已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、肁常用术语中英文对照表蕿Adder加法器Additivity可加性Aliasi ng混叠Allpass system全通系统Amplitude Modulatio n(AM)幅度调制Amplifier放大器An alog-to-Digital Con vers ion模数转换Aperiodic sig nal非周期信号Autocorrelati on function自相关函数Ban d-limited sig nal带限信号Ban dpass filter带通滤波器Block diagram方框图Bode plot波特图Butterworth filter巴特沃斯滤波器Carrier fre

2、que ncy载波频率Carrier sig nal载波信号Cascade-form block diagram级联方框图Cascade (series) in terc onnection级联连接Channel equalizatio n信道均衡Closed-loop system闭环系统Coefficie nt multiplier系数乘法器Communi cati on system通信系统Complex conjugate复共轭Complex exp onen tial复指数Complex nu mber复数Con ti nu ous-time sig nal连续时间信号Conjuga

3、te symmetry共轭对称性Conjugati on property共轭性质Con ti nu ous-time Fourier tran sform连续时间傅里叶变换Con ti nu ous-time system连续时间系统Convolution integral卷积积分Con voluti on sum卷积和Correlati on fun cti on相关函数Cross-correlatio n fun cti on互相关函数Cutoff freque ncy截止频率Digital sig nal数字信号Demodulati on解调Discrete-time离散时间Discr

4、ete-time Fourier series离散傅里叶级数Decibel (dB)分贝Delay延迟Difference差分Differe ntiati on微分Differen tial equati on微分方程Direct Form I realizati on直接I型实现Direct Form n realization直接n型实现Dirichlet con diti ons狄利克雷条件Disc on ti nuity不连续Discrete-time Modulati on离散时间调制Discrete-time sig nal离散时间信号Discrete-time system离散时

5、间系统Distorti on失真Double-sideba nd modulati on双边带调制Duality对偶性Eige nfunction特征函数Eige nvalue特征值Elliptic filter椭圆滤波器En ergy-de nsity spectrum能量密度谱En velope包络线Equalizati on均衡Exp onen tial指数函数Fast Fourier Tran sform (FFT)快速傅里叶变换Feedback反馈Feedback in terc onnection反馈互联Filter滤波器Fin ite Impulse Resp onse (FIR

6、)有限冲激响应Fin al-value theorem终值定理First harm onic comp onent一次谐波分量First-order con ti nu ous-time system一阶连续时间系统First-order discrete-time system一阶离散时间系统Forced resp onse强迫响应Freque ncy-Divisio nMultiplex ing(FDM)频分复用Freque ncy resp onse频率响应Freque ncy scali ng频率尺度变换Freque ncy shift ing property频移性质Gibbs ph

7、e nomenon吉布斯现象Group delay群延时Harmonic comp onent谐波分量Highpass filter高通滤波器Hilbert tran sform希尔伯特变换Image process ing图像处理Imag inary part虚部Impulse resp onse冲激响应Infinite Impulse Response (IIR)无限冲激响应In itial-value theorem初值定理In sta ntan eous freque ncy瞬时频率In tegral积分In tegrati on property积分性In tegrator积分器Li

8、n ear Time In varia nt (LTI) system线性时不变系统In verse Fourier tran sform傅里叶逆变换In verse Laplace tran sform拉普拉斯逆变换In verse system逆系统In verse z-tra nsformz逆变换Laplace tran sform拉普拉斯变换Left-half pla ne左半平面Left-sided sig nal左边信号Lin earcon sta nt-coefficie ntdiffere ntial equati on线性常系数微分方程Lin earcon sta nt-co

9、efficie ntdiffere nee equati on线性常系数差分方程Lin ear feedback system线性反馈系统Lin earity线性Lowpass filter低通滤波器Matched filter匹配滤波器Modulati ng sig nal调制信号Modulation调制Modulatio n in dex调制指数Modulatio n property调制性质Multiplexi ng多路复用Multiplicati on乘法Natural freque ncy自然频率Natural resp onse自然响应Negative feedback负反馈Net

10、work网络Non causal system非因果系统Non ideal filter非理想滤波器Normalized function归一化函数Nyquist freque ncy奈奎斯特频率Nyquist rate奈奎斯特速率Operational amplifier运算放大器Orthogo nal fun ctio n正交函数Orthogo nal sig nal正交信号Partial-fracti on expa nsion部分分式展开Periodic con voluti on周期卷积Periodic sig nal周期信号Power功率Periodic square wave周期

11、性方波Phase lag相位滞后Phase lead相位超前Phase shift相移Polar form for complex nu mber复数的极坐标形式Pole极点Pole-zero plot零极点图Power of sig nal信号的功率Power-series expa nsion method幕级数展开法Real part实部Recta ngular pulse矩形脉冲Regi on of Con verge nee (ROC)收敛域Right-sided sig nal右边信号Right-sided seque nee右边序列Right-half pla ne右半平面Ris

12、e time上升时间Sampli ng freque ncy抽样频率Sampli ng function抽样函数Sampli ng period抽样周期Sampli ng theorem抽样定理Scali ng in the z-doma inZ域尺度变换Second harm onic comp onent二次谐波分量Secon d-order system二阶连续时间系统Series (cascade) in terc onnection串联(级联)连接Sift ing property移位性shift ing property in the s-doma ins域移位性Sin gle-s

13、ideba ndsinu soidalamplitude modulati on单边带正弦幅度调制Sin gularity fun cti on奇异函数Sinu soidal freque ncy modulati on正弦频率调制Sinu soidal sig nal正弦信号Square wave方波Step-i nvaria nt tran sformatio n阶跃响应不变法Step response阶跃响应Stopba nd freque ncy阻带频率Stopba nd ripple阻带纹波Summer加法器Superpositi on property叠加性Symmetry对称性S

14、ystem function系统函数Stability稳定性Time con sta nt时间常数Time delay时延Time-Divisio nMultiplexi ng(TDM)时分复用Time-doma in时域Time reversal property时间翻转性Time shift ing property时移性Tran siti on band过渡带Un ilateral Laplace tran sform单边拉普拉斯变换Un ilateral z tran sform单边Z变换Unit circle单位圆Unit delay单位延时Unit doublet单位冲激偶Unit

15、 impulse单位冲激Unit impulse resp onse单位冲激响应Variable变量Vestigial sideba nd modulati on残留边带调制Voltage电压Zero-i nput resp onse零输入响应Zero-state resp onse零状态响应Zero-order hold零阶保持器以下无正文仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途。For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途Nur f u r den pers?nlichen f u r Studien, Forschung, zu kommerziellen Zwecken ve


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