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1、新人教版九年级第十一单元精选练习题附答案Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.第一课时 Section A(1a2d) 01基础过关.用方框中所给的单词填空。spend,while,friendship,together,drive1. Although you will return to your hometown tomorrow,I will remember our _ for ever.2. As parents,we shouldn't _ our children to do much homework.3. In China and some

2、other countries,it is impolite to speak loudly _ you are having a meal.4. We often work _ as a team in English classes.5. Nowadays it's a modern lifestyle to _ weekends in the countryside. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. Mike didn't receive his daughter's letters _(late).7. Mary was _(happy),because

3、she failed her English exam.8. Our teacher makes us _(help) the boy every day.9. Mike is _(strong) than any other student in our class.10. Why don't you _(climb) the mountains with us on weekends?. 单项选择。( ) 11. How was your history class? It was boring. Many students felt _ during the class. A.

4、sleeping B. sleepy C. asleep D. sleep( ) 12. Miss Black would rather _ to a mysterious place. A. go B. to go C. to going D. going( ) 13. Leo was _ hungry _ he rushed to the kitchen,hoping to find something to eat. A. too;to B. so;that C. very;to D. such;that( ) 14. (恩施中考)Hi,why do you make the boy _

5、 at home? It's not my will. He is ill. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed( ) 15. Why don't you _ out to play,Rose? I'm afraid I can't. I have much homework to do. A. go B. to go C. going D. went. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16. 我们宁愿步行去那里也不愿意坐公交车去那里。 We _ _ walk there _ take a bus.17. 让我们重归于

6、好吧。 Let us _ _ _ each other again.18. 阴天让我感到难过。 Cloudy days _ _ _.19. 他得到的越多,想要的也越多。 _ _ he has,_ _ he wants.20. 她在派对上感觉被冷落了,因为她谁都不认识。 She _ _ _ at the party because she didn't know anyone.02能力提升.补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中有两项多余)A: Have you had lunch,Linda?B: No,I haven't. What about you

7、?A: 21 B: Why not go outside to get something to eat?A: Yeah. 22 B: No, Jessey. The Cuiwei Restaurant is not good.A: Why? 23 B: You are right. 24 A: Where do you want to go then?B: Let's go to the Yishan Restaurant. The beautiful pictures and soft music make me relaxed.A: 25 B: Let's go.A.&#

8、160;How about going to the Cuiwei Restaurant?B. I think the food is delicious there.C. So do I.D. That sounds great.E. Neither have I.F. The loud music makes me happy.G. But the loud music inside makes me tense. 21._ 22._ 23._24._ 25._第二课时 Section A(3a3c) 01基础过关. 根据句意及汉

9、语提示填写单词。1. The _(国王) ordered some people to build the tower.2. Knowledge is the most valuable _(财富) in our life.3. The nurse was _(检查) her patient when the telephone rang.4. We all felt that the young people had too much _(权力).5. Mike's face looks so _(苍白的).What's wrong with him?.用方框中所给单词的适当

10、形式填空。pale,queen,bad,palace,bank6. Scientists found many treasures in the underground _.7. Suddenly,Mike has a stomachache. His face looks _.8. The young man worked hard. He became a famous _ in the end.9. Mary was born on a farm. Finally she became a _ of the country.10. Tom did _ in the high jump a

11、t the school sports meet last week. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. 这位明星总是担心被人跟踪。 The star is always _ _ _ _ by others.12. 这个女孩总是没有任何原因地笑。 The girl always laughed _ _ _.13. 他病了,你应该立即叫大夫来。 He is ill. You should _ _ the doctor at once.14. 在这个皇帝病后,他的儿子们尽力取代他的位置。 The emperor's sons were all trying _ _ _ _ after

12、 he fell ill.15. 你应该把你的房间打扫干净。 You should _ _ your room.02能力提升. 完形填空。 My dad taught me the power of language when I was young. It 16 when I was eight. As a kid,I was always climbing trees. So it was no 17 for my dad to find me at the top of a 30foot tree. I didn't realize a branch(树枝) could brea

13、k or I could get hurt. I just thought it was 18 to be up so high. My older cousin,Tammy,was 19 the same tree,about ten feet below me. Tammy's mother and my father 20 us at the same time. Just at that time a strong wind 21 and it blew through the tree. My dad shouted,“Bart,hold on tight(紧紧地).” So

14、 I did. But Tammy was not so lucky. She 22 out of the tree and hurt her legs. I climbed down the tree slowly. My dad later told me 23 Tammy fell but I did not. When the strong wind came,Tammy' s mother shouted,“Tammy,don't fall!” But Tammy did fall. My dad then 24 to me that the brain has a

15、very difficult time processing negative(否定的) language. In order for Tammy to process the 25 of not falling,her nine-year-old brain had to first imagine falling,then try to tell her body not to do it. It took too much time!( ) 16. A. used B. offered C. caused D. happened( ) 17. A. problem B. surprise

16、 C. idea D. worry( ) 18. A. interesting B. dangerous C. important D. possible( ) 19. A. in B. behind C. over D. under( ) 20. A. called B. needed C. noticed D. remembered( ) 21. A. caught B. came C. tried D. continued( ) 22. A. sat B. climbed C. fell D. held( ) 23. A. when B. where C .what D. why( )

17、24. A. listened B. shouted C. explained D. told( ) 25. A. news B. word C. knowledge D. information第三课时 Section A(4a4b) 01基础过关.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. I don't like _ (灰色的) coat. Would you please change another one for me? 2. I prefer _ (柠檬)to oranges. I like the sour taste. 3. What she said made me _(使

18、人不舒服的).4. I think real _(友谊)is more valuable than money.5. Don't _(扔)rubbish in school. We should keep our school clean. 单项选择。( ) 6. The peaceful music in the CD made the students _ relaxed. A. feel B. feels C. felt D. to feel( ) 7. Loud music always makes us _. A. want dance B. to want dance C.

19、 want to dance D. to want to dance( ) 8. Welcome to our school,ladies and gentlemen._,I'd like to introduce myself. A. To be honest B. To my surprise C. To start with D. To tell you the truth( ) 9. The_ you work at your lessons,the _ results you will get. A. hard; good B. harder; good C. hard; b

20、etter D. harder; better( ) 10. Can you tell us something about China? Sorry,I'm busy now._ Jack _ I have ever been there before,you can go and ask him. A. Either; or B. Not only; but also C. Both; and D. Neither; nor. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. 首先,你需要准备两根香蕉、三个苹果。 _ _ _,you need to prepare two bananas a

21、nd three apples.12. 吉姆太累了,他想睡觉。 Jim is too tired. He _ _ _.13. 老师把男生们召来询问发生了什么事。 The teacher _ _ the boys and asked them what happened.14. 我的话让爸爸很生气。 My words _ my father very _.15. 我们不应该忽略你的主意。 We shouldn't _ _ your idea. 02能力提升. 完形填空。 Brittany is not only my sister but my best friend. She is o

22、nly thirteen months younger than me,but she is the person who 16 me most. Having Brittany as my best friend has made me into the person I am today. She has 17 me how to trust people,how to solve my problems and how to express my feelings. I have 18 had a hard time learning to trust people. The only

23、person I can trust with everything is Brittany. I can always let her know 19 I have done something wrong. She will promise that she will not tell anyone if I don't want her to. All my 20 will be safe with her. Nobody will 21 the secrets unless I tell them. That is very important to me because I

24、haven't been 22 to find another person I can trust. That also helps make our relationship stronger. Problem solving is another thing Brittany can help me 23 . Whenever I have a problem I can't solve by myself,I go to 24 . Whether it has to do with my classmates,schoolwork or sports,Brittany

25、can give me some useful 25 . I feel lucky to have such a sister.( ) 16. A. refuses B. avoids C. influences D. punishes( ) 17. A. taught B. asked C. mentioned D. believed( ) 18. A. never B. always C. seldom D. almost( ) 19. A. so B. before C. if D. until( ) 20. A. secrets B. plans C. hobbies D. dream

26、s( ) 21. A. give up B. stick to C. deal with D. find out( ) 22. A. sad B. lucky C. shy D. difficult( ) 23. A. of B. at C. with D. to( ) 24. A. him B. her C. it D. them( ) 25. A. magazines B. examinations C. material D. advice第四课时 Section B(1a1e) 01基础过关.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1. Linda is such a patient p_ th

27、at she never gets angry easily.2. I didn't r_ I had left the key at home until I got to my car. So I had to go back.3. You can keep the book for a few days,but you must r_ it by Saturday.4. UNICEF is one of the best-known charities that help p_ children around the world.5. Here is a letter for J

28、ack. Please g_ it to him.用适当的介词或副词填空。6. What are they searching _?7. They found a poor person _ power or money.8. There was a happy man _ the street.9. I don't agree _ her. I think it's unfair.10. Did they return _ the palace with the shirt at last?. 单项选择。( ) 11. My father bought a computer

29、for me. Now I can use it to play games and_ some useful information. A. search B. search for C. to search D. to search to( ) 12. I think she'll come on time _ it rains tomorrow. A. ever since B. only when C. even though D. only if( ) 13.(平凉中考)Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned _ har

30、d work. A. with B. by C. for D. without( ) 14. Jenny goes to school on foot. It takes her about half an hour _ there. A. to get B. get C. got D. getting( ) 15. (济南中考)The funny story made the kids _. A. to drink B. to work C. laugh D. to cry 02能力提升.任务型阅读。 Anger is a kind of feeling. Many things can m

31、ake you angry. When your teacher gives you too much homework,when your team loses an important game,when a friend borrows your favorite thing and then breaks it,you may get really angry. Usually,your body will tell you when you are angry. For example,you breathe faster,your face turns red,and you ma

32、y want to break something or hit someone,but sometimes,you hide your anger. For example,you may hide it in your heart. The problem is that if you do this,you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt. In fact,it's not good to hide your anger,and it's normal for you to get angry Sometimes.

33、But anger must be let out in the right way,without hurting others or yourself. When you get angry,you can talk about it with other people. It's helpful to talk about your anger with an adult,such as parents,a teacher,etc. When you talk about anger,those bad feelings can start to go away. Here ar

34、e some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: talk to a good friend; count from 1 to 100; give someone a hug; go for a bike ride; think about good things,etc. Remember that how you act when you are angry can make everything better or worse. Don't let your anger control you.根据短文内容,

35、完成下面的表格。Title: 16._17._ Your teacher gives you too much homework. Your team loses an important game. A friend 18._ your favorite thing and then breaks it.Behavior Breathe faster or your face turns red. Want to break something or hit someone. Get a headache or your stomach may hurt if you hide a

36、nger 19._.Solutions Talk about it with adults,such as parents,teachers,etc. Count from 1 to 100. Give someone a hug; go for a bike ride. 20._ good things.第五课时 Section B(2a2e) 01基础过关 . 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1. Don't p_ the door. It was broken just now.2. While I was leaving home,my father came back

37、 with a heavy bag on his s_.3. The boy walked around the teacher's office for a long time and went in at last with c_.4. The teacher told the students not to k_ the door when it was closed.5. You'd better set a g_ before you start to study English.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. She _(nod) to me when she

38、 passed by me in the street.7. Katie only has one meal a day in order to lose _(weigh).8. Macello Lippi and Fabio Capello are famous football _(coach) in the world.9. My family are not in _(agree) on where to go.10. Mike is _(luck) to get a chance to study abroad. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。11. I believe if we

39、 _ _(齐心协力),we will win the important basketball match tomorrow.12. You have done well in all your subjects. Don't _ _ _(对要求严格) yourself.13. Boys and girls! Come on! I hope you win the game. Don't _ _ _(让我失望).14. The young people was _ _(开除) by the company because he was often late.15. The mo

40、st valuable thing is time,_ _(而不是) money.02能力提升.任务型阅读。 Yesterday a group of people were attending a research meeting. A professor,who teaches sociology(社会学) in a college,was the speaker. (A)S_ he stopped and started giving each of the 49 listeners a balloon. (C)All the listeners were asked to write

41、his or her name on the balloon in the hands. Then all the balloons were collected and put in another room. After that,all the listeners were asked to walk into that room and find the balloon with their own name on it,within 5 minutes. Everyone was frantically(疯狂地) looking for their name,pushing and

42、colliding(碰撞) with each other. At the end of 5 minutes,no one could find the balloon with his or her own name on it. (B)F_,each of the listeners was asked to pick up any one of the balloons and then give it to the person whose name was written on it. Within 3 minutes everyone had his or her own ball

43、oon. The speaker then said,“The same situation always happens in our life. Everyone is looking for happiness everywhere,not knowing where it is. Everyone's happiness lies in other people's happiness. Give them their happiness,you will get your own happiness.”根据短文内容,完成下列任务。任务一: 根据首字母提示,在A、B处填

44、上适当的单词。16. A. S_ B. F_任务二: 把C处画线的句子翻译成汉语。17. _任务三: 回答下列问题。18. What does the speaker do?_19. How many people attended the research meeting?_20. What does the writer want to tell us?_Self Check. 单项选择。( ) 1. I would rather _ to music than watch TV. A. hear B. to hear C. listen D. to listen( ) 2. Excuse

45、 me,where is Doctor Wang? He's _ a sick baby. A. looking B. seeing C. cheering D. examining( ) 3. We should have _ to face these difficulties instead of fearing them. A. stress B. speed C. courage D. talent( ) 4. At last,the baby was made_ and began to laugh. A. stop crying B. stopped to cry C.

46、to stop to cry D. to stop crying( ) 5. _,I didn't know him. But we became good friends at last. A. First of all B. Start with C. To start with D. Beginning with( ) 6. Jim passed the entrance exam of Peking University and didn't _. A. leave us out B. kick us off C. keep away from us D.let us

47、down( ) 7. We must _ if we want to win the match tomorrow. A. get together B. pull together C. get up D. give up( ) 8. Have you seen your old friend _,Tony? Yes,we met at the central park last Sunday. A. late B .the later C. latest D. lately( ) 9. (阜康、米泉中考)Tell us something about Canada,OK? I'm

48、sorry._ Jack _ I have ever been there. A. Either;or B. Not only;but also C. Both;and D. Neither;nor ( ) 10. I want to stay here for a longer time. _ The soft music makes people relaxed and comfortable. A. Yes,isn't it? B. Well,yes and no. C. I disagree. D. Me,too. 词汇运用。A) 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。11. Lucy

49、isn't feeling well now. Her face looks so _ (苍白).12. How terrible! The man had a snake on his _(肩膀).13. Their new _ (教练)is very strict with them.14. You should have more _(勇气).15. Peter,please _(踢)the soccer ball back to me.B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。16. You are lucky enough to be on a _(win) team.17. L

50、ily enjoys dancing rather than _(sing).18. How did you deal with your _(disappoint) in your life?19. There was great _ (friend) between the two families.20. I suggested going to France for next vacation,but they didn't _(agreement)with me.按要求完成句子,每空一词。21. The old man is so worried that he doesn't know what he should do next.(改为同义句) The old man is so worried that he doesn't know _ _ _ next.22. Readin


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