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1、扬子巴斯夫有限责任公司 IPS 项目的目标是:在预算内,按时地、高质地,安全地完成项目。The objective of BASF -YPC Compa ny Limited IPS Project is to complete the project safely, with in budget, on schedules nd with good quality.我们相信实现安全、健康、环保是我们的思维模式,这种思维模式贯穿于我们的日常工作中。虽然我们主订有制 度并有相关的监督和检查,但是确保安全最有效的部分是您的积极参与和良好示范。We believe that achievement

2、in Safety, health and Environmental performanee is a mindset, which begins daily and to be ca rried out through everyth ing we do. There are procedures a nd there will bem on itori ng, audit ing but the most effective comp onent for ensuring Safety is your active attention and good example.由于安全必然会影响

3、到项目的目标,所以每项任务都必须通过有效的计划、交流、协调、合作来安全地执行。每 位员工都要对自己的行 为负责,同时监督安全制度在工作场所的执行情况。任何危及安全的行为或状况都需要马 上向您的主管报告。一个安全的工作场所是每 个人的目标。我们殷切期望每个人都尽职尽责为自己和他人创造一 个安全的工作场所。As safety will in variably affect the project objective, it is imperative that every assig nedtaskmust be executed safety throug h effective pla nni

4、ng, com muni catio n, co-ord in ati on and co-operatio n. All members are acco un table for his/her own behavior s and must observe the safety rules and instructions applicable to the workplace. Any unsafe act or condition should be repor ted promptly to your immediate supervisor. A safe place to wo

5、rk is the goal of every one. You are urged to do your part in m aking the workplace asa safeareafor yourself and others.请仔细阅读本手册中的规定。如果您对这些规定有任何疑问,请务必向您的主管咨询。Read and study all of the rules listed in this handbook. If you have any questions regarding these rules, do not hesitate to call your supervi

6、sor.您的积极参与和安全意识将确保我们的项目无事故地圆满完成!Your positive participation and safety consciousnesswill ensure that this project is completed successfully, accident free.1 衣着条规 /Dress Code安全帽 Safety Helmet防护眼镜 Safety Glasses安全带 Safety Harness劳保鞋 Safety Shoes不适当的衣着,只会使您受到伤害!Improper Dress Code is a Hazard to You!2

7、安全第一 /Safety First了解您的工作Know your work主动而非被动Be proactive, not reactive了解工作的危险性Know the work hazards先计划好工作Plan the work采取预防性措施Takepreventive measure时刻检查安全事项Check for safety遵守安全工作方法Follow safe work practices保护自己也保护他人Protect yourself& your fellow workers若有疑问,即刻向您的主管咨询In doubt consult your superviso

8、r3 开挖工程 /Excavation Work Safety进入坑洞里工作前,先确定坑洞的墙壁是否有支柱牢固地支撑着。Ensure that the side of the excavation pit is properly shored before you go down to do work.oObtain work permit prior to commencing work. Barricade all excavation areaswith suitable materials. Put up suitable warni ng sig ns.在进入挖掘坑之前,确认有适当地

9、进出通道并牢记其位置。工作时如发现支柱有任何位移现象,应立即离开坑 洞并向主管报告。Ensure that proper accessis provided before entering any excavation and note the position of this access.If you notice any s hift in position of shoring, get out and report to your supervisors immediately.4 桩基工程 /Piling Works Safety 确保据有参与工作者了解他们的工作和其危险性。在开工

10、前,先确保所有的桩机和钻机经过安全检查。Ensure all workers involved know the work and hazard involved. Ensure all piling machinesand rigs are inspected before co mmencing work.打桩工作进行时,只有被授权的人员才可进入工作区域,并必须佩戴适当的个人防护用品。Allow on ly authorized pers onn el to be aroun d while pili ng is in progressa nd wear suitable PPE.5 桩头

11、施工 /Pile Hacking & Cutting 必须佩戴下列个人防护用品:安全帽、安全眼镜、面罩、防尘面罩、护耳器等Safety requirement: Hardhats, Safety Glasses,Dust Mask, Face Shield, Ear Muff, and etc.6 钢筋加工 /Rebar Cutt ing & Ben di ng Work 只有受过培训和授权的人员才可操作钢筋加工设备,必须对操作区域进行隔离,合理堆放钢筋以便有足够通道使工人可以工作。Only trained and authorized pers onnel are allow

12、ed to operate the mach ine. Barricade the area.Arra nge rebar with eno ugh ac cessway for worker to move around.主管/工程师必须在展开工作之前,制定安全工作程序以及对员工进行安全培训。Supervisors/ engineers should prepare safe work procedure and train/educate workers before commencement of work.7 文明现场 /Good Housekeeping一个整齐清洁的工地是安全的工地

13、。A clean worksite is a safe worksite.不要随地旋转尖锐物件,可能会造成事故。Do not leave sharp objects lying around asthesecan causeaccidents.协助保持现场整洁。Help keep your work area tidy.良好整洁的施工环境有助于预防事故的发生。Good housekeeping prevents accident.8 注意跌倒 /Tripping & Slipping Hazards注意会把人绊倒的危险性。Look out for tripping hazards.小心

14、溜滑的危险性。Beware of slipping hazards.9 电气安全 /Electrical Safety只有受过培训并合格的电工才允许进行电气操作工作。Leave all electrical connection to trained and qualified electrician.请随时按照正确的程序操作。Always useproper Lockout/Tagout procedures.所有现场都必须安装漏电保护装置,这样一旦发生漏电,员工的生命才有保障。In stall Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers at all worksites.

15、 This will protect the life of workers in caseof leakage.不要使用具有故障零件的电气用具。Do not useapplianceswith defective parts.电气设备使用完毕后,一定要关掉电源。Always switch off the power supply after using electrical equipment.10 机械安全 /Machinery Safety所有机械都必须加有牢固的防护。不可使用危险部位外露的机器。All machinery must be securely guarded. Do not

16、 use machine with exposed dangerous parts.绝对不可把手靠近机器设备的旋转部件上,需要把木材推向圆盘锯时,必须使用推杆。Never place your handsn ear a mach ine with rotati ng parts. Make use of push stick whe n push ing a timer across a circular bl ade.使用手工具前先检查它是否完好无损。Check that hand tools are in good condition before use.发现工具有故障应即刻向主管报告。

17、Report all defective tools to your supervisor.11 高空预防 /Prevention of Falls from Height不要在没有围栏的建筑物边缘进行工作。Do not work on edged of buildings which are not barricaded.经过检查的脚手架方可使用。Only inspectedscaffold can be used!在 1.8 米或 1.8 米以上高处作业时必须有坠落防护措施。Fall protect ion is required whe n worki ng 1.8 meters of

18、higher.佩带所提供的安全带,并确保扣紧。Wear safety belts provided andanchor them securely.楼梯必须设有手扶栏杆Stairways should have handrails.任何地面洞口都应设有围栏或加盖。Opening in floors should be barricaded or covered up.12 高空坠物 /Beware of Falling Objects 不要在悬吊着的物体下面走动。Do not walk undersuspendedloads 不要从高处抛掷瓦砾碎片或废物。Do not throw debris

19、 or waste materials from height. 盖好所有开口。瓦砾碎片和其它材料会从开口处掉落而伤到下面的人。动火作业 /Hot WorksCover up all ope nin gs. Debris and other materials can fall through ope ning and hurt some on e below. 13 开工前必须申请动火许可证。Obtain hot work permit prior to commencing work.详读、了解与遵守许可证的内容。Read and understandthe contents of the

20、 permit and follow.所有工作许可证者必须置于工作区域内。All permits must be posted in the work area.烧焊时必须戴上面罩并将工作区域围起来。When weldi ng be sure to wear hood a nd barricade the work ing area.14 焊工安全须知: /Welding Safety检查是否有着火的危险,以预防火灾的发生。Check fire hazardsto preventfire from occurring.看护人旁边必须放置灭火器。Watchma n should be prese

21、 nt with fire ext in guishers.用防火材料制成防火屏防止火花喷射。Confine fire spark range with fire proof sheet. 在火花能喷射到的地方禁止放置易燃物品。Do not place combustible material with in fire spark ra nge.15 起重安全 /Lifting Operation起重机操作员规范 /Crane Operator Practice检查吊索 /钩链。Check sling wire/shackle. 绝对不可提升超过吊臂所能承受的荷载的物件。Never lift

22、up load beyond rated capacity of crane. 禁止进入吊装工作区域。Not allowed to enter crane operating area. 信号员必须确保使用正确的信号,保证起重机动作安全。Sig nalma n should coord in ate to en sureSafe Lifti ng Operati on with proper sig nals. 确保外伸支架全部伸出并稳固于地面上。Make sure outrigger were fully exte nded and in stalled on firm pad. 不准进入装

23、卸区。Standclear of loading range. 可限制负荷摆动弧度的牵线。Tag line restrict swinging of load. 所有吊装工作必须使用牵引绳。All loads must have a tag line inspected.16 职业保健与卫生 /Occupational Health & Hygiene 注意您的个人卫生Take care of your own personal hygiene.穿上护身衣物,以避免刺激性化学品触及皮肤。Wear protective clothi ng to avoid ski n con tact with irrita nt chemical.在嘈杂环境中工作时戴上耳塞。Put on earplugs when you are working in a noisy environment.熟悉基本急救护理并确记急救箱的存放处。Familiarize yourself with basic first-aid treatment and the location of the first-aid box.17 梯子使用 /Safety with Ladders不要使用有故障的梯子,使用前先检查是否稳固。Do not usedefective


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