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1、Unit 4World News: Up in SpacePart I Warming Up A: Training Focus: Selecting Information 1. orbit: a path followed by a planet, star, moon, etc round another body 2. lift-off n. the beginning of a rockets flight into space, when it leaves the ground. (火箭等)离地升空,垂直发射 3. ISS: the International Space Sta

2、tion:国际空间站 4.triumph:great achievement or success 5. reconnaissance:exploration or a survey of an area, esp for military purposes (对某地区的)侦察或观测(尤指为军事目的) 6.Orbiter:a spacecraft or satellite designed to orbit a planet or other body without landing on it (在行星的轨道上飞行而不在其上面着陆的)航天器或卫星 Mars Reconnaissance Or

3、biter: 火星勘探轨道飞行器 7. abbreviated: made shorter 8.en route: on a route to some place 9. truss: to tie up or bind tightly. 10.revive: to come or bring something back to life, health, existence, or use My plants revived as soon as I gave them some water. A hot shower and a cup of tea will revive you. 11

4、. space probe 航空探测器;太空探测器 12. Cape Canaveral: 航 卡纳维拉尔角(位于美国)Key to A 1. To Mars / March of next year. 2. Because of a mechanical problem. 3. 5 males and 2 females. 4. NASA / At the end of September, 83 days after landing. 5. To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completing repairs on the

5、Hubble Telescope. 1. An American spacecraft is traveling to Mars to collect information about the red planet. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter left Cape Canaveral in Florida on August 12th. The space vehicle is expected to arrive in March of next year. It is to orbit the planet for at least four year

6、s. 2. The U.S. space shuttle Columbia has returned to Earth after an abbreviated stay in space because of a mechanical problem. The Space Agency ordered the shuttle back to Earth after one of the three power generators failed Sunday. The generators called “fuel cells” provide all of shuttles electri

7、cal power, and NASA safety rules require the space ship to return to Earth if any fuel cell fails. 3. US space shuttle Discovery has made a successful lift-off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, en route to the International Space Station. The shuttle with 5 male and 2 female astronauts onboard w

8、ill take another section of the half-built International Space Station a little truss, or frame into orbits. Its scheduled to come back to earth on December 21. 4.The United States Space Agency NASA says its given up any real hope of reviving its space probe on Mars. The spacecraft Pathfinder made i

9、ts last transmission of scientific data from the surface of Mars at the end of September, 83 days after landing. 5.The U.S. space shuttle Endeavor is preparing to return home in triumph after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope. The Endeavors scheduled to land Monday at the Kennedy Space Cent

10、er on Floridas Atlantic coast, returning to the site where the mission began eleven days ago.B. Mir- Russias space glory 1. collision:an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object. 2. microbe: a very small, living thing, which you can only see if you use a microscope. 微生物 3.cosmonaut:

11、 a person trained to travel in a spacecraft 4.Gliese 581 c: 是一颗位于天秤座星以北约2度的红矮星,是世界上发现的第一颗可能适合人类居住的类地行星。 5. Neptuen: the eighth and farthest known planet from the Sun in the Solar System. 15 years the Soviet Union, now Russia $ 4.2 billion (for building and maintaining) 10 years (1986 1996) 135 tons

12、9,900 cubic feet 63 feet wide and 85 feet long 104 cosmonauts, astronauts 46 438 days 747 days, three Mar. 23rd,Part II. News ReportsA. 1.extrasolar:any object that exists outside the Solar System.2. telltale: disclosing unintentionallyOnly occasionally did the telltale redness around his eyes betra

13、y the fatigue he was suffering.3. wobble:move unsteadily4. tug: a quick and usually strong pull. 猛拉; 拽5. dwarf: much smaller than the usual size dwarf ximal:situated nearest to point of attachment or origin distal Summary : the smallest and most earth-like extra solar planet. Answers to q

14、uestions: 1. About a dozen. 2. Five times the mass of the earth. 3. A red dwarf. 4. Two. 5. One is similar to Neptune and the other is 8 times the mass of the earth.B.B.NASAs program of Mars Training Focus: Summarize the news. Vocabulary rover: a wanderer漫游者漫游者 Robotic rovers act as robot geologists

15、 while they are on the surface of Mars. Robotic arm: Much like a human arm, the robotic arm has flexibility through three joints: the rovers shoulder, elbow and wrist. The arm enables a tool belt of scientists instruments to extend, bend, and angle precisely against a rock to work as a human geologi

16、st would: grinding away layers, taking microscopic images, and analyzing the elemental composition of the rocks and soil. installment: one part of a serial story (分期连载的)部分;(分期出版的)分册 a magazine serial in six installments 在杂志上分六期连载的小说 Here in the news, it refers to the first part of the mission retror

17、ocket: 反向火箭 an auxiliary rocket engine (as on a spacecraft) used in decelerating降低速度;减速行驶(或运转) descent: 下降;下倾 The spectators watched the descent of the balloon.观看的人瞧着气球降落。 condensate: 冷凝液;冷凝物 grand finale: a climactic finale (as of an opera) In the report, it refers to the last division of a project

18、 tentatively: 试验性地;暂时地 Polar Lander The Mars Climate Orbiter (formerly the Mars Surveyor 98 Orbiter) was one of two spacecraft in the Mars Surveyor 98 program, the other being the Mars Polar Lander (formerly the Mars Surveyor 98 Lander). The two missions were to study the Martian weather, climate, and water and carbon dioxide budget, in order to understand the reservoirs, behavior, and atmospheric role of volatiles and to search for evidence of long-term and episodic climate changes. Now listen to the news report and


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