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1、Unit 12Life is full of the unexpected.单元自我综合评价十二Unit 12Life is full of the unexpected.单元自我综合评价十二. 单项选择单项选择(20分分)()1.The room is full _ old furniture.Awith Bof Cfor Dfrom ()2.After two hours drive, the driver decided _ and have a rest. Astop Bto stop Cstopping DstoppedBB单元自我综合评价十二()3.The fans were ve

2、ry excited because their favorite singer _ during the evening party. Aput up Bshowed upCshowed off Dlooked upB【解析解析】 put upput up意为意为“张贴张贴”;show upshow up意为意为“出席,到场出席,到场”;show offshow off意为意为“炫耀炫耀”;look uplook up意为意为“查阅查阅”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选B B。单元自我综合评价十二()4.Can you finish_these books before 10 oclock?Ye

3、s, I can.Ato read Bread Creads Dreading D单元自我综合评价十二()5.Show me your homework, Dave.Sorry, Mrs. Brown. Ive _ it at home.Amissed BforgottenClost DLeft()6.The old couple _ for about fifty years. Agot married Bwas marriedChave married Dhave been married DD【解析解析】 leave leave sthsth. at sp. at sp.表示表示“把某物

4、落在某地把某物落在某地”。故选。故选D D。单元自我综合评价十二()7.Water can _ ice when it is freezing.Aturn into Bturn in Cturn up Dturn down ()8.Hey, Kate, I called you at 6:30 yesterday evening, but you didnt answer. Oh, sorry, I _ the dishes at that time. Aam doing Bwill do Cwas doing Dwould doAC单元自我综合评价十二()9.By the end of la

5、st month, we _ all the tasks. Ahave finished Bhad finished Cwill finish Dare finishing B单元自我综合评价十二()10.The sports meeting _ because it rained heavily. We had to wait until the rain stopped.Awill cancel Bwill be canceledCcanceled Dwas canceled D单元自我综合评价十二.完形填空完形填空(20分分) Diana is a kind woman. She is

6、always ready to help others when they are in trouble. Heres a true story about Diana. One day, one of her colleagues, Kate came into her office in tears. At that time, Diana was busy with her _11_. But when she saw Kate, she _12_ working to talk with her. 单元自我综合评价十二 Kate looked very _13_. She said t

7、o Diana, “Christmas is coming, but I dont have any money to _14_ anything for my boys. My exhusband _15_ to send money to them. I dont know what I should do.” Diana said some words to _16_ Kate. She said, “Im sure everything will _17_. Its Christmas. Believe in miracles.” 单元自我综合评价十二 That evening, sh

8、e arrived home and told her _18_ about Kates situation. She said, “I know we dont have much money to help, but Id like to give her fifty or a hundred dollars. I want to dress up _19_ Santa Claus and give her the money.” Her husband smiled and agreed. He was _20_ to have such a kind wife. He finally

9、realized that there really was a Santa Claus! 单元自我综合评价十二()11.A.study Bwork Cexercise Daction ()12.A.began BStopped Ccontinued Dchecked ()13.A.excited BHappy Cpleased Dsad()14.A.buy Bsell Cclean Dbreak ()15.A.refused BAgreed Cexpected Dencouraged BBDAA单元自我综合评价十二()16.A.beat Bcomfort Churt Dfight B【解析解

10、析】 beatbeat意为意为“打;打败打;打败”;comfortcomfort意为意为“安慰安慰”;hurthurt意为意为“伤伤害害”;fightfight意为意为“打斗打斗”。结合上下文可知,。结合上下文可知,DianaDiana说了一些话来说了一些话来“安安慰慰”Kate”Kate,故所缺的词是,故所缺的词是comfortcomfort。单元自我综合评价十二()17.A.put out Bwork out Cgive out Dtake out()18.A.father Bbrother Chusband Dson BC【解析解析】结合最后一段中结合最后一段中“Her husband

11、smiled and agreed.”“Her husband smiled and agreed.”可知她告可知她告诉了她的诉了她的“丈夫丈夫”Kate”Kate的情况,故答案为的情况,故答案为C C。()19.A.for Bwith Cin Das ()20.A.proud Bnervous Cunlucky Dfoolish DA单元自我综合评价十二. 阅读理解阅读理解(20分分) I hired a man to help me repair an old farmhouse. His first day on the job made him mada flat tire(轮胎轮胎)

12、 made him lose an hour of work; he cut his finger with a knife and his old truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in silence. 单元自我综合评价十二 On arriving, he invited me to meet his family. As we walked towards the front door, he stopped at a small tree and touched the tree with both hands

13、. When opening the door, his face was full of smiles and he hugged his two children and gave his wife a kiss. Afterwards, he walked with me to the car. We passed the tree. I was so curious that I asked him about what I had seen earlier. “Oh, thats my trouble tree,” he replied. 单元自我综合评价十二“I know I ca

14、nt help having troubles on the job, but one thing is for sure. Those troubles dont belong to my children and wife. So I hang them in the tree every night and asked God to take care of them. Then in the morning, I pick them up again.” “The funny thing is,” he smiles, “when I come out to pick them up

15、in the morning, there arent as many as those hung up the night before.” 单元自我综合评价十二 主旨大意主旨大意 本文讲述了一个关于本文讲述了一个关于“烦恼烦恼”的故事。每个人都会有烦恼,的故事。每个人都会有烦恼,“我我”认识的一个男人也是如此,但是他会明智地应对他的烦恼,从不把认识的一个男人也是如此,但是他会明智地应对他的烦恼,从不把烦恼带进家门。烦恼带进家门。单元自我综合评价十二()21.What didnt happen on the mans first day of repairing the old farmho

16、use?AOne of his tires had no air. BHis finger was cut by a knife. CHe couldnt start his old truck. DHe arrived an hour earlier.D单元自我综合评价十二()22.Seeing the man touch the tree, what did the author feel?ASorry. BCurious. CWorried. DBored. B单元自我综合评价十二()23.What does the underlined word “them” refer to?ATh

17、e mans children and wife. BThe mans children. CThe troubles on his job. DThe trees. C【解析解析】根据上文的描述可推断,根据上文的描述可推断,themthem指的是指的是“他工作中的那些烦恼他工作中的那些烦恼”,故答案为故答案为C C。单元自我综合评价十二()24.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe man invited the author to meet his family. BSeeing his children

18、and wife, the man was very sad. COnce the man met troubles on his job, he hung them in the tree and never took them again. DWhat the man did was very funny. A单元自我综合评价十二()25.What do you think of the man?AHe liked planting trees. BHe was always late for work. CHe always worried about his job. DHe love

19、d his family very much and never brought troubles to them. D单元自我综合评价十二.短文填空短文填空(20分分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每个单用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每个单词限用一次,有两个单词多余。词限用一次,有两个单词多余。with, think, teammate, what, instead, only, sadness, hard, fail, know, whenever, himself 单元自我综合评价十二 David felt down as he walked ho

20、me alone. He couldnt help 26._about his stupid mistakes on the school soccer field. He missed scoring that goal. His mistake made the school team 27._ in the game. thinkingfail单元自我综合评价十二 As soon as he arrived home, his mother found his 28._, for it was shown on his face. After she 29._ the whole sto

21、ry, she told her son that it was not necessary to be too hard on 30._ and winning or losing was only half the game. She asked David to communicate with his 31. _. She added that the most important thing was to support each other in a team. 32._ his mother said made him think a lot. sadnessknewhimsel

22、fteammatesWhat单元自我综合评价十二 The next day, David went to soccer practice with courage 33._of fear in his heart. He apologized to his teammates for his mistake. He said they should continue to work together as a whole team. To his relief, his teammates all agreed 34._ him. They promised to encourage each other and work much 35._ next time. insteadwithharder单元自我综合评价十二.书面表达书面表达(20分分) 请你根据下


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