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1、牛津新沪教版初中英语七年级上册unit1陈老师Module 1 My lifeOxford EnglishAnnas Blog Hello everyone. _ to my blog. My _ is Anna. Im _ Germany. Im 11 _ old. Im tall and thin. I have _. I _ my family in a house _some _. My mum is _ _ teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an _ sister and an _ brother. Every day, I go to scho

2、ol _school bus. My _ subjects are Maths, Art and Science. I like my school _ the teachers are all very _. My dream is to be an _. I like many _. Im _ _ and _ basketball. These are my _. When you listen to a conversation, you need to pay attention to the Wh-questions. You should then listen carefully

3、 for the answers.1Look at the information card on page 6. You are going to hear a conversation. Guess what kind of questions will be asked.Name: YukiCountry: JapanAge: (1)_Whatshelookslike:short,thin;(2)_hairHobby: drawing(3)_Brothers andsisters: oneelder(4)_Home: a(5)_flatinTokyoDream: tobean(6)_te

4、acher Whats Mandys e-friends name?2Name: YukiCountry: JapanAge: (1)_Whatshelookslike: short,thin;(2)_hairHobby: drawing(3)_Brothersandsisters: oneelder(4)_Home: a(5)_flat inTokyoDream: tobean(6) _ teacher 12/twelve longpicturessister smallArt3Jason is asking Mandy about her e-friend. Listen to their

5、 conversation and complete the notes below. Write one word or figure in each blank.4A Wh-questionsWe use Wh-questions to ask for information about someone/something.WhatWhereWhoHow oldisisareareher name? (Anna.)she from? (Germany.)your friends? (Ben and Judy.)they? (Twelve and thirteen.)WhenWhyHowWh

6、ich colourHow manye-friends dodododoesdoesyou go to bed? (At nine oclock.)you like your school? (Because the teachers are friendly.)you go to school? (By bus.)she like, red or yellow? (Red.)he have? (Five.)Work out the rule We can make Wh-questions with Wh-words and the verb to be (e.g. am_ and _ ).

7、 We use _ or _ to make Wh-questions with other verbs.isaredodoes5Jason:Mandy:Jason:Mandy:Jason:Mandy:Jason:Mandy:Jason:Mandy:Jason:I got an email from a boy called Bruce.(1) _ does he live?He lives in Australia.(2) _ old is he?Hes 12.(3) _ does he go to school?He goes to school by bus.(4) _ are his

8、hobbies?Swimming and playing football. He likes an English football team.There are many English football teams. (5)_ teamdoes he like?Liverpool.Jason gets an email from a new e-friend. Mandy is asking Jason some questions. Complete Mandys questions below.WhereHowWhatWhichHow11 A B 1) What? a) number

9、s 2) Where? b) ages 3) When? c) things 4) How old? d) times 5) How many? e) placesMatch the question words in Columns with the topics in Column B.12Summary What 意思是意思是“什么什么”,问,问事物事物,可以问,可以问“什么东西、什什么东西、什么职业、什么事情么职业、什么事情”等。等。 Where 意思是意思是“在哪里在哪里”,询问,询问地点地点 When 意思是意思是“什么时候什么时候”,询问,询问时间时间, 可以是时刻或日期。可以是

10、时刻或日期。 Which意思是意思是“哪一个哪一个”,后常跟名词,如:,后常跟名词,如:which city Who意思是意思是“谁谁”,对,对人物人物提问提问 Whose意思是意思是“谁的谁的”,对,对事物所有者事物所有者提问,后面跟名词提问,后面跟名词 Why意思是意思是“为什么为什么”,对,对原因原因提问,用提问,用because+句子回答句子回答 What color意思是意思是“什么颜色什么颜色”,对,对颜色颜色提问。提问。 how意思是意思是“怎么样怎么样”,对方式方法对方式方法提问提问13Summary How old 意思是意思是“多大多大”,问,问年龄年龄。 How many

11、 意思是意思是“多少多少”,问,问数量数量,后面常跟可数名词的复,后面常跟可数名词的复数形式。数形式。 How much意思是意思是“多少多少”,问,问数量数量,后面常跟不可数名词;还,后面常跟不可数名词;还可以问可以问价钱价钱 How long意思是意思是“多长多长”或者或者“多久多久” ,问,问物体的长度物体的长度或者或者时时间持续多久间持续多久。(回答时候用回答时候用for+一段时间回答)一段时间回答) How soon意思是意思是 “多久以后多久以后” ,问,问时间时间,对将来的时间提问,对将来的时间提问,故用于一般将来时(回答时候用故用于一般将来时(回答时候用in+一段时间)一段时间

12、) How often意思是意思是 “多久一次多久一次” ,问,问频率频率,(回答时候用表示,(回答时候用表示频率的副词或者词组,频率的副词或者词组,always,uaually.often,sometimes,seldom,neverevery weekend, once/twice a week/month等等)等等)14Suppose(假设假设)15MOTHERWhos the letter from?LI JIE(1) _.MOTHERWhats his name?LI JIE(2) _.MOTHERWhere does he live?LI JIE(3) _.MOTHERHow ol

13、d is he?LI JIE(4) _.MOTHERHow many brothers and sisters does he have?LI JIE(5) _.MOTHERWhat is his hobby?LI JIE(6) _.MOTHERWhich form is Simon in?LI JIE(7) _.MOTHERWhy does he like physics?LI JIE(8) _.Its from my penfriendHis names SimonHe lives in NewyorkHe is 12 years oldHe has one brotherHis hobb

14、y is playing chessHe is in Form OneHe likes physics because he wants to be an engineer16MOTHERWhos the letter from?LI JIE(1) _.MOTHERWhats his name?LI JIE(2) _.MOTHERWhere does he live?LI JIE(3) _.MOTHERHow old is he?LI JIE(4) _.MOTHERHow many brothers and sisters does he have?LI JIE(5) _.MOTHERWhat

15、 is his hobby?LI JIE(6) _.MOTHERWhich form is Simon in?LI JIE(7) _.MOTHERWhy does he like physics?LI JIE(8) _.My penfriendSimonIn Newyork12 (years old)One brotherPlaying chessForm OneBecause he wants to be an engineer17B. Using a, an, and the18_ friend - photo - stone - wife_ insect - owner - uncle

16、- accident_ useful book - one-way street_ honest boy - unhappy life - houraaananEx1: Fill in the blank using a, and an19There is 1) _ computer classroom in our new school. We have two lessons in 2) _ classroom every week. From 3) _ computers, we can learn everything about 4) _ world.Ex2: Fill in the

17、 blank using a, an, and the :athethethe20Ex 3: Read the sentences and tell about how to use a, an or the from these sentences. My parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle. I have a brother. He works as an architect. I like my school. The teachers are very friendly. I live with my parents in the

18、 UK. I am in the middle. My hobby is playing / chess.a) I enjoy playing / rugby and badminton in / winter.In pairs, exchange your personal information. Follow the example below.Hi, Im Tom. Whats your name?My name is Jane. Im 12 years old. How about you?Im 13 years old.What does your mother do?2In gr

19、oups, exchange your personal information. Use the following expressions to help you.Hello, everybody. My name is _. You can call me _. Im _ years old. I live in a _ near _. My father is a _ and my mother is a _. I love/enjoy/like _. My other hobbies are _ and _.3Jason sees Annas blog on the Internet

20、. He wants to become Annas e-friend, so he sends an email to Anna.Lets check out Jasons email to Anna!AnnaJasonDear Anna,Hi! I saw your blog on the Internet and Id like to be your e-friend. Myname is Jason. Im 12 years old. Im tall. I have short, black hair.I live in a flat in Beijing with my parent

21、s. My dad is an engineer and mymum is an English teacher.My school is far away from our home. I go to school by bus. My favouritesubject is Maths. I like my school and I have lots of friends there.I like flying kites in my free time. My favourite sports are volleyball andfootball.I hope to hear from

22、 you soon.Best wishes,JasonJasonMeMy friendAge Hair Favourite subject(s)Favourite sports Other hobby/hobbies12short, blackMathsvolleyball and footballflying kites4Write a reply (回复) email to Anna if you are willing to become her e-friend. Please tell her about yourself.1eaeeeeyie/i:/Pay attention to

23、 these words with /i:/. Read them aloud. meshewebeedeepthreemeatseaseat keyfieldthiefHere are some sentences with /i:/.Seeing is believing. Peter keeps these sheep.Pay attention to these words with /i:/.policemagazinepeople2eiy/I/Pay attention to these words with /I/. Read them aloud.littlelivevisit

24、Germanylucky busy Englishprettyvideo Here are some sentences with /I/.Pay attention to these words with /I/.coffeewomenchocolateorange3applePay attention to these words with /. Read them aloud.backfamilyfashionflag handman Here are some sentences with /. 4_eaePay attention to these words with /e/. R

25、ead them aloud.deskreststepbread breakfastheadHere are some sentences with /e/.He will never forget the red letter day.Pay attention to these words with /e/.anymanyfriend5 Pay attention to these words with /p/ and /b/. Read them aloud. paperpolicepostmanbag bicyclebody paper bagHere are some sentenc

26、es with /p/ and /b/. Please play the piano for Peter./p/b/ pigbig pear bearpie buy park bark path bathPay attention to the difference between /p/ and /b/. 6A1 Listen carefully and circle the word you hear from each pair.1 /li:v/ /lIv/2 /i:t/ /It/3 /m n/ /men/4 /b d/ /bed/5 /pIG/ /bIG/6 /pen/ /ben/A2

27、 Read these sentences. Pay attention to the letters in bold.1 Three bees see three beans.2 Little fish swim in the river.3 Cat, cat, catch that fat rat!4 Ben let Ken eat eggs in his bed.5 Peter is painting a picture in the park.6 A baby took a bath in a big bowl.1AnnaBobbyDear Anna,My name is Bobby.

28、 Id like to be youre-friend. Im from the US . Im short. I have(1)_ hair.I have a big family. My grandfather lives withus. I have two (2)_and one (3)_. We livein a house near New York City.My school is very big. Its far from our house.I take the (4)_ to school everyday with my brothers. I like my sch

29、ool. My(5)_ is to be a computerengineer.My favourite sport is (6)_.I like swimming too. My other hobbies arewatching (7)_ and readingbooks. I dont like (8)_.Best wishes,Bobbyshort(elder) brothers(younger) sisterbusdream(playing) basketballTV(listening to) musicBobby is writing an email to his new e-

30、friend, Anna. Help him finish his email. Use the pictures to help you. Bobby is from the US.The US is formed from the first letters of United States.e.g. Id like to have an ice cream. = I would like to have an ice cream.Use the following topics to introduce yourself.2They are different kinds of refe

31、rence books.A dictionaryAn encyclopaediaA telephone directoryWhat do we do if we want to look up a word in a dictionary?In reference books, words and names are usually in alphabetical order, i.e. from a to z.3Task 1 Put the letters in alphabetical order. C, S, M, B, J, LBCJLMSTask 2 Put these words in alphabetical order.blog subject draw family vegetableblogsubjectdrawfamilyvegetable sport student science Sunday swimmingsportstudentscienceSundayswimmingIf words have the same first letter, the _ letter decides the alphabetical order.stron


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