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1、攀枝花学院本科毕业论文中西诗歌意象比较:以天净沙.秋思和在一个地铁车站为例学生姓名: 彭玉学生学号: 200910201089院 (系): 外国语学院年级专业: 2009级英语本科4班指导教师: 李丽琴 副教授二一三年五月The Comparision betwenn Chinese andEnglish Poetic Images:Thoughts on Autumnto the Tune of Sky Scouring and In a Station of MetroPengYuUnder the Supervision ofLi LiqinSchool of Foreign Langu

2、ages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2013攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ContentsContentsAbstract.IKey Words .I摘要.关键词.Introduction.1I.The Differences in Image.3A. Diffrent Painting Style.31. Wash Painting Features.32. Oil Painting Characteristics.3B.The Images Combination Modes.41.Juxtaposition.42.Superposition.5C.

3、 The Images with Emotion Color.51. Sadness and Loneness.82.Depression and Frustration . .9D. The Cultural Difference. 10II.Similarity of Images .11A.Metaphorical Images .12C. Combination of Dynamic and Static .13III. Chinese Ancient Poetic Feature in the Pounds Poems 14A Simple and Profound Context.

4、15B. The Aesthetic Picture.16Conclusion.17Bibliography.18Acknowledgements.19攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractAbstract“Thoughts on Autmnto the Tune of Sky Scouring”wrote by Ma Zhiyuan and “In a Station of Metro”composed by Pound are masterpices of imagist poetry. This paper compares the differences in the use of

5、visual images between this two poems based on the theory of poetry appreciation proposed by Gu Zhengkun. By analysis of the images which generated by the different techniques of expression in emotion, painting and other aspects, this paper explore the Chinese ancient poetic features in Pounds poems

6、and experience the charming of imagist poetry.Key WordsImages; painting; emotion; Chinese poetic elementsI攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘要摘 要马致远的天净沙.秋思与埃兹拉.庞德的在一个地铁车站是意象派诗歌的经典之作。本文根据辜正坤先生提出的诗歌鉴赏理论,比较天净沙.秋思和在一个地铁车站在视像运用上的差异,通过分析不同的表现手法所产生的意象在绘画、情感等方面的差异,探寻庞德诗歌中的古典汉语诗歌元素,体会意象派诗歌的魅力。关键词意象;绘画;情感;汉语诗歌II攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Introdu

7、ctionIntroductionEzra Pound(1885一1972) was born in Haily, october,1885.Then he attended Hamilton College and the University of Pennsylvania, where he got in touch with Chinese Ancient poetry for the first time. Pound was attracted by a book named A History of Chinese Literature. Pound moved to Londo

8、n in 1908, for he was dissatisfied with the genteel tradition and popular romanticism dominating the American literary, and he began to study Chinese culture in Europe. Influenced by Chinese poetic theory, Pound created his imagist poetry. And his imagist poetry has many Chinese ancient poetic eleme

9、nts.In rencent years, schoolars do many resarches on difference between Chinese and English poems. The America famous critic Earl Miner divides genre into drama, lyrics and narrative literture from a cross-cultural perspective. In his book Comparative poetics, he gives a clear definition of comparat

10、ive poetic theory, discusses the structure of Chinese Ancient poems and confirms the the value of Chinese ancient poems with a equal attitude. The English famous scholar Peter Jones puts forward that Pounds imagist poetry is a recreation of Chinese poems, through analysing the characteristic of Ezra

11、 Pounds poetics in his book Imagist Poetry. The American poet Brooks Cleanth and Robert Penn Warren bring the “New Criticism ” into poetic filed and points out the methods to understanding poems in his book Understanding Poetry. The famous domestic scholar Cao Shunqing presents that Chinese ancient

12、poems and western imagist poems have their own charecters and each of them from the perspective of artisitic style, cultural background and the essence of poems. Famous scholar Feng Huazhan proposes the developemet of imagism poetry and the relationship between imagism poetry and Chinese poetry from

13、 the perspective of comparative literature in the book named The Comparison between Chinse and West Poetry. Another scholar Cao Xia and Lv Minhong do some reserches on the differences and similarities between Chinese ancient poems and west imagist poetry,1攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Introduction and point out that

14、imagisim poetry of Pound and Chinese ancient poems have great similarities in poetic structure and composing technique.Most foreign and demotic resarches about Chinese ancient poetry and western imagist poetry focus on the poetic structure, sytanx structure of poetic laguage and the development of w

15、estern imagist poetry. “Thoughts on Autmnto the Tune of Sky Scouring”wrote by Ma Zhiyuan and “In a Station of Metro”composed by Pound are masterpices of imagist poetry. This paper compares the differences in the use of visual images between this two poems based on the theory of poetry appreciation p

16、roposed by Gu Zhengkun. By analysis of the images which generated by the different techniques of expression in emotion, painting and other aspects, this paper explore the Chinese ancient poetic features in Pounds poems and the charming of imagist poetry.2攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Main bodyI. The Images Difference

17、Image is one of the best effective methods in poetry with its visualization and concreteness, according to aesthetic principles of Chinese ancient poems. Pound gave several definitions to “image”, the important one is that image presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time. H

18、e also practiced in his works to show this definition. He also emphasized the concentration of intellectual and emotional content in a poetic image, although it was a brief moment of experience. Different images create different poetic effect.In a Station of Metro and Thoughts on Autmnto the Tune of

19、 Sky Scouring created by different poets in different country have their own feature in painting style, images combination modes and emotion color.A. Differenct Painting StylePoem is a painting and colored by one painting. “The combination between poem and painting” is the most important technique i

20、n Chinese ancient poems. Chinese poets emphasize the picturesque scene in their poem. Pound imagist poetry develops from Chinese ancient poems, so it carries on the Chinese ancient poetic features. Pound also attempted to combine poetry with music, painting and scu1pture.1.Wash PaintingWash painting

21、 is a typical Chinese painting which emphasizes the picturesque scene presented by the flowing and graceful lines. It created the unique aesthetical standards of “ reckon blank as inked”. The brief and simple color, and the profound and lasting picturesque scene are the main characteristics of wash

22、painting. And such kind of painting allow readers to create the picturesque scene with their imaginations. “Thoughts on Autumnto the tune of sky scouring” is a typic Chinese ancient poems to express the “autumn thoughts” for the wonders. And “Thoughts on Autumnto the Tune of Sky Scouring” can be set

23、 as a good example to present the poetic artistic state with simple images.The 12 images in “Thoughts on Autumnto the Tune of Sky Scouring” are “a3攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Main bodywithered vine”, “old trees”, “a raven croaking on high”, “small bridge”, “the murmuring water”, “thatched cottage”, “an ancient path

24、”, “the west wind”, “a boney horse”, “sunset” and “a heart-broken traveler”. As all we known, late autumn is a sad and lonely season that everything is going to withered. The author just takes use of these declining objects in autumn to create the natural desolate beauty of the poems without any art

25、ificial marks. The first picture is presented with three images: “a withered vine”, “old trees”, “a raven croaking on high”. “A withered vine”, “old trees” present the dreariness of autumn from poets vision. “A raven croaking on high” aggravates the declining atmosphere from vision and audition. The

26、n, the second line consist with“a small bridge”, “the murmuring water” and “a thatched cottage”. Each of them stands for tiny thing and weakness which also can be drawn with dark color. These things strengthen the declining and dead atmosphere. The third and the fourth line, “an ancient path”, “the

27、west wind” and “ a boney horse”, which describe a lonely and sad picture. The 12 images are independent from others. And readers can use their own imaginations to comprehend this poem and the picture presented by this poem. All the images in this poem are harmony with each other, although they have

28、their own features. And each picture described with the images has its own theme while also serves to the common topic “autumn thoughts”. The author just slightly described the declining autumn scene, but the topic is presented with this naturally writing. All the images in this poem seems to have a

29、 unique beautydesolate beauty. As all we known, black represent mystery, depth and hopelessness, so the dominant color of the four pictures can be presented with black. From the source of the 12 images, they are choosed from ordinary things with simple and natural features. Compared to wash painting

30、 definition, wash painting is good at taking good use of simple objects to describle the profound picture. This Yuan Poetic Drma is famous for the use of simple images to create a profound picturesque scene with 12 images.2. Oil PaintingOil painting is a type of western painting art which characteri

31、zed with rich color changing through the bright and thick layers. Oil painting focus on creating a “three-dimensional space” by drawing lines to show peoples perceptions of the real4攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Main bodyworld.“In a Sation of Metro” contains 6 images. The first one: staion of metro which is the sybol

32、ic vehicle of modern city. It also represents the fast living tempo of modern life. As for “apparition”, which means shadow and ghost literally. In this poem which just presents the beautiful face disappering rapidly. And “faces” and “crowd” which deserible the hustle and bustle of the sation. The “

33、petals” which stands for the beautiful face in the crowd. Petals are stand for bright colors.The last image is “black bough”. And the main colors of bough is black, which makes a distinct contrast with “petals”. “The sation of metro” introduce the surroundings of poems. At the same time, the image g

34、ive reader a clear sense of space. “faces”, “crowd”, “petals” and the “wet bough”,which the two images strengthen the dynamic and color effect. Oil painting emphasizes the integration of bringhtness, the combination of warm and cold color and the artificial spce created by picture. In this poem, the

35、 author presents four artficial space. The sation is first real space while apparition belongs to a mysterious space. And fair face in the crowd is another real space while petals on wet, black bough is created by the authors subjective mind. The author integrated the reality with illusory and darkn

36、ess with brightness to present the fast living tempo of modern life. Compared to the definition of oil paiting, the picture presented by this poem carries on the oil paiting features.B. The Image CombinationImage combination refers to a bonding relationship between one image and another according to

37、 the reasonable logic thoughts in the artistic feeling. Although there are many combination methods of poetic visual images, Juxtaposition and Superposition are the major techniques used in poems.1. JuxtapositionJuxtaposition which is a type of images combination which refers to two or more images j

38、oint together into one form. Each of them exists independently in one peom without time and space limitation. “Thought on Autumnto the Tune of Sky Scouring” creates four pictures with image juxtaposition.5攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Main body“Thought on Autumnto the Tune of Sky Scouring” consist with 12 images. The

39、 first line consists with “withered vine”, “old trees”, and “croaking raven”. Each of them is independent object in poems line but they all serve to present declining picture. “Old trees” and “withered vine” is belonging to the plants while “croaking raven” is an animals behavior. There is on direct

40、 relationship within the three images and each of them can present its own characters. The author puts them together to create a parallel picture from vision and audition. And the “croaking raven” makes the picture alive and renews this picture vividly. The second line is formed with “A small bridge

41、, the murmuring water” and “a thatched cottage”. This picture presented that a small bridge is cross over the murmuring water and a thatched cottage is situated near the bridge. The author takes use of the three images to present the leisurely life in the countryside. The third and the fourth line i

42、s presented with “an ancient path”, “the west wind” and “ a boney horse”. This line describes a lonely and sad picture that a lonely traveler wondered on the ancient path accompany with boney horse and west wind. This picture is the epitome of poets himself. After analyzing carefully, we can found t

43、hat each image seems to be weak and vapid. This poem present four picture through the images juxtaposition. At the same time, the four pictures are independent from another, while the independent picture explains one topicautumn thought. The poet integrates each independent image through juxtapositi

44、on to express the autumn thoughts vividly.2. SuperpositionSuperposition refers to superpose one image upon another. In fact, it belongs to technique of expression: metaphor. As for superposition, reader must get rid of the bound of convention thinking mode, using imagination and associating thinking

45、.The poem is only two lines with 6 images. Each line is combined with two independent phrases that have not complete SVO structure. And each line is distinguished with a semicolon in the middle without any conjunctions or transfer word. The second line is consisted with “petals on a wet, black bough

46、” which is a metaphor phrase. Here, the poet choose “petals”to be an metaphor object, and the noumenon is “faces in the crowd” in the first line. The poet connects metaphor object6攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Main bodywith noumenon through superposition while the subtle connection can be found by reading carefully a

47、nd unconventional thinking. The poet arranges the two major images directly appearing in readers eyes by omitting transfer word. At the same time, the two images create a picture: the fair faces flash among the crowd and the beautiful falling petals through the rain. The poet do not arrange any sign

48、 for the internal transforming for the two images, but makes use of the similarities within the two images to achieve the profound context through superposition. The noisy metro station is the epitome of the life in modern city which makes people depressed and annoyed. While the petals remained on t

49、he bough imply the fair faces flashing in the crowd. Only “the petals on the bough” is the bright scene of the dark background. Beauty fleets rapidly which gives viewer an amazing scene and remained in viewers mind for long time. Beauty is always fleeting which present its preciousness. The poets pu

50、rsuit of beauty and the pity for the beautys disappearing are concentrated in the two images. The author Pound explained the happiness and bitterness for life, and the brightness and darkness of life journey through images superposition. At the same time, the author created the three dimensional spa

51、ce through images superposition. The metro sation belongs to first real space while apparition belongs to a mysterious space. And fair face in the crowd is another real space while petals on wet, black bough is created by the authors mind which belongs to another subjective space. The author integra

52、ted the reality with illusory and darkness with brightness to present the fast living tempo of modern life through superposition.C.The Images with Emotion ColorWang Kuo-weis has pointed out that the poet views objects in terms of himself in the personal state, so everything takes on his own coloring

53、 in the book named Jen-chien Tz u-hua. Pound defines color as a significant role to achieve the best poetic effect. Not only add concreteness and directness to the image, color also supports the theme and the atmosphere of poem directly. As the importance of the image promoted, the first function of

54、 color is to play a crucial role as a part of an image which dominates the poem.7攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Main body1. Sadness and Loneness“Thoughts on Autumnto the Tune of Sky Scouring” is the best poem for travelers to express their autumn thoughts. There are 12 images in this poem and they are “a withered vine

55、”, “old trees”, “a raven croaking on high”, “small bridge”, “the murmuring water”, “thatched cottage”, “an ancient path”, “the west wind”, “a boney horse”, “sunset” and “a heart-broken traveler”. Each of them is the typical object in autumn. As all we known, autumn is also a sad and lonely season that everything is going to depth. The author just takes use of these declining objects to create the desolate beauty of the poems.The first line is combined with “withered vine”, “old trees” and “a croaking raven” which


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