已阅读5页,还剩23页未读 继续免费阅读




1、九年级英语第一到第十单元重点短语Unit 1(1)study for a test 为考试用功(2)make flashcards 做闪视卡片(3)make vocabulary lists 做单词表(4)askfor help 求助于(5)practice conversations with friends 和朋友一起练习对话 (7)improve the speaking skills 提高口语能力(8)too to 太 而以致于不能做(9)memorize the words of pop songs 记忆流行歌曲的歌词(10)spend on 在上花费(时间、金钱)spend (in

2、) doing sth(11)join the English club加入 英语俱乐部(12)end up (with) 以结束(13)do with /deal with 处理(14)watch English-language TV 看英语电视(15)make mistakes in grammar 出语法错误(16)get the pronunciation right 把读音弄准(17)first of all 首先,第一(18)to begin with 首先(19)later on 过后(20)be afraid to do 害怕做be afraid of doing 害怕做(2

3、1)give up 放弃(22)take a lot of grammar notes 记大量的语法笔记(23)enjoy learning English 喜欢学英语(24)have trouble(in) doing sth. 做某事有麻烦(25)look up the words in a dictionary 查字(词)典(26)in the future 在将来(27)speak English as a second language 把英语当做第二语言来说(28)be ashamed of 对感到羞愧(29) make mistakes/make a mistake 犯错误(30

4、) try ones best 尽力做 Unit 2(1)used to do sth 过去常常be used to doing sth 习惯干某事 (2)be afraid of 害怕(3)play the piano 弹钢琴(4)be interested in 对感兴趣(5)speak in front of a group 在人群面前讲话(6)be terrified of ( 极为)害怕(7)sleep with the light on 开着灯睡觉(8)all the time 一直(9)chew gum 吃口香糖(10)chat with sb. 和某人聊天(11)in the

5、last few years 在过去的几年里(12)send messages 发信息(13)be able to=can 能够(14)be made up of 由组成的(15)sound like 听起来像(16)cant stop doing sth. 禁不住做某事 (17)instead of sth/doing sth 代替(18) to ones surprise 令某人惊奇的是(19)take pride in=be proud of 对感到自豪(20)pay attention to (doing) sth 对注意;留心(21)give up 放弃(22)make a deci

6、sion 下决心Unit 3(1)should be allowed to 应该被允许(2)have part-time jobs 做兼职工作(3)get the ears pierced 扎耳眼(4)stop wearing that silly earring 停止戴那种傻的耳坠(5)choose my own clothes 挑选我自己的衣服(6)clean up 收拾干净(7)fail a test 测验不及格 (8)pass the test 通过测试(9)be strict in sth. 对某事严格(10)be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求 be strict

7、in sth. 对某事要求严格(11)be proud of =take pride in 以为骄傲(自豪)(13)concentrate on 集中精力于(14)learn a lot from each other 相互学到很多知识(15)at present 近来(16)have an opportunity to do sth. 有做某事的机会(17)at least 至少(18)take time to do sth. 花时间做某事 (19)feel sleepy 感到困倦(20)have a day off 休一天假(21)chat online with friends 网上和朋

8、友聊天(22)in fact 事实上(23)as well as 而且,也(24)instead of(doing) sth 代替(25)stay up 熬夜Unit 4(1)give to charity 把给慈善机构(2)buy snacks 买零食(4)medical research 医疗研究(5)be nervous 紧张(6)what if 即使又会怎么样呢?(7)get pimples 起鸡皮疙瘩(9)speak in public 在公共场合讲话(10)without permission 未经允许(11)introduce oneself 自我介绍 (12)not in th

9、e slightest=not at all 一点也不(13)plenty of=a lot of=lots of 许多,足够的(14)be easy to get along with 容易相处(15)would rather do than do 宁愿也不愿(16)English speech contest 英语演讲比赛(17)let sb. down 使某人失望(18)millions of people 数百万人(19)get hurt 受伤 (20)get along with 与相处(21)comeup with 提出,想出(22)what to wear =what I sho

10、uld wear 该穿Unit 5(1)belong to 属于(2)call the police 报警(3)find something strange 找到奇怪的东西(4)escape from 从逃走(5)an ocean of 无尽的,用不完的(6)be careful of 当心(7)use up 用完(8)make up 组成;构成Unit6 I like music that I can dance to. 1、Yellow River 黄河2、on display 展览;陈列3、remind of 提醒4、to be honest 老实说;说实在的5、be bad for 对

11、有害6、stay away from 与保持距离7、be in agreement 意见一致的10、music that I can dance to 随着音乐翩翩起舞11、have great lyrics 极大抒情12、music that I can sing along with 跟唱13、play different kinds of music 弹奏不同种类的音乐14、write ones own songs /lyrics 写自己的歌/自写作词15、loud and energetic 大声并且有活力16、be full of energy 充满活力be full of = be

12、 filled with 充满17、play quiet and gentle songs 弹奏轻柔典雅的歌曲18、like sth/ dislike sth 喜欢/不喜欢sthprefer sth to sth 比起B来更喜欢Aprefer doing sth to doingsth 比起干什么来更喜欢干什么prefer to do sth rather than dosth =would rather do sth than do sth 比起来宁愿作19、take sth/ sb to somewhere 带某人/某物去某地20、remind sb of sth 使sb想起sth21、B

13、razilian dance music 巴西舞曲22、Heart String 心弦learn sth by heart 用心学23、latest movie /book 最近的电影/书24、over the years 多年来25、look for entertainments 寻找乐趣26、have a few good features 有一些优点27、be sure to do 确定做sth 28、one of 之一29、best known =the most famous 最杰出的30、in the world today 在当今世界上31、the best loved sth/

14、sb 最忠爱的人/sth32、 a photo of people and the countryside 人物与乡村风景照33、interest sb 使sb感兴趣be interested in= take an interest in 对感兴趣34、a world class sb/musician 世界级人物/音乐家a world class musician 世界级音乐家 35、miss this exhibition 错过展览36、musical group 乐队37、pretty strange 十分奇怪a pretty girl 一个漂亮的女孩38、come and go 潮起

15、潮落39、have lots of energetic 充满活力40、in the morning 在早上on Monday morning 在星期一早上41、have a great time 玩得愉快42、a good place to visit 一个参观的好地方43、stay away from 与保持距离44、six-month English course 六个月的英语课程45、so much to see and do 许多可以看和可以做的事46、a Chinese music concert 一个中式音乐会47、most of 中大多数48、traditional music

16、传统的音乐49、suit sb fine 非常适合sb50、go for +目的地 去某地51、lots of 许多52、different kinds of 不同种类53、what to try 尝试什么54、film festival 电影节55、go on a vacation 去度假Unit 7 1 Where would you like to go on vacation ? 你想去哪度假?2 I would like to trek through the jungle 我会去热带丛林跋涉旅行3 He ran across the street 他跑过大街4 I like pla

17、ces where the people are friendly 我喜欢人们友善的地方5 I hope to see the falls one day/ some day 我希望有一天看到瀑布6 Shed like to live somewhere relaxing 她想住在很休闲的某地方7 Why not consider visiting Paris= Why dont you do sth ? 为什么不考虑参观巴黎1.the capital of - -的首都2.one of the liveliest cities 最有生气的城市之一3.travel around Paris 周

18、游巴黎3.Sth cost sb some money 某物花了某人多钱4.In general 一般说5.be supposed to do sth 应该/ 被期望-6.hope to achieve in the future 希望将来实现7.thousands of 数千个8.take part in (活动)= join (组织)9.the answers to the question 对这问题的答案10.would like to start work as soon as possible 想尽快开始工作11.so that 以便12.provide sth for sb =pr

19、ovide sb with sth 为某人提供某物13.continue studying=go on doing sth 继续学习14.according to sth 根据-15.all kinds of 各种各样的16.quite a few students 相当一些学生17.dream of/ about going to the moon 梦想去月球18.be willing to do sth 愿意干19.be able to fly=can fly 能够飞20.on the one hand / on the other hand 一方面,另一方面21.hold on to y

20、our dreams 抓住你的梦想29 as soon as possible= as soon as one can 尽快地 30.consider doing sth 考虑干Unit 8 1 clean up 把-打扫干净(v) on Clean-up Day 在清洁日(n)2 cheer sb up 使.高兴使.振作 3 come up with= think up (an idea ) 想出 4 put off doing sth 推迟做某事 5 Write (them )down 写下6 set up 建立7 call up sb =ring sb up=call /telephon

21、e sb 打电话给8 hand out= give out 分发, 9 help sb to do sth./ help me with sth 帮助某人做某事10 put up signs 张贴/举起put on your coat 穿上 put away 放开 / put your things down 放下12 be home to sb 是-的家园13 volunteer ones time to do sth 自愿花时间干. 14 It takes sb time to do sth 花时间干15 put to good use 充分运用 16 plan to study 计划学习

22、17 spend time doing sth 花费某人多长时间做某事19 not onlybut also. 不仅 ,而且 20 get to do sth 逐步做-, 21 run out of money= use up 用完钱 22 fix up bikes 修理单车 23 give away to charity 赠送给 24 ask for money 请求钱25 work out fine 效果好26 try to do sth 设法做某事27 tell sb about sth 告诉某人有关某事28 take after my mother= be similar to 和妈很

23、相像29 Thank sb for sth/doing sth 为而感谢某人30 fill with =be full of 充满 31 Help sb out 使某人脱离困境 32 be able to do =can do sth 能做某事33 because of (短语) 由于 / because +句子 因为-34 at once= right away 立即35 hand out (with sb) 闲逛Unit 91 be used for doing sth 被用来做2 be invented by sb 被-发明3 We are alone on a lonely islan

24、d 我们单独在一个荒凉的岛上4 listen to music all day 整天听音乐5 by mistake 错误的make mistakes 犯错误6 salty enough 够咸/盐 7 in the end= at last=finally 最后 8 a chef called Tom - 一个名叫Tom 的厨师9 by accident 偶然的10 notuntil 直到 11 according to 根据,按照12 in this way 这样 in the way 挡路 on ones way to 去-路上13 fall into 落入,陷入 14 decide (no

25、t)to do sth. 决定(不)做某事 15 in the sixth century 在第六世纪16 I prefer lemons to oranges / prefer doing sth to doing sth 比-更喜欢17 prefer to do sth rather than do sth = would rather do stn than do sth 宁愿做-而不愿 Unit 10 1 get to school 到学校2 get into the shower 去洗澡3 get outside 到外边 4 get home 到家5 get dressed 穿好衣服

26、6 get tired /stressed 变得疲劳7 get bored 变得无聊8 get up 起床 9 get married to sb =marry sb 与- 结婚10 a piece of paper 一张纸11 leave sth / sb somewhere 留 在某地12 forget doing sth 忘记某人/某事13 forget to do sth 忘记要做某事14 by the time =when 到-的时候15 start doing sth / start to sth 开始做某事16 share sth with sb 与某人分享某事17 be lat

27、e for school= come to school late 上学迟到18 go off 发出响声19 wake up 醒来20 go into the bathroom 走进浴室21 wait for sb/sth 等某人/事22 come out 出来23 take a shower 洗澡24 run off to the bus stop 跑到公巴站25 on time 准时26 come by 经过,走过; 27 in his Dadcar= by car 搭他爸的车 28 give me a ride 让某人搭便车 29 make it to my class 恰好到教室。30

28、 break down 出故障,损坏31 show up 出席,露面32 stay up 熬夜33 sth happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上34 on April Fools Day 愚人节36 play a joke on sb 开某人的玩笑37 so that 如此- 以至 38 set off 爆发,激起 39 stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来做某事41 sell out 卖完42 ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事43 want to get married to him 想结婚44 both and 两个都Unit

29、 111 make a telephone call (to sb ) 打电话 2 get sth about sth 得到有关某事的情况3 save money 存钱 4 take the elevator to the second floor 乘扶梯上二楼。 5 between -and 在两者之间 next to him 和他相邻 / among 在(三者以上)之间6 go past 路过 go out the front door 走出前门7 exchange money 换钱8 on the second floor 在第二楼9 decide to do sth 决定做某事10 h

30、ang out with sb 与某人闲逛 11 prefer being outside 更喜欢在外面12 There is always something happening 总有某些事情发生13 free concerts 免费音乐会 14 Its fun to watch people 观看人也很有趣的。 15 kind of small =a little small 有点小16 turn left / right/ 向左 /右 17 a great place for sb to do sth 某人做某事的好地方 take/ have a vacation= go on / sp

31、end holiday 休假 dress up as clowns 打扮成小丑20 take dance lessons 上舞蹈课21 spend happy hours walking through the museum 徜徉在博物馆里快乐度过几小时22 find stamps fascinating 发现邮票很迷人 23 in town 在城镇 / in the country 在乡下24 put sth in a safe place 把东西放在安全地方24 lend me the pen= lend the pen to me 把那笔借给我/( borrow sth from sb

32、)24 how to ask for information politely 如何有礼貌地询问信息25 Sound rude (adj) 听起来粗鲁/不文明26 It is important to use correct languages 用正确的语言很重要27 need to learn how to be polite 需要学如何才是礼貌28 change the way we speak 改变说话的方式29 depend on whom you are talking to 决定于和谁说话30 in some situations 在某些情况下31 a direct order 一

33、个直接的命令32 such as 好像,例如33 spend time doing sth 花费时间做某事34 I wonder if / what - 我想知道是否-35 Im sorry to trouble you 对不起麻烦你36 in order not to offend people 为了不得罪人Unit 12 1. What are you supposed to do when you meet people for the first time你第一次遇到人该做什么2 You are not supposed to shake hands 你不该握手3 greet sb t

34、he wrong way 用错的方法和人打招呼4 You should have asked what you are supposed to wear 你本该问下你要穿什么去5 make some mistakes 犯一些错误 6 be relaxed about 对较随意7 arrive a bit/a little late 迟点到达 8 drop by our friends house 顺便拜访朋友 9 make plans 做计划 10 as many / much as sb can/ possible 尽可能多11 Its very important to be on time 准时很重要 12 after all 毕竟13 get/ be angry with sb 对某人生气 14 visit sb without calling 没打电话拜访人15 plan to do sth interesting 计划做有趣的事16 the land of watches 钟表之乡17 eat with your hands 用手吃 18 pick up your bowl of rice 端起你的饭碗19 Wipe your mouth with


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