词不一样?考查单词重音。Translate的读音是trænzlet,第二个音节重读;Crayon的读音是kren,第一个音节重读;Insect的读音是nsekt,第一个音节重读;故选A。4.Boys and girls, put your time to _ good use in the coming three months and you are sure to become an honor to those who love you and care for y

4、ou.A. aB. theC. /【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查冠词,句意:“孩子们,在接下来的三个月里,好好利用你们的时间,你们一定会成为那些爱你们、关心你们的人的荣耀。”,use作名词,做用途和功能解的时候,可数;其它意思 使用;使用权;价值;用法等都不可数,这里应该不可数,排除A,定冠词the是特指,故选C。【点睛】不用冠词的情况 (1) 某些专有名词,抽象名词和物质名词前一般不用冠词。例如: China, Canada, Japanese, glass, water, love等。 (2) 名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, whose, some, any

5、, no, each, every等代词时,不用冠词。例如: That is my cap. I have some questions. Go down this street.(3) 复数名词表示一类人或事物时,不用冠词。They are workers.We are students.(4) 称呼语前不用冠词,表示头衔和职务的名词前也不加冠词。例如:I dont feel well today, Mother.Bush was made president of the U.S.(5) 三餐饭的名称前,球类活动,学科和节目名词前,常不用冠词。例如:I have lunch at home

6、.He often plays football after class.We have English and maths every day.(6) 在某些固定词组里,名词之前常不用冠词。例如:By air, at night, at home, go to bed, go to school, on foot, from morning till night 等。5.Some people prefer tea_ milk. However, I like drinking tea without anything in it.A. toB. withC. of【答案】A【解析】【详解】

7、句意:有些人喜欢加牛奶的茶。不过,我喜欢喝茶时不加任何东西。考查介词辨析。to去、到,表动作的方向;with和一起,表伴随;of的,表所属;下文“However, I like drinking tea without anything in it”根据however句意转折,推断空格指加牛奶的茶;故选B。6.Could you tell me who the man wearing glasses is ?Certainly. He is_ coach .He teaches _ English.A. us ;ourB. ours; usC. our; us【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:你

8、能告诉我戴眼镜的人是谁吗?当然。他是我们的辅导老师。他教我们英语。考查代词。us人称代词宾格;our形容词性物主代词;ours名词性物主代词;从文字的表层意思推断空格1指我们的辅导老师,空格1在名词前,用形容词性物主代词;空格2指教我们英语,teach sb sth教某人,填人称代词宾格;故选C。7. Excuse me ,how can I get to the nearest bus stop ?Go down this road .It's about_ walk .A. five minutesB. five minutesC. fiveminutes【答案】B【解析】【详解】

9、句意:对不起,请问最近的公共汽车站怎么走?沿着这条路走,大约五分钟走路的路程。考查名词所有格。从文字的表层意思推断空格指大约五分钟走路的路程;英语表达可以用名词所有格当定语,复数名词的所有格用s,所以排除A;也可以用复合名词当定语,基数词和名词之间要有连字符隔开,且名词只能用单数形式,所以排除C,故选B。8.Each time I _the old days we spent together, I can always get a feeling of happiness.A. come backB. look back atC. call back【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:每次我回顾

10、我们一起度过的旧时光,我总有一种幸福的感觉。考查动词短语辨析。come back回来;look back at回顾;call back给回电话;从文字的表层意思推断空格指回顾我们一起度过的旧时光,故选B。9._ computers are now in common used all over the world. In China nearly 60% of the families have one at home.A. ElectronicB. ElectricityC. Electric【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:电子计算机现在在全世界普遍被使用。在中国60%的家庭家有一台。考查形

11、容词辨析。Electronic电子设备的,强调指与电子装置有关的或使用电子装置;Electricity电、电流,名词;Electric用电的、电动的,强调与电有直接的关系,由电产生的指任何电动的或发电的装置;根据空格后computer指一种电子装置,故选A。10.Why did you keep silent in front of foreign friends yesterday?I_ talk with them in English.A. didnt dareB. dared toC. didnt dare to【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:昨天你为什么在外国朋友面前保持沉默?我不敢

12、和他们用英语交谈。考查否定句。dare可做情态动词和实意动词,做情态动词其否定形式为“darent +动词原形”;做实意动词时,有动词的全部形式,可用于一切句式,其否定形式为“助动词+not+ dare+ to do sth”;从文字的表层意思推断空格指不敢和他们用英语交谈,所以排除B;根据时间状语yesterday可知句子是一般过去时,选项A表达不完整;故选C。11.I wonder when you _the new dress.Well, I _ it for a month.A. have bought, have hadB. bought, have boughtC. bought,

13、 have had【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我想知道你什么时候买的新衣服。嗯,我已经买了一个月了。考查时态。从文字的表层意思推断空格1指什么时候买的新衣服,动作发生在过去,用一般过去式,所以排除A;空格2指买了一个月了;短暂性动词的完成时态不能与和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,当它需要和表示一段时间的时间状语连用时,要转换为相应的延续性动词,根据时间状语for a month,排除选项B短暂性动词的完成时态have bought,故选C。【点睛】解答本题时,运用语法排除错误选项。关注空格1前的疑问词when是问什么时候买的衣服,动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时,排除错误选项A;空格2要根据

14、时间状语for a month不能与短暂性动词的完成时态连用来排除错误选项B。12._ about the hard work the cleaners do before you want to throw the rubbish in the street. Youll be fined if you throw the rubbish in the street in some cities.A. ThinkB. ThinkingC. To think【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:在你想把垃圾扔到街上之前,想想清洁工的辛苦工作。在一些城市,如果你把垃圾扔在街上,你会被罚款的。考查祈使句

15、。Think原形;Thinking动名词;To think不定式;从文字的表层意思推断空格指想想清洁工的辛苦工作;句子是祈使句,以动词原形开头;故选A。13.Worries about the exam and the lack(缺少) of sleep will drive me mad!.Take it easy. Your best work only comes after your brain .A. will rest wellB. rest wellC. is well rested【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:担心考试、缺少睡眠把我逼疯了!放松点。你最好的工作只有在你的大脑休

16、息好之后才会出现。考查动词时态和语态。will rest well一般将来时;rest well休息好,一般现在时;is well rested一般现在时的被动语态。句中after引导的是时间状语从句,从句中用一般现在时,先排除A;主语为单数,动词用三单形式,故B不对。主语your brain与动词rest构成被动关系,应用被动语态。故选C。14.When did you _ playing musical instruments as your hobby?Two years ago.A. make upB. take upC. put up【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:你什么时候开始爱好

17、乐器演奏的?两年前。考查动词短语辨析。make up化妆;take up开始、从事;put up张贴;从文字的表层意思推断空格指开始爱好乐器演奏,故选B。15.Why is the bread bad?Its common in summer. Food goes bad easily_it isnt put in the fridge.A. untilB. ifC. unless【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:为什么面包坏了?夏天很常见。食物如果不放进冰箱很容易变质。考查连词、if从句。until直到,引导时间状语从句;if“如果”表示条件,引导条件状语从句;unless“除非、如果不”,表

18、示条件,引导条件状语从句;从文字的表层意思推断空格指食物如果不放进冰箱,从句是否定句,判断空格填if引导的条件状语从句;故选B。16.The writer and his novel _you have just talked about are really well-knownA. whoB. whichC. that【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:你刚才谈到的那位作家和他的小说真的很有名。本题考查定语从句,A. who关系代词(先行词是人,在定语从句中可以作主语或宾语);B. which关系代词(先行词是物,在定语从句中可以作主语或宾语);C. that关系代词(先行词可以是人、物、人和

19、物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语),根据句子可知,the writer and his novel是先行词,先行词是人和物,且在定句从句中作宾语,故答案选C。17. How is Carla getting along with her English?You wouldn't believe these days.A. what a quick progress she was makingB. what quick progress she's madeC. how quickly she was progressing【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:Carla的英语学得怎么样

20、了?你不会相信她这些天进步有多快!考查宾语从句。what a quick progress she was making形式错误,progress是不可数名词,不能用a修饰;what quick progress she's made她取得了多么快的进步!how quickly she was progressing她进步有多快!根据句意和句中的these days“这些天”可知,这句话应用现在完成时态,C选项时态不对。故选B。18.The festival happens on the fourth Thursday of November. On that day, familie

21、s and friends often get together to have a big dinner, giving their thanks to God for what they have got. It is a traditional _ festival.A. ChineseB. AmericanC. Japanese【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:节日在十一月的第四个星期四举行。那天,家人和朋友经常聚在一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,感谢上帝赐予他们的一切。这是一个传统的美国节日。考查形容词辨析、常识。Chinese中国的;American美国的;Japanese日本的;根据描述可知

22、这是美国的感恩节,故选B。19.2019nCoV (2019新型冠状病毒)comes this winter. It is much more serious than the common flu. What can we do to keep safe? Buy medicine as our friends tell us. Wash our hands often with soap and water. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough. Learn how to put it on, take it off

23、 and throw it away correctly when you wear a mask. Try to get together with your family and friends.A. B. C. 【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:2019新型冠状病毒发生在今年冬天。它比普通流感严重得多。我们能做些什么来保证安全?考查常识。Buy medicine as our friends tell us.买朋友告诉我们的药;Wash our hands often with soap and water经常用肥皂和水洗手。Cover your mouth and nose with a

24、 tissue when you cough. 咳嗽时用纸巾捂住口鼻;Learn how to put it on, take it off and throw it away correctly when you wear a mask.当你带口罩时 学会如何正确戴口罩、脱口罩、扔掉口罩;Try to get together with your family and friends尽量和你的家人和朋友聚在一起。根据常识,疫情期间,不能听信谣言,随意买药、服药,不能聚会,所以排除、;故选C。20.Toms mother gave him ¥150 in total from Monday t

25、o Friday. With the money, he must pay for lunch, drink, tickets for subway and buy an English book. From the table, we can know he saved _ this week.LunchDrinkTicketAn English book¥12 a day¥3 a day¥2 for a ticket¥35Note: He goes to school from Monday to Friday. Besides, he must go to and come back f

26、rom school by subway.A. ¥30B. ¥130C. ¥20【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:汤姆的妈妈周一到周五给他¥150,用跟这些钱,他必须支付一周午餐、饮料、家校往返的地铁票,他买了一本英语书。根据表格,我们知道他可以这周他能省多少钱。注:他从星期一到星期五上学。他必须乘地铁上学和放学回来。考查数字计算。根据“He goes to school from Monday to Friday”,可知周一到周五上课,午餐¥12*5=¥60;饮料¥3*5=¥15;地铁票¥2*2*5=¥20;英语书¥35;共花¥60+¥15+¥20+¥35=¥130;妈妈给¥150,这周可以省

27、¥20,故选C。【点睛】解答本题需注意,题干所给的价钱都是单价,要计算一周5天的总价,用单价*5;计算乘地铁花费的钱时要注意,表格提供的是一张票的价钱,家校往返要2趟。完形填空People often ask me for suggestions about how to learn English. As for it, everyone is different. Ill share some of my experiences _21_you. I once took an English course for one school year in Peking University,

28、but I mostly_22_to learn English myself.One thing I can tell you is that once youve started learning, you should try to think _23_ English as much as possible. If you see something when you're riding your bike or walking down the street, _24_think about “How would I say them in English?” At firs

29、t, it might be with simple words or phrases, but later you should think about longer phrases and sentences. Now when Im in America, and for most of the time, I will think in English and speak it_25_.Its amazing how much this helps.For several years after I started learning, I was often afraid of tal

30、king with others in English because I didn't want to make mistakes. Finally, I_26_it. And while traveling in America, Id try to hang out with friends who couldn't speak Chinese, so that Id have no choice but_27_English. And I also decided that if I said something stupid and other people laug

31、hed at me, then so be it. After that, my English started improving _28_._29_, it may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the way you're writing, and ask them to give you some suggestions for improvement.The suggestions above are really helpful for those_30_want to learn Englis

32、h well. Try them and you are sure to improve your English soon.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。21. A. toB. withC. for22. A. made my wayB. got in the wayC. went out my way23. A. inB. withC. on24. A. stillB. justC. already25. A. graduallyB. directlyC. carefully26. A. realizedB. succeededC. overcame27. A. speakB. to spea

33、kC. speaking28. A. much quickerB. much quicklyC. much more quickly29. A. BesidesB. HoweverC. Therefore30. A. thatB. whichC. who【答案】21. B 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. C【解析】本篇是作者介绍自己学习英语的经验。作者认为学习语言就是要运用语言,学英语时要尽量用英语思维,克服害怕犯错的心理,大胆地说,还可以让你的美国朋友看看你的写作方式,让他们给你一些改进的建议,这些方法都是帮助的。【21

34、题详解】句意:我将和你分享我的一些经历。to去、到,表动作的方向;with和一起,表伴随;for 为、给,表动作的对象或原因;根据上文“People often ask me for suggestions about how to learn English”推断空格指和你分享我的一些经历;sharewith和分享;故选B。【22题详解】句意:我曾经在北京大学上过一个学年的英语课,但我主要是自己设法学英语。made my way想方设法进入;got in the way妨碍;went out my way给我让路;根据下文的陈述可知作者是靠自己学习英语,故选A。【23题详解】句意:我可以告诉

35、你的事是一旦你开始学习,你应该尽可能多地用英语思考。in在里面;with和一起,表伴随;on在上面;根据下文“If you see something when you're riding your bike or walking the street, just think about“How would I say them in English?”推断上文指用英语思考,in English用英语;故选A。【24题详解】句意:如果你在骑车或在街上散步时看到什么东西,就想想“我怎么用英语说呢?”still还;just直接,就;already已经;从文字的表层意思推断空格指在骑车或在街

36、上散步时看到什么东西,就想想用英语怎么说,故选B。【25题详解】句意:现在当我在美国的时候,大部分时间,我会用英语思考并直接说出来。gradually逐渐地;directly直接地;carefully小心地;根据下文“Its amazing how much this helps”推断上文指用英语思考并直接说出来是非常有帮助的;故选B。【26题详解】句意:最后,我克服了它。realized意识到;succeeded成功;overcame克服;上文“I was often afraid of talking with others in English because I didn't

37、want to make mistakes”根据下文“I also decided that if I said something stupid and other people laughed at me, then so be it.”推断空格指作者终于克服害怕开口的问题,故选C。【27题详解】句意:在美国旅行时,我尽量和不会说中文的朋友出去玩,所以我别无选择只能说英语。speak原形;to speak不定式;speaking动名词;have no choice but to do sth别无选择只能做某事,由此判断空格填不定式;故选B。【28题详解】句意:从那以后,我的英语进步得快多了

38、。much quicker更快,形容词比较级;much quickly形式错误,much修饰比较级,不能修饰原级;much more quickly快多了,副词比较级;空格在动词后面,判断填副词,根据“After that”可知句子含有和以前作比比较的含义,判断用副词比较级,故选C。【29题详解】句意:另外,让你的美国朋友看看你的写作方式,让他们给你一些改进的建议。Besides除之外,着重于另外还有,包含在内;However然而;Therefore因此;下文“it may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the w

39、ay you're writing, and ask them to give you some suggestions for improvement”,推断除了上文介绍学习口语的方法,还包括下文陈述的关于写作的方法;故选A。【30题详解】句意:以上建议对那些想学英语的人真的很有帮助。That;which;who都可以当定语从句的关系词,who代指表“人”的先行词在从句中当主语或宾语,which代指表“物”的先行词在从句中当主语或宾语,关系代词that的先行词可以表人也可以表物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语;本句是定语从句,当先行词是those,代指人,关系词只能用who;故选C。阅读

40、理解(A)Alice's Adventures in WonderlandWriter: Lewis CarrollPrice:¥25 (in bookstores)¥20(online)Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is an English Novel published in1865. At the beginning, the book was not written for all people but for a little girl. On a summer day, the writer Carroll made a sho

41、rt trip up the Thames River and told the story of Alice. The young girl falls down a rabbit hole and goes on unimaginable adventures into a wonderland.Peter PanWriter : J. M. Barrie in ScotlandPrice:¥15(in bookstores)¥12(online) It is a children's story full of imagination and adventures , which

42、 is about Wendy, Joan and Michael Darling's adventures in Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up. The children are happy and lovely.(with2 tapes)Uncle Tomes Cabin Writer: Harriet Beecher StowePrice:¥20 (in bookstores)¥16(online)The most famous novel in American history,Uncle To

43、m's Cabin talks about the fight Cain between free states and slave states during the American Civil War and is as popular today as when it first came out more than 150 years ago.The Secret GardenWriter: Frances Hodgson Burnet in AmericaPrice:¥35(in bookstores)¥30(online)Mary Lennox ,a sick girl

44、, finds herself in her uncle's dark house . Why are so many rooms locked? Why is one of the gardens locked? And what is that crying she hears at night? Through the power of hope, friendship, and the magic of nature, the brave girl brings the house and a longlost Garden back to life.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

45、31. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland talks about_.A. a clear river near Lewis Carroll's houseB. an amazing experience of AliceC. a wonderful summer in England32. According to the passage, we can see_.A. The Secret Garden is the cheapest of the four.B. Peter Pan tells a story about four sad b

46、oys.C. Uncle Tom's Cabin was written about one and a half centuries ago.33. Among the four books, which one can we enjoy the sound besides reading it if you buy one?A. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.B. Peter Pan.C. Uncle Tom's Cabin.34. If Lucy wants to buy four of the books online ins

47、tead of in the bookstores, how much can she save?A. ¥30.B. ¥20.C. ¥1735. The purpose of this passage is to_A. provide some ads about cartoon moviesB. offer some information about booksC. teach how to write stories for kids【答案】31. B 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. B【解析】【分析】本篇介绍Alice's Adventures in Wonderl

48、and;Peter Pan;Uncle Tomes Cabin;The Secret Garden这四本书的作者、网上和实体店的价钱及内容简介。【31题详解】细节理解题。根据文中“Alice's Adventures in Wonderland The young girl falls down a rabbit hole and goes on unimaginable adventures into a wonderland.”可知爱丽丝梦游仙境讲述爱丽丝的奇妙经历,故选B。【32题详解】推理判断题。根据文中的书价可知Peter Pan是最便宜,所以A表述错误;根据“Peter P

49、anThe children are happy and lovely”可知孩子们是幸福可爱的,所以B表述错误;“Uncle Tomes Cabin when it first came out more than 150 years ago”汤姆叔叔的小屋是大约一个半世纪前写的,所以C表述正确;故选C。【33题详解】细节理解题。根据文中“Peter Pan(with2 tapes)”可知彼得·潘送磁带,可以听,故选B。【34题详解】推理判断题。根据文中“Alice's Adventures in WonderlandPrice:¥25 (in bookstores)¥20(

50、online);Peter Pan Pric¥15(in bookstores)¥12(online);Uncle Tomes Cabin Price:¥20 (in bookstores)¥16(online);The Secret GardenPrice:¥35(in bookstores)¥30(online)”实体店的价钱¥25+¥15+¥20+¥35=¥95;线上价钱¥20¥12+¥16+¥30=¥78;可省¥95-¥78=¥17;故选C。【35题详解】主旨大意题。本篇介绍Alice's Adventures in Wonderland;Peter Pan;Uncle Tom

51、es Cabin;The Secret Garden这四本书的作者、网上和实体店的价钱及内容简介,是提供一些书的信息;故选B。【点睛】本篇是阅读单选,考查细节理解、推理判断能力。解答前要先快速阅读全文,理解大意;再阅读题干,正确理解题干要求;然后回归原文,寻找有用信息作答;题2要根据文本的表层信息排除表述错误的选项;题4根据文中提供的实体店和线上的价格进行总价计算,再计算2者的差价。(B)Jane was from a small village in Southern America. Her family was poor and noodles were often their only

52、 food. Her parents couldnt afford to pay the electricity bill (电费), so she had to study by candle light.What was worse, to live on, her parents moved to a faraway village with the other four children. As for Jane, she didnt want to give up learning and she dreamed to enter a famous university. She s

53、tuck to living alone in her village.After Janes parents left, she lived a really difficult life. Having no place to live in, the homeless girl had to sleep on the back seat of the school bus. Luckily, Mrs. Brown, the caring school bus driver, learned about Janes situation and invited her to live wit

54、h her family. Soon, Jane found a job in her school. She worked from 6 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. before the first school bell rang. She swept floors and picked up rubbish again in the afternoon. With the money she got from the work, she paid for her education. And she stayed up late in the evenings studying

55、for all kinds of exams day after day.Janes hard work made a difference to her life. She finished high school with unexpected results. She was accepted by Harvard, one of the worlds most famous universities with full scholarship (全额奖学金).The 18-year-old girl created her own future with her never-give-

56、up attitude and hard work.根据短文内容判断正、误。(注意:考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑。正确涂“A”,错误的涂“B”)36. The 18-year-old girl who created her own future was from Southern America.37. There were six people in Janes family.38. The kind school bus driver helped Jane find a job in the school.39. Jane worked for 100 minutes for the sc

57、hool in a day.40. The passage tells us that we can get success by working hard and never giving up.【答案】36. A 37. B 38. B 39. A 40. A【解析】短文主要讲了一个来自美国南部小村庄的女孩,为了坚持学习,独自一人留下来。在辛勤工作下她改变了她的生活,以意想不到的成绩完成了高中学业,考入哈佛大学。以永不放弃的态度和勤奋的工作创造了自己的未来。【36题详解】细节理解题,根据:“The 18-year-old girl created her own future with her


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