4、之间的关系,首次定义了“输出返回”的模糊逻辑系统并证明了它与反馈式神经网络等价;7)提出一种基于数据集成、规则提取和模糊推理的复杂系统的建模方法,即基于模糊推理的建模方法,由此可突破障碍模糊控制理论发展的一些瓶颈问题,诸如稳定性、能控性、能观测性等的判据问题。8)揭示了Fuzzy系统的概率论意义,指出Fuzzy系统中常用的清晰化方法,即重心法是合理的且在平均平方意义下是最优的方法. 基于不同的Fuzzy蕴涵算子,给出几种典型的概率分布,如Zadeh分布、Mamdani分布、Lukasiewicz分布等,它们充当Fuzzy系统的“系统内核”作用.9)利用随机过程理论刻画了变论域自适应模糊控制的自
6、的研究对于我国计算机科学研究赶超世界先进水平是很有意义的。附录 该方向近期主要研究成果一. 获奖情况1 1987年获国家自然科学四等奖。2 2003年获教育部自然科学一等奖。3 2005年获国家科技进步二等奖。二. 已获得的专利1 发明专利:预焙电解铝生产的变论域自适应模糊控制方法及装置 发 明 人:李洪兴;王加银;谷云东;冯艳宾专 利 号:ZL 02 1 58123.1 授权公告日:2004年12月1日2 实用新型专利:四级倒立摆实验仪 设 计 人:李洪兴专 利 号:ZL 02 2 57287.2 授权公告日:2003年9月17日三已出版的主要著作1 Hong-Xing Li, P.C. P
7、hilip Chen and Han-Pang Huang, Fuzzy Neural Intelligent Systems, CRC Press, FL, USA, 2001. 2 Hong-Xing Li and Vincent C.Yen, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Decision-Making, CRC Press, FL, USA, 1995. 3 Peizhuang Wang and Hong-Xing Li, Fuzzy Information Processing and Fuzzy Computers, Science Press New York/Bei
8、jing, 1997.4 Puyin Liu and Hong-Xing Li, Fuzzy Nerual Network Theory and Application, World Scientific Press, Singapore, 2004. 5 汪培庄,李洪兴, 知识表示的数学理论,天津科技出版社,1994.6 汪培庄,李洪兴, 模糊系统理论与模糊计算机,科学出版社,1996.7 李洪兴等, 工程模糊数学方法及应用,天津科技出版社,1993.8 李洪兴,汪培庄, 模糊数学,国防工业出版社,1994.四. 已发表的主要论文(按时间顺序)1 Hong-Xing Li, Fuzzy pe
9、rturbation analysis, part 1, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 17(2), 1985, 189-197. (SCI)2 Hong-Xing Li, Fuzzy perturbation analysis, part 2, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 19(2), 1986, 165-175. (SCI) 3 Hong-Xing Li, Multifactorial fuzzy sets and multifactorial degree of nearness, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 19(3), 198
10、6, 291-297. (SCI)4 Hong-Xing Li, Fuzzy clustering methods based on perturbation, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 32(3), 1989, 291-302. (SCI) 5 Hong-Xing Li, Multifactorial functions in fuzzy sets theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 33(1), 1990, 69-84. (SCI) 6 Hong-Xing Li, Chengzhong Luo and Peizhuang Wang, The
11、 cardinality of fuzzy sets and the continuum hypothesis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 55(1993), 61-77. (SCI) 7 Hong-Xing Li etc, The operations of fuzzy cardinalities, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 182(1994),768-778. (SCI)8 Hong-Xing Li, Interpolation mechanism of fuzzy control, Scie
12、nce in China (中国科学, Series E), 41(3), 1998, 312-320. (SCI) 9 Hong-Xing Li, Factor spaces theory and its applications to fuzzy information processing (I), Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 95(2), 1998, 147-160. (SCI) 10 Hong-Xing Li, The relationship between fuzzy controllers and PID controllers, Science in Ch
13、ina (中国科学, Series E), 42(2), 1999, 215-224. (SCI)11 Hong-Xing Li, Adaptive fuzzy controllers based on variable universe, Science in China (中国科学, Series E), 42(1), 1999, 10-20. (SCI)12 Hong-Xing Li and L.X. Li, Representing diverse mathematical problems using neural networks in hybrid intelligent sys
14、tems, Expert Systems, 16(4), 1999, 262-272. (SCI)13 Hong-Xing Li and C.L. Philip Chen, The equivalence between fuzzy logic systems and feedforward neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 11(2), 2000, 356-365. (SCI)14 Hong-Xing Li, Output-back fuzzy logic systems and equivalence with f
15、eedback neural networks, Chinese Science Bulletin(科学通报), 45(7), 2000, 592-596. (SCI) 15 Hong-Xing Li and Li-Da Xu, A neural network representation of linear programming, European Journal of Operational Research, 124(2), 2000, 224-234. (SCI)16 Hong-Xing Li, V.C. Yen and E.S. Lee, Model of neurons bas
16、ed on factor space, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 39(2000), 91-100. (SCI) 17 Hong-Xing Li etc, Factor spaces theory and its applications to fuzzy information processing: Two kinds of factor space canes, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 40(2000), 835-843. (SCI) 18 Hong-Xing
17、 Li etc, Factor space theory and fuzzy information processing: Fuzzy decision making based on the concepts of feedback extension, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 40(2000), 845-864. (SCI) 19 Hong-Xing Li, V.C. Yen and E.S. Lee, Factor space theory in fuzzy information processing: Composi
18、tion of states of factors and multifactorial decision making, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 39(2000), 245-265. (SCI) 20 Pu-Yin Liu and Hong-Xing Li, Approximation of generalized fuzzy systems to integrable functions, Science in China (中国科学, Series E), 43(6), 2000, 613-624. (SCI)21 Qin
19、g He and Hong-Xing Li, Extension principles and fuzzy set categories, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 39(2000), 45-53. (SCI)22 V.C. Yen and Hong-Xing Li, Concept representation, factor space theory and information systems research, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 17(2000), 163-
20、172. (SCI)23 Hong-Xing Li and Li D Xu, Feature space theorya mathematical foundation for data mining, Knowledge-Based Systems, 14(5-6), 2001, 253-257. (SCI)24 Pu-Yin Liu and Hong-Xing Li, Analyses for Lp()-norm approximation capability of generalized Mamdani fuzzy systems, Information Sciences, 138
21、(2001), 195-210. (SCI)25 Bing-Xue Yao and Hong-Xing Li, Weak HX-ring on a ring, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, No.10, 2001, 125-131.26 Hong-Xing Li, Zhi-Hong Miao, Jia-Yin Wang, Variable universe adaptive fuzzy control on the quadruple inverted pendulum, Science in China (中国科学, Ser
22、ies E), 2002, 45(2), 213-224. (SCI)27 Hong-Xing Li, Zhi-Hong Miao, Jia-Yin Wang, Variable universe stable adaptive fuzzy control of nonlinear system, Science in China (中国科学, Series E), 2002, 45(3), 225-240. (SCI)28 Hong-Xing Li, Jia-Yin Wang, Zhi-Hong Miao, Modeling on fuzzy control systems, Science
23、 in China (中国科学, Series A), 2002, 45(12), 1506-1517. (SCI)29 Xue-Hai Yuan, Hong-Xing Li and E. Stanley Lee, Categories of fuzzy sets and weak topos, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 127(2002), 291-297. (SCI)30 Pu-Yin Liu and Hong-Xing Li, Image restoration techniques based on fuzzy neural networks, Science i
24、n China (中国科学, Series F), 2002, 45(4), 274-285. (SCI)31 Hong-Xing Li, Li D Xu, Jia-Yin Wang and Zhi-Wen Mo, Feature space theory in data mining: transformations between extensions and intensions in knowledge representation, Expert Systems, 20(2), 2003, 60-71. (SCI)32 Hong-Xing Li, Jia-Yin Wang and Z
25、hi-Hong Miao, Marginal linearization method in modeling on fuzzy control systems, Progress in Nature Science, 2003, 13(7), 489-496. (SCI)33 Hong-Xing Li, Ling-Xia Li and Jia-Yin Wang, Interpolation representation of feedforward neural networks, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 37, 7-8, (2003), 82
26、9-847. (SCI)34 Hong-Xing Li and E. S. Lee, Interpolation representations of fuzzy logic systems, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 45, Issues 10-11, Pages 1683-1693 (May - June 2003). (SCI)35 Hong-Xing Li , Yan-Da Li, Zhi-Hong Miao and E. S. Lee, Control functions of fuzzy contro
27、llers, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 46, Issues 5-6, Pages 875-890 (September 2003). (SCI)36 Hong-Xing Li and E. S. Lee, Interpolation functions of feedforward neural networks, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 46, Issue 12, Pages 1861-1874 (December 2003)
28、. (SCI)37 Shang-Ming Zhou, Hong-Xing Li and Li-Da Xu, A variational approach to intensity approximation for remote sensing images using dynamic neural, Expert Systems, 20(4), 2003, 163-170. (SCI)38 Qing He, Hong-Xing Li, Zhong-Zhi Shi and E.S. Lee, Fuzzy clustering method based on perturbation, Comp
29、uters & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 46, Pages 929-946 ( 2003). (SCI)39 Hong-Xing Li, Li LX, Wang Jiayin, Mo Zhiwen, Li Yanda, Fuzzy decision making based on variable weights, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 39(2004), 163-179. (SCI)40 Hong-Xing Li, You Fei and Peng Jiayin, Fuzzy con
30、trollers based on some fuzzy implication operators and their response functions, Progress in Nature Science, 2004, 14(1), 15-20. (SCI)41 Pu-Yin Liu and Hong-Xing Li, Fuzzy techniques in restoration researchA survey (invited paper), International Journal of Computational Cognition, 2(2), 2004, 131-14
31、9.42 Song-Chol Han and Hong-Xing Li, Indices and periods of incline matrices, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 387(2004), 143-165. (SCI)43 Pu-Yin Liu and Hong-Xing Li, Efficient learning algorithms for three-layer regular feedforward fuzzy neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1
32、5(3), 2004, 545-558. (SCI)44 Xiao-Jun Tong, Mianyun Chen, Hong-Xing Li, Pan-operators, strunture with non-idempotent pan-addition, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 145, 2004, 463-470. (SCI)45 Song-Chol Han and Hong-Xing Li, Invertible incline matrices and Cramers rule over inclines, Linear Algebra and Its Ap
33、plications, 389(2004), 121-138. (SCI)46 Song-Chol Han, Hong-Xing Li and Yun-Dong Gu, Standard eigenvectors of incline matrices, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 389(2004), 235-248. (SCI)47 Song-Chol Han, Hong-Xing Li, The semigroup of incline Hall matrices, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 3
34、90(2004), 183-196. (SCI)48 Hong-Xing Li, Jia-Yin Wang, Yan-Bin Feng and Yun-Dong Gu, Hardware implementation of the quadruple inverted pendulum with single motor, Progress in Nature Science, 2004, 14(9), 822-827. (SCI)49 Zhihong Miao, Hongxing Li, Jiayin Wang. Optimal adaptive fuzzy control systems with tracking performance. Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 2004, 4(3): 367-374.50 Pu-Yin Liu and Hong-Xing Li, Approximation analysis of feedforward regular fuzzy netural network with two hidden layers
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