



1、Unit 4 What can you do? B Read and write 教案 教学内容:(PEP)五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do? B Read and write课时目标:1   能够听、说、读、写句型“Can you _?” “Yes, I can.”“No, I cant.”2 听说、认读句子“Please send me an e-mail at robin,3学生能够在图片的帮助下读懂电子邮件并完成判断正误的活动:4.能够写出三个描述自己能或不能做什么的句子,做到书写规范。教学重点:四会句型What can you do

2、? “Can you _?” “Yes, I can.”“No, I cant.”听说读写。教学难点:句子“Please send me an e-mail at robin正确朗读。教具学具:flash,ppt,图片、;P51 “Fill in the blanks”表格)。教学过程:I Warm-up/Revision(热身/复习)1  Greeting2  Lets enjoy a song“ Friends”.T: Today I brought you a nice chant. Look at the picture, lets chant and do tog

3、ether, ok?Ss: Chant and do together.3.Revision( Look and say)T: Very good, now lets review the phrases.(Show the picture.)S1-n: Read the phrase.Ss: Read it together.(不出错的可为本组赢得奖励。)II Priview(预习)Free talk( chain work)T: Good job! OK! Lets go on. Hello,_. Can you _?S1:Yes, I can.(or “No, I cant, but I

4、d like to have a try.”)S1-n:chain work.(口语表现出色的可为本组赢得奖励。)III Presentation(呈现新知)1  Read and mark(自由阅读理解,做出标记。)T:Look here! Today we have a new friend, who is he? Do you know?(出示对话主图,引出Robot)Ss: (可能)有同学说出“Robot”或“机器人”T: Yes, he is Robot.(示范发音“Robot”)Ss: Read it together.T: (渗透发音规律)“Robot”,“r” say

5、s /r/, not / /. The first “o” says / /, the second “o” says / /,第一音节重读。Ss: Read it together! Read it one by one.T: What can he do? What cant he do? Do you want to know? Now please read the dialogue yourself. The first time read it loudly, circle where you cant read or understand. OK?Ss: OK! (Read an

6、d mark.)(可能出现以下理解及朗读问题:(1)Sorry, I cant; (2) play chess;(3)use a computer.)T: (巡视了解学生朗读情况,发现学生理解及朗读中遇到的问题。)2  Ask and answerT: Do you have any questions?Ss: Ask and answer.(提出问题,并在教师引导下,师生、生生交流中解决。)T: (根据学生提出的问题出示“play chess ” “use a computer ”图,示范发音,渗透发音规律;重点放在“chess”中“ch”/ /“e”/e/“ss”/s/,“use

7、”中“u”发本音/ /“s”says浊辅音 /z/.最后哑巴“e”不发音。Ss: Listen and repeat, read it one by one.3.Read and fill in the blanks(默读,完成表格信息。)T: The second time, please read it silently, look for the information and fill in the blanks.(出示表格,引导学生观察,“Robot can”“Robot cant”,提示空格中直接写短语,要仔细阅读,认真书写。)Ss: Read silently and fill

8、in the blanks.(默读,填空)T: (巡视发现问题,给予指导。)Check the answer.Ss: Read“Robot can”“Robot cant”4.Listen and repeat(1) T: Now lets listen to them carefully, pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation, and speed of speaking.Ss: Listen and repeat.T: 引导学生总结第一次听录音中语音特别的地方。Ss: 可能出现“机器人的声音”“use a computer”中“a”的

9、发音。T: 引导学生感受“What can you do ?”中“”的语音语调特别处理,以便在第二次中模仿更加到位。(2)T: The second time, I think you can read it better.Ss: Listen and repeat.5.Read and act(1) T: Now I will be Robot, and you will be others. Interview me, please.(2008Robot 模仿版)T、Ss: Practice the dialogue. (下一个环节我们来看看谁模仿得更像,OK?) T、Ss: Change

10、 roles.(调换角色)(2)T: 我们现在展示一下个性版Robot.(T: Robot Ss: others.)T、Ss: Change roles.(调换角色)(3) T: Who would like to have a try?S12: Act.(示范展示)S34: Act.(示范展示)(4)Practice in pairs(5) Act (自由展示对话朗读,表现出色的可为本组赢得奖励。)IV Consolidation and extension1.金话筒小调查:请调查一下你的朋友在家里会做什么吧!(对应会做的事情打“”,不会做的事情打“×”,可参考下面的情境用语。)A: Can you _,_?B: Yes, I can./ (No, I cant, but Id like to have a try.) HouseworkNamesweep the floorempty the trashcook the mealsdo the dishesWash


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