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1、中学生英语阅读新视野词组go without没有, 缺乏, 将就 In those days we often had to go without supper.tell apartIt's difficult to tell the two girls apart.这两个女孩很难分辨。Without question毫无疑问 He is without question the best man for the job.毫无疑问, 他最适合干这份工作。A number of一些 A great number of problems have arisen.出现了许多问题。Take o

2、ff1.拿走, 取下; 去掉 Last night's strong wind nearly took the roof off!昨夜的大风差一点把屋顶刮掉了。2.脱去 I can't take my boots off, they're so tight!靴子太紧了, 我脱不下来!3.截断, 切除 I'm afraid the disease can't be stopped, so we shall have to take your leg off.恐怕这病情控制不住了, 我们得把你的一条腿截肢。4.(使)离开 I think I'll t

3、ake myself off now.我想我现在就得走。5.起跳; 起飞 Watch that bird taking off from the branch!注意看那只鸟从枝头飞起来!6.(飞机)起飞 It's exciting to feel the plane taking off.感觉到飞机起飞令人兴奋。7.减轻(体重) I'm so pleased that I've been able to take off all that weight and get into my good clothes again!我的体重终于减轻, 那些漂亮的衣服又合身了, 我

4、真高兴!Around the world世界各地By accident偶然地 He made this mistake by accident.他犯这个错误纯属偶然。Now and then有时, 时而, 不时 Now and then we heard shots in the woods.我们不时听到森林里传来的枪声。Give up1.放弃;投降, 认输; 猜不出 Bad habits are not easily given up.恶习难改。2.交出; 自首 We had to give up the castle to the enemy.我们只得把城堡拱手让给了敌人。3.宣布无法医治

5、; 对不抱希望 The doctors gave my uncle up, but he lived.医生们认为我叔叔的病无法治好, 但他却活了下来。4.泄露 When will the desert give up its secrets to mankind?沙漠何时才会向人类显露它的秘密呢?As soon as一经.;立即.;一.就. Come here as soon as you finish the work.工作一结束你就到这里来。Fall apart散开, 崩溃, 破碎 The book was old and soon fell apart.这书已有年月, 没隔多久书页都脱落

6、了。Figure out1.计算出; 解决;想出 Could you help me figure out this problem?你能帮我解决这问题吗?2.弄明白,理解 I just can't figure him out.我简直摸不透他。Stand out1.突出; 显眼, 引人注目, 脱颖而出 The bold print stands out very well.黑体字非常醒目。2.超群, 杰出 She stands out as the best in the class.她是全班最杰出的学生。3.向前跨步 He ordered the soldier to stand

7、out.他命令那个士兵出列。4.坚持 They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。Take care of 1.照顾 They appointed her to take care of that old man.他们委派她照顾那位老人。2.对付, 处理 He was criticized for his delay in taking care of the matter.他由于没有及时处理这件事而受到批评。3.杀掉 He has taken care of the enemy.他杀掉了那个敌人。

8、4.抵消 But fairly soon real life disasters took care of publicity.但现实生活中的灾难很快就使这个宣传失效了。Turn out1.关灯 Don't forget to turn out the light when you leave the classroom.你离开教室时别忘了关灯。2.制造; 培养 Many TV sets have been turned out by this factory.这家工厂生产了许多电视机。3.结果是, 原来是 He said he was a doctor; but later he t

9、urned out to be a cheat.他自称是个医生, 结果证明他是个骗子。4. 向外 5.出席某项活动;在场 All of a sudden1.突然地, 突如其来地, 猛然地 He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness.他正在写论文, 突然一阵头晕。Fall in love爱上某人 At first起初, 当初 At first, he was against our arrangement, but I managed to argue him round.起初, 他反对

10、我们的安排, 但我设法使他改变了看法。As for至于,就.方面说来Find out1.发现, 看穿, 揭发, 找出;查明 I'll find out about planes to New York.我去打听一下飞纽约的班机。We must find out the truth of the matter.我们必须弄清楚事情的真相。I have found out how to make the cake.我已经发现怎么做蛋糕。2.使发作 This cold weather finds out my old wound.这寒冷的天气使我的旧伤疼痛。3.通过探询访问得悉(某人)不在 I

11、 found him out when I called.我去看他时发现他不在家。4.使受惩罚, 使得到报应 His sins will find him out.他为非作歹, 不会有好下场。Take part in参加, 参与活动 John takes part in many school activities.约翰参加很多学校里的活动。Come ture实现,到达 Off and on断断续续, 有时 She cried off and on all day.她整天不时地哭。Put (sth) to good use充分利用 In other words换句话说 In other wor

12、ds, she must give up singing.换言之, 她必须放弃唱歌。Kind of稍微, 有点儿, 有几分 I'm feeling kind of tired.我感到有点累。Turn into1.(使)变成 The old building was turned into a library.这座旧房子被改作了图书馆。2.译成 Please turn this into English.请把这个译成英语。End up1.非正(以)结束; 最终成为变得 How does the story end up?这篇故事是怎么结尾的?Get in1.收割, 收获 The farm

13、ers are getting the crops in now that they are ripe.庄稼熟了, 农民正在收割。2.插话 She talks so much that you can't get a word in.她讲话时滔滔不绝, 你一句话也插不进去。3.到达 What time does the train from London get in?从伦敦来的火车何时进站?4.当选 She finally got in after 10 years' continuous effort.坚持不懈地努力了十年后, 她终于当选了。5.被录取;被接受入学 Get

14、out of1.离开; 下 The meeting went on late and he wanted to get out of it soon.会开得太晚了, 他想早点离开。2.停止; 改掉; 戒掉; 脱离, 摆脱, 克服; 防止做某事 It is not easy to get out of a bad habit.改掉坏习惯是不容易的。Quite a few相当多 Quite a few people came to the lecture.有相当多的人来听讲。Work out1.解决, 解答; 计算出 This problem will not work out.这个问题解答不了。

15、2.产生结果; 发展 The plan worked out badly.计划进行不顺利。3.锻炼 These athletes work out at the gym for two hours every day.这些运发动每天都要在体育馆锻炼两个小时。4.使筋疲力尽; 耗尽 He never seems to be worked out.他好似永远不知疲乏似的。Star in在里演主角, 由出演主角 She has starred in this new film.她在这部新影片中担任主角。No matter1.不介意, 不要紧 I had something to say, but i

16、t's no matter.我本来有点事要讲, 但无关紧要。2.不管, 不管 No matter what you say, I like to listen.不管你说什么, 我都喜欢听。Fill out1.填写(表格等) Please fill out the attached blank.请把附表填好。2.(通常指因充气)鼓起膨胀;扩张 The sails filled out and the boat floated away.帆张满后船漂走了。3.长胖,长肥 He'd filled out a lot since I'd last seen him.自从我上次见

17、到他以来, 他又长胖了好多。4.充实; 增补 The manuscript might be usable if the author could fill it out a little.如果作者稍加充实, 原稿就有用。Save time/money节约时间/金钱Show the way带路,引路Over time随着时间的过去,随着时间的推移Made out of由制成(be) made for each other天生一对Break up (with someone)1.结束 The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home.宴会就此结束,

18、 邻居们匆匆地赶回家去。2.(使)破碎, 分解 The specs fell on the cement floor and broke up.眼镜掉在水泥地上破掉了。3.(使)破裂 We don't know the reason why they have broken up with each other.我们不知道他们的关系为何破裂。4.放假 We break up next week.我们下周放假。5.(使)散开, (使)解散 They break up the meeting.他们散会了。6.(使)极其焦虑和痛苦 She broke up at the bad news.听

19、到那个不幸的消息使她感到非常痛苦。7.分手 Said to (be)据报Go well事情顺利进行Of all time自古以来,有史以来On the go忙个不停 I've been on the go ever since eight o'clock this morning.我从早晨八点钟起就一直忙个不停。Long ago很久以前,从前Come up with1.追赶上 I had to run to come up with her.我不得不跑着去追她。2.比得上, 赶上 We shall have to work hard to come up with the ot

20、her firm.我们得埋头苦干才能赶上那家公司。3.想出, 提出 I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.我希望你们能提出一个比这个更好的计划。4.准备好(钱等) Turn (ones) attention to (sth)把注意力转向Make it (all the way) toMake it1.及时到达 You'll make it if you hurry.如果你赶紧点便能及时到达。2.非正成功 Stick to it and you'll make it.坚持下去, 就会成功。3.约定时间 I wonder if we could make it some other time.我想知道我们可否把它安排在其他时间。Come up against碰到困难、反对等We are sorry to be late with the goods, but we came up against some unexpected delays.很抱歉货送晚了, 我们遇到了一些意外情况给耽搁了。Be a hit风行一时,轰动一时 Lose weight减肥Carry out (


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