U9-Look at this T-shirt_第1页
U9-Look at this T-shirt_第2页
U9-Look at this T-shirt_第3页
U9-Look at this T-shirt_第4页
U9-Look at this T-shirt_第5页
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1、广州版小学英语四年级上册单元教学计划:单元教学计划:本单元分五个课时完成:本单元分五个课时完成:第一课时:第一课时:Unit 9 Unit 9 课文部分课文部分第二课时:第二课时:Unit 9 Fun with languageUnit 9 Fun with language第三课时:第三课时:Unit10 Unit10 课文部分课文部分第四课时:第四课时:Unit10 Fun with languageUnit10 Fun with language第五课时:第五课时:Story time Story time 及本单元复习及本单元复习广州版小学英语四年级上册广州市越秀区五羊小学广州市越秀区

2、五羊小学 邓汝君邓汝君Skirts for summer, coats for winter,when is autumn,I wear sweaters.Sandals for summer, boots for winter,when is autumn, I wear trainers.skirt shirt T-shirt sweater (flash game: 复习两位数)cat cap redcap cat jac market jacket purple jackethouse clothes mathes pink blouse blouse 1.Where is Lily?

3、 She is in the clothes shop.3.What does Lily like?She likes a purple blouse.5.Will Lily take it? Why?Its two hundred and fifty yuan.4.How much is it?No.Because it is too expensive.She wont take it.2.What doesnt Lily like?She doesnt like the red T-shirt.Lily is in the _ _. She doesnt like the _ _. Sh

4、e likes the _ _. But its _ _ _ _ _.Its too _. She _ _ _.clothes shopT-shirtredblousepurplehundredexpensivetwofiftyandyuanittakewont¥1515¥845845¥285285¥2828A:How much is the ?B:Its 打开英语书打开英语书5151页,用以上句型练习图页,用以上句型练习图1.21.2A:Look at this Do you like it?B:Its Ok. But I dont like I likeA:Here it is.B:How much is it?A:Its B:Its too I wont take it.用以上句型,用以上句型,练习书本练习书本5151页页第第3 3、4 4、5 5幅幅图图¥285285Shopping SentencesShop assistantsCustomersDo you like.?Its Theyre yuan.I want to buy .Very much. No, thanks.How much?Thats too expensive.I wont take it. Its OK. Ill take it.A:Look at Do you? B:Its . How


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