



1、课题名称词性学习-动词 授课教师:教学目标掌握掌握动词的概念、意义及用法。教学重点教学难点动词的种类及区别;动词的三单规那么设计意图教学过程动词1.意义:表示一个行为、动作。(通常 ,需要人的身体的任何一个局部配合完成的行为的词都属于动词)。如run(跑) ,eat(吃) ,think(想、思考) ,take(拿) ,buy(买) ,remember(记得)等等。判断以下哪些是动词?tiger(老虎) sing(唱) bad(错的) give(给) send(发送) very(非常) beat(打) have(有) student(学生) manage(管理) help(帮助) water(水

2、)2.种类:助动词、情态动词、系动词和实意动词。(1)助动词:主要用于时态结构中起辅助功能的动词 ,如do,does,did,be doing中的be ,have done中的have。Do you know her? 你认识她吗?do没有实际意义 ,不能翻译为“做I didn't know her. 你认识她吗?didn't表示否认They are playing basketball now. 他们正在打篮球。are没有实际意义 ,不能翻译成“是。We have been friends since young. 我们从小就是朋友。have没有实际意义不能翻译成“有。(2)

3、情态动词:表示可能性的词 ,如must,can/could,should,may/might。I must go. It's too late.太晚了 ,我必须走了。She can play chess.她会下棋。We should study hard. 我们应该努力学习。She may be right. 她也许是对的。Could you help me?你能帮我一下吗?(3) 系动词:3“be ,4“变 ,5“感 ,“保持。3“be am 只与第一人称单数I搭配。I am a teacher. is 与第三人称单数he,she,it,名称 ,事物搭配。She is a stude

4、nt. are 其余情况第二人称、复数。You are my friend.A.“be的意思为“是、“成为。I want to be a teacher in the future.我将来想当老师。The students are very excited.学生们非常兴奋。My father is a teacher.我的爸爸是一个老师。They are good friends.她们是好朋友。Books are made from wood.书是木材做的。It is hot today.今天天很热。( )翻译以下句子1.她很漂亮。_2.空气很干净。_3.他是一名英语老师。_4.这将是一个好的

5、选择。_ get 天气。It gets cold.B.4“变 become 身份、地位。She will become a teacher. turn 颜色。The traffic lights turn red. go 坏的方面。The food goes bad. look 看起来。You look unhappy.C.5“感 sound 听起来。The idea sounds good. feel 感觉/摸起来。He feels good. smell 闻起来。The food smells terrible. taste 尝起来。The cake tastes delicious.D.

6、状态“保持 keep We should keep the classroom clean.我们应该保持教室干净。 stay Please stay calm.请保持冷静。 remain The situation remains unchanged.情况没有发生改变。 (5)实意动词:具有实际意义的动词 ,表示具体的行为、动作 ,在句中充当谓语。如run(跑) ,eat(吃) ,think(想、思考) ,take(拿) ,buy(买) ,remember(记得)等等。实意动词可分为及物动词和不及物动词;有些动词既可当及物动词又可当不及物动词。及物动词:后面必须加宾语才能够完整表达一句话的意思

7、。He drank.他喝了。(错)因为没有说明喝了什么 ,即不知道喝了什么。He drank a bottle of water.他喝了一瓶水。(对)意思表达清楚明白He drives.他开/驾驶。错因为不知道开或驾驶的是什么He drives a car.他开着一辆车。对整件事表达的清楚明白 不及物动词:后面不需要加宾语就可以完整表达一句话的意思。He cried her.他哭她。错逻辑不通He cried.他哭了。对事件表达清楚不及物动词如果后面要加宾语 ,必须与介词或副词搭配 ,构成动词短语 ,此时作用与及物动词相同。She smiled me.她笑我。错She smiled at me

8、.她对我笑了。对判断以下哪些是及物动词哪些 ,事不及物动词?sing(唱) play(玩) give(给) walk(走路) send(发送) beat(打) have(有) dance(跳舞) manage(管理) help(帮助) pollute(污染) smile(微笑) laugh(大笑) do(做) jump(跳) wash(洗) talk(谈话) know(知道)look(看) write(写) expect(期待) hold(举行) remember(记住) 3.语法功能:作谓语。动词有单复数变化 ,也有时态 ,语态 ,语气等的变化。 I have an apple. 我有一个苹

9、果。have ,有 ,作谓语 His mother named him Tommy. 他母亲叫他汤米。named ,命名 ,作谓语 I wrote him a letter. 我写一封信给他。wrote ,写 ,作谓语 He gave me a pen. 他给了我一支笔。gave ,给 ,作谓语 I will arrive in Paris tomorrow. 我明天将到达巴黎。arrive是不及物动词 ,加介词 in ,起完全及物动词的作用 ,作谓语 He made me laugh. 他使我笑了。made ,使 ,作谓语 Have you heard the news? 你听到这消息了吗?

10、感官动词heard ,听到 ,作谓语 I am a student. 我是学生。am ,系动词 ,是 ,作谓语4.谓语动词第三人称单数变化规那么:在一般现在时态中 ,只有当主语为第三人称单数时 ,用动词单数(+s,+es)形式 ,其余动词均用原形(复数)第三人称单数作主语时谓语动词变化规那么: 1.多数即规那么动词在动词后加s。 如:rainrains likelikes 等。2.以字母e结尾的动词 ,直接加ecomes hopehopes 3.以辅音字母加y结尾 ,把y改i再加es。 Eg: flyflies 4.以元音字母加y结尾 ,直接加s。eg:playplays buybu

11、ys5.以s ,x ,sh ,ch ,o结尾的动词加es。 eg:gogoes wash-washes6.be动词的选择:第一人称单数(I)用am;第三人称he, she, it ,单数可数名词 ,不可数名词用is; 第二人称或第一.二.三人称复数.复数名词.复数人称用are。课堂练习同步练习一.写出以下动词的第三人称单数: wash_match_guess_study_finish_go_snow_carry_drink_stay_make_look_have_pass_come_watch_plant_fly_brush_do_teach_talk_forget_hope_stop_per

12、form_play_say_buy_worry_like_take_love_recite_become_drive_shine_leave_二.用动词的适当形式填空 1. We often_(worry) about the exams.2. He _(get) up at six oclock.3. It_(get)cold when winter comes.4. Mr. Johnson usually_(forget) things.5. Students_(study) English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art an school.6. Mike _

13、(look) unhappy today.7. At eight at night, she _(watch) TV with his parents.8.People often_(talk) to friends on the internet.9.What_(be) the population of Shanghai?10.Everyone_(hope) to pass the exam.11. He often _(not have) dinner at home.12. Daniel and Tommy _(be) in Class One.13. We ususlly _(not

14、 watch) TV on Monday.14. Nick _(can/must/should/may) play computer games from Monday to Friday.15. We should _(keep) the classroom clean.三.单项选择( )1. John always _ others. A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help ( )2. Youd better _ at home and _ your homework. A. to stay, do B. stay, do C. to stay, to

15、 do D. stay, to do ( )3. He sits down and _ a rest. A. having B. have C. to have D. has ( )4. Uncle Wang _how to make a washing machine. A. know B. knows C. is knowing D. to know ( )5.Where is the football match? It _ at Dalian Stadium.A . am B . is C . was D . are( )6. He_to the park in the morning

16、 every day.A . go B . went C . goes D . gos( )7. Mr. Li _in a junior high school.A . teach B .teaching C . teaches D .taught( )8.Lets _ to the park. .Thats a good idea.A . drive B .drives C . driving D . drove( )9.How much_ the price of the fruit? A . are B .be C . am D . is( )10. When_ is the magic

17、 show? Tonight.A . are B .be C . am D . is( )11.The noodles _delicious.A . taste B .feel C .look D .sound( )12.You_ stop when the traffic lights_red.A . must;turn B .can;become C .may;get D . should;go( )13. Everyone _do his part to_the environment clean.A . must;remain B .can;stay C .need;get D . should;keep( )14.Jenny _waste any time on playing. A.cant B.doesnt C.dont D.didnt ( ) 15 .They _ their _ at 9 oclock .A. do , homework B .do , homeworks C .does , h


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