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1、如何学好英语演讲稿演讲稿一:Hw T Learn English!Here are sme tips which may help yu t master the English Language!Speak withut FearThe biggst peple face in learning a new language is their wn fear. They wrry that they wnt say things crrectly r that they will lk stupid s they dnt talk at all. Dnt d this. The fastes

2、t way t learn anything is t d it ndash; again and again until yu get it right. Like anything, learning English requires practice. Dnt let a little fear stp yu frm getting what yu want.Use all f yur ResurcesEven if yu study English at a language schl it desnt mean yu cant learn utside f class. Using

3、as many different surces, methds and tls as pssible, will allw yu t learn faster. There are many different ways yu can imprve yur English, s dnt limit yurself t nly ne r tw. The internet is a fantastic resurce fr virtually anything, but fr the language learner its perfect.Surrund Yurself with Englis

4、hThe abslute best way t learn English is t surrund yurself with it. Take ntes in English, put English bks arund yur rm, listen t English language radi bradcasts, watch English news, mvies and televisin. Speak English with yur friends whenever yu can. The mre English material that yu have arund yu, t

5、he faster yu will learn and the mre likely it is that yu will begin “thinking in English.” .Listen t Native Speakers as Much as PssibleThere are sme gd English teachers that have had t learn English as a secnd language befre they culd teach it. Hwever, there are several reasns why many f the best sc

6、hls prefer t hire native English speakers. ne f the reasns is that native speakers have a natural flw t their speech that students f English shuld try t imitate. The clser ESL / EFL students can get t this rhythm r flw, the mre cnvincing and cmfrtable they will becme.Watch English Films and Televisi

7、nThis is nt nly a fun way t learn but it is als very effective. By watching English films (especially thse with English subtitles) yu can epand yur vcabulary and hear the flw f speech frm the actrs. If yu listen t the news yu can als hear different accents.Listen t English MusicMusic can be a very e

8、ffective methd f learning English. In fact, it is ften used as a way f imprving cmprehensin. The best way t learn thugh, is t get the lyrics (wrds) t the sngs yu are listening t and try t read them as the artist sings. There are several gd internet sites where ne can find the wrds fr mst sngs. This

9、way yu can practice yur listening and reading at the same time. And if yu like t sing, fine.Study As ften As Pssible!nly by studying things like grammar and vcabulary and ding eercises, can yu really imprve yur knwledge f any language.D Eercises and Take TestsMany peple think that eercises and tests

10、 arent much fun. Hwever, by cmpleting eercises and taking tests yu can really imprve yur English. ne f the best reasns fr ding lts f eercises and tests is that they give yu a benchmark t cmpare yur future results with. ften, it is by cmparing yur scre n a test yu tk yesterday with ne yu tk a mnth r

11、si mnths ag that yu realize just hw much yu have learned. If yu never test yurself, yu will never knw hw much yu are prgressing. Start nw by ding sme f the many eercises and tests n this site, and return in a few days t see what yuve learned. Keep ding this and yu really will make sme prgress with E

12、nglish.Recrd YurselfNbdy likes t hear their wn vice n tape but like tests, it is gd t cmpare yur tapes frm time t time. Yu may be s impressed with the prgress yu are making that yu may nt mind the sund f yur vice as much.Listen t EnglishBy this, we mean, speak n the phne r listen t radi bradcasts, a

13、udibks r CDs in English. This is different than watching the televisin r films because yu cant see the persn that is speaking t yu. Many learners f English say that speaking n the phne is ne f the mst difficult things that they d and the nly way t imprve is t practice.FinallyHave fun!演讲稿二:如何学好英语演讲稿A

14、s everyne knws,English is very imprtant tday.It has been used everywhere in the wrld.It has becme the mst cmmn language n Internet and fr internatinal trade. If we can speak English well,we will have mre chance t succeed.Because mre and mre peple have taken ntice f it,the number f the peple wh g t l

15、earn English has increased at a high speed.But fr myself,I learn English nt nly because f its imprtance and its usefulness,but als because f my lve fr it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way f thinking which gives me mre rm t tuch the wrld.When I read English nvels,I can feel the pleasur

16、e frm the bk which is different frm reading the translatin.When I speak English, I can feel the cnfident frm my wrds.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is nt the same as ur Chinese.I lve English,it gives me a clrful dream.I hpe I can travel arund the wrld ne day. With my gd English, I c

17、an make friends with many peple frm different cntries.I can see many places f great intrests.I dream that I can g t Lndn,because it is the birth place f English.I als want t use my gd English t intrduce ur great places t the English spken peple,I hpe that they can lve ur cuntry like us.I knw, Rme wa

18、s nt built in a day. I believe that after cntinuus hard study, ne day I can speak English very well.If yu want t be lved, yu shuld learn t lve and be lvable. S I believe as I lve English everyday , it will lve me t.I am sure that I will realize my dream ne day!Thank yu!演讲稿三:如何学好英语演讲稿All f yu, and ju

19、dge teachers and classmates: gd mrning, I am very glad t attendntest, tday Im ging t give yu a speech tpic is hw t learn English well.English is imprtant in the mdern wrld. It is spken all ver the wrld. But a few students dnt learn English well. S they want t drp English. I suggest that yu shuldnt g

20、ive up English, because English is used in many cuntries as the first r st business letters are written in English. It is helpful fr yu t wrk in the future. If yu dnt knw English, yu will fall behind thers in future.Hw can yu learn English well? First, yu shuld persevere. Its true that English is sm

21、etimes really very difficult fr us. But if yu have a gd methd f learning, I think yu will be gd at it. Bth English listening and speaking are the mst difficult fr almst every beginner. Smetimes, it seems impssible t learn. But I think if yu d a lt f practice, yu will make prgress, yu shuld speak mre and listen mre ften. Yud better speak English with yur classmates as ften as pssible nt nly in class but als ut f class. I advise yu t buy a radi, s yu can listen t sme English prgrammes ver the radi. Then yu will travel in the


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