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1、1 / 8Un it 2 综合水平测试听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择与你所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:I.Lily sometimes eats ice-cream after dinner.2.Bill usually goes to bed at 10oclock.3. Jessica plays computer games on Sun day.4. Jane often has breakfast at a quarter to seven.5. Tom brushes his teeth at six forty every day.1.F2.E3.C_

2、4._B5.D二、 听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:6.1s Jack ofte n late for school?(C)6.A.He is early.B.He isnt here.C. Yes,he is.听力材料:7.What do you usually do on Sun day?(A) 7.A.I play the violin. B.Really great! C.Have a good time.听力材料:8.What does Lucy have for di nn er?(C)8.A.At 8:30. B.With her parents.C.

3、 Hamburgers.听力材料:9.Where does Lily play after school?(B)9.A.With her brother.B.In the park.C. No, she cant.听力材料:10.When does Tom go to the library?(A)10.A.On weekends.B.Yes,he does.C. He likes to go there.三、 听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听第一段长对话,回答第1112小题。听力材料:W What time do you usually get up,Tom?M I ge

4、t up at about half past seven.2 / 8W Oh, you get up so late!M Yes.So I n ever have time to eat breakfast at home .I always take some bread and milk toschool.(C)11.What time does the boy usually get up?AAt about 7:00.BAt about 7:15.CAt about 7:30.(A)12.What does the boy have for breakfast?ABread and

5、milk.BBread and eggs.CEggs and milk.听第二段长对话,回答第1315小题。听力材料:W:Do you usually get up early,Jack?M:Yes.I usually get up at a quarter past six.W:What about your mother?Does she get up early,too?M:Yes,she does.She usually gets up at a quarter to six.W:What time do you eat breakfast?M:At about 6:40.Then I

6、 go to school at about 7oclock.(B)1 3.What time does the boys mother get up?AAt 5:30. BAt 5:45. CAt 6:15.(A)1 4.What does the boy usually do at about 6:40?AHe eats breakfast. BHe plays sports.CHe takes a shower.(C)1 5.What time does the boy go to school?AAt about 6:50.BAt about 7:30.CAt about 7:00.四

7、、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:Im John.Let me tell you about my afternoon.In the afternoon,we have two classes.The first class is at 2:00 pm.,and the second class is at 2:55 pm.After the two classes,I play basketball from 4:00 pm. to 5:00 pm.The I go home at 5:15 pm.I get home at 6:30 pm.Thats all ab

8、out my afternoon.(C)1 6.How many(多少) classes does John have in the afternoon?AFour. BThree. CTwo.(A)1 7.When is the second class?AAt 2:55 pm. BAt 2:15 pm. CAt 2:00 pm.(C)1 8.What does John do after class?ARuns. BSwims. CPlays basketball.(B)1 9.How long(多久) does John play basketball?AFor half an hour

9、.BFor an hour.CFor two hours.(B)20.When does John go home?AAt five thirty. BAt five fifteen. CAt five oclock.3 / 8笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分) (B)21.Whats your fathers,Jenny?He is a PE. teacher. Aname Bjob Ctime Dphoto(A)22.When do you have _ breakfast?At 6:30.And I have _ big breakfast every day.

10、A/;a Ba;a Ca;/ D/;/(D)23.I have a dance lesson _ 3:00_ Sunday afternoon.Ain;on Bat;in Con;in Dat;on(C)24.My grandfather eats well and _ every day,so he is very healthy.Awrites Bdraws Cexercises Dsings(C)25.Do you like this story?Yes,I do.Its very _.Abusy Bboring Cfunny Ddifficult(D)26.Simon is not a

11、 good boy,so we _ play with him.Aalways Busually Csometimes Dnever(C)27.There are _ students in our class,twenty -five boys and fifteengirls.Atwenty Bthirty Cforty Dfifty (B)28.Jim cant play volleyball.Mike cant play volleyball _.Atoo Beither Calso Dwell (A)29.my mother gets home,she always makesdin

12、ner first.AWhen BWhere CWhy DWhat(D)30.After school,I usually play basketball with my classmates _ anhour.Ato Bin Cat Cfor4 / 8(A)_31.1 ts good for us toa walk after dinner.A. take B.make C.play D.think(C)_ 32.Chicke n is my favorite food .Itvery good.A. sounds B.looks C.tastes D.shows(B)33.What tim

13、e do you have di nner?A. In the eve ning B.At six thirtyC. On weekends D.With my parents(B)_ 34.Here are your brothersclothes.Go and help him_quickly.A. clea n the room B.get dressedC. take a shower D.do his homework(A)35.What time is it,Mom?Its_ .A. seve n fiftee n B.a quarter to seve nC. a quarter

14、 past six D.six thirty六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计10分)Lisa is twelve years old.She is _36 America.Now she is in Shanghai with her _37_.Its Sun day today.Lisa does nt_38 to go to school.After gett ing up,shehas breakfast and the n she beg ins (开始)to do her homework.She 39 her homework at 10:30 a.m.After that,Lis

15、a goes to the _40_ to buy a skirt for her _41_.Why?Because her mothers_42_ is coming.What does Lisa do in the after noon?She asks her pare nts to take _43_ to the old peopleshome.They read newspapers to the old people,talk to them,and _44_ them wash their clothes.Theold people like Lisa very much.Li

16、sa feels (觉得)_45_ too,because she can help others.(D36.A.On B.of C.at D.from(C)38.A.want B.like C.need D.ask(A)37.A.parents Bbrothers Cfriends D.sisters5 / 8(B)39.A.k nows B.fini shes Cgets D.has6 / 8(A) 40.A.store B.school C.club D.library(B) 41.A.father B.mother C.teacher D.classmate(D)42.A.test B

17、.trip C.game D.birthday(C) 43.A.me B.you C.her D.him(B)44.A.let B.help C.watch D.make(D) 45.A.healthy B.busy C.cool D.happy七、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共计20分)AI am Yang Na.I ama student in No. 6 Middle School.My school is big and nice.On weekdays all thestudents live in the school.Some of our teachers live with us

18、.They are good to us and look_after uslike(像)our pare nts.Weusually get up at six oclock in the morning.Then all the students do morning exercises.At 6:30,all the students and teachers have breakfast.Afterbreakfast,I ofte n read En glish in the classroom.My favorite day is Thursday,because I have a

19、music less on on that day.Music is my favoritesubject .Iusually have four less ons in the morning and three less onsin the after noon .But on Friday after noon I only have two less ons.rm very happy in the school.(A)46.画线短语look after_的汉语意思是。A.照顾B.看望C.跟踪D.寻找(B)_ 47.根据时间安排,下列活动排序正确的是 _。A.B .C .D .(C)_

20、 48.Ya ng Na has music on.A. Monday B . Tuesday C . Thursday D . Friday(D)_ 49.Ya ng Na has lesso ns on Mo nday.A. four B . five C . six D . seven(B)50.Which of the followi ng is TRUE?7 / 8A. Yang Nas school is small but nice.B . Yang Na has a good time at school.C. Yang Nas favorite subject is hist

21、ory.D. Yang Na lives at home on weekdays.Tommy is a student in a middle school in Beijing.He usually gets up at 6:30in the morning.Then he does some sports.He has breakfast at 7:20 and then he goesto school.He usually gets to school at about 7:50 every day.He does nt like to belate.School starts at

22、8:00 a.m. In the morning,he has four classes.Then he haslunch at school at about 12:00.He has two classes in the afternoon.At 3:30 in the after noon,school isover.Sometimes,he plays sports with his classmates after school.He usually gets homeat around 5: 30p. m. After dinner , he does his homework.H

23、e goes to bed at about 9:30 p.m.(A) 51.Where does Tommy study?A. In a middle school in Beijing.B. In a middle school in Shanghai.C. In a Primary school(小学)in Beijing.D. In a primary school in Shanghai.(B) 52.What time does Tommy usually get up?A. At 600 in the morningB. At 630 in the morningC. At 72

24、0 in the morningD. At 800 in the morning(A)53.What does Tommy do after gett ing up?A. He does some sports. B.He has breakfast.C. He plays basketball. D.He plays the piano.(A)54.Where does Tommy have lun ch?A. At school. B.At home.C. At classmates home. D.We dont know.(C)55.How many classes does Tomm

25、y have a day?A. Two. B.Four. C.Six. D.Seven.八、词汇运用。(每小题1分,共计10分)A)根据句意及首字母提示写单词。56.My mother is a teacher.Sheworksin a middle school.57.Halfof twenty is ten.58.I like weekends because I dont need to get upearly.59.Linda is mybestfriend.60.The teacher asks us tocleanthe classroom every day.B)用方框中所给单词

26、的适当形式填空。dress,life,station,walk,group61.There are three busstationsin our city.62.There are five boys in the musicgroup.63.They live a happylifethere.8 / 864.She usuallywalksto school with me.65.My mom buys two nicedressesfor my birthday.九、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(每小题2分,共计10分)66.汤姆总是上课迟到。Tom is alwayslatefo

27、rclass.67.这么好的天气,我们去散步吧。What a nice day!Letstakeawalk.68.牛奶是健康食品,它对我们有好处。Milk is a kind of healthy drink,and itsgoodforus.69.她现在要么在教室要么在图书馆。Now she iseitherin the classroomorin the library.70.在学校里,我有很多朋友。I havelotsoffriends at school.十、情景交际。(每小题2分,共计10分)从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。A: Hi,Lucy!71.DB: Well,I live

28、near my school,so I get up at a quarter to seven.lm never late for school.A:Do you have breakfast at home?B: Yes,72._E_A:When do you go to school?B: 73. A So I go to school at seven forty- five.A:74._C_B: I leave school at five past five and 75._ B_A.Classbeginsateightoclock.B.IgethomeatfivetwentyC.

29、Whendoyougethome?D.Whattimedoyouusuallygetup on weekdays?E.Iusuallyhavesomecakesandaglassofmilk十一、任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共计10分)F面的表格向我们展示了Sam的课程表,根据表格内容,回答问题。Week TimeMon dayTuesdayWedn esdayThursdayFriday8:00& 45En glishMathMathChin eseMath8:559:40Chin eseMathEn glishEn glishMath9:5010:35Chin eseChin eseP.E.En glishArt10:4511:30MathArtHistoryMathChin eseNoon Break (午 休)13:0013:45P.E.En glishChin eseMusic


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