1、语言习得与外语教学课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16064402课程名称:语言习得与外语教学英文名称:Second Language Acquisition and TEFL课程类别:专业课学 时:32学 分:2适用对象:英语语言文学专业考核方式:考查先修课程:基础英语I-III、英语语音、英语语法、英语听力、英语口语、英语泛读、英语写作二、课程简介语言习得与外语教学是为英语语言文学专业二年级学生开设的专业选修课。本课程旨在为英语语言文学专业的学生系统概括介绍第二语言习得研究的不同视角与理论,具体包括母语习得与二语习得的关联、对比分析与偏误分析、习得顺序研究、克拉申的语言监控模式、普遍
2、语法与第二语言习得、第二语言学习者个体差异因素、第二语言习得的认知模式、社会文化理论、语言输入与互动等。由于第二语言习得发展与第二语言教学密不可分,本课程还将概述主要的外语教学法流派,并利用案例分析,探讨课堂环境下的第二语言学习中存在的问题与对策,帮助学生思考自己在外语学习中遇到的问题。Second Language Acquisition and TEFL is an optional course for sophomores majoring in English Language. It is intended to introduce the students to some mos
3、t important theories in the field of second language acquisition (SLA), including the association between first language acquisition and second language acquisition, contrastive analysis and error analysis, developmental sequence, Krashens Monitor Model, UG approach to SLA, individual differences in
4、 SLA, cognitive approach to SLA, sociocultural theories, the role of language input and interaction in SLA, etc. In addition to outlining basic ideas and claims about second language acquisition from different perspectives, this course will also deal with some most popular approaches and methods in
5、second language teaching, thus helping students to better understand their own problems in L2 learning.三、课程性质与教学目的本课程全面介绍第二语言习得研究的内容、性质、所涵盖的子领域,以及相关的经典理论及研究成果。通过本课程的学习,学生能够熟悉第二语言习得研究的历史、现状、发展趋势以及第二语言习得与其他研究领域的关系,掌握从语言、认知、社会文化等方面认识第二语言习得和使用的过程和规律,了解课堂环境下的第二语言学习中存在的问题与对策,从而思考自己在外语学习中遇到的问题,树立正确的语言观,并为今
6、后在第二语言习得研究领域进一步深入学习打下一定的基础。除此之外,本课程引导学生将相关知识融会贯通,结合外国人学习汉语的例子,探索如何更有效地在课堂内外传播汉语语言知识,最终达到以语言为载体,弘扬中华文化的目的。四、教学内容及要求第一章 First Language Acquisition(一) 目的与要求1 To understand the main features of different stages of L1 development;2 To understand Behaviorist views on L1 development;3 To understand Innatis
7、t views on L1 development;4 To understand Interactionist views on L1 development(二) 教学内容 第一节 Child L1 Acquisition1 主要内容1) The first three years2) The pre-school years3) The School years2 基本概念和知识点1) Crying2) Cooing3) Babbling4) One-word stage5) Two-word stage /Telegraphic Speech6) Developmental seque
8、nce of grammatical morphemes7) Developmental sequence of negation8) Developmental sequence of question formation9) Metalinguistic awareness3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) Child language acquisition researchers have found that children across many cultures tend to have similar kinds of words in the first fifty. What
9、 do you think might be some typical first-learned words in Chinese? Why do you think are these among the first words children learn?2) Think of three or four telegraphic sentences that a young child might produce in Chinese. How are these little sentences similar to those in the adult language? How
10、are they different? 第二节 Explaining L1 Acquisition1 主要内容1) Behaviorist viewpoint2) Innatist viewpoint3) Interactionist viewpoint2 基本概念和知识点1) S-R-R2) Poverty-of-the-stimulus argument3) Universal Grammar4) Language Acquisition Device5) The Critical Period Hypothesis3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) What is the logical p
11、roblem of language acquisition? How does UG address this problem?2) Can you think of any example in the Chinese context to support the critical period hypothesis? (三) 思考与实践Imagine a conversation with a frustrated teacher talking about an international student from Africa who is doing very poorly in
12、his science class. The teacher says that the problem cant be a language problem because the student speaks Chinese all the time with his friends. Could you help the teacher understand what might be going on here?(四) 教学方法与手段采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。第二章 Explaining SLA: Contrastive Analysis
13、 and Monitor Theory(一) 目的与要求1 To understand the basic views of contrastive analysis and its limitations2 To understand the five hypotheses of Krashens Monitor Model(二) 教学内容 第一节 Behaviorist perspective on SLA: Contrastive Analysis1 主要内容Contrastive Analysis2 基本概念和知识点1) Positive transfer /Negative tran
14、sfer2) Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis 3) Hierarchy of Difficulty3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) State the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) and explain why it is often linked to the behaviorist theory. What are its limitations?2) Do you think classroom drills and repetitions have any usefulness in learning an
15、L2? Give your reasons. 第二节 Innatist perspective on SLA: Monitor Theory1 主要内容Krashens Monitor Model2 基本概念和知识点1) The acquisition-learning hypothesis(习得-学习假说)2) The monitor hypothesis(语言监控假说)3) The natural order hypothesis(学习自然顺序说)4) The input hypothesis(语言输入假说)5) The affective filter hypothesis(情感过滤假说
16、)3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) What aspects of the Monitor Model make it compatible with an innatist theory of SLA?2) What are the limitations of Krashens theory? Why do you think that Krashens ideas have been so influential in second- and foreign-language education?(三) 思考与实践Try to recall and describe a grammatic
17、al rule you learned in the classroom or from a book when studying the English language or another foreign language. To what extent do you think the rule was useful when you needed to carry out conversations in that language? Does your experience support Krashens distinction between “acquisition” and
18、 “learning”?(四) 教学方法与手段采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。第三章 Explaining SLA: Learning Processes(一) 目的与要求1 To understand some of the basic theories concerning information processing2 To understand some of the basic theories concerning connectionism(二) 教学内容 第一节 Information Processing (IP)1 主要内容1) B
19、asic concepts of information processing2) Assumptions about IP approaches2 基本概念和知识点1) Declarative vs. Procedural knowledge2) Controlled vs. Automatic processing3) Restructuring4) U-shaped learning5) The Noticing Hypothesis6) The Competition Model3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) Explain the difference between declara
20、tive knowledge and procedural knowledge. How does the former get converted into the latter? How does this contrast with Krashens learning/acquisition hypothesis?2) What explanation is given for apparent bursts of knowledge or backsliding observed in a learners performance? Have you experienced this
21、in your language learning experience? 第二节 Connectionism1 主要内容Assumptions about connectionism2 基本概念和知识点1) Chunks2) Strength between the connections3) Probabilistic patterns of grammatical and morphological regularities3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) Why do connectionists have an easier time accounting for the acquis
22、ition of formulaic chunks than for the acquisition of complex syntactic structures? 2) Do you think that the braincomputer analogy is a useful metaphor for understanding SLA?(三) 思考与实践Compare and contrast the role of the environment in the behaviorist, innatist, and cognitive perspectives. Which is c
23、losest to your own view?(四) 教学方法与手段采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。第四章 Explaining SLA: The Role of Interaction in SLA(一) 目的与要求1 To understand interactionist views on SLA2 To understand sociocultural views on L2 development(二) 教学内容 第一节 The Interaction Hypothesis1 主要内容1) Interactionist perspectiv
24、e on L1 acquisition2) Modified input in SLA3) Negotiation of meaning4) The role of negotiation in language learning2 基本概念和知识点1) Child-directed speech2) Foreigner talk3) Comprehension check / Confirmation check / Clarification request / Suggesting an answer / Recasts4) The Interaction Hypothesis3 问题与
25、应用(能力要求)1) It is claimed that face-to-face interaction is not absolutely necessary for second language acquisition. What do you think? Support or refute this claim based on your own experience.2) In what way are proponents of the interactionist position in SLA in agreement with Krashens monitor mode
26、l? In what way do they go beyond it? 第二节 The Sociocultural Theory (SCT)1 主要内容1) Main beliefs of sociocultural theory and its development2) SCT perspective on SLA2 基本概念和知识点1) zone of proximal development (ZPD)2) scaffolding3 问题与应用(能力要求)What is the difference in emphasis between Vygotskys zone of prox
27、imal development (ZPD) and Krashens i+1? More broadly, how is sociocultural theory different from the interactionist hypothesis?(三) 思考与实践Considering your own learning, or the learning of someone you know well, do you believe in scaffolding and the Zone of Proximal Development? Describe examples in y
28、our own life when you are the learner in need of scaffolding, and when you are the more advanced learner or teacher providing a learner with more opportunity for development.(四) 教学方法与手段采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。第五章 Individual Differences in SLA: Intelligence, Aptitude, Learning Styles and
29、 Personality(一) 目的与要求1 To understand the role intelligence plays in SLA;2 To understand how aptitude may affect SLA;3 To understand how learning styles may vary among individual L2 learners;4 To understand in what way L2 learners personalities may affect their SLA(二) 教学内容 第一节 Intelligence and Aptitu
30、de1 主要内容1) Major components of aptitude and their main features2) Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT)2 基本概念和知识点1) Phonemic/Phonetic coding ability2) Grammatical sensitivity3) Inductive language learning ability4) Associative memory capacity5) Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT)3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) What
31、 aspects of L2 ability do you think are related to language learners performance on IQ tests?2) What lessons can language teachers learn from the research on language aptitude and L2 instruction? 第二节 Learning Styles and Personality1 主要内容1) Perceptually based learning styles2) Some cognitive styles t
32、hat have been explored2 基本概念和知识点1) Visual (视觉型) learners / Auditory (听觉型) learners / Kinesthetic (动觉型) learners2) Field independence vs. Field dependence3) Extroversion vs. Introversion4) Inhibition5) Anxiety3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) Do you think differences in learning styles should affect the way L2 teacher
33、s teach? If so, how? 2) What can we learn from research about the relationship between L2 learning and personality?(三) 思考与实践Based on what you read in this chapter, do you think that there is an ideal way to teach/learn a language?(四) 教学方法与手段采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。第六章 Individual Differe
34、nces in SLA: Motivation/Attitudes and Age(一) 目的与要求1 To understand how motivation affects SLA;2 To understand the role of age in SLA(二) 教学内容 第一节 Motivation and attitudes1 主要内容1) Possible conditions for motivation2) Different types of motivation3) Effects of motivation on SLA4) Pedagogical practices i
35、n relation to motivation2 基本概念和知识点1) Integrative motivation (融合型动机) vs. Instrumental motivation (工具型动机)2) Intrinsic motivation (内在动机) vs. Extrinsic motivation (外在动机)3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) Think of an example of a member of a majority group learning the language of a minority group and one of a member of a
36、minority group learning a majority groups language. How might the power relationships between groups of speakers affect the attitudes of language learners? How might the status of the languages affect opportunities for learning?2) Integrative and instrumental motivation can both play a role in the d
37、esire to learn an L2. How have these two kinds of motivation influenced your L2 learning? If you have learned more than one L2, is it different depending on the L2 in question? 第二节 Age1 主要内容1) Age differences in SLA2) Age and second language instruction2 基本概念和知识点1) The Critical Period Hypothesis (CP
38、H)2) At what age should L2 instruction begin?3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) Based on your personal experience, what do you think of the Critical Period Hypothesis? Do you know others whose experiences would support or refute it?2) It is postulated that younger learners are probably more successful in informal and
39、naturalistic learning contexts, and older learners are more successful in formal instructional settings. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.(三) 思考与实践1) Which individual characteristic do you consider to be the most important in L2 learning? Is your judgement based on your own personal exper
40、ience or observations of other learners? Can you provide examples? 2) What are the particular challenges in motivating students in schools and how can they be addressed?(四) 教学方法与手段采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。第七章 Learner Language(一) 目的与要求1 To understand the major procedures of error analysis
41、 and its limitations;2 To understand the main features of interlanguage;3 To understand the main features of developmental sequence(二) 教学内容 第一节 Error analysis and Interlanguage1 主要内容1) Definition of error2) Major sources of error3) Definition of interlanguage4) L1 influence on interlanguage2 基本概念和知识
42、点1) Mistake vs. Error2) Interlingual errors (语际偏误) vs. Intralingual errors (语内偏误)3) Fossilization4) Transfer / Cross-linguistic influence3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) What was an important difference between the error analysis approach to understanding L2 learner language and the contrastive analysis approach?2)
43、How are the errors made by adult L2 learners similar to those made by child L1 learners? In what ways are the errors different? How might you explain the similarities and differences? 第二节 Developmental sequences1 主要内容1) Main features of developmental sequence2) Studies of different aspects of develo
44、pmental sequences2 基本概念和知识点1) Development of grammatical morphemes2) Development of negation3) Development of questions4) Development of relative clauses5) Development of reference to past3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) Why do second language learners from different backgrounds appear to pass through similar develo
45、pmental stages?2) 3 An L2 learner, in speaking about his brother, tells you he dont eat meat. What stage of negation would he be at: Stage 2 or Stage 3? What evidence would you need to have confidence in your assessment?(三) 思考与实践When learning a grammatical pattern in an L2 that is similar to one in
46、your L1, what might be more difficult to notice (1) that you can use this pattern in a new way that is different from its use in L1 or (2) that you cant use it in one of the ways you would use it in the L1? Why?(四) 教学方法与手段采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。第八章 L2 Learning and Teaching in the Class
47、room(一) 目的与要求1 To understand the distinctive features of natural L2 learning and instructed L2 learning;2 To understand some typical pedagogical features that can be observed in L2 clasrooms(二) 教学内容 第一节 Natural L2 learning vs. Instructed L2 learning1 主要内容1) Main features of structure-based instructi
48、on and communication-based instruction2) Approaches to classroom research2 基本概念和知识点1) Structure-based instruction vs. Communication-based instruction2) The effect of formal instruction on SLA3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) Many believe that language learning in a natural setting is more effective. This belief may b
49、e based on the fact that most successful learners have had experience using the language outside the classroom. Do you agree that natural L2 learning is more effective than instructed L2 learning? Give your reasons.2) Based on your own experiences, what do you consider to be the most important diffe
50、rences between structure-based and communicative L2 instruction where teacherstudent interaction is concerned? 第二节 Some specific pedagogical features in L2 classrooms1 主要内容1) Question types2) Six types of corrective feedback3) Uptake2 基本概念和知识点1) Display question vs. Genuine question2) Closed questio
51、n vs. Open question3) Explicit correction / Recasts / Clarification requests / Metalinguistic feedback / Elicitation / Repetition4) Findings about corrective feedback3 问题与应用(能力要求)1) What type(s) of question do you prefer your teachers to use in classrooms? Give your reasons.2) Do you think your teac
52、hers use a range of different feedback types in the classroom? Do you prefer them to use a particular type of corrective feedback?3) What type(s) of corrective feedback in classrooms is/are most likely to help you notice your erroneous use of L2?(三) 思考与实践Give two examples of cultural differences bet
53、ween Western-style classrooms and non-Western learning contexts (from the textbook or from your own experience/reading) that might affect second language learning success.(四) 教学方法与手段采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。第九章 Popular Ideas about Language Learning(一) 目的与要求1 To make judgments on some pop
54、ular ideas about L2 learning;2 To use relevant theories on SLA to comment on these popular ideas (二) 教学内容 第一节 Commenting on popular ideas 1 to 81 主要内容1) Languages are learned mainly through imitation.2) Parents usually correct young children when they make grammatical errors.3) Highly intelligent pe
55、ople are good language learners.4) The most important predictor of success in second language acquisition is motivation.5) The earlier a second language is introduced in school programmes, the greater the likelihood of success in learning.6) Most of the mistakes that second language learners make ar
56、e due to interference from their first language.7) Teachers should present grammatical rules one at a time, and learners should practice examples of each one before going on to another.8) Teachers should teach simple language structures before complex ones.2 基本概念和知识点1) Behaviorism; Poverty-of-the-st
57、imulus argument; Overgeneralization2) Developmental sequences; Fossilization3) The role of intelligence in L2 learning4) The role of motivation in L2 learning5) When should L2 instruction begin?6) Error analysis7) Restructuring in interlanguage development8) Developmental sequences3 问题与应用(能力要求) 第二节 Commenting on popular ideas 9-151 主要内容1) Learners errors should be corrected as soon as th
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