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1、厂房改造工程总承包合同中英文工程名称: Project name:发 包 人(甲方): Client:(Party A)承 包 人(乙方): Contractor: (Party B)日期: Date:遵循平等、 自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则, 双方就厂房改造工程施工项协商一致,订立本合同。This Contract is entered by and between client (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and. Contractor (hereinafter referred to as Party B) regarding the term

2、s and conditions of this construction of plant reconstruction upon the unanimous agreement between the parties hereto in the principles of equality, free will, fairness and good faith.一、工程概况Project name & location:工程名称:Project name: construction of plant reconstruction厂房内部改造工程工程地点:Location:二、工程承

3、包范围Project scope:承包范围: 厂房改造工程(含基础、隔墙、钢结构、水电安装、通风、消防及装饰等工程施工)Reconstruction of the plant (incl. foundation, partition, steelstructure, utilities installation, ventilation, fire safety facilities and decoration, etc.)三、合同工期:Contract period:开工日期: Commence on竣工日期: Complete on合同工期总日历天数:130日历天。 Totally la

4、sting 130 calendar days.四、质量标准 Quality standard工程质量标准:合格 The quality of the completed project shall be acceptable.五、合同价款Contract value (in RMB)金额(大写):_(人民币)¥: _ _元Yuan, i.e., RMB(in words)六、组成合同的文件 . Contract documents:组成本合同的文件包括: The Contract consists of the following documents:(1)本合同协议书Agreement o

5、f this Contract(2)投标书及其附件Bidding document and addendum(3)本合同条款 Terms of this Contract(4)标准、规范及有关技术文件Applicablestandards,codes and relevanttechnicaldocuments(5)图纸 Drawings(6)工程报价单或预算书Quotation or budget, and(7) 双方有关工程的洽商、变更等书面协议或文件视为本合同的组成部分。Other written agreements upon consultation or change, etc.

6、of the project or other materials that are regarded hereby as essential for theintegrity of this Contract.七、本协议书中有关词语含义在本合同中分别赋予它们的定义相同。The definitions herein shall be the same as in the Contract.八、乙方向甲方承诺按照合同约定进行施工、竣工并在质量保修期内承担工程质量保修责任。. Party B commits to Party A to carry out and complete the cons

7、truction as per the agreements herein and undertake the responsibility of warranty within the warranty period.九、甲方向乙方承诺按照合同约定的期限和方式支付合同价款及其他应当支付的款项。Party A commits to Party B to pay the contract value and other payables in accordance with the methods and terms set forth hereunder.十、词语定义及合同文件Definiti

8、ons and contract documents:、词语定义 Definitions:下列词语除合同条款另有约定外,应具有本条所赋予的定义:Unless otherwise specified, the following definitions shall apply:1.1 条款: 是根据法律、行政法规规定及建设工程施工的需要订立,通用于建设工程施工的条款;是甲方与乙方根据法律、行政法规规定,结合具体工程实际,经协商达成一致意见的条款,是对条款的具体化、补充或修改。Terms and conditions: any term or condition generally applica

9、ble to building construction esbalished under laws and administrative regulations in terms of the overall construction works or article thatis agreed between the client and the contractor in accordance with laws and administrative regulations, combined with specific jobs or any specification, supple

10、ment or amendment to the article.1.2 甲方: 指在协议书中约定,具有工程发包主体资格和支付工程价款能力的当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。Party A: the partyspecifiedin the agreement, who is qualifiedto issuea projectand has the abilityto pay forthe projectvalue,and the legalsuccessor of such party.1.3 乙方: 指在协议书中约定,被甲方接受的具有工程施工承包主体资格的当事人以及取得该当事人资格

11、的合法继承人。Party B: the party specified in the agreement, who is accepted by PartyA as having the qualifications to contract the construction project, and the legal successor of such party.1.4 乙方代表:指乙方在条款中指定的负责施工管理和合同履行的代表。Party B s representative: representative appointed by Party B in the clause to be

12、 responsible for the construction management and contract performance.1.5 设计单位:指甲方委托的负责本工程设计并取得相应工程设计资质等级证书的单位。Design company: the unit, who has obtained the adequate qualificationsto undertake the design for the construction project, entrusted by Party A to be responsible for the design of the cons

13、truction project.1.6 甲方代表: 指本工程监理单位委派的总监理甲方代表或甲方指定的履行本合同的代表,其具体身份和职权由双方在条款中约定。Party A s representative: chief supervision engineer appointed by the supervision enterprise of the project as the representative of Party Aor representative appointed by Party A to perform the contract, whose capacity and

14、 authority shall be specified in the clause hereunder.1.7 工程造价管理部门: 指国务院有关部门、县级以上人民政府建设行政主管部门或其委托的工程造价管理机构。Cost management institution: State Council related department,construction administration department of people s government at or above the county level or cost management institution entrusted

15、 by the aforesaid two kinds of organizations.1.8 工程:指双方在协议书中约定的承包范围内的工程。Project: the project within the contract scope agreed in the agreement by Party A and Party B.1.9 合同价款:指双方在协议书中约定,甲方用以支付乙方按照合同约定完成承包范围内全部工程并承担质量保修责任的款项。Contract value: the payment specified in the agreement that to pay Party B i

16、f Party B completes the contracted project with the contract and undertakes the quality warranty thereof.Party A uses in accordance1.10 追加合同价款:指在合同履行中发生需要增加合同价款的情况,经甲方确认后按计算合同价款的方法增加的合同价款。Additional contract value: any amount of payment to be increased as aresult of any occurrence during the contrac

17、t performance that makes itnecessary to increasethe payment, whose amount is calculatedin the sameway as calculating the origincal contract value by Party A.1.11 费用:指不包含在合同价款之内的应当由甲方或乙方承担的经济支出。Expense: any economic expenditure to be borne by Party A or Party B that is not included in the contract va

18、lue.1.12 工期:指双方在协议书中约定,按总日历天数(包括法定节假日)计算的承包天数。Construction period: the total number of days of construction counted in calendar days, including statutory holidays, agreed by both parties in the agreement.1.13 开工日期:指双方在协议书中约定,乙方开始施工的绝对或相对的日期。Commencingdate: the date, absolute or relative, on which Pa

19、rty B starts the stipulated construction agreed by both parties in the agreement.1.14 竣工日期:指双方在协议书约定,乙方完成承包范围内工程的绝对或相对的日期。Completion date: the date, absolute or relative, on which Party B completes the stipulated construction agreed by both parties in the agreement.1.15 图纸:指由甲方提供或由乙方提供并经甲方批准,满足乙方施工需

20、要的所有图纸(包括配套说明和有关资料)。Drawing: all drawings provided by Party B and approved by Party A, to meet Party B including the specifications and relevant data.A, or drawings providedby Partys needs in construction,1.16 施工场地:指由甲方提供的用于工程施工的场所以及甲方在图纸中具体指定的供施工使用的任何其他场所。Site: places provided by Party A where the

21、construction is to be executed and any other places specified by Party A in the drawings as may be used for construction.1.17 书面形式:指合同书、信件和数据电文(包括电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件)等可以有形地表现所载内容的形式。“Written ” or “in writing ”: the f orm that can show its content visible, e.g., contract, letter, type-written, print

22、ed or electronically made(incl. but not limited to telegraph, fax, electronic data transmission or e-mail, etc.).1.18 违约责任:指合同一方不履行合同义务或履行合同义务不符合约定所应承担的责任。Default liability: liability for the default party to assume due to its failure to perform the obligatory duties or the performance is substandar

23、d.1.19 索赔:指在合同履行过程中,对于并非自己的过错,而是应由对方承担责任的情况造成的实际损失,向对方提出经济补偿和(或)工期顺延的要求。Claim: request by a party against the other party for any economic remedy and/or postpone of construction progress to cover any actual loss caused by the default of the other party, where the requesting party has no fault during

24、 ther performance of the contract.1.20 不可抗力:引起工程破坏或使某方延误执行任务的自然灾害,包括:暴动、导弹、轰炸或不是由某一方的行为引起的火灾、台风、洪水或地震,除了协议中特殊规定的不构成不可抗力事件的事件。Force majeure: all force majeure unless otherwise specified in the agreement, such as natural disasters resulting in construction damage or postponement of progress, including

25、 but not limited riot, missle, bombard, fire, typhoon, flood, earthquake.1.21 小时或天:本合同中规定按小时计算时间的,从事件有效开始时计算(不扣除休息时间);规定按天计算时间的,开始当天不计入,从次日开始计算。时限的最后一天是休息日或者其他法定节假日的,以节假日次日为时限的最后一天,但竣工日期除外。时限的最后一天的截止时间为当日24 时。Hour orday: Whenan event is calculatedby hour, it shallbe calculatedupon the start of the e

26、vent (including the any break); when calculatedby day, it shall be started from the second day and the first day shallnot be counted. In case the lastday ofa deadline is a weekend or otherstatutory holiday, the deadline shall postpone automatically to thefollowingday when the statutoryholidayends, e

27、xcludingthe completiondate. The last deadline day shall include the 24th hour of the day.1.22 协议:通过协商后,由甲方和乙方签署的工程建设合同协议条款。Agreement: any term of agreement in the construction contract concluced by Party A and Party B upon negotiation.十一、合同文件及解释顺序Contract documents and priorities1. 合同文件应能相互解释, 互为说明。

28、 除合同条款另有约定外, 组成本合同的文件及优先解释顺序如下:The contract documents shall be inter-understandable and supportive.Unless otherwise specified by any Contract clause, the contractdocuments shallincludeand take theirprioritiesin the followingorder:(1)本合同 this Contract(2)投标书及其附件Bidding document and other addendums(3)本

29、合同条款 Contract clause( 4)标准、规范及有关技术文件 Standards, codes and relevant technical documents(5)图纸 Drawings(6)工程报价单或预算书Project quotation or budget( 7)合同履行中,双方有关工程的洽商、变更、索赔签证等书面协议或文件视为本合同的组成部分。Other written agreements upon consultation or change, etc. of the project or other materials that are regarded here

30、by as essential for theintegrity of this Contract.2. 当合同文件内容含糊不清或不相一致时, 在不影响工程正常进行的情况下,由双方协商解决。双方也可以提请负责监理的甲方代表作出解释。双方协商不成或不同意负责监理的甲方代表作出解释。双方协商不成或不同意负责监理的甲方代表的解释时,按本合同第二十一条第 3 款关于争议的约定处理。2. Incase there isany confusionor inconsistencyinthe clausesherein,bothpartiesshallnegotiate foragreement withou

31、taffectingthenormalprogress ofthe project. Both parties may also resortto thethirdpartysupervisor forjudgment. In casethese efforts fail andno agreement isreached, Item (3) of Article Twenty-one herein shall apply for thesettlement of disputes. 语言文字和适用法律、标准及规范 Language, applicable laws, standards an

32、d codes3.1 语言文字 Language本合同文件使用汉语、英语语言文字书写、解释和说明。如合同条款约定使用两种以上(含两种)语言文字时,汉语应为解释和说明本合同的标准语言文字。The Contract shall be prepared, interpreted and understood in both Chinese and English and Chinese shall always prevail in the interpretation and understanding.3.2 适用法律和法规Applicable laws and regulations本合同文件

33、适用国家的法律和行政法规。需要明示的法律、行政法规,由双方在合同条款中约定。The national laws and administrative regulations shall apply to this Contract. Both parties will specify the applicable laws and administrative regulation in the Contract.3.3 适用标准、规范Applicable standards and codes双方在合同条款内约定适用国家标准、规范的名称;没有国家标准、规范但有行业标准、规范的,约定适用行业标

34、准、规范的名称;没有国家和行业标准、规范的,约定适用工程所在地地方标准、规范的名称。甲方应按合同条款约定的时间向乙方提供一式两份约定的标准、规范。Both partiesshallspecifythe nameofthe applicablestandardsand codesin the Contract;where thenational standardsand codes are absent, theindustrialstandardsand codes shallapply and theirnamesbe specifiedherein;where the nationalan

35、d industrial standards and codes are absent,the local standards and codes shall apply and their names be specifiedherein.PartyA shallprovidethe agreed standards and codes induplicateto PartyB on timeas stipulatedin thepertinentclause of theContract.国内没有相应标准、规范的,由甲方按合同条款约定的时间向乙方提出施工技术要求,乙方按约定的时间和要求提出

36、施工工艺,经甲方认可后执行。甲方要求使用国外标准、规范的,应负责提供中文译本。When there is not corresponding standards and codes in China regardinga certainissue,Party A shallprovidethe technicalrequirementson theconstruction timely as stipulated in the Contract and Party B shall prepare the construction process according to the time an

37、d otherrequirementsby Party A, and submit to Party A forapproval,and implementsuch process if approved. In case Party Arequires to apply any foreignstandards and codes, Party A shall provide the Chinese translations of such standards and codes.本条所发生的购买、 翻译标准、规范或制定施工工艺的费用,由甲方承担。Party A shall bear the

38、 expenses on any acquisition and translation of the standards and codes and the preparation of construction process incurred under this clause. . 图纸 Drawings4.1 甲方应按合同条款约定的日期和套数, 向乙方提供图纸。乙方需要增加图纸套数的,甲方应代为复制,复制费用由乙方承担。甲方对工程有保密要求的,应在条款中提出保密要求,保密措施费用由甲方承担,乙方在约定保密期限内履行保密义务。Party A shall provide drawings

39、 to Party B as per the date and numberof sets stipulated herein. In case Party B needs more sets of drawings,Party A shall copy for Party B at PartyBs cost.PartyA shallspecifyits confidentialityrequirementin theContract,if any,and theexpenseson keeping the confidentialityof the relevant informations

40、hallbe borneby Party A. Party B shall perform its duties of confidentiality within the stipulated period of confidentiality.4.2 乙方应在施工现场保留一套完整图纸, 供甲方代表及有关人员进行工程检查时使用。Party B shall keep a complete set of drawings on the construction siteforParty As representativeand other relevantpersonnel s referenc

41、e.十二、双方一般权利和义务Rights and obligations1、甲方代表将行使合同规定的权力并同时履行下列职责:1. Party A s representative shall perform the following obligations:1.1 甲方代表可以指定有关管理人员行使他部分权力和履行他的部分职责,同时,他可以随时撤消此项任命。乙方应在此项任命撤消后 3 天内收到书面通知。Party A s representative may appoint a managerial person to exercise part of his rights or perfor

42、m part of his duties, which can be revokedat any time as deemed necessary. Party B shall be notified by writing in 3 days upon such revocation.1.2 甲方代表的指令。任何批示和命令都应由甲方代表个人签字,并把一份签有字的复印件发给乙方代表,乙方代表应在其生效前签收并注明日期。必要时,甲方代表可以发口头指令, 但须在 48 小时内书面确认。 乙方应执行甲方代表的指令。如果甲方代表在 48 小时内没有发出对口头指令的书面确认, 那么,乙方代表可以在收到口头

43、指令后 3 天内书面要求取得书面认可。如果甲方代表在接到乙方代表的要求后 3 天内没有确认也没有否定该口头指令,则视为口头指令已经被确认。如果乙方代表认为甲方代表发出的指令不合理,那么乙方代表可以在收到该指令 24 小时内书面呈述其认为该指令不合理的理由, 之后甲方代表应在收到乙方的呈述后 24 小 时内决定原指令是撤消还是继续执行并以书面形式通知乙方其决定。如果在紧急情况下,甲方代表要求立即执行该命令,或甲方代表无视乙方代表的不同意见, 而决 定执行原来的指令的话, 那么乙方应遵守该指令。因指令错误发生的追加合同价款和给乙方造成的损失由甲方承担,延误的工期相应顺延。Party A s rep

44、resentatives instructions. Any reply or order shall bepersonally signed by Party As authorized representative, of which, aphotocopy shall be providedto PartyBs representative,who shalluponthe receipt sign and specify the date of receipt and provide a returnreceipt to Party As representative. When ne

45、cessary, Party Asrepresentative may also issue a veral order, however must be confirmedinwritingwithin48 hoursand PartyB shallperformsuch order. Incaseno writtenconfirmationisgiven in48 hours,PartyBs representativemay issuea writtenrequestfor writtenconfirmation.Incase no writtenconfirmation or revo

46、cation is given by Party As representative, itshall be regarded that the verbal orderis confirmed and shallbe executed.IfPartyBs representativedeemsitunreasonable,within24 hours uponthe receipt of the order, he/she can issue a written notice to Party Astating the reasons supporting his/her point of

47、view, and PartyAsrepresentative shall give a reply within 24 hours upon receiving PartyBs noticeto decidewhether to carry on or revocatethe orderand notifyParty B ofthefinal decisionin writing.In case ofemergency where PartyAs representative requires immediate executionor Party Asrepresentativeinsis

48、tson his/her orderregardlessof Party Bs dissent,Party B shall follow Party As order. In case any additional contractvalue or loss to Party B is caused due to inappropriate order, Party Ashall take the responsibility and allow postponement of constructionprogress, if the progress is delayed thereby.1

49、.3 甲方代表应根据合同条款的要求,及时向乙方提供必要的指令、确认和图纸。Party A s representative shallprovidenecessary orders,confirmationand drawings to Party B in accordance with the terms of the contract.1.4 甲方代表如更换,须提前3 天书面通知乙方。Party As representative,ifreplaced,shallbe notifiedto PartyB witha 3-day prior written notice.1.5 甲方代表应

50、按合同约定,及时向乙方提供所需指令、批准并履行约定的其他义务。由于甲方代表未能按合同约定履行义务造成工期延误,甲方应承担延误造成的追加合同价款,并赔偿乙方有关损失,顺延延误的工期。Party A s representative shall provide necessary orders, approval and perform other obligatory duties. In case the construction progress isdelaed due to te default of Party A s representative, Party A shall ass

51、ume the additional contract value arising therefrom, if any, indemnify Party B from any relevant loss, and postpone the constructon progress accordingly.2. 乙方代表(项目经理)负责现场的施工、履行合同规定的乙方义务:Party Bs representative (project manager) shall construction on site and perform the following Party B as stipulat

52、ed below:be responsiblefor thes obligations2.1 乙方任命和委派一名能令甲方满意的代表来行使权力。Party B shall appoint and delegate a representative that is accepted by Party A to execute its powers.2.2 乙方代表应保证所有工程施工人员都是合格的并有能力做好这项工作。同时如果甲方认为某一人员不适合其工作,需要更换的话,乙方代表应立即执行。Party Bs representativeshallguarantee allthe constructorsinvolvedare qualified and competent for the job. In case Party A deems anyonenot qualif


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