



1、Unit 29 Shopping Lesson 115教学设计Lesson 115教学设计示例一、教学目标1知识目标(1)继续复习和食物相关的词汇。(2)学习句型:Howmuch/many do you want? Half a kilo。/five kilos。2能力目标熟练运用购物用语:Can I help you? Howmany do you want? Howmuch are the potatoes? Give me six。Heres the money。3情感目标教育学生要礼貌 购物。二、教学过程Step 1 Revision1 Revise Howmuch is that p

2、en? Howmuch are those books? Thats expensive/cheap! etc。2 ReviseHowmany + countables,How much + uncountables。Note Howmuch are the apples? =Howmuch (money) are the apples?,butthe word money is not used。3 Have a student acting as ashopkeeper。Get students to ask Howmuch is the?Oh,thats expensive / chea

3、p!4 Get students to“buy”their ownitems,ending the dialogue withOK Heres (one yuan)。And thank you。Heres your (pen)。Step 2 GamePlay the Memory Selling Game in Lesson 113,Step3 of the TB。See if the students can think of items in alphabeticalorder,e。g。apples for A,bananas for B,etc。Step 3 Read and actSB

4、 Page63,Part 1,Speech Cassette Lesson 115。Books closed! Ask What does Tombuy? Play the tape。Checkthe answers。(Tomatoes and potatoes。) Then books open! Playthe tape again; students listen and repeat。Discuss anyproblems。Get some students to read the passage aloud。DoWbLesson 115,Ex。2。Get the students t

5、o answer Right orWrong in pairs。Check the answers in class。Step 4PracticeSB Page 63,Part 2。In pairs have the students makeup dialogues using the dialogue as a model。They shouldsubstitute the items in the box into the dialogue。Have severalpairs volunteer to read their dialogue for the class。Step 5 Li

6、stenand answerSB Page 63,Part 3,Listening Cassette Lesson115。Get the students to read the questions in Wb Lesson 115Ex。1 before you play the tape。Listening TextFATHER: Bill! BILL: Yes,Dad? FATHER:I wantto go shopping now。Can you help me,please? BILL: Certainly,Dad。What do you want me to do? FATHER:

7、Do you have apencil? BILL: Yes,Ihave one here。FATHER: Good! Please write down the things wewant to buy。Now,let me see。Yes12 eggs。BILL: Right,twelve eggs。FATHER: Now,what about bread? No,we have a lot of breadmilktwo bottles of milk。BILL: Yes,twoOhbottles of milk。OK。FATHER: Now,for supperthis evening

8、。Fish or meat? What would you like? BILL: Letshave some fish! FATHER: OK! Half a kilono,a kilo of fish。BILL: What about fruit?FATHER: OK。Lets buy half a kilo of pears,andhalf a kilo of oranges。BILL: Can we buy somebananas,too? FATHER: OK,some bananas。Do you havethe list? BILL: Yes,Dad。FATHER: OK! Letsgo。Bring the shopping basket。BILL: OK,Dad,I have ithere。The answers are: 1 He wants to go shopping。2Yes,he does。3 12 eggs。4 Yes,they do。5 Pears,oranges and bananas。6 12 eggs,two bottles of milk,a kiloof fish,half a kilo of pears,half a kilo of oranges,bananas。Step 6WorkbookSB Page 145,Wb Lesson


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