



1、Module 9单元测试题Written test part ( 共 80 分)I.单项选择(共 10 分,每小题 1 分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择能够填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Some old books are _ sale in front of the dining hall.A. in B. on C. at D. of( )2. Ive got some cards in _ bag. Would you like to have a look at_ ?A. my; it B. me; itC. me; themD. my; them( )3. These apple

2、s are great _ they arent expensive.A. because B. or C. but D. so( )4. Here is your train ticket. Have a good _ .Thank you.A. friend B. sleep C. trip D. dinner( )5. Do you know that _ ?Yes. Its my village.A. plantB. placeC. managerD. film( )6. Only two students are at the gate. Are _ students in the

3、library?A. strongB. bigC. coolD. most( )7. Its eleven oclock at night. Is he _ reading in the room?A. Youre welcomeB. See you tomorrowC. Thats greatD. Good after noonn.完形填空(共 io 分,每小题 1 分)A. stillB. wellC. only( )8. Is she _ maths over there?A. playingB. studyingC. seeing( )9. Its time _ _ a break.A

4、. havingB. haveC. to haveD. usuallyD. clickingD. has( )10. Lets meet our friends at the station now.先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择能够填入 空白处的最佳答案。Dear Lucy,Thank you for your email. Its great to 11 you. Its eight oclock in the evening in Beijing now. What 12 is it in your city? Now let me tell you

5、 13 my family are doing now.I have got a big family 14 six people. My grandfather and my father are in the study(书房).They are 15chess( 国际象棋)there. My grandmother is watching TV. What aboutmy mother? She is sitting at the desk. Shes going online to 16 her favourite clothes. Shelikes 17 on the In tern

6、et. And my sister? She is 18 . On the phone, shes talking about 19maths problems with her friends. What am I doing? Of course, I am 20 to you. Whatabout your family?Yours,Zhao Li()11. A. look atB. look forC. run forD. hear from()12. A. timeB. colourC. kindD. sport()13. A. howB. whichC. whatD. whe n(

7、)14. A. inB. byC. fromD. with()15. A. catch ingB. play ingC. washi ngD. sending()16. A. search forB. turn onC. stay withD. talk to()17. A. swimmi ngB. shopp ingC. si ngingD. shari ng()18. A. sleepi ngB. choos ingC. eat ingD. calli ng()19. A. muchB. littleC. someD. any()20. A. writi ngB. say ingC. wa

8、lki ngD. reading川.情景交际(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Are you doing your homework?B:No. (21)A:Our classmate Chang Ling?B:No.A:No? (22)B:Yes. But the boy is not our classmate.A:(23)B:Yes. A friend from New York.A:(24)B:No. Its in the morni ng.A:(25)B:Hes work ing on the computer

9、.A. My En glish n ame is Jack.B. Im talking with Jack.C. Whats he doi ng?D. Is he your frie nd?E. Is he at school?F. His En glish n ame is Jack.G. Is it at n ight there?IV.阅读理解(共 20 分,每小题 2 分)Arm Lisa. Im from En gla nd. I have no work to do today, so I stay at home. Im listening to music. My pet do

10、g is n ext to me. It is dancing.My n ame is Mary. Im the man ager of a shop. Many clothes in the shop are cheaptoday, so there are a lot of customers. After work, I want to go home quickly, because Iwant to see my frie nd in hospital.Hello, Im Molly, a twelve-year-old girl. Im writing an email to my

11、 cousin. He is inAustralia. Im in the US. Im studying here now. My parents are working here too.Im Dave. I think the computer is very useful now. One of my good friends is good atit, but Im not. His name is Jack. He is from Australia. Now Im writing an email to him. Iwant to ask him some questions a

12、bout the computer. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )26. Whats Lisa doing?A. She is listening to music.B. She is dancing.C. She is writing an email.D. She is working in a shop.( )27. Whats Marys job?A. A doctor.B. A teacher.C. A policewoman. ( )28.Where is Molly?D. A manager.A. In England.B. In America.C. In Australi

13、a.D. In China.( )29. Who is good at the computer?A. Dave.B. Jack.C. Molly.D. Mary.( )30. What can we know from the passage?A. Lisa has got a cat.B. Molly is thirteen years old.C. Mary is leaving for the shop.D. Dave and Jack are good friends.BDanny and Mike are classmates. They come from France. The

14、y live in Shanghainow.They get up at about six thirty in the morning from Monday to Friday. They go toschool at about seven thirty. Their school starts at :800 am. They usually have fourlessons in the morning. They have lunch at school. In the afternoon, they have threelessons. And they have science

15、, art and PE on Tuesday afternoon. The school is over atfive oclock in the afternoon. Half an hourlater (之后), they arrive home. They havedinner with their parents at six thirty. At nine oclock, they go to bed.Today is Sunday. What are Danny and Mike doing? They are having a birthdayparty for Danny a

16、t his home. How happy they are!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )31. Who do Danny and Mike live in Shanghai with?A. Their friends.B. Their grandparents.C. Their sisters.D. Their parents.( )32. Danny and Mike stay at school about _ a day.A. 9 hours. B. 10 hours.C. 11 hours. D. 12 hours.( )33. How many lessons do Danny

17、 and Mike have in one week?A. Twenty-eight.B. Thirty-two.C. Thirty-five.D. Forty-two.( )34. What does the underlined word“ arriveme”an in Chinese?A. 离开B. 到达C. 打扫D. 观察( )35. Why are Danny and Mike having a party today?A. Because they are very happy.B. Because they are going to France.C. Because today

18、 is Dannys birthday.D. Because today is Mikes birthday.V.词汇(共 10 分,每小题 1 分)A) 根据句意选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。lie, call, sun, enjoy, walk36._ me when you want me to help.37. The old woman is sitting in the _ .38. He _ to school every day.39. The girl is _ on the grass.40. Im _ the food on the farm.B) 根据句意及所给

19、汉语提示语写出所缺单词。41. There are different kinds of _ ( 明信片) in the shop.42. The weather is too hot. _ 即( 使如此 ), we have to get there at five oclock.43. At the _ ( 时刻 ), he should be in the classroom.44. These _明( 星) are from Russia.45. He is _ (跑) in the playground.W.完成句子(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。

20、46. 他们正在那边拍照。Theyre _ _ over there.47. 你在等王老师吗?Are you _ _ MissWang?48. 他在上海有几个朋友。He has got _ _ friends in Shanghai.49. 你们能坐公交车回去。You can _ _ by bus.50. 他正在下飞机。Hes _ _ the plane.VD.书面表达(10 分)假如你是赵杰, 与父母和弟弟住在一起。 现在是星期六早上九点, 你和家人都在 家里。请你根据下面图画内容,用英语写一篇 70 词左右的短文描述你和家人的 活动。(Zhao Jie)(brother)附加题(共 10

21、分)All cities and eve n most tow ns in the UK have a library. You can borrow ( 借)many books for free. Im a member of the library in my town. I can borrow twenty booksfor free, I can use the computers there, and I can take my two-mo nth-old daughter! Soshe can start reading from an early age. The libr

22、ary also has lots of activities for adults( 成年人)and children. They help me and my daughter get to know people around.There are some very great libraries in the UK. For example, the British Library isthe largest (最大的) library in the UK. It has over 150 million items (物品) ! HammersmithLibrary is not t

23、hat big, but there is a teen area and a childrens library.Readi ng is a very good way to lear n. If you come to study in the UK one day, letthe libraries here help you.根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。1. How many books can the writer borrow for free in his / her towns library?2. How old is the writers daughter?3. What is the largest library in the UK?4. Does Hammersmith Library have a childrens li


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