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1、.2012高考英语精选备考题库系列(含详解) 单项选择(四)备战2012高考,精选1000道单项选择,希望对各位同学有帮助。2011.81It was dark,so we decided to _ for the night at the farmhouse.Abuild up Bput upCset up Dstay up解析:build up“增强”;put up“搭起,留宿”;set up“建立”;stay up“熬 夜”。句意:天黑了,所以我们决定在农舍过一夜。 答案:B2The Smiths have always been on good _ with their neighbo

2、urs.Arelations BtermsCconnection Dfriendship解析:短语“be on good terms with sb.”意为“同某人关系好”。句意:史密斯夫妇总是同邻居们关系良好。答案:B3I was on the _ of going out when the telephone rang.Atop BmomentCpoint Dway解析:考查名词搭配。on the point of doing sth.意为“正要做某事”。答案:C4We must always _ alive the memory of the bitter past.Akeep Brem

3、ainCstay Dhold解析:keep sth.alive“使活着;保持”。答案:A5Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes.Aturning up Bputting upCmaking up Dshowing up解析:考查动词短语的用法。句意:村子里每个人都喜欢杰克,因为他擅长于讲笑话和编笑话。make up“编造”,符合句子语境。turn up“出现,调大(音量等)”;put up “搭起”;show up “出现,到达”,均不合句意。答案:C6This kind of

4、 fish lives around the island _ the west coast of the Pacific Ocean.Aaway BfromCoff Don解析:off可表示“靠近的海面”。使用该词的前提是:该事物在水中。答案:C7If you get a copy of English Weekly,you'll find it is of great _ to you in learning English.Asource BsenseCfavour Dvalue解析:be of value“有价值”。source“来源,源头”;sense“感觉,感官”; fav

5、our“赞同,支持”。答案:D8It's bad news that quite a few rare animals are_ each year.Adying of Bdying outCdying from Ddying away解析:句意:许多珍稀动物每年都在灭绝,这是个不好的消息。die out逐渐消 失,绝种。答案:B9Dad,you said you would buy me a new bicycle several days ago.Yes.I'll keep my _ if you do better in your exam.Aidea BrealityC

6、promise Dfact解析:下句句意“如果你考得好一些,我会遵守诺言的。”keep one's promise“遵/信守诺言”;break/lose one's promise“失言”。答案:C10He's always looking in the mirror,_ himself.Aadmiring BrespectingCenjoying Dbehaving解析:admire“钦佩,羡慕”,admire oneself自我欣赏。respect“尊敬”;enjoy“喜爱”;behave“举止”。答案:A11I am so tired,Mum.Keep up yo

7、ur courage and the success is just _.Ain the corner Bon the cornerCaround the corner Dat the corner解析:around the corner“即将来临”。 答案:C12_ achievement,last week's ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing,grade.AIn terms of BIn case ofCAs a result of DIn face of解析:本题考查介词短语的

8、用法。in terms of“按照,从方面来说”;in case of“万一,以防”;as a result of“由于”;in face of“面临,不顾”。 根据句意,A项正确。答案:A13Lily's stepmother is very _;she never gives her any money to spend on new clothes.Acurious BmeanCsmart Dattractive解析:从Lily的继母从不给她买新衣服的钱,可以判断出继母很“吝啬”,故选 用mean。curious好奇的;smart聪明的,灵活的;attractive吸引人的。答案

9、:B14I've brought an English dictionary which you can_ if you don't know the meaning of words.Aget to Bcome toCtake to Drefer to解析:refer to a dictionary为固定搭配,意为“查字典”。答案:D15The United States is _ the south of Canada and _ the east of Japan.Ato;in Bon;toCin;beside Dat;on解析:考查表方位的用法。in表示“在某一地理范围

10、之内”,to表示“范围之外”,on表示“两地相邻”。答案:B16Knife should be kept _ the children's_.Abeyond;reach Bin;reachCout;side Dto;life解析:beyond one's reach “在某人够得着的范围外;够不着”。答案:A17Winter used to be extremely severe here,but these days it seems to be getting a little _.Awilder BwarmerChotter Dmilder解析:考查形容词词义。mild温

11、和,与severe相对应。答案:D18She has experienced many unexpected things this year,but she looks as _ and happy as ever.Asorrowful BupsetCcheerful Dshameful 解析:考查形容词词义。cheerful与happy相对应。答案:C19Though bought five years ago,the car is still in good _.Asituation BconditionCposition Dstation解析:in good condition状况良好

12、。句意:尽管那部小汽车购买于五年前,但车况仍然良好。答案:B20The conference had been held to discuss the effects of tourism _ the wildlife in the area.Ain BonCat Dwith解析:名词effect之后习惯上与介词on连用,表示“在方面的影响”。句意:已经开会讨论了旅游业对本地区野生动物的影响。答案:B21Do you think I should get a good guidebook?Yes,of course._,you also need a good camera and comfo

13、rtable shoes.AWhat's more BIn other wordsCBy the way DAll in all解析:答句句意:“是的。另外,你还需要一台照相机和舒适的鞋。”in other words用来进一步解释上文的某处信息;by the way用来引出一个新的话题;all in all“从各方面考虑,从各方面来说”。答案:A22After the teacher introduced the main steps,the students were asked to raise more questions to _ any possible doubt.Acr

14、eate BhelpCrealize Dremove解析:remove any possible doubt“消除可能存在的疑惑”。答案:D23We've got to be _ and buy only what we can afford.Areal BactualCpractical Dtrue解析:real真实的;actual真正的;practical实际的,实用的;true正确的,真正的。句意:我们必须要实际一点,要买我们能够买得起的东西。答案:C24In the past five years we had made great progress in almost eve

15、ry field under the _ of our leader.Aguide BguidanceCguard Dguideline解析:guidance“指引,领导”为名词;guide“向导,导游”;guard“警卫”;guideline“指导方针,准则”。答案:B25Her son's excellent work _ his rise in the company,while her daughter's laziness _ her failure in the entrance exams.Aled in;resulted from Bled to;resulte

16、d inCled in;resulted to Dled for;resulted from解析:lead to“导致,导向,通向”;result in“导致”,表示结果;result from“出自于”,表示原因。答案:B26How far apart do they live?_I know,they live in the same neighbourhood.AAs long as BAs far asCAs well as DAs often as解析:as far as I know据我所知。句意:“他们住得有多远?”“据我所知,他们住在同一个邻里。”答案:B27Oil price

17、s have been rising continuously in recent years._,measures have been taken to deal with the serious situation.AFortunately BFrequentlyCEventually DNaturally解析:考查副词词义。句意:最近几年石油价格不断上涨。幸运的是,已经采取措施应对这种严重局面。答案:A28The house has been standing_ without use for months.Aempty BstillCquietly Dlonely解析:stand后接形

18、容词作主语补足语,表示主语的状态。答案:A29To my surprise,he doesn't like his son but has a/an _ for his daughter.Apreference BtasteCintension Dadvantage解析:考查名词辨析。句意:令我感到吃惊的是,他不喜欢他的儿子,但却偏爱他的女儿。have a preference表示“更喜欢,偏爱”的意思,符合句意。答案:A30I'm sorry to tell you that most of the things you have learnt at school have

19、no _ value in the real world.Asensible BpracticalCaccessible Dpowerful解析:句意:我很遗憾地告诉你,你在学校学到的大部分知识在现实世界中没有实际价值。答案:B31Jack is late again.It is _ of him to keep others waiting.Anormal BordinaryCcommon Dtypical解析:it's typical of sb.to do sth.做某事是某人的特征。句意:杰克又来晚了。让别人等是他的一贯做法。答案:D32When you perform the

20、 play,you must read the script and follow the stage _.Aconstructions BintroductionsCdirections Doperations解析:stage directions“舞台说明”。答案:C33Wait till you are more _.It's better to be sure than sorry.Ainspired BsatisfiedCcalm Dcertain解析:由后句“确定比后悔好”可知:一定要等到更有把握的时候。答案:D34Chinese arts have won the _ o

21、f a lot of people outside China.Aenjoyment BappreciationCentertainment Dreputation解析:enjoyment娱乐,高兴;appreciation感激;欣赏;entertainment娱乐;款待;reputation 声誉。句意:中国艺术已经赢得国外许多人的赞誉。答案:B35When our car broke _ on the way,only one man tried to help us,the rest just looked on _ total silence.Aup;as Bup;inCdown;as

22、 Ddown;in解析:break down“出故障,坏掉”;in total silence“默不作声”;look on“旁观”。答案:D36The speaker from Scotland had such a heavy _ that I could hardly understand anything.Avoice BsoundCaccent Ddialect解析:a heavy/strong accent“很重的口音”。voice“嗓音”;sound“声音”;dialect“方言”。答案:C37The boy was _ losing his life,but the doctor

23、 helped him _.Ain danger of;out of dangerBin the danger of;out of dangerCin danger;out of the dangerDdangerous;out of the danger解析:in danger of“处在危险之中”;out of danger“脱离危险”。答案:A38The story of how I got my new job,and came to be _ with my boss is a funny one.Aon good term Bon good termsCin good terms

24、Din good term解析:be on good terms with与某人关系融洽。句意:我如何得到新工作,如何同老板和谐相处的故事很有意思。答案:B39He looks honest,but _ he is a cheat.Afortunately BactuallyCnaturally Dobviously解析:句意:他看起来诚实,但实际上,他是个骗子。答案:B40My father loves his dogs so much that I even think he _ them as members of our family.Alook up Blook onClook fo

25、r Dlook into解析:考查动词词组。look on.as意为“将看作成”。答案:B41The man _to escape from prison,but he couldn't find an effective way.Amanaged BsucceededCattempted Doffered解析:manage to do sth.设法做成了某事,由but he couldn't find an effective way可知,“越狱”没有成功,故可排除A项;succeed常用于succeed in doing sth.结构中,排除B项;offer to do s

26、th.主动提出做某事,不符合句意;attempt to do sth.尝试或企图做某事,符合题意。答案:C42To make the students understand the problem the teacher tried to explain it,but the explanation just did not_to the class.Aget through Bget aroundCget down Dget across解析:句意:为了让学生们理解问题老师试着讲解了一下,但是同学们听不懂。get across被人理解,符合题意。答案:D43When you are lost

27、,there is nothing _than to stay where you are,waiting for help.Amore BbetterCworse Drather解析:There is nothing better than to do sth.是固定句式,意为“最好做某事;没有比再好了”。句意:当你迷路的时候,最好的方式就是待在原处不动,等待援助。答案:B44Why are you so late?Bad luck.A car accident took place far outside the town,and so we were _on the way.Abroke

28、n up Bhung upCheld up Dtaken up解析:此处应表示受阻,故C项符合题意。break up“分解,破裂”;hang up “挂断电话”;take up “从事,占据”。答案:C45It suddenly_to me that I had left the key inside when I was about to lock the door.Aoccurred BstruckChappened Dthought解析:It occurs to sb.that.“某人突然想起”。答案:A46How do you _ without a washing machine?

29、I can't bear to think about it!Amanage BtryCdo Dgo解析:manage without为固定结构,表示“(在没有的情况下)勉强应付过去”。do without“免除,不用”;go without“没有也行”。答案:A47In spring the winds blow _ and the sunshine is warm.Afrequently BregularlyCfirmly Dgently解析:考查副词词义。gently轻轻地,温柔地。符合题意。答案:D48In order to catch up with the students

30、 _ him,the boy is working harder than ever.Aahead of Bfar behindCclose to Dnext to解析:考查短语介词。ahead of在前面,符合题意。答案:A49It's _ that girls are not allowed to take part in this activity.Absolutely! Girls and boys should be given equal opportunities.Aspecific BuselessCdisrespectful Dunfair解析:考查形容词词义。上句句

31、意:不容许女孩参加这项活动是不公平的。答案:D50The girls carefully put the things in their own places.Soon all is _.Ain total Bin chargeCin order Din control解析:in order井井有条,符合题意。答案:C51The company is starting a new advertising campaign to_new customers to its stores.Ajoin BattractCstick Dtransfer解析:考查动词词义辨析。join“参加”;attra

32、ct“吸引”;stick“被刺中;坚 持”;transfer“转移;转让”。attract new customers“吸引新顾客”。答案:B52The policeman _ the children from the fire at the risk of his own life.Asaved BdroveCstopped Dprevented解析:save sb.from “从中救某人”;而stop/prevent sb.from“阻止某人做”。由句意知选A。答案:A53_the test papers before handing them in and many mistakes

33、can be avoided.AGet through BRead outCLook into DGo through解析:go through“仔细检查”。答案:D54She borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend,hoping to become the _ of attention at the ball that evening.Adetail BmiddleCfocus Dpoint解析:focus焦点,符合题意。答案:C55In Yuexi County,where a landslide broke out,more than 1,

34、000 homes were damaged and transport was _.Atorn down Btorn upCcut off Dcut up解析:cut off (交通)阻断。答案:C56The features of the landscape of the garden is arranged much _,which makes it appeal to more tourists.Aexcellently BcorrectlyCfreely Dattractively解析:excellently优秀,漂亮。答案:A57The child's _ crying h

35、as been wearing on my nerves all day.Aendless BtiringCexciting Danxious解析:endless不间断的,无穷无尽的。答案:A58Don't think it means nothing.In fact,it _ a great deal.Acosts BtakesCmatters Dcares解析:matter有关系,重要。答案:C59I crossed the street to _ meeting him,but he saw me and came running towards me.Aavoid Bpreve

36、ntChide Drisk解析:avoid避免。答案:A60Once you have experienced the _ of bungee jumping,you will never forget it.Athrill BamusementChappiness Dentertainment 解析:考查名词词义。thrill刺激,惊险。答案:A61Although he has little knowledge in this field,he is a native speaker of English,so I think he is _ to the translating job.

37、AfitBloyalCequal Dable解析:考查形容词词义。句意:尽管在这一领域他知之甚少,但他的母语是英语,因此我认为他可以胜任翻译工作。equal胜任,符合题意。答案:C62Darling,if you really _ your own future,don't be so depressed all the day.Pick up your courage.Acare about Bcomplain aboutCcome about Dthink about解析:考查动词短语。care about在乎,关心;complain about对抱怨;come about发生;t

38、hink about考虑。由句意可知选A。答案:A63He was angry with me._,I didn't mean to hurt him.AWhat's more BThat's to sayCIn other words DTo be honest解析:句意:他生我的气了,老实说,我不是有意伤害他。what's more另外,还有;that's to say也就是说;in other words换句话说;to be honest老实说,坦白说。答案:D64To record the animal's nature life,we

39、had to _ it quietly and watch it carefully.Aignore Btrain Chunt Dapproach解析:句意:为了记录这只动物的自然生活状况,我们必须悄悄地靠近它,仔细观察。approach接近,靠近,符合题意。答案:D65If you were _ on a deserted island,what would you miss most?Acast away Bcast downCcast aside Dcast off解析:句意:如果你因沉船而流落在荒岛上,你最想念什么?cast away“流落(在荒岛)”,符合题意。答案:A66We we

40、nt to Canada to travel and my cousin _ as our guide.Aplayed Bshowed Cacted Dperformed解析:考查动词词义与搭配。act as担任,充当。答案:C67I'm sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good _ of direction.Aidea BfeelingCexperience Dsense解析:sense of direction意为“方向感”。答案:D68His parents' unhappy marri

41、age _ a shadow and left a big scar on Tony's faith toward marriage.Acarved Breplaced Ccast Dstood解析:考查动词词义。句意:父母的不幸婚姻给Tony投下了阴影,给他的婚姻信心留下伤疤。cast投下,符合题意。答案:C69Five years ago,no one could imagine that the company was to hold such a great _ in the world market.Ashare BtradeCmajority Dview解析:考查名词词义。

42、share意为“股份,份额”。答案:A70Classic literature and arts are not only what used to be popular but what last and _ through many generations.Astruggle Bfade Csurvive Drepeat解析:考查动词词义。句意:古典文学和艺术不仅过去受欢迎,而且持续保留许多代人。答案:C71Fitness is important in sport,but of at least _ importance are skills.Afair Breasonable Cequ

43、al Dproper解析:fair公平的;equal平等的;相等的。句意:在运动中身体健壮是重要的,但技巧也同等重要。答案:C72How did it _ that you made such a silly mistake?I myself haven't figured it out yet.Abring about Bcome about Ccome across Dcome on解析:本句考查短语和句型用法。come about“发生,产生”,用于How did it come about that.的句式中,意为“怎么发生的?”。bring about“使发生,导致”;com

44、e across“偶遇,不期而遇”;come on用于督促对方或鼓励对方,意为“赶快,快点”。答案:B73When I was a child,my parents often taught me how to deal with dangerous _.Aorganizations Bsituations Cregulations Dpositions解析:situation“情形,境遇”;organization“组织”;regulation“规章,条例”;position“位置,职位”。答案:B74As I have an important exam tomorrow,I plan t

45、o _ for study tonight.Amake up Bstay up Cturn up Dkeep up解析:考查动词短语辨析。make up构成;化妆;弥补;stay up熬夜;不睡觉;turn up调大音量;keep up保持。答案:B75_ the students in our school go to college in their teens.AA good many BA great many of CA great deal of DA plenty of解析:根据students前面的限定词the可知应选用a great many of,如果选择A应该是A goo

46、d many students。答案:B76The long _ that stops students using cellphones _ failure.Abattle;ends up Bstruggle;ends up withCstruggle;ends in Dfight;ends in解析:句意:阻止学生用手机的斗争最终以失败结束。end in“以结束”,强调以某种状态结束,failure“失败”,可说明事物的状态。end up with强调用工具、手段结束,可以说end up with a song。“与的斗争”用struggle比较合适,因为battle为具体的战役,figh

47、t除作“搏斗”外,还可当“斗争”讲,但一般是与非正义与邪恶的斗争,用在这里不合题意;故选C。答案:C77In order to make as much profit as possible,we must _ a lot more new business.Abring in Bbring about Ctake in Dtake over解析:句意:为了赚更多的钱,我们必须引进更多的新业务。bring in“吸引,引入”,符合句意。bring about“带来,造成”;take in“领会;接受;欺骗”;take over“接管,接任”,均不符合句意。答案:A78The 52­y

48、ear­old professor admitted accepting 156,000 Euros _ for awarding doctor's degree to students who failed to make the grades.Ain addition Bin total Cin advance Din debt解析:考查短语介词。句意:这名52岁的教授承认总共接受156,000欧元的贿赂,为考试没及格的学生授予博士学位。in total总共,合计,符合题意。in addition另外,加之;in advance提前;in debt欠债。答案:B79Zha

49、ng Huimei says that she won't abandon her _ tongue in favor of English or Japanese.Aformal Binternational Cnative Dexact解析:考查形容词词义。句意:张惠妹说她不会因赞成英语和日语而放弃母语。native tongue意为“母语,本族语”。答案:C80It's almost incredible that a disabled girl is very _ and lives all alone without others' help.Anormal Bequal Cadventurous Dindependent解析:句意:难以置信,一名残疾女孩在无人帮助的情况下而独立生活。independent独立的,符合题意。答案:D81Whoever breaks the law in our country can't _ punishment.Aget down to Bget in touch with Cget away with Dget away from解析:解决此题需注意C、D两项的区别。get away from从某地逃


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