1、实用文档系列文档编号:YL-SY-91347第1页共 7 页2020 年下半年 BEC 考试口试搭档如何找如何找 BEC 口试搭档一直以来是很多参加 BEC 考试的同学比较 关心的问题。但首先大家要明确找搭档的目的是什么?相信对于大多 数同学来说,找搭档主要还是为了准备口试进行口语练习;当然有些 考点是允许自由组对进行口试考试的, 如上海地区考点。这部分考生 找口试搭档除了练习外还可以一起参加考试。 所有提醒各位考生,先 和你报名的考点确认口试配对的规则。然后进行有针对性的准备。当然,无论最终你能否和你的搭档一起考试, 考前的配对练习都 是非常必要的。讨论环节作为 BEC 考试的必考题型,在口
2、试中占有 非常重要的地位,也三个题型中对考生综合能力要求最高的部分。 主 要考查考生的语言交互能力,比如是否能够引导和参与讨论,是否能 清楚的说明自己的观点、态度或建议,同时注意聆听。而且该环节给 考试准备、阅读材料的时间极具挑战性,只有短短的30 秒。因此如果没有大量的互动练习,是很难在此部分取得好的成绩的。随着互联网的普及,其实找搭档的渠道非常多,大大方便了大家 找考友和进 BEC 口语练习。即使是不在同一考场甚至是城市,也可 以通过网络语音工具进行练习。通过报名学习 BEC 相关课程,在班级里寻找口语练习搭档也不 失为一种有效的方法。大家都是备考 BEC 考试的,练习的动力也会 更大些。
3、当然学校的同学、志同道合的同事业是好的潜在搭档选择。在搭档练习 BEC 口语时大家要注意一下几个方面:实用文档系列文档编号:YL-SY-91347第2页共 7 页1. 优先选用真题作为练习材料,在练习前建议观看下官方口试视频,了解考试的流程和具体形式。2. 严格按照考试的要求计时,锻炼时间的掌控能力,有条件的 最好对练习进行录音,用于后期复习纠错。3. 如果发现很多话题都没什么思路想法,建议准备一本 BEC 口 试必备手册, 分析和学习里面的 model answer, 培养商务思维和积 累商务常识。4. 最后提醒大家,在考试现场,如果是现场组对的话,充分利用侯考的时间和自己的搭档尽快互相熟悉
4、彼此的发音,答题的先后顺序,事先商量好会对现场的发挥起到积极作用。BEC 口语指导:如何与水平差距大的口试搭档合作学员提问:如果是临时组合的 partner,对方口语水平和自己有较大差距,如何才能既表现出自己的真实水平,又不降低两人之间的合作分数呢?Eric 老师:BEC 口试搭档是临时组合的话,最重要的是提前和自己的搭档抓紧考试前的时间充分交流,一方面了解对方的语音语速和水平,另外 要商量好讨论环节双方的先后顺序、如何配合,如:谁来开头,谁最 后做总结等。这样可以做到心中有数,一旦一方因为紧张或其他原因 卡壳,另一方可以及时弥补。切忌不能出现一方过于强势的“独角戏”情况。就算是对方水平实用文
5、档系列文档编号:YL-SY-91347第3页共 7 页较差、接不上话、回答不合适,也要邀请对方发言,用一般疑问引导 是个不错的方法,或通过复述或总结对方的观点来过渡,这都不失为 好的化解方法。相反的,如果对方水平远好于你,一直讲个不停,你可以礼貌地 打断对方,从而保证自己的发言时间。职场英语从这里开始!这里有最全面的职场干货、英语表达、商 业资讯、人际关系内容选择一门课,开启你的职场修炼之路吧!BEC 商务英语口语:同事Co-WorkersDialogue 1A: Im realy fed up with Harry! Hes the biggest airhead Ive ever met.
6、He always makes careless mistakes, and hes a pai n to work with.B: You souldnt be so negative. Youll always have some co-workersthat are harder to work with than others. But if you are negative and startname-calling in the office, it will make a bad work ing en virome nt foreverybody.A: You only say
7、 that because you dont have to work with him. Thepeople in your departme nt seem to capable and nice to be around. TakeMary for example. Shes smart and en thusiastic. Ive n ever anyone ascheery as she is.B: Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. Even Larry. Hemight be a pain to be around, but
8、 hes also very good at staying in budget实用文档系列文档编号:YL-SY-91347第4页共 7 页on projects. Mary, on the other hand, spe nds our project money like theresno tomorrow. Also, shes n ever willi ng to stay a little later at the office. Shealways leave at 5:00 pm sharp.A: Isnt there anyone in the office that is a
9、 perfect co-worker? Whatabout Bob? Everybody loves Bob. Even though hes fresh out the collegeand still a bit gree n, he is a great co-worker.B: You are right. Hes a hard worker, easy to get along with, honest,and he never steals the credit on projects. The only thing hes lack ing in isexperie nee.A:
10、 Maybe thats why hes so n ice!Dialogue 2A: Do you get along with your co-workers?B: I get along pretty well with most of them. It seems thereare always a few rotte n apples in the bun ch, though. Like Margaret. I dontknow why man ageme nt has nt fired her yet.Shes a terrible gossip.A: Do you th ink
11、man ageme ntshould fire some one justbecause they grossip?B: Its not only that she gossip, but she also tries to startproblems among other employees by spread ing rumors and telli ng liesabout her co-workers. Shes not trustworthy, and in my opinion, I think shesnu ts.实用文档系列文档编号:YL-SY-91347第5页共 7 页A:
12、 So how do you develop good relati on ships in the office?B: I think one of the important things is just to be con siderate of yourco-workers feeli ngs and n eeds. If you are aware of other people and doyour part to make a good working enviroment, you should be able to gealong wiht most of the peopl
13、e you work with.A: I think youre right. But it does seems that there are always a fewco-workers that are harder to work with than others.BEC 口语情景对话:她是新来的M: Did you meet the new girl in our sales departme nt. She is tak ingthe place of Maggie duri ng her mater native leave.F: Did they fin ally fill t
14、hat post, how come I have nt see nher? She must have not bee n in ducted yet.M: I guess not, They have nt officially in troduced her to the wholestaff yet, she barely started yesterday.F: Is she just working temporarily? What are they going to do whe nMaggie comes back from leave.M: If the new girl
15、is compete nt, maybe they will promote her whenthat time comes, that would be a nice little rewardnow, would nt it? If that happe ned, Maggie will just fume.M: Youre right, if they promoted her for working in Maggies spot afew mon th, it will probably affect every ones marrou.F: Its the man ageme ntsdecisi on I guess. Any way, shes实用文档系列文档编号:YL-SY-91347第6页共 7 页n ew, shell probably n eed some one to show her the ropes, lets go talk toher now.你见过我们销售部新来的女孩了吗?玛吉休产假期间,这个女孩来接替她的工作.他们终于有人接替工作了吗?我怎么现在一直没见过那个女孩?到现在她肯定
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